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  • 中文名王翚
  • 性别
  • 民族
  • 祖籍江苏常熟
  • 出生日期1632年4月10日
  • 逝世日期1717年11月15日
  • 职业清代著名画家
  • 主要成就与王鉴、王时敏、王原祁合称山水画家“四王”
  • 代表作品《秋山萧寺图》、《虞山枫林图》、《秋树昏鸦图》、《芳洲图》
  • 所属年代清代
  • 石谷
  • 耕烟散人、剑门樵客、乌目山人、清晖老人

中国美术网 09-05 浏览




有《康熙南巡图》(与杨晋等人合作)、《秋山萧寺图》、《虞山枫林图》、《秋树昏鸦图》、《芳洲图》(常熟博物馆藏)等传世。著有《清晖画跋》。 王翚的画历来价格较高,至今仍大受藏家欢迎。从最新的成交价可证明这一点。1989年6月1日佳士得中国重要古画拍卖会上,拿出一件王的摹古山水册,为清内府归藏,石渠宝籍著录,是王摹古山水的代表作之一,做价15-18万美元,最后一举达到396000美元。以后所拍画作虽然价格降低,但相比其他清代画家作品还是可观的。同年佳士得另次“精美中国书画”拍卖会上,其价格又有下跌。王翚的秋林赋诗图轴,构图严谨,远山近陂配轩得宜,水墨设色自然浑成。图上附有画家双题,自言有曹云西韵味,反映了这位大家摹古的清湛功力。此图估价为二万五千至三万五千美金,拍至五万二千八百美金。1990年11月26日,苏富比在纽约拍卖了一幅他的《太白观泉图》手卷,价格达71500美元,两天后佳士得也在纽约拍卖他一幅作品,《仿董源夏山图》浅设色绢本,立轴,以62000美元成交,从这三个例子可看出他现今的市场行情。

English is introduced

Wang Hui (April 10, 1617 - November 15, 1717), the word Shigu, No. tobacco cultivation scattered people, Jianmen Qiao off, Urumqi mountain, Qinghui elderly. Jiangsu Changshu people. Qing Dynasty famous painter, known as the "early Qing painting". And Wang Jian, Wang Shimin, Wang Yuanqi collectively known as the landscape painter "four kings", on the painting advocates "to Yuan Dynasty pen and ink, Yun Song Qiu, and Ze to Tang popular.

Painting features

Wang Hui childhood painting, inheritance of family learning, but also with the school Huang Gongwang painting fellow Zhang Ke painting, very early to show extraordinary painting ability. Wang Hui from Wang Shimin, Wang Jian. However, he painted the landscape in an informal, widely mining Bo, set since the Tang and Song dynasties of the culmination of the family, melting the North-South School as a furnace. On the basis of Wang Shimin and Wangjian 's development of Nanzong school of painting, Wang Hui draws on some techniques of Beizong and draws up a comprehensive summary of the tradition of landscape painting. Wang Hui Huang Gongwang, Wang Meng's calligraphy pen and giant, Fan wide composition of the perfect combination to create a Hua Zi vigorous, vigorous style of landscape painting. Therefore, he painted the Jiangnan small scene is often interesting, quiet clever. Wang Hui painting like dry pen, wet pen and use, and more to fine pen Cun wipe, the picture effect is more complicated. Said "to Yuan Dynasty pen and ink, shipped Song Qiu, and Ze to Tang popular Qiyun, but for the Great." His early style Qingli Gongxiu, late tend to vast and vigorous. Zhang Fu full of change, ink and shallow red rendering. Some critics have pointed out that Wang Hui is too familiar with the pen, some paintings appear to be exposed, ink law rarely change, composition slightly congestion.

Works and evaluation

"Kangxi South Tour" (with Yang Jin, who co-operation), "Akiyama Xia Temple map", "Yushan map map", "Autumn Tree Faint crow", "Fangzhou" (Changshu Museum) . Author of "Qing Hui painting Postscript." Wang Hui's painting has always been a high price, is still greatly welcomed by collectors. From the latest transaction price can prove this point. June 1, 1989 Christie's important ancient Chinese painting auction, come up with a copy of the king of mountains and rivers of the book, for the Qing Dynasty house possession, Shi Qu Baozhi description, is a masterpiece of Wang M ancient landscape, -18 million, the last one to reach 396,000 US dollars. After the paintings while the price is lower, but compared to other works of the Qing Dynasty painter is still considerable. In the same year Christie's another "fine Chinese painting and calligraphy" auction, the price fell again. Wang Hui's Qiulin poetic axis, composition rigorous, near the mountain with Pei Xuan was appropriate, ink and color set into a natural muddy. On the map with the artist double title, since the words have Cao Yunxi charm, reflecting the clear copy of the ancient Zhan skill. This figure is estimated at 25,000 to 35,000 dollars, shot to 52,800 US dollars. November 26, 1990, Sotheby's in New York auctioned his "Taibai view spring map" hand-rolled, the price of $ 71,500, two days later Christie's in New York auctioned his work, "imitation Dong Yuan Xia Shan map" shallow Color silk, the shaft, to 62,000 US dollars turnover from these three examples can be seen in his current market conditions.
Wang Hui and Wang Shimin, Wang Jian, Wang Yuanqi was known as the "four kings", together with Wu Li, Yun Shouping collectively known as "the early Qing six" or "four Wang Wu Yun." The painting and ink deep foundation, longer than the ancient, a few can be true, but can not be made into the law, some of the works rich sketch interesting, composition changing, sketch rubbing well structured, crisp style. In the four kings of the more prominent. Its painting in the Qing Dynasty very famous, Kangxi three years (1691) Fengzhao drawing "Kangxi South Tour", which lasted three years, by the Crown Prince Yin Yin summoned, and painted fan book to "landscape" four Word as a compliment. Is regarded as the painting of the authentic, followers are very public, because he is Changshu, Changshu Yushan, so later known as the Yushan school.






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