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张善孖(1882~1940),男,中国四川内江人,名泽,字善 ,一作善子,又作善之,号虎痴。现代名画家,张大千的二哥,画虎大师。少年从母学画,曾拜李瑞清门下,喜爱武术,跟其弟张大千一师从心意拳大师宝鼎习心意拳及内功十三段。

  • 中文名张善子
  • 别名张善孖
  • 性别
  • 祖籍四川内江
  • 出生地四川内江
  • 出生日期1882年
  • 逝世日期1940年
  • 职业现代名画家
  • 主要成就与张大千昆仲创立“大风堂画派”
张善子《飞虎图》亮相长春 见证援华美军与日军激战史



风雅,有“二雅”之目。精鉴赏,富收藏。并与黄宾虹、马企周等八人组织烂漫社。游历名山大川,攀登五岳,三游黄山。抗日战争后,游美,举行画展,组织募捐。返国卒于重庆,年仅59岁。张善子善山水、花卉、走兽、尤精画虎。豢虎以供写生,写虎各种形态。作品精妙沉雄,尤着神韵。并画 有《金陵十二钗图》,各摘《西厢记》询句题之。如“临去波那一转”,“怎不回过脸来”,“终日价情思睡昏昏”等以寓美人猛虎之意。
战时把国画运用于宣传抗日,而且收到很好效果的,是内江人著名画家张善孖张大千两兄弟。张善孖善画虎。为了能随时观察虎的形态、习性,便于对虎写生、描画, 他寓居苏州网师园时,曾在家里精心养了一只小老虎。其自号“虎痴”,人皆尊其为“虎公”。
张善孖宣传抗日救亡的国画多取材于中国历史上的爱国故事和爱国英雄人物。如《苏武牧羊 》、《精忠报国》、《文天祥正气歌图》等。他创作的《双马齐驱》图,热情表现和称颂国共合作。而对当时日本飞机狂轰滥炸重庆,
张善子把愤恨凝诸笔端,画了一幅猛虎扑日图。 图上正画的是28只斑斓猛虎,奔腾跳跃,正扑向一丝落日。老虎象征着当时中国的28个行省 生气勃勃;落日代表日本,奄奄一息。此画题为“怒吼吧,中国!”并在画的左下角题道: “雄大王风,一放怒吼;威撼河山,势吞小丑!”充分表达了全国人民坚决打败日本帝国主 义的气概和决心,是一幅宣传民族精神、鼓舞抗战士气的优秀国画。时人评述,张善孖的抗 日内容的国画,是美术界在国画形式上开抗日宣传画先河的作品。(上图为下山虎)
张善孖的八弟张大千早年就读于重庆求精中学。后在国内外学习书画,参加画展。1941年起 ,张大千用两年时间在敦煌临摹壁画,摹成壁画200余件,随即在重庆、成都举行临摹敦煌 壁画展览,获得很大成功。
张善孖在周恩来、林森、许世英等人的赞助下,带着自己和其弟张大千的作品共 180多件出国举办画展,募集抗日捐款。先后在法国、美国展出,前后约两年,举办100多次 画展,共募得捐款20余万美元,全部寄回国内支援抗战。
美国空军上校陈纳德率美空军志愿队援华作战,张善孖嘉其行,画《飞虎图》赠 陈纳德。陈即将志愿队改名为“飞虎队”,并按《飞虎图》做了许多旗帜和徽章分发部下, 以鼓舞战士。后来“飞虎队”在华作战十分勇敢,连连重创日机,日军飞行员闻风丧胆。 陈纳德对《飞虎图》原图更加珍惜,视同拱璧。现该图藏于美国国家博物馆。



English Introduction

Zhang Shanzi, born in 1882, died in Neijiang, Sichuan, in 1940. Zhang Shanzi is a modern painter, Zhang Daqian's brother, tiger painting master. Nazawa, a good son, good words, and good, no tiger crazy. Sichuan Neijiang people, junior from parent to study painting, once worshipped Li Ruiqing under the door, and a 1917 Daqian east to Japan, returning to the former Shanghai Academy of fine arts professor. With eight brother (with Yu Shanghai Daqian), leader of the elegant, "two elegance". Fine taste, rich collection. And Huang Binhong, Ma Qizhou and other eight organizations brilliant agency. Travel to climb mountains, swim three well-known mountains and rivers, Mount Huangshan.

With a Daqian east to Japan, returning to the former Shanghai Academy of fine arts professor. With Zhang Daqian in Shanghai, leader
Elegant, "two elegance". Fine taste, rich collection. And Huang Binhong, Ma Qizhou and other eight organizations brilliant agency. Travel to climb mountains, swim three well-known mountains and rivers, Mount Huangshan. After the Anti Japanese War, tour the United States, held exhibitions, organize donations. He died in Chongqing, only 59 years old. Zhang Shanzi good landscape, flowers, animals, especially fine tiger painting. A tiger for tiger painting, writing forms. Good good works, especially a charm. And painting "Twelve beauties", the abstract "the West Chamber" ask questions. Such as "the wave that turns", "how not turned", "day price fell to sleep feeling" which means tiger beauty.
the period of the war of Resistance Against Japan
Coastal metropolis artists have moved to Chongqing, so that the rapid development of Chongqing art community. China National Fine Arts Association and other national art groups have 5, influential art exhibitions frequently, anti Japanese propaganda effect significantly.
Wartime Chinese painting used in propaganda Anti Japanese, and received good results, is the famous painter Zhang Shanzi Neijiang and the two brothers of the Zhang Daqian. Zhang Shanzi is good at drawing tiger. In order to observe morphology, habits of tiger, the tiger painting, painted, he was resident in Suzhou gardens, had at home carefully kept a small tiger. Its number "tiger crazy", people all respect it as "tiger".
Zhang Shanzi Anti Japanese propaganda paintings based on Chinese history stories and patriotic patriotic hero. Such as "Su Wu shepherd", "patriotism", "Wen Tianxiang elegy map" etc.. He created the "Qi" double figure, enthusiasm and praise of Kuomintang Communist cooperation. And at that time the Japanese aircraft bombing of Chongqing,
Zhang Shanzi put the resentment setting all his writings, painted a picture of tiger bashing daily. Figure painting is 28 tiger, Pentium jumping, is coming to a sunset. The tiger as a symbol of 28 Chinese province full of vitality; the representative of Japan, dying. The painting entitled "roar, China!" and drawing in the lower left corner of the title: "the male King wind, a roar; Wei shake and swallow the potential clown!" expresses the people to defeat the Japanese imperialist spirit and determination, is a traditional Chinese painting outstanding national spirit, to boost the Anti Japanese propaganda the morale of the. When people comment, Zhang Shanzi's Anti Japanese content of Chinese painting, art circles in the form of traditional Chinese painting on the Anti Japanese propaganda works precedent. (pictured above)
Eight brother Zhang Shanzi Zhang Daqian was educated at Chongqing refinement school. After studying at home and abroad painting, painting exhibition. In 1941, Zhang Daqian spent two years in Dunhuang copying the murals, frescoes g into more than 200 pieces, was held in Chongqing, Chengdu, copying the Dunhuang frescoes exhibition was a great success.
By the end of 1938
Zhang Shanzi, under the auspices of Zhou Enlai, and so on, with his own brother and his works of more than and 180 exhibitions held abroad to raise Anti Japanese donations in the work of the Ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of China in. In France, the United States, after about two years, held several exhibitions in 100, raised a total donation of more than 20 dollars, all sent home to support the Anti Japanese war.
Early in 1940
U.S. Air Force Colonel Chenault rate U.S. Air Force volunteer team to fight aid to China, Zhang Shanzi Jia line, painting Flying Tiger map presented to Mr. Chenault. Chen will soon volunteer team changed its name to the flying tigers, and according to the flying tiger map did a lot of flags and badges distributed subordinates to inspire soldiers. Later, the "Flying Tigers" fighting in China is very brave, again and again hit the Japanese machine, the Japanese pilots feared. Chenault cherish on "Flying Tigers" original shitonggongbi. This figure is hidden in the United States National Museum.

Zhang Shanzi was good, temperament fortitude, childhood from my grandmother painting, slightly long Ranger attempts to make friends.
925 years of his career, because my grandfather died in Songjiang with loyalty, but resigned from all positions, to Shanghai for the funeral, and brother Daqian abandoned politics in consultation with the calligraphy and painting, pen and ink for students. The first tertiary restless, intelligent perspicacity, reading painting, look at elder brother decided not to smell the attractions gifted with an extraordinary retentive memory, an official, happy pole, then discuss the studio. First, good margin by three uncle has always looked after the rebellion, Liu Bang unified the world, especially the "wind song" of the "wind" two words of interest; and the first tertiary admiration in early Qing Dynasty painter Zhang Dafeng Daqian poetry attainments deep, landscapes, figures, flowers and birds, portraits, stone all arts are excellent this insight, including a "wind" in which two words (first painted image TERT Daqian high, mostly from Zhang Dafeng). Two brothers do not seek and coincidence. Is the first when Uncle Li Cheng, the father because of his grandfather's death repair in Shanghai, agreed to take the "fact" three words for the Zhang Brothers Studio. At that time, Zhang's residence is the French concession of Shanghai Simon Road No. 169. Since then the start, first uncle regardless of their trip the most creative painting the remotest corners of the globe, "in fact", or stamped with the seal hall. As for the first problem when Uncle Zhang Daqian hired hall department, is unknown, but according to statistics, in the spring of 1925 he "landscape map" poem will be a "Chang Yuan hall under."






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对