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周慧敏(Vivian Chow),1967年11月10日生于香港,中国香港女歌手、演员。1988年加入TVB当劲歌金曲主持,演出首部电影《三人世界》。1991年辞退电台工作,全线向歌唱和演戏发展。1993年,以电视剧《大时代》获电视大奖最受欢迎艺人第三位。1997年淡出娱乐圈,移民温哥华。2004年推出新书《我的猫儿子周慧豹》在香港热卖。2009年与倪震注册结婚。2011年,在香港体育馆举办两场演唱会,以庆祝入行25周年纪念及推出25周年纪念EP《盆栽》。2014年12月17日,推出专辑《HIM》,并以专辑中《肋骨》作为第一主打歌,以《圣经》中神创造男女的典故,用“肋骨”来唱出她跟老公倪震的爱情。

  • 中文名周慧敏
  • 外文名Vivian Chow
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍广东中山
  • 出生地中国香港
  • 出生日期1967年11月10日
  • 信仰基督教
  • 职业歌手、演员
  • 主要成就日本NHK最受欢迎外国女歌手奖最受欢迎男女合唱歌曲铜奖1994年十大劲歌金曲银奖

1985年周慧敏参加新秀歌唱大赛,进入娱乐圈。 1986年她参加业余DJ大赛获得亚军,随即加入香港电台工作,正式投入演艺事业[1] 。
1990年演出首部电视剧《乌金血剑》,饰演女主角唐剑儿,同年推出首张专辑《周慧敏Vivian Chow》。
1991年辞退电台工作,全线向歌唱和演戏发展。加盟宝丽金唱片公司,推出专辑《A Long and Lasting Love》。
1992年获选为商业电台十大健康形象艺人。推出广东唱片《Ennless Dream》及《冬日浪漫》。同年成为台湾福茂唱片新人,成功开拓台湾市场,首张国语唱片《流言》总销量冲破30万张。被封为“玉女掌门人”。
2010年12月中,周慧敏宣布于2011年3月在红馆举行Deep V.25演唱会,以纪念她入行25周年。


5月 三场周慧敏Back For Love 2006演唱会之全数歌酬拨捐非牟利兽医服务基金作兴建诊所之经费。11月30日被邀为又一城圣诞亮灯活动嘉宾,并拍卖签名水晶蝴蝶证书,所得的善款捐赠愿望成真基金,帮助患上恶疾之儿童完成心愿。
11月29日以‘苗圃行动爱心大使’身份出席“爱心汤罐设计比赛”颁奖典礼,代表苗圃行动接收10万5千元善款, 作为重建四川之用。
2012年8月3日周慧敏、马浚伟一同出席 《旧书回收义卖活动》,周慧敏慷慨捐出早前她的着作,为慈善出一分力。
2015年9月,“60年代的光芒A Go Go Dance慈善演唱会”在香港举行,周慧敏、杜德伟、关菊英、等众星悉数出席,为公益贡献自己的一份力量。



English Introduction

1985 Vivian Chow participate in rookie singing contest, enter the entertainment circle. 1986 she participated in the amateur DJ contest runner up, then joined the Hongkong radio work, officially put into the Performing Arts [1].
1987 joined the Hongkong radio second when DJ presided over the youth program "Youth Symphony", becoming one of the most popular radio programs.
In 1988 to join the TVB when songs show host, the first movie "three world", and this film was nominated for the Hongkong Film Awards Best Newcomer Award, November 1988 debut self titled EP records "Vivian Chow", which received platinum sales results.
In 1989 the Hongkong radio ten Chinese Golden Melody Award for most promising newcomer award, and hosted the radio television Hongkong youth affairs program "modern times.".
In 1990 the first TV series "show" Wujin sword, who plays the heroine Tang Jianer, the same year the debut album "Vivian Chow Vivian Chow".
1991 dismissed radio work, across the board to sing and acting development. Join PolyGram Records Limited, launched the album A Long and Lasting Love.
Elected in 1992 commercial radio ten healthy image artists. Guangdong records "Ennless Dream" and "Winter romance". In the same year to become a new record Taiwan Fu Mao, the successful development of the Taiwan market, the first Mandarin album rumors total sales broke 300 thousand. Dubbed the "Nvzhang people".
1994 Guangdong Mandarin and record sales in excess of eight platinum, held 4 concerts in Taiwan, Hongkong held a 4 "Vivian Chow beauty 94" Concert by the Japanese media as the most popular female singer in Hongkong; April shooting a MTV, dressed in a sexy dress appearance palace.
At the end of 1997 Vivian Chow fade out the entertainment, with her husband Joe immigrants in Vancouver. Occasionally attend public occasions. Vivian Chow fade after entertainment obsessed with painting, writing and American billiards.
In 2004 launched a new book "my cat son Zhou Huibao" sells well in Hongkong. Vivian Chow is also a member of the Hongkong American billiards association, once representing the women's team winning third.
In 2010 12 months, Vivian Chow announced Deep V.25 concert at the Coliseum on March 2011, to commemorate the 25 anniversary of her career.
March 28, 2011, launched the EP album "bonsai".
December 17, 2014, launched the album "HIM".

2003 was invited for the protection of non smokers Association of the first ambassador, and wrote an open letter to the chief executive Dong Jianhua face requirements of second-hand smoke poison of non smokers.
2004 "my cat son Zhou Huibao," a book full of royalties donated to SAA as a trading fund is used for promotional activities to visit SAA.
January 6, 2005 was invited by the Hongkong Commission on smoking and health to be a leading ambassador for smoke-free work and to participate in the promotion of smoking related health hazards.
In September 24th to attend the Kuk elderly service plan and visit the elderly swearing in ceremony.
In November 26th as the Haicheng Olympic Christmas Event guests, called for donation gift for Kuk children.
February 19, 2006 to attend Shiseido charity cosmetics marathon, for the elderly to protect the old bureau of good service college life experience plan funding.
May three Vivian Chow For Love 2006 concert full song subscription to non profit making veterinary service fund for the construction of clinics funding for the Back. November 30th was invited to another city Christmas Event guests, and auction signature Crystal Butterfly certificate, the donation wishes come true foundation, help the patients on the disease children.
In May 2007 with the vision to visit Laos and promote child sponsorship program for poor children. In July 22nd to attend the Shiseido charity marathon make-up help Kuk services for the elderly to raise funds.
January 12, 2008 invited by the Hongkong Environmental Protection Agency for the computer recycling program ambassador and computer recycling program ceremony guests. In February 16th by the Association for the protection of abandoned animal to send love pet will flow "speakers. In March 3rd the Shanghai charity "I love China 2008 new entertainment charity stars will be awarded the 2008 most influential charity star".
In March by the tobacco control office was invited for the promotion of tobacco control film when presided over the work. March 17th was invited to China development fund Oxfam ambassador to Yunnan mountain visits and poverty alleviation.
May 24th to participate in the Music Ambassador Le Shi Shi meter sale campaign to raise money for the victims of the earthquake in Sichuan. June 1st participation in the Performing Arts 512 caring action and sing for Sichuan earthquake victims fund-raising.
In June 7th Oxfam ambassador to attend the opening ceremony and donate Le Shi goods private goods sale will promote the poverty relief work. In November 9th to attend the charity activity held by Shiseido, donated UNICEF China girls education fund. In November 14th the Chinese AIDS Initiative caring Ambassador attended TVB "children's peer love night" fundraising program and video conference.
In November 29th with "Sowers Action" love ambassador "to attend its design competition awards ceremony, on behalf of the Sowers Action has received 105 thousand yuan of donations, as for the reconstruction of Sichuan.
In February 3, 2009 "famine sponsorship ambassador" attended "famine thirty 2009" press conference, after the famine star to the name of the 5 day visit to nepal.
October 7th by the Hongkong Cancer Foundation invited pink ambassador to convey breast cancer information and promote the international breast cancer concern month response activities.
December 26th Vivian Chow attended the film "Akita dog eight thousand" publicity campaign to promote non profit veterinary clinics.
In March 25, 2010, "AIDS care ambassador" status to visit Gansu and attend the "business, love your opinion: crazy night of love" fundraiser, raising funds for AIDS prevention and control work in the mainland.
In August 3, 2012, Vivian Chow Ma Junwei attended the "old bazaar" recovery, Vivian Chow generously donated her earlier work, to make a contribution to charity.
September 2015, the light of the year A Go Go charity concert held in Hongkong, Vivian Chow, Alex To, and other stars to attend all, contribute to their own contribution to the public contribution of the power of the "Dance.

She had set thousands of pet in one, so many "Lady", originated in the name of Vivian Chow (from sina).
Mid 1990s, Vivian Chow red half of the sky, Hongkong boys dream lover. Her image is the 90s Hongkong men's hearts the most pure dream, no matter from which perspective are perfect. The aesthetic by Vivian Chow becomes simple and traditional, the original "beauty" is only a glamorous goddess makeup, can also be the pristine "Jewish" (from sina).
Vivian Chow is still so good, still so elegant, beautiful, temperament (Patrick Tam).






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对