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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名石晓伟
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 居住地陕西 西安
  • 出生日期1965
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长油画
  • 毕业院校西安美院油画系

2014年 《拜将台》入选陕西人文千年重大题材美术创作工程。
2014年 《拜将台》入选陕西人文千年重大题材美术创作工程。
2013年 出版个人画集《中国美术经典书系—石晓伟》
2012年 《桑科草原风情系列—姐妹》获“高原.高原”第二届中国西部美术展优秀奖,并被陕西美术博物馆收藏。
2009年 油画作品《建设者》入选陕西省庆祝建国六十周年美术作品展并获美展优秀作品奖。
2007年 油画作品《晨曲》参加陕西省美术家协会会员美术作品展。
2006年 油画作品《物语》入选陕西省庆祝建党85周年美术作品展并获美展三等奖。
2005年 油画作品《石榴》入选西安美院2005香港美术作品新作展,并入编画展画册中。
2004年 油画作品《韵》入选西安美院法国展,发表于巴黎展《画册》中。并参加2003中国西部西安艺术院校欧洲巡回展览挪威展。
2003年 油画作品《韵》、《夏》入选纪念毛泽东同志《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表60周年全国美术作品展。
2003年 油画作品《早春》入选陕西省第三届油画展。
2002年 素描《静物》入选陕西首届素描速写是艺术大展。
2001年 油画作品《关山雪景》入选中国西安2001《西部?西部》艺术大展,发表于《艺术大展》画册中。
2001年 论文《基础素描教学的规范性要求》发表于《中国?西安2001西部?西部艺术大展论集》中
2001年 油画作品《干花》、《静物》、《风景》入编《中国写生作品选集》并授予《中国写生作品选集》优秀艺术家荣誉称号。
2001年 油画作品《干花》、《静物》、《风景》入编《中国写生作品选集》并授予《中国写生作品选集》优秀艺术家荣誉称号。
1999年 《汉中火车站壁画》入选陕西省庆祝建国五十五周年美术作品展。
1999年 为延炼大厚设计制作壁画《陕北风情》并投入使用,丙稀彩绘高1.5m×30m。
1998年 设计制作汉中火车站铸铜浮雕壁画4幅,并投入使用,该壁画通过评审获陕西省科研成果。
1995年 参与制作大雁塔地下宫壁画《玄臧》,丙稀彩绘,高1.2m×80m。
1994年 油画作品《红土地》入选第八届全国美展,并获省庆祝建国四十五周年优秀作品奖。
1993年 为台湾制作大型壁画《弥勒佛》、《药师佛》材质为丙稀彩绘,高6m×长30m2幅。
1992年 油画作品《正月》入选西安美院赴京展在中国美术馆展出。
1989年 油画系毕业后留校西安美院任教
1989年 漆画作品《高原之火》入选七届全国美展并获陕西省七届美展三等奖及省青年美展优秀作品奖。
1988年 壁画作品《大漠》、《草原赞歌》入选中国陶艺壁饰展在中国美术馆展出。
1987年 壁画作品《草原之梦》入选西北五省区美术作品展。
1986年 漆画作品《秋》入选中国漆画展在中国美术馆展出。
1985年 考入西安美院油画系
1981年 考入西安美院附中
1965年 生于陕西汉中

Introduction to the artist

Shi Xiaowei, unripe 1965, attached middle school of Xi'an beautiful courtyard graduated 1985, was graduated from Xi'an beauty to courtyard canvas is fastened and stay 1989 school teach, graduate student of Xi'an beautiful courtyard is assiduously studied to obtain master's degree after, currently hold the post ofassociate professor of Xi'an academy of fine arts, chinese artist academician, dean of reputation of imperial art academy of Henan cease division.
Main work
" downy fire " selected beauty of the 7th whole nation is exhibited and obtain Shaanxi to save 7 beauty to exhibit third class award and province youth beauty to exhibit outstanding work reward.
" autumn " art exhibition of selected China lacquer.
" laterite ground " selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited, obtain a province to celebrate found a state 45 years outstanding work reward.
" charm " , " summer " selected souvenir Comrade Mao Zedong " in Yan'an article
Spread out
Individual chronological table spreads out
2014 " do obeisance to the stage " selected Shaanxi is humanitarian major theme art creates chiliad project.
" Guizhou story " if choose the 2nd China western art is exhibited, be collected by Shaanxi art museum.
2014 " do obeisance to the stage " selected Shaanxi is humanitarian major theme art creates chiliad project.
" Guizhou story " if choose the 2nd China western art is exhibited, be collected by Shaanxi art museum.
Published an individual to draw volume 2013 " classical book is Chinese art, Shi Xiaowei "
Canvas work " Fuji spring is early " attend to be held in Japanese Fuji art gallery " beautiful China, happy Spring Festival " activity, go to Japan to visit communication.
2012 " series of amorous feelings of mulberry division prairie, sister " obtain " downy. Downy " the 2nd China western art exhibits outstanding award, be collected by Shaanxi art museum.
2009 canvas work " builder " selected Shaanxi province is celebrated found a state 60 years to art work is exhibited and obtain the United States to exhibit outstanding work reward.
2007 canvas work " morning music " attend Shaanxi to save work of artist academician art to exhibit.
" the scratch line " selected beauty of sports of the 7th whole nation is exhibited.
Canvas work " effigies " first sketchy work exhibits selected Shaanxi.
2006 canvas work " content language " work of 85 years of art exhibits congratulatory found a party of selected Shaanxi province and obtain the United States to exhibit third class award.
Canvas work " everyday life " work of 30 years of art exhibits reforming and opening of souvenir of selected Shaanxi province and obtain art of Xi'an beautiful courtyard to be made newly exhibit outstanding award.
2005 canvas work " pomegranate " work of art of 2005 Hong Kong makes selected Xi'an beautiful courtyard newly exhibit, merge into in making up art exhibition an album of paintings.
Photography work " the door " obtain work of photography of Xi'an beautiful courtyard to exhibit third class award.
Canvas work " the scratch line " " village " " still life " " effigies " " pomegranate " " Gong Hua forest " publish at < humanitarian amorous feelings > 2005 the 9th period.
Canvas work " the scratch line " obtain Xi'an beautiful courtyard to maintain a communist work of art of activity of advanced sex education exhibits outstanding work reward.
2004 canvas work " charm " France of selected Xi'an beautiful courtyard is exhibited, publish at Paris to exhibit " an album of paintings " in. Attend 2003 China western Norway of exhibition of itinerate of Europe of Xi'an art school is exhibited.
Chief editor " still life of soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes " , publishing house of Shaanxi people art is issued. Compile " colour still life " " sketch " wait for a book, heibei art publishing house is issued.
2003 canvas work " charm " , " summer " selected souvenir Comrade Mao Zedong " in Yan'an the speech on literary informal discussion " publish work of art of 60 years of whole nations to exhibit.
2003 canvas work " early spring " selected Shaanxi saves the 3rd oily art exhibition.
Paper " make the past serve the present, be well worth doing -- the application of craft of traditional casting copper in contemporary wall " publish at " northwest art " total 2003 69 period.
2002 sketch " still life " selected Shaanxi first sketch literary sketch is art is exhibited greatly.
2001 canvas work " close Shan Xuejing " selected China Xi'an 2001 " western? Western " art is exhibited greatly, publish at " art is exhibited greatly " in an album of paintings.
2001 paper " does the normative sex of fundamental sketch education ask " publish at " China? Xi'an 2001 western? Art is exhibited greatly western by collect " in
2001 canvas work " dry flower " , " still life " , " scenery " into make up " anthology of Chinese sketchy work " award " anthology of Chinese sketchy work " outstanding artist honorary title.
2001 canvas work " dry flower " , " still life " , " scenery " into make up " anthology of Chinese sketchy work " award " anthology of Chinese sketchy work " outstanding artist honorary title.
1999 " Chinese mural of station of medium baking temperature " selected Shaanxi province is celebrated found a state 55 years art work is exhibited.
For Yan Lian big thick design made mural 1999 " North Shaanxi amorous feelings " and investment is used, 30m of × of tall 1.5m of third rare coloured drawing or pattern.
The design was made 1998 Chinese mural of anaglyph of copper of casting of station of medium baking temperature 4, devoted use, this mural obtains Shaanxi to save scientific research achievement through evaluation.
Participated in mural of palace of underground of tower of the wild goose that make 1995 " black good " , third rare coloured drawing or pattern, 80m of tall 1.2m × .
1994 canvas work " laterite ground " selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited, obtain a province to celebrate found a state 45 years outstanding work reward.
Made large mural for Taiwan 1993 " Maitreya Buddha " , " apothecary Buddha " material is third rare coloured drawing or pattern character, tall 6m × grows 30m2.
1992 canvas work " the first month of the lunar year " selected Xi'an beautiful courtyard goes to Beijing to exhibit exhibit in Chinese art gallery.
After the department graduates, canvas left school Xi'an beautiful courtyard to teach 1989
1989 lacquer painting work " downy fire " selected beauty of 7 whole nations is exhibited and obtain Shaanxi to save 7 beauty to exhibit third class award and province youth beauty to exhibit outstanding work reward.
1988 mural work " big desert " , " prairie paean " selected China Tao Yi wall is acted the role of exhibit exhibit in Chinese art gallery.
1987 mural work " the dream of the prairie " work of art of 5 provinces area exhibits selected northwest.
1986 lacquer painting work " autumn " art exhibition of selected China lacquer exhibits in Chinese art gallery.
Took an examination of department of canvas of Xi'an beautiful courtyard 1985
Checked attached middle school of Xi'an beautiful courtyard 1981
Was born in the Western Han Dynasty of short for Shaanxi Province 1965
Ginseng exhibit experience
2015 filar road traveller -- paint from life of Shi Xiaowei Xinjiang exhibits Shaanxi Xi'an, bright treasure building
2015 " " oneiromancy " , "Chinese dream, Chang'an spirit " Shaanxi canvas Jin Jing is exhibited. , beijing
2014 " " Guizhou story " , the 2nd China western art is exhibited, xi'an
2013 " " Fuji spring is early " , japanese Fuji art gallery holds " beautiful China, happy Spring Festival " , japanese Tokyo
2012 " " series of amorous feelings of Sang Ke prairie, sister " , "Downy. Downy " the 2nd China western art exhibits Xi'an, shaanxi art museum
2009 " " builder " , shaanxi province is celebrated found a state 60 years art work is exhibited, xi'an
2007 " " effigies " , first sketchy work exhibits Shaanxi, xi'an
2007 " " the scratch line " , beauty of sports of the 7th whole nation is exhibited, shandong Jinan
2006 " " everyday life " , shaanxi province commemorates work of 30 years of art exhibits reforming and opening, xi'an
2006 " " content language " , work of 85 years of art exhibits Shaanxi province congratulatory found a party, xi'an
2005 " " pomegranate " , work of art of 2005 Hong Kong makes Xi'an beautiful courtyard newly exhibit, hong Kong
2003 " " early spring " , shaanxi saves the 3rd oily art exhibition, xi'an
2003 " " charm " , " summer " , commemorate Comrade Mao Zedong " in Yan'an the speech on literary informal discussion " publish work of art of 60 years of whole nations to exhibit, xi'an
2001 " " close Shan Xuejing " , 2001 " western? Western " art exhibits Xi'an greatly, xi'an can exhibit a center
1994 " " laterite ground " , beauty of the 8th whole nation exhibits Beijing, chinese art gallery
1989 " " downy fire " , beauty of the 7th whole nation exhibits Beijing, chinese art gallery
1986 " " autumn " , chinese lacquer painting exhibits Beijing, chinese art gallery
Bear the palm is collected
2012 " " series of amorous feelings of Sang Ke prairie, sister " , "Downy. Downy " the 2nd China western art is exhibited, outstanding work reward (art museum is collected)
2009 " " builder " , shaanxi province is celebrated found a state 60 years art work is exhibited, outstanding work reward
2006 " " everyday life " , shaanxi province commemorates work of 30 years of art exhibits reforming and opening, work of 30 years of art exhibits reforming and opening of souvenir of selected Shaanxi province and obtain Xi'an beauty courtyard art is new
2006 " " content language " , work of 85 years of art exhibits Shaanxi province congratulatory found a party, third class award
2005 " " the scratch line " , xi'an beautiful courtyard maintains a communist work of art of activity of advanced sex education is exhibited, outstanding work reward
2004 " " Qiu Yun " , " in July " , shaanxi province is celebrated found a state 55 years art work is exhibited, outstanding work reward
1998 " the design is made Chinese mural of anaglyph of copper of casting of station of medium baking temperature 4, devoted use, this mural obtains Shaanxi to save award of scientific research achievement through evaluation " , project of provincial scientific research, provincial
1994 " " laterite ground " , beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited, shaanxi province is celebrated found a state 45 years, selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited, the province is celebrated found a state 45 years outstanding work reward
1989 " " downy fire " , lacquer painting work " downy fire " selected beauty of 7 whole nations is exhibited and obtain Shaanxi to save 7 beauty to exhibit third class, third class award and province youth beauty exhibit outstanding work reward






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