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  • 中文名陈抱一
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 居住地上海
  • 出生日期1893
  • 逝世日期1945-07-27
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长油画
  • 毕业院校东京美术学校


1893年,生于上海,1911年夏入周湘开办的布景画传习所习画。  1913年,东渡日本,入白马会的葵桥洋画研究所。1914至191s年因病回国。应聘为上海图画美术院教员,加入西洋昼团体--东方画会。  1916年,去日本学习,入川端洋画研究所,后入东京美术学校学习西画。在日本东京与研究西画的中国留学生组织中华美术协会。1921年初夏偕新婚妻子从日本回到上海,构筑画室于江湾。  1922年起,先后担任艺术专科师范学校、神州女学美术科、上海大学美术科等校的西画教学,采用人体写生。1922年夏,许敦谷、胡根天关良陈抱一联合举办“艺术社绘画展”。1925年冬,从上海艺术大学分裂出来的教员,以陈望道、丁衍庸为首组办中华艺术大学,陈抱一任主任委员。1930年秋,任上海艺专西昼科主任。1932年,日本侵略者发动“一·二八”事变,上海艺专校舍和江湾画室被毁。  1936年6月,陈抱一汪亚尘潘玉良朱屺瞻徐悲鸿等人发起成立“默社”,举办“默社第一回绘画展”。   1937年,“八一三”曰军攻占上海,上海租界区沦为“孤岛”。1938年夏赴香港旅行写生,秋,举办旅港画展。11月未回到上海。  1941年,太平洋战争爆发,上海全部被曰车占领。陈抱一
陈抱一蛰居上海。  1943年5月绘制《弘一法师像》。  1945年7月27日病逝,享年五十二岁。

Introduction to the artist

(1893-1945) , contemporary canvas home, be born at Shanghai, ancestral home Guangdong. Studied abroad 1913 Japan is specialized in draw on the west. Was graduated from Tokyo art school 1921, after going back to the motherland, achieve oneself " hold one painterly institute in the arms " , directive human body is sketchy. Established at Shanghai 1925 China art university, be in charge of with Ding Yanyong draw on the west division. Wait only in Shanghai beauty early or late school teach. Still wait for an organization with Wu Shiguang, Wang Yachen " Oriental picture is met " , " dawn art is met " , wait for an organization with Xu Beihong, Pan Yuliang " silent company " . Be good at canvas, have " the research of canvas law " , " still life studies " , " the character draws research " etc. Published 1942 < jot of process of foreign picture campaign > article, the modern art motion of the Shanghai at the beginning of record civilian develops. Died of illness in July 1945 Shanghai, die at the age of is 52 years old.

Represent work: " the research of canvas law " ; " still life studies " ; " the character draws research "
1893, be born at Shanghai, the scenic picture of open of Xia Ruzhou Hunan passed be used to of place of be used to to draw 1911. 1913, take the sea-voyage eastward Japan, the ocean of bridge of certain herbaceous plants with big flowers that meets into Bai Ma draws an institute. 1914 to 191s year go back to the motherland due to illness. Apply for for teacher of courtyard of Shanghai painting art, join western day group - - Oriental picture is met. 1916, go to Japan learning, into plain end ocean draws an institute, learn into Tokyo art school after draw on the west. China art society is organized in Japanese Tokyo and the Chinese student studying abroad that consider to be drawn on the west. Wife of newly-married of in the company of of the summer at the beginning of 1921 returns Shanghai from Japan, build bay of atelier Yu Jiang. Rose 1922, hold the position of training school of artistic specialized subject, China daughter to learn the school such as division of art division, Shanghai university art early or late teacher and student is drawn on the west, use human body paint from life. 1922 summer, xu Duigu, Hu Gentian, Guan Liang, Chen Bao is held jointly " artistic company brushwork is exhibited " . 1925 winter, from Shanghai art great credit cracks the teacher that come out, with Chen Wang path, Ding Yanyong heads group run China art university, chen Bao allows chairman committee member. 1930 autumn, hold the post of Shanghai art only on the west day division director. 1932, japanese aggressor is started " one · 28 " emergency, shanghai art only school building and river bay atelier are destroyed. In June 1936, chen Bao is initiated with the person such as look up of Wang Yachen, Pan Yuliang, bright red Qi, Xu Beihong hold water " silent company " , hold " silent company draws first exhibit " . 1937, "813 " say army razzia Shanghai, shanghai concession area is reduced " Gu island " . Journey of Xia Fuxiang harbor is sketchy 1938, autumn, hold brigade harbor art exhibition. Will not return Shanghai in November. 1941, pacific Ocean war erupts, shanghai is said entirely the car is occupational. Chen Bao one
Chen Bao Shanghai of one live in seclusion. May 1943 scale " one rabbi resembles great " . Died of illness on July 27, 1945, die at the age of is 52 years old.






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