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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名姜国芳
  • 外文名Jiang Guofang
  • 别名江乙
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍江西
  • 出生地南昌
  • 出生日期1951年
  • 职业油画家
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校中央美术学院 
  • 主要成就书画创作与研究
  • 代表作品《中国著名油家画作品精选》

中国美术网 09-17 浏览


姜国芳,当代著名油画家,中央戏剧学院教授、中国美术家协会会员,江西南昌人。1978年毕业于中央美术学院油画系,留校任教。1979年调中央戏剧学院舞美系任教,1984年入中央美院油画系进修班学习,结业后仍回中央戏剧学院任教,现为教授。1986年参加全国第六届美术展览,获北京一等奖,1990年参加阿曼举办的“国际青年双年艺术展”并获优胜奖。1993年组织并参加“具象油画展”(中国美协主办)。2003年参加迈哈密艺术博览会。2004年故宫博物院主办“姜国芳紫禁城系列展”。应美国佛罗里达洲立大学邀请讲学,参加纽约帝国大厦的“世界华人艺术家精品展”。 2005年应意大利罗马省主席的特别邀请,意大利总统赞助,在罗马市中心的威尼斯广场国家博物馆巴尔博大厅举办第九次“姜国芳紫禁城系列作品展“。此次展览为第一位亚洲艺术家进入该博物馆举办个展。并应联合国教科文组织的邀请参加在印度举办的国际艺术家高峰会议。2005年12月15日启动全球巡展计划,将依次前去西方十国的博物馆进行世界巡回展览,历时三年。2004年11月作品《天子》参加翰海拍卖,成交价为297万。2005年11月作品《宫门》参加嘉德拍卖成交价为253万。



1951年 四月二十七日生于江西省。
1968年 应征入伍(福州军区通讯兵部)。
1970年 转业南昌摩托车厂,先后任工人和干部。
1971年 参加江西省美术展览,并获南昌地区美术优秀奖。
1974年 考入中央美术学院油画专业,同年去陕西户县、陕北延安等地,体验生活。
1975年 赴山西芮城永乐宫、甘肃敦煌考察。
1976年 赴山西文水、临汾、河曲及黄河沿岸写生。
1978年 四月,毕业留油画系任教。
1978年 中央美术学院毕业留校,任油画系干事、政治辅导员、助教。
1979年 赴长江三峡、黄山、华山写生。
1979年 调入中央戏剧学院美术系,任讲师、付教授。现为职业画家、纽约华人艺术家协会会员、中华文化促进会会员、北京中鼎拍卖公司艺术顾问。
1980年 《三峡急流》参展,并为中国美术馆收藏。
1982年 赴山西永乐宫临摹古代壁画,创作大型架上壁画《古往今来》,参加北京市美展,北京美协主办。1983年 《昔日艺人》三联画参展。
1984-85年 进入中央美院油画研修班学习。
1984年 《古塞秋意》参加全国六届美展,并获北京一等奖。
1986年 赴山西、陕西一带考察中国古文化遗址。
1986年 同年赴西藏高原写生,并再次赴敦煌、永乐宫、麦积山、云岗石窟、龙门石窟、平遥双林寺、嘉峪关等地考察古文化。
1986年 作品《古塞秋意》参加全国第六届美术展览,获北京一等奖,并为北京美协收藏
1987年 创作油画《喇嘛教徒》。
1988年 组织并参加《C代画展》即“十人画展”,中国美术馆内举办,参展作品五幅。
1990年 《姜国芳李延洲油画展》,参展作品十三幅,东方油画艺术厅主办。
《故土 》参加在阿曼举办的《国际青年双年艺术展》并获优胜奖。
1990年 作品《故土》参加在阿曼举办的《国际青年双年艺术展》并获优胜奖
1991年 《紫禁城》系列——《奏折》、《宫门》、《天子》、《梦》等问世。
《宫门》参加《中国首届年展》,中国美协 主办。1992年 《宫女》参加《首届油画年展》,香港会议展览中心举办。



English Introduction

Jiang Guofang, contemporary famous painter, Professor of Central Academy of Drama, member of Chinese Artists Association, Jiangxi, Nanchang. 1978 graduated from the China Central Academy of Fine Arts, he taught. 1979 Central Academy of Drama wasgraduated, 1984 in the oil painting department of Central Academy of fine arts training class learning, after graduation to return to teaching at the Central Academy of Drama, is a professor. 1986 to participate in the Sixth National Fine Arts Exhibition, Beijing won the first prize, in 1990 Oman held the "International Youth Art Biennial Exhibition" and won the first prize. The organization in 1993 and participated in the "figurative painting exhibition" (China Association sponsored). Hami Art Expo 2003. 2004 the Imperial Palace Museum hosted "Jiang Guofang Forbidden City Series exhibition". The United States should be invited to lecture at Florida State University in New York, the The Empire State Building "World Chinese artists exhibition". 2005 invited the chairman of the Rome province of Italy, the president of Italy sponsored, held ninth times the "Forbidden City Series exhibition of Jiang Guofang in the center of the Rome Venice National Museum square Balbo hall". The exhibition held the first Asian artist to enter the museum. And at the invitation of UNESCO to participate in the international artist summit held in India. In December 15, 2005 to start a global tour plan, will turn to the west of ten Museum for the world tour, which lasted for three years. In November 2004 the work of "son of heaven" in one of the auction, the price of 2 million 970 thousand. In November 2005 the "Palace" in the works of the auction bid for 2 million 530 thousand.
Jiang Guofang's artistic creation can be divided into two stages: before 1987 is the early stage of creation, mainly the "Niu Zhi series", "Tibet paintings", and painting work. And in 1987 after the main creation of the Forbidden City Series, has been published more than and 200 works.

April 1951 born in Jiangxi, twenty-seven.
Enlisted in 1968 (Fuzhou military communications Hyobu).
In 1970 he served as Nanchang motorcycle factory, workers and cadres.
1971 to participate in Jiangxi art exhibition, and won the Nanchang fine arts award.
1974 admitted to China Central Academy of Fine Arts oil painting, the same year to Shaanxi, Huxian, Northern Shaanxi, Yanan, experience life.
In 1975 in Shanxi, Gansu Dunhuang of Ruicheng Yongle palace.
1976 to Shanxi, Wenshui, Linfen, Hequ and coastal sketches of the world.
April 1978, leaving oil painting department to teach.
He graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1978, served as director of oil painting department, political instructors, teaching assistants.
1979 to the Yangtze River Three Gorges, Mount Huangshan, Huashan sketch.
Huang plateau in Northern Shaanxi, Taihang Mountain sketch.
1979 transferred to the Department of fine arts of Central Academy of Drama, lecturer, associate professor. He is a professional painter, member of New York Chinese Artists Association, member of Chinese Culture Promotion Association, art consultant of Beijing Ding Ding auction companies.
1980 "Three Gorges rapids" exhibition, and for the China Art Museum collection.
"Mount Huangshan paintings" exhibition, sponsored by the Association for China Chinese Museum held.
In 1982 went to Shanxi Yongle Palace mural copying, creation of large-scale murals "frame" from ancient to modern times, in the Beijing art exhibition, sponsored by Beijing artists association. 1983 "former artist" triple painting exhibition.
Go to Qinghai Tibet high source of sketch, the same year the creation of "autumn" gousse.
1984-85 entered the Central Academy of fine arts painting seminar learning.
1984 "gousse autumn" in the six national art exhibition, and won the first prize of Beijing.
1986 visit to Shanxi, Shaanxi area of ancient Chinese cultural relics.
In 1986 the same year in Tibet plateau painting, and again went to Dunhuang, Yongle Palace, Maijishan, Yungang Grottoes, Longmen Grottoes, Pingyao, Jiayuguan and other places to visit Shuanglin Temple of ancient culture.
1986 work "gousse autumn" participated in the sixth national art exhibition, Beijing won the first prize, and for the collection of Beijing Artists Association
1987 creation of oil paintings "lamas".
The creation of the "cow" series: "Red Dream", "Hometown", "heaven and earth".
Rembrandt, Vermeer, Repin to copy the works.
And started brewing the Forbidden City series.
In 1988 the organization and participate in the "C" or "ten generation art exhibition, China Museum held exhibition of five works.
1990 "Jiang Guofang, oil painting exhibition", thirteen exhibition works, the Oriental oil painting art hall, the host of the exhibition, the exhibition of oil paintings in the exhibition of oil paintings in the exhibition of oil paintings in the exhibition of oil paintings by Li Yanzhou.
"Homeland" in Oman's "International Youth biennial Art Exhibition" and won the first prize.
"Road" in the first China "landscape painting exhibition", organized by the association of Chinese.
"Homeland" in 1990 works in Oman held the "International Youth Art Biennial Exhibition" and won the first prize
In 1991 the "Forbidden City", "memorial", "Palace", "emperor", "dream" come out.
Participate in the "Beijing International Art Museum of the first oil painting exhibition", international art foundation.
The "Palace" in "the first exhibition" Chinese, sponsored by the association Chinese. In 1992 the "Ladies" in "the first oil painting exhibition", held in Hongkong Convention and Exhibition center.
"Native land" in Hongkong "China boutique Exhibition" masters of modern art.
"Backlight" in "modern" Chinese painting auction sold Hongkong Xielian antiques auction Co. Ltd. and rongbaozhai (Hongkong) Limited company.

1986 to participate in the Sixth National Fine Arts Exhibition, Beijing won the first prize, in 1990 Oman held the "International Youth Art Biennial Exhibition" and won the first prize.
The organization in 1993 and participated in the "figurative painting exhibition" (China Association sponsored).
Hami Art Expo 2003.
2004 the Imperial Palace Museum hosted "Jiang Guofang Forbidden City Series exhibition". The United States should be invited to lecture at Florida State University in New York, the The Empire State Building "World Chinese artists exhibition".
2005 invited the chairman of the Rome province of Italy, the president of Italy sponsored, held ninth times the "Forbidden City Series exhibition of Jiang Guofang in the center of the Rome Venice National Museum square Balbo hall". The exhibition held the first Asian artist to enter the museum. And at the invitation of UNESCO to participate in the international artist summit held in India. In December 15, 2005 to start a global tour plan, will turn to the west of ten Museum for the world tour, which lasted for three years.
In November 2004 the work of "son of heaven" in one of the auction, the price of 297. In November 2005 the "Palace" in the works of the auction bid for 2 million 530 thousand.






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