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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名李宾
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地安徽阜南
  • 居住地安徽 滁州
  • 出生日期1959
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长油画
  • 毕业院校安师大美术系




Introduction to the artist

Be born at Anhui to mound south, currently holding the post ofart of institute of state of Chu of the Anhui province is a professor. Chinese artist academician.
Amorous feelings of series work the Western Regions explained the artist understanding to Chinese canvas spirit very well, the pictorial language that he uses western realism and photograph of marrow of Chinese traditional culture are united in wedlock, it is him consistent style. His tone is solid and profound, a bit did not draw the blundering joker of altar now, short paintbrush is infinite however and outspread the eye shot of people, of the behaved loess plateau amorous feelings of inner feeling and Tibetan ground folk-custom divine.
Li Bin is minority one of painters with deep canvas strength and strong creation attitude, its work ever entered countrywide large exhibition for many times and bear the palm, what get essayist, collector and public with the work of actual strength be good at is extensive approbate.
Come for years, he holds to with realistically picture of amorous feelings of gimmick expression the Western Regions is given priority to, ... sunshine, plain, deep, peace and, warmth is sending out the characteristic that the clay scent of the Western Regions is his work. Warm colour, the modelling of guileless massiness was full of the affectionately warmth between the world. This kind of warmth, in us this increasingly callous world, do not see more really. It is its work makes the Western Regions agrestic the ground brandish of this mankind's polar perch issues its due value. Come for years the artistic road that he holds to himself was extended to it the artistic language of photograph be identical, make the appearance with general poem with prevailing setting, character.
Really, li Bin's canvas was full of real vitality and character charm, never be driven by tide place, but also won't be buried by tide, perhaps, this can reflect the sturdy mind of a true artist and quality and style.

Main work:
" boudoir " selected " first China canvas double year exhibit " ? 93? Chinese art gallery? Is China beautiful assist sponsor?
" setting sun " attend " is Chinese canvas high-quality goods exhibited " ? 94? Exhibition of cultural relic of Hong Kong China is sponsorred
" beautiful babushka " selected " is contemporary canvas of the first China exhibited " ? 97? Is exhibition of cultural relic of Hong Kong China sponsorred?
"Does canvas art exhibit Li Bin " (exhibit) ? 98? Chinese Nanjing Jin Lingwen changes artistic center to sponsor
" rice fat young married woman " one of attending " does canvas exhibit China fall " ? 98? Is center of art of international of eagle of Chinese Nanjing gold sponsorred?
" auspicious cloud. Budala " selected " commemorate Comrade Mao Zedong " in Yan'an the speech on literary informal discussion " publish 60 years " countrywide beauty is exhibited and win award of an excellent work, the country exhibits Anhui to exhibit an area. ? Are 2002 China beautiful assist? Chinese culture ministry is sponsorred
" warm wind " selected " first canvas exhibits new century the Anhui province greatly " win a gold prize, 2004? Art gallery of the Anhui province
" warm wind " selected " found a state 55 years is beauty of the 10th whole nation exhibited " ? Art gallery of 2004 China Guangzhou? Is China beautiful assist? Chinese culture ministry is sponsorred
" Zhuo Ma " selected first " countrywide amorous feelings? The scenery is small canvas is exhibited " , china is beautiful assist sponsor. Shanghai art gallery exhibits
" auspicious cloud? Lhasa " selected the 2nd " countrywide amorous feelings? Scenery canvas is exhibited " , ? China is beautiful assist sponsor. Art gallery of Shanghai steel peaceful exhibits
" ramble business is spread " selected first " canvas of countrywide character effigies is exhibited " , ? China is beautiful assist sponsor. Art gallery of Beijing triumphant Cheng exhibits
" warm this world " selected eleventh countrywide beauty is exhibited, chinese culture ministry, chinese article couplet, china is beautiful assist sponsor

Orgnaization of art be waitinged for by China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, United States, Germany, France, Mexico, Japan, collector and artistic house collect its work extensively.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对