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  • 中文名赵叔孺
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地浙江鄞县(今浙江宁波)
  • 出生日期1874
  • 逝世日期1945
  • 代表作品《二弩精舍印谱》,《汉印分韵补》,《赵叔孺先生遗墨册》等
赵叔孺印学思想管窥 —以其边款为例(下)

中国美术网 09-17 浏览


 赵叔孺(1874-1945),原名献忱,又易名时棡,初号纫苌,后改号叔孺,晚号二弩老人,斋馆名二弩精舍。浙江鄞县人。赵叔孺5岁起就爱好书画,尤以画马最佳,被称为神童。1881年, 赵叔孺画作赵叔孺年方8岁,他父亲在春节里大宴宾客,席中有一位长辈林颖叔,听说叔孺小小年纪就能画马,要他出来相见,当众挥毫表演。叔孺领命,很快画出了一幅神骏的奔马,座中宾客传看,都十分惊诧,纷纷赞叹。林颖叔对赵叔孺非常赏识,第二天就请了媒人到赵家说媒,把女儿许配给叔孺。赵叔孺17岁迎娶林家女儿,夫妻恩爱。画一匹马得来一个娇妻,这是赵叔孺的一段佳话。







Introduction to the artist

 Zhao Shuru (1874-1945), whose original name was dedication, was renamed Shizhang, and the first name was Huanqiao, then changed to Shuru, the second old man in the evening, and the second house in Zhaiguan. People in the county of Yin Yin. Zhao Shuru has been fond of painting and calligraphy since he was 5 years old, especially horse painting, which is called prodigy. In 1881, Zhao Shuru's painting was 8 years old. His father had a big banquet at the Spring Festival. Lin Yingshu, an elder, was heard to be able to draw horses when he was young. He was asked to come out and perform in public. When the uncle and the children took orders, they quickly drew a picture of a horse running on a steed. The guests in the seats were very surprised and praised one after another. Lin Yingshu appreciated Zhao Shuru very much. On the second day, he asked the matchmaker to go to the Zhao family to make a matchmaking and give her daughter to uncle. Zhao Shulu married Lin's daughter at the age of 17, and the husband and wife loved each other. Drawing a horse requires a lovely wife, which is a good story of Uncle Zhao.

Zhao Shuru's artistic attainments also benefit from the Lin family. His father-in-law, Uncle Lin Ying, loves stone and stone paintings and has a very rich collection. His son-in-law and son-in-law share the same interests. Zhao Shulu has made remarkable achievements in his father-in-law's family's collection of fine works, devoted himself to the study of historical sites in Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming Dynasties, and painstakingly studied stone, calligraphy and painting in less than three years.

Born in an official family, Zhao Shuru has also served as several junior officials in the 10 years since he was 28 years old. However, Zhao Shuru's indifferent temperament, which can be seen from his love of stone calligraphy and painting, officialdom is not his passion. From the age of 38, Zhao Shuru disappeared from officialdom, and his family members came to him to make fun of calligraphy and painting. During that time, he made friends, such as Zhang Daqian, Yin County, Gao Zhen Xiao, and so on. He was happy to meet him and respected him as a leader in gold and stone science.

In 1912, Zhao Shuru edited six volumes of Han Yin Fenyun Bu. This period was the golden age of his art. People from all over the country came to seek ink and seals, and people who went to the door for advice or teacher worship came in succession. Among them are Pinghu Chen Julai, Yongjia Fang Jiekan, Wuxian Pan Zixie, and so on. Sha Menghai, a famous calligrapher, once respected Zhao Shuru as a teacher. According to Zhao's Tongmen Record, there are about 60 people in Zhao's family.

In the teaching of students, Zhao Shuru disapproved of students simply inheriting the teacher's experience, but advocated that students should establish the focus of research according to their respective endowments and qualities. Many of his students have become talented, which also proves that Zhao Shuru's method of educating people is very successful. Looking back at the printing circles in twentieth Century, Zhao Shuru, Sha Menghai, Fang Jiekan, Chen Julai and Ye Luyuan came out together with their achievements and artistic styles. Chen Julai's achievements in seal cutting were more beautiful than blue.

On Zhao Shulu's 60th and 70th birthday, his relatives, friends and family members launched two birthday celebrations. These two birthday celebrations are not only celebration banquets, but also gatherings of many famous artists. In 1942 and 1944, Zhao Shuru led the students to hold the exhibition of "Zhao Shuru's fellow stone and stone painting and calligraphy" in Shanghai.

In 1945, at the age of 72, Zhao Shulu died at home on March 17 of that year because of a cold that worsened to pneumonia.






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