弘 仁(1610-1664),清画家。俗姓江,名韬,字六奇,又名舫,字鸥盟。明亡后于福建武夷山出家为僧,字渐江,号梅花古衲。安徽歙县人。为清初四画僧之一。擅画山水,初学宋人,晚法萧云从、倪瓒,笔法清刚简逸,意趣高洁俊雅。尤好绘黄山松石,为“新安画派”创始人,和查士标、孙逸、汪立瑞等四人并称“新安四大家”。兼写梅竹,工诗。存世作品有《枯槎短荻图》《西岩松雪图》《黄海松石图》等。著有《画偈》。
弘仁,少年孤贫性癖,事母以孝闻。自小就喜欢文学,绘画一生从不间断。他是明末秀才,明亡后,有志抗清,离歙赴闽,入武夷山为僧,师从古航禅师。云游各地后回歙县,住西郊太平兴国寺和五明寺,经常往来于黄山、白岳之间。弘仁是“新安画派”的奠基人。他和查士标、孙逸、汪立瑞等四人被称为清初“新安四大家”,也称“海阳四大家”。张庚在《国朝画征录》中说:“新安画多宗清(倪瓒)者,盖渐师道先路也,”画史上称弘仁、髡残、石涛、八大为画坛“四僧”。代表革新的一派。清顺治十三年(1656)由闽返歙,往西干五明寺。画从宋元各家入手,万崇倪瓒画法,为新安画派奠基人。画师古人。更师造化。返歙后每 岁必游黄山,以“江南真山水为稿本”,曾作黄山真景50幅,笔墨苍劲整洁。富有秀逸之气 ,给人以清新之感。其《黄山松石图》亦伟俊有致,不落陈规。所作《晓江风便图》写浦口 景色,笔墨贺劲,兼用侧锋,是其晚年代表作。行书法颜真卿,楷书学倪云林, 得其神韵,亦工诗,后人辑成《画偈集》148首。
1610年明万历三十八年(庚戌) 1岁 俗姓江,名韬,字六奇;又名舫,字鸥盟。
1634年明崇祯七年(甲戌) 25岁 秋,为灵运词坛画扇,犹用黄公望法。此扇现藏上海汪氏家。上题:“甲戌秋写为灵运词坛。江韬。”
1639年明崇祯十二年(己卯) 30岁 3月,新安人李白四十寿辰,与李永昌、孙逸、汪度、刘上延五人联画《冈陵图》卷为之祝寿。其《冈陵松屋》,自题“己卯春日为生白社兄寿,江韬”,钤印“六奇”。从诸跋知此图作于己卯年3月,作者皆新安人,故知此时已从杭郡迁回新安,而此前曾为杭郡诸生。
1646年清顺治三年(丙戌) 37岁 于明亡后,入武夷山,居天游峰最胜处一年。《与程蚀庵》书云:“入武夷,居天游最胜处,不识盐味且一年。”可见,此时并未皈依僧寺。
1647年清顺治四年(丁亥) 38岁 在武夷山,出家为僧,皈依古航道舟禅师,始用法名弘仁,字无智,号渐江。
1649年清顺治六年(己丑) 40岁 自武夷回黄山。
1651年清顺治八年(辛卯) 42岁 已在歙县。与人合作的《格庵山水合锦图》卷上题:“渐江学人为玉如先生。辛卯。”玉如即方式玉,字玉如,歙县岩镇人,能诗善画。作《峭壁孤松图》轴,上题有“辛卯小春写,渐江弘仁。”此图是现存可见的第一幅有明确年月且又署渐江弘仁字号者。腊月,画《为庭囊山水图》轴,上题:“辛卯腊月,写博庭襄居士正。渐江僧。”
1652年清顺治九年(壬辰) 43岁 9月,在安徽宣城,宿碧霞道院,画《竹岸芦浦图》卷,上题:“乱篁丛苇满清流,记得江南白鹭州。我向毫端寻往迹,闲心漠漠起沙鸥。壬辰九月望后,留宿碧霞道院,率笔图此,并题以志。渐江弘仁记。”此图现藏日本泉屋博古馆。图中画的是南京白鹭洲之景。据题画诗意可知,其曾游南京白鹭洲,宿宣城碧霞道院时,靠记忆画之。
1655年清顺治十二年(乙未) 46岁 在区湖(今芜湖)画扇面。《仿王孟端山水扇》上题:“偶见王孟端小册,用拟其意,寄龙超居士,乙未蒲月,明客区湖。渐江僧。”蒲月指农历五月,区湖即芜湖。可知弘仁是年5月在芜湖。
1656年清顺治十三年(丙申) 47岁 春日,画《松石图》卷。3月,在歙县作《雨余柳色图》轴送吴闲止,上题:“雨余复雨鹃声急,能不于斯感暮春?花事既零吟莫倦,松风还可慰宵晨。为闲止社兄写意于丰溪书舍。丙申三月,渐江仁。”下钤圆印“弘仁”。此图现藏上海博物馆。同月,在歙县五明寺澄观轩内作《春暮林泉图》轴。春暮,又作《为叔子画山水》轴。8月,又作《断崖流水图》轴。是年,游黄山,归来又住丰溪。画《丹室云根图》轴。是年,其最杰出的存世之作是现存天津艺术博物馆的《松溪石壁图》轴,上题:“渐江学人画寄伯行居士。”左下石壁上篆书“丙申”二字,旁有一朱文长方印“蕉鹿山长”。此外,还用“元四家”的画法画了《山水三段图》卷,此图前段用倪云林法,中段用黄公望法、吴镇法,末段用王蒙法。图的右下部石壁上篆书“丙申”二字。卷首有张九如长题《渐公画序》,卷末有汤燕生长题,皆是研究弘仁的重要资料。又作《仿倪瓒山水图》。
1657年清顺治十四年(丁酉) 48岁 春,在歙县坐桃源草堂画《墨梅》轴。上题:“……丁酉春,坐桃源草堂,戏为修己居士写意并书徐巢友梅诗。渐江学人弘仁。”下钤“渐江”左白右朱文印一方。画《香水庵》册,上题:“丁酉结夏金陵之香水庵。画寄宗玄居士。渐江僧。”画《士竹斋图》轴,上题:“窗影摇群木,墙阴载一峰。晨雨薄寒,精神寂寞。偶驱毫为此,意与岑嘉州逸句谬合者,因并系之。丁酉九月,渐江僧仁。”作山水巨著《山水》卷,卷末左下石壁上行楷书“丁酉”二字,钤圆印“弘仁”。此长卷纵16.7厘米,横696厘米。现藏上海博物馆。
1658年清顺治十五年(戊戌) 49岁 春,仍在南京宿惠应寺。画《梅花亭图》轴。冬末则在宣城。画《薚阜册》。4月,画《仿陆天游山图》轴,上题:“渐江学人仿陆天游笔意。戊戌四月。”此图现藏美国加利福尼亚州伯克莱分校景元斋。12月,在宣城画《山水梅花》册,共有画十页,每面分别有“弘仁”、“渐江”等印,第十一页题字:“学顿巾瓶于薚阜。惟时大雪弥漫,舟东胶涩。藉芘苏生居士寓斋。僵仆之困,庶几免焉。顷将荷担还山,临歧呵冻率涂,遂成十册。用以投教,又当博居士一朵颐耶。戊戌嘉平月,渐江弘仁谨识。”下钤二印,一圆朱文印“弘仁”,一方白文印“渐江”。图册现藏安徽省博物馆。同月,画《梅屋松泉图》轴,上题:“梅屋松泉。戊戌嘉平,写祝汉翁先生。弘仁。”
1659年清顺治十六年(己亥) 50岁 是年元日仍在宣城湾薚,并画《梅花书屋图》轴。3月,回到歙县,宿西 园,作《西园坐雨图》轴。9月,挂单黄山云谷寺,作《清泉洗砚图》卷,上题:“清泉洗砚图。己亥九月,挂单云谷,喜晤澈公尊师,游览之暇,漫图一壑。率成俚句,并录呈教。渐江弘仁。”云谷寺在黄山中,今犹存。是知此年9月又游黄山,住云谷寺。又作《墨笔山水》小卷,《林泉春暮图》轴。作《梅花茅屋图》轴,题款有“己亥余月,渐江学人写于仁义禅院。”字样。日本黑川古文化研究所藏其《山水长卷》,末左下有“己亥”二字,钤印“渐江僧”。亦是此年所作。
1660年清顺治十七年(庚子) 51岁 此年,多作长卷巨轴,且多精品。很多巨幅大抵皆画于澄观轩。春,在歙县丰溪,画《丰溪山水》册十页,末页落款有“庚子春,记于介石书屋。弘仁”字样。作《唐人诗意图》册,二十帧,每帧上书唐人诗句,末识:“庚子春寒无事,适有素册在案,偶阅唐句,择其可入绘事者二十章漫图一过。渐江学人弘仁写于若米舫。”“若米舫”为渐江族弟江注之书斋,在歙县城桃源坞。此册著录于《十百斋书画录》戊卷。8月,在五明寺澄观轩,作《溪畔清音图》轴。同月,作《为于员禁仿倪山水》轴,上题:“于员居士将之吴门,学人写此为赠。庚子八月初旬。”冬初,挂单于海阳(休宁)建初寺。作《为与进画山水》轴,上题:“老年意孤成缩涩,乍见停云有会心。笔墨于斯需一转,纵横无碍可全神。庚子冬初,挂单海阳之建初寺,写题寄与进居士于丰溪书堂。展时想当一噱。余此写秋日山居,略存倪迂遗意。学人弘仁。”广东省博物馆藏《为惟敏写山水图》轴,上题:“渐江学人为惟敏先生写。”与此图相同,当是同时画两幅,分赠二人,也未可知。12月,回澄观轩,写《林泉出山图》轴,此图曾著录于庞元济之《虚斋名画录》卷十。同月,重题《枯木竹石图》轴曰:“枯木鸣寒鸟,深山闻夜猿。唐句也。余偶抹此,虽无可状其意,而空远廖廓,老干刀调,或庶几似其岑寂耳。庚子腊灯下重题于澄观轩中。弘仁。”是年,所作还有:《节寿图》轴,《仿元四家山水》卷,《林槟一区图》,《黄海松石图》轴,《黄山天都峰图》轴。《陶庵图》轴,上题:“渐江学者为子翁居士作陶庵图。”子翁居士即汪尧德,字子陶,号陶庵,歙县潜口人(见《康熙歙县志》)。画右中部有“庚子”二字。
1661年清顺治十八年(辛丑) 52岁 1月,画《幽谷泉声图》轴。上题: “辛丑春正,为交如居士写,弘仁。”2月,在歙县西溪昭素居士家,为画《山水册》。共4幅,现装为卷,末幅上题:“学人为昭素居士染册十数番,悉是雨中课也。阁笔复为简点,殊见荒涩,颇不耐观,艹负主人存恤之意,且又得纵赏所藏墨迹,所谓虚来实归,渐感深至。辛丑二月,弘仁谨识。”春,又为象也居士画巨幅《西岩松雪图》轴。夏初,到广陵(扬州)游览,归途经杭州,宿西湖南屏山北麓之净寺,为慧通上人画了《山水图》轴。上题:“辛丑夏月,游广陵(扬州)还,宿于西湖静寺,灯下为慧通上人写此。弘仁。”不久,便回到歙县,于五明寺澄观轩中,为罗岳生大居士画《幽亭秀木图》轴。5月,住在歙县西溪萧寺,即五明寺中,好友汤燕生来访,遂画《疏柯坡石图》以赠汤。夏,作《山溪双树图》轴,上题:“辛丑夏月,为不炎居士写于桃源山房。弘仁。”秋初,仍在歙县,受雄右委托为旦先居士画《仿倪山水》轴。11月,到歙县西溪南仁义禅院度腊。此时创作了《丰溪山水图》卷、《江山无尽图》卷、《晓江风便图》卷、《黄山图》轴、《浅绛山水》卷等等。
1662年清康熙元年(壬寅) 53岁 3月,作《宋人画意图》册,著录于郑德绅《木扉所藏书画》。《桐阜图卷》,卷末题:“曩业为无波居士图桐阜矣。今复踵其事。岁月飘忽,不信笔墨亦与年俱进否?居士解人,请为我布一算,系短句,并博郢削。时时展帖与援琴,片石长林鉴素心。愧我并无双树卧,可容一榻就桐阴。壬寅秋,渐江学人弘仁。”《十百斋书画录》丁卷著录。冬,作《介石书堂》册,此册共十二页。上题:“壬寅冬月,渐江学人画于介石书堂。”又作《秋山诗画》轴,上题:“画意无多触处嘉,有人搔首望槎桠。黄花别去梅将蕾,且对瓶中玉茗花。壬寅冬仲,渐江学人写于澄观轩。”此图《十百斋书画录》酉集著录。是知其于此年冬仲,又回到五明寺澄观轩中。是年,自新安到了鄱阳,住旦先居士(吕应棠)且读斋,作去庐山之游的准备。旦先居士,字旦先,歙县人。《民国歙县志·江韬传》:“岁壬寅,将游庐山,友人王雄右怂恿其行。”
1663年清康熙二年(癸卯) 54岁 弘仁在鄱阳吕家画《始信峰图》轴。在鄱阳吕家又画《山水图》卷寄吴伯炎。上题:“癸卯春,弘仁寓芝阳东湖上,寄伯炎居士。”是春又作《疏泉洗研图》,弘仁自题:“疏泉洗研图,癸卯春弘仁作。”天稍暖,在王艮陪同下游匡庐,凭吊宗炳、雷次宗、慧远等人遗踪以及晋宋时白莲社旧迹,宿雪庵处。夏初,已下匡庐,经鄱阳湖回,又暂息于吕旦先家,并作画《秋柳孤棹图》轴。然后,又回到歙县披云峰下休夏,回到歙县,道过丰溪,时已是6月既望,吴不炎兄弟又留憩旬日。殷曙《渐江师传》:“癸卯,游匡阜归,与旅亭、允冰二君休夏披云峰下,每理棹石淙,焚香瀹茗,各出所藏书画鼎彝,纵观移日。”是夏又作《山水》卷,题云:“癸卯长夏,无聊,写此小景遣意。渐江弘仁。”弘仁游石淙后,一时兴起,解衣脱帽,展纸作画,后染疾,回披云峰下五明寺中,直至去世。《山水》轴,上题:“癸卯新秋,渐江学人写于披云峰下。”仲秋又作《梅竹扇图》。
1664年清康熙三年(甲辰) 55岁 冬,作《山水》册,共8幅,画松、涧、泉、池、岩、石、壁、冈,并注明。于末幅“冈”左上题:“癸卯嘉平八日,弘仁为中翁居士写。”此图现藏美国纳尔逊——艾京斯艺术博物馆(Nelson Gallery Atkins Museum)。癸卯十二月二十二日,即公元1664年1月19日,卒于五明寺。病中仍未辍笔,示寂前一日仍作画送贫家以济其度腊。
弘仁早年从学孙无修,中年师从萧云从,从宋元各家入手,后来师法“元代四家”,尤崇倪瓒画法,今所见作品如《清溪雨霁》、《秋林图》、《古槎短荻图》等,取景清新,都有云林遗意。就题画诗中,也充分表露了他对倪瓒的崇拜,“迂翁笔墨予家宝,岁岁焚香供作师”。他在构图上洗练简逸,笔墨苍劲整洁,善用折带皴和干笔渴墨,由于他从黄山、武夷诸名山胜景中汲取营养,重视师法自然,因此,作品格调不同于倪瓒,少荒凉寂寞之境,而多清新之意。直师造化,而别开生 面,真实地传达出山川之美和新奇之姿,他作的黄山诸景都不受倪瓒画法约束,而深得写生传神之妙,富有生活气息。如故宫博物院藏《西岩松雪图轴》,笔法尖峭简洁,意境伟峻秀逸,反映了他的自身风貌。弘仁以画黄山著名,“得黄山之真性情”,深得传神和写生之妙,笔墨苍劲整洁,富有秀逸之气,给人以清新的感受。与石涛、梅清成为“黄山画派”中的代表人物。查士标在题弘仁山水画云:“渐公画入武夷而一变,归 黄山而一奇。”石涛则说:“公游黄山最久,故得黄山之真性情也,即一木一石,皆黄山本色。”弘仁的山水画,无论册页小品还是长篇巨制,或实地写生,或构思取意,黄山为他提供了取之不尽,用之不竭的创作源泉。
Hong Ren
Hong Ren (1610-1664), the painter. Folk surnamed Jiang, Ming Tao, the word six odd, also known as Fang, word gull Union. Ming Wuyi Mountain in Fujian after the monks became monks, the word gradually Jiang, No. plum ancient monk. Anhui Shexian people. As one of the four early Qing Dynasty monks. Good at painting landscapes, beginner Song, late Xiaoyun from, Ni Zan, pen simple Qing Yi, elegant and elegant Junya. In particular, painting Huangshan turquoise, as "Xin'an School" founder, and Charles standard, Sun Yi, Wang Lirui and other four and called "Xinan four people." And write Mei bamboo, poetry. Surviving works are "short-dry map" Di "map", "rock pine map" and so on. Author of "painting verse".
Hongren, juvenile solitary poverty addiction, the mother to filial piety. Since childhood, like literature, painting life never stopped. He is the end of the Ming and Qing scholar, after the death of the Ming, aspiring anti-Qing, from the She went to Fujian, into the Wuyi Mountain monk, studied under the ancient Air Jackson. After wandering around Back to Shexian, live in the western suburbs of Taiping Xingguo Temple and Wu Ming Temple, often between Huangshan, Baiyue. Hongren is the founder of Xin'an Painting School. He and Chas marks, Sun Yi, Wang Lirui and other four known as the early Qing Dynasty "Xinan four people", also known as "Haiyang four people." Zhang Geng in the "North Korea painting collection," said: "Xinan painting a number of cases of clear (Ni-chan) who cover the road to the first division also," painted in the history of Hongren, . On behalf of the faction of innovation. Qing Shunzhi thirteen years (1656) from Fujian to return to the West, West to do Wu Ming Temple. Painting from the start of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, Wan Chong Ni Zan painting method, as Xin'an School founder. Painter of the ancients. More good fortune. After returning to Huangshan every year will travel, "Jiangnan true landscape for the manuscript", has made 50 really Huangshan, ink and vigorous neat. Rich Xiuyi of the gas, gives a sense of freshness. The "Huangshan turquo; map" also Weijun have caused, do not fall stereotypes. The "Xiaojiang wind map" to write Pukou scenery, ink He Jin, both with the side, is the representative of his later years. Line calligraphy Yan Zhenqing, regular script Ni Yunlin, its charm, but also poetry, descendants into the "painting verse" 148 first.
1610 Ming Wanli thirty-eight years (Geng Xu) 1-year-old folk surnamed Jiang, Ming Tao, the word six odd; also known as Fang, word gull Union.
1634 Ming Chongzhen seven years (Jia Xu) 25-year-old autumn, for the spirit of the word altar painting fan, still use Huang public view method. This fan is now home in Shanghai Wang family. On the title: "A Xuqiu written as Lingyun Ci Tan.
1639 Ming Chongzhen twelve years (Mao Mao) 30 years old in March, Xin Li Bai forty birthday, and Li Yongchang, Sun Yi, Wang Du, Liu Shangyan five people painting "Gang Ling" volume for birthday. Its "Gang Ling Mansion", since the title "has been spring for the life of the white community life, Jiang Tao," seal "six odd." From all the postscript know this map for the Mao Mao in March, the author is Xin'an, Guzhi this time from Hangzhou Jun moved back to Xin'an, and had previously Hangjun Zhu Sheng.
1645 Qing Shunzhi two years (BC) 36-year-old Huizhou Jin Sheng and his students Jiang Tianyi set people against the Qing, to protect the Jixi, Huangshan, the six points. To September, censor Huang Shu drop in the Qing, Qing Bingbing, emblem was broken, the sound and Jiang Tianyi captured and died (13 photos) Jin Sheng Qibing against the Qing, Huizhou people are group response, to participate in the fighting, when also in which. After the fall of Huizhou, then with the division into the Fujian, from the She, and friends Cheng Shou crying in phase Tam Tam, and then by water through Hangzhou, arrived in Fuzhou.
1646 Qing Shunzhi three years (Bing Xu) 37 years after the death of the Ming Dynasty, into the Wuyi Mountain, the highest peak of the day tour peak year. "And Cheng Yi An" book: "into the Wuyi, home tour the most wins, do not know the taste of salt and a year." Visible, this time did not convert monks.
1647 Qing Shunzhi four years (Ding Hai) 38-year-old in Wuyi Mountain, a monk, converted to the ancient channel boat Zen Master, before the use of the name Hongren, the word no wisdom, number Jiang.
1649 Qing Shunzhi six years (ugly) 40 years since Wuyi back to Huangshan.
1651 Qing Shunzhi eight years (Xin Mao) 42 years old in Shexian. Yu Man, such as jade, jade, such as jade, Shexian rock town people, to poetry good painting. As the "cliffs lone map" shaft, on the title of "Xin Mao Xiaochun write, gradually Jiang Hongren." This map is the first visible existing and have a clear date and Department of Jiang Hongren name. The twelfth lunar month, painting "for the court capsule landscape" axis, on the title: "Xinmao twelfth lunar month, write Bo Tingxiang lay is.
1652 Qing Shunzhi nine years (Ren Chen) 43 years old in September, Xuancheng in Anhui, places Bixia Taoist temple, painting "bamboo shore Lu Pu map" volume, the title: "chaos Huang Cong reeds full clean, remember Jiangnan Bailuzhou I am looking for a trace to the millennium, from the indifferent desert gull. Imjin September look, stay Bixia Tao Yuan, the rate of this figure, and the title to the annals.Jiangjiang Hongren. "This map is now hidden in Japan Izumiya Bogut Museum. The picture shows the Nanjing Egret Island of King. According to the poem painting can be seen, it has traveled Nanjing Egret Island, Suxuan Bixia Road, Xuancheng, the painting by the memory.
1655 Qing Junji twelve years (B not) 46-year-old in the Lake District (now Wuhu) painting fan. "Imitation Wang Meng Duan landscape fan" on the title: "occasionally Wang Meng end booklet, intended to use its intended, to send the dragon over lay, B is not months, Ming-off area lake. Wuhu. We can see Hongren is in May in Wuhu.
1656 Qing Junji thirteen years (Bing Shen) 47-year-old spring, painting "turquoise map" volume. March, In the Shexian for "Yu Yu willow color map" axis to send Wu idle only, on the topic: "rain Yuyuanyuan cries anxious, can not feel a sense of spring in late spring?" Zun Yin Mo tired, the wind can comfort the night morning. For the idle community brother in the Fengxi bookstore .Pine Shen in March, gradually Jiang Ren .Under the seal round printing "Hongren". This map is now the Shanghai Museum. In the same month, in Shexian Wu Ming Temple Chengguan Xuan for "spring twilight Linquan map" axis. Spring twilight, but also as "painting for the Shuzi landscape" axis. In August, but also for "cliffs flow diagram" axis. Is the year, Huangshan tour, return Fengxi live. Painting "Dan room cloud root map" axis. Is the most outstanding surviving works of the existing Tianjin Museum of Art, "Songxi Shek Pik" axis, the title: "Gradually Jiang scholars to send Bo row lay." Left lower wall on the seal script "Bing Shen" word, next to a Zhu Wen Chang Fang India "Ban Lushan long." In addition, the "Yuan four" painting of the "three sections of landscape" volume, this figure with Ni Yunlin law, the middle with Huang Gongwang, Wu Zhenfa, the last paragraph with Wang Meng method. The lower right of the figure on the stone wall seal script "Bing Shen" word. Volume first Zhang Jiu as a long title "gradually public order", end of the Tang Yan growth problems, are all important information on Hongren. Also as "imitation Ni Zan landscape map."
1657 Qing Junji fourteen years (Ding You) 48-year-old spring, sitting in Shexian Taoyuan Cottage "Mo Mei" axis. On the title: "... ... Ding Youchun, sit Taoyuan cottage, play for Xiujushi freehand and book Xu Chao Youmei poetry. Gradually Jiang Hongren." Under the seal "gradually Jiang" left white right Zhu Wenyin side. Painting "perfume Um" book, on the title: "Ding Youjie summer Jinling perfume Um. Painting send Zongxuan lay. Gradually Jiang Seng." Painting "Bamboo Zhaizhu" axis, on the topic: Yin carry a peak. Morning rain cold, spiritual loneliness. Even drive for this, meaning and Cen Jiazhou Yi sentence absurd, because of the Department and .Ding You in September, gradually Jiang monk. "As landscape masterpiece" landscape "volume, At the end of the volume of the lower left stone wall regular script "Ding You" word, seal round "Hongren". The long roll 16.7 cm, 696 cm horizontal. Shanghai Museum is now hidden.
1658 Qing Junji fifteen years (Hundred Days) 49-year-old spring, still in Nanjing Huihui Temple. Painting "Plum Pavilion" axis. The end of the winter in Xuancheng. Painting "Fu book". In April, the painting "imitation of the land tour of mountains" axis, on the topic: "Gradually Jiang learn to imitate Lu Tian swim Italian." Huxu April. "This map is now the United States California Berkeley King Yuan vegetarian. In December, in Xuancheng painting "landscape plum" book, a total of ten pages, each side were "Hongren", "gradually Jiang" and India, the eleventh inscription: "Dayton towel bottle in Fu Fu. The snow is diffuse, Zhou East glue astringent .Through the pyrene SuSheng lay in .Zheng servant of the storm, a few free .Hill the burden of the mountain, the difference in the rate of freezing rate, then into ten volumes .For investment, and when "Under the seal of two Indian, a round of Zhu Wenyin," Hong Ren ", a white text printed" gradually Jiang. " Atlas is now the Museum of Anhui Province. In the same month, the painting "Mayumi-chuen-chuen," the axis, on the title: "Mei-chuen-chuen," Wuxu Jia Ping, write Mr. Zhu Hanwang.
1659 Qing Shunzhi sixteen years (Ji Hai) 50 years old is still in Xuancheng Bay, and painted "Plum Blossom House" axis. In March, back to Shexian, places WestPark, as "West Park sit rain map" axis. In September, pending the Huangshan Yungu Si, as "Qingquan wash Yan map" volume, on the topic: "spring wash inkstone map." In September, hang cloud Valley, Xi met Che public respect, leisure time, "Cloud Valley Temple in Huangshan, this still exist. Is to know in September this year and tour Huangshan, live cloud Valley Temple. Also as "ink pen landscape" small volume, "Lin Quan spring twilight map" axis. As "plum hut" axis, the title of the "Hai has more than month, gradually Jiang scholars wrote in the Renyi Temple." Words. Japanese Kurokawa Institute of ancient culture of its "landscape long scroll", at the end of the left under the "Hai" word, seal "gradually Jiang Seng." Is also made this year.
1660 Qing Shunzhi seventeen years (Boxer) 51 years old this year, more for the scroll axis, and more boutique. A lot of them are mostly painted in Chengguan Xuan. Spring, in Shexian Fengxi, painting "Fengxi landscape" book ten pages, at the end of inscribed with "Gengzai spring, recorded in the Kai Shih-house. Hongren" words. For "Tang poetic map" volume, twenty frames, each frame to the Tang poem, the final knowledge: "Gengchun chill no matter, suitable for the book in the case, even read Tang sentence, choose it into the painting twenty chapters "If the rice boat" for the Jiang Jiang Jiang's brother's note book, in Shexian County Taoyuan dock. This book was recorded in the "100 Hundred Books of the book" volume. In August, in the Wu Ming Temple Cheng Guanxuan, as "River voiceless map" axis. In the same month, as the "ban for imitation Ni Shan Shui" axis, on the title: "in the staff will be the Wu door, scholars write this gift. Construction of the early temple. "For the painting and landscape" axis, on the topic: "old Italy Gu Cheng Shibuya, at first sight to stop the clouds have to know the heart.Text in the need for a turn, vertical and horizontal without obstruction can be the whole god.Gengzi early winter, Yang Jian of the beginning of the temple, write the post and into the lay people in the Fengxi book hall.When you want to be an amusement exhibition .I wrote this autumn mountain home, slightly Ni Niu .But Hongren .Guangdong Provincial Museum The same as the diagram, when the two paintings at the same time, sub-gift two, it is not known. In December, back to Chengguan Xuan, write "Lin Quan out of the mountain" axis, this figure was recorded in Pang Yuanji of "virtual vegetarian famous painting" volume ten. The same month, the theme of "dead wood Zhushi map" axis said: "dead wood Mingbiao birds, deep smell of the night ape. Tang sentence also. I even wiped this, although not the shape of its meaning, and air far Liao profile, "Or" a few like its Cenmu ear. Gengzi la lamp under the theme of Cheng Guanxuan. Hongren. "Is the year, made also:" section of life chart "axis," imitation of four landscape "volume" Area map "," yellow pine stone map "axis," Huangshan days are peak map "axis. "Tao Anmu" axis, on the topic: "Gradually Jiang scholars for the sub-Weng lay Tao Anmu." Zi Weng lay Wang Yaode, Zi Zi Tao, Tao Anmu, Shexian Qiankou people (see "Kangxi County" ). Right of the middle of the painting, "Boxer" word.
1661 Qing Shunzhi eighteen years (Xin Chou) 52-year-old in January, painting "Glen spring sound figure" axis. On the question:"In February, in Shexian Xixi Zhao Su lay home, for the painting" landscape book ". A total of four, is loaded for the volume, the end of the title: "scholars for Zhaosu lay dyed more than a dozen fan, the rain is also noted in the lesson.Co-complex for the simple point of view, especially the shortage astringent, Lv negative owner of the meaning of the deposit shirt, and they have to enjoy the ink collection of the vertical, the so-called virtual come true, gradually deep sense of. Xin Chou in February, Hongren would like to know. "Spring, but also as a huge painting also lay Rock pine map "axis. In the early summer, to Guangling (Yangzhou) tour, return via Hangzhou, places West Lake Ping Shan Temple of the North, for Hui Tong Master painting "landscape" axis. On the title: "Xinchou summer months, travel Guangling (Yangzhou) also, places in the West Lake Temple, the lights for the Hui Tong Master to write this. Hongren." Soon, they returned to Shexian, Wu Ming Temple in Chengguan Xuan , For Luo Yuesheng large lay painting "You Ting show wood" axis. In May, live inXixiXiXiao temple, namely WuMingSi, friend TangYanSheng visit, then painting "shu ke slope stone map" to donated soup. The beginning of autumn, still in Shexian, by the male commissioned by the first right to lay the first Dazhuo, as the mountain is not a mountain, Painting "imitation Ni landscape" axis. In November, to Xixian South Ren Yi Zen degree of wax. At this time created a "Fengxi landscape map" volume, "Jiangshan endless map" volume, "Xiaojiang wind map" volume, "Huangshan map" axis, "light Jiangshan landscape" volume and so on.
In 1662 the first year of the Qing Emperor Kangxi (Renyin) 53 years old in March, for the "Song painting intentions" book, recorded in Zheng De gentry, "Mu Fei possession of painting and calligraphy." "Tong Fu map volume," the end of the volume title: "Nang industry for the non-wave figure Tu Fu men. This complex heel. Years of erratic, do not believe ink also with the years advance? Lay solution, please I cloth I am not a double tree lying, can accommodate a couch on Tong Yin. Ren Yin Qiu, gradually learn people Hongren. "" Ten hundred and one hundred. Zhai book painting "Ding volume recorded. Winter, as "Kai Shi Shu Tang" book, this book a total of twelve pages. On the title: "Renyin winter, gradually Jiang Xuehua school in the school of stone." Also as "Qiushan poetry and painting" axis, on the title: "Painting no more touch at the Ka, someone scratching the first look Cha Cha. , And the bottle of jade tea. Renyin Dong Zhong, gradually Jiang scholars wrote in Chengguan Xuan. "This map" hundred hundred vegetarian book record "unitary record. Is known in the winter of this year Zhong, and back to the five Ming Temple Chengguan Xuan. Is the year, since Xin'an to Poyang, live once the first lay (Lv Yingtang) and read fasting, to make preparations for the Lushan Tour. Once the first lay, the first word, Shexian people. "Shexian County, Jiang Tao": "years of Renyin, will travel Lushan, Wang Xiong right friend to encourage their line."
1663 Qing Emperor Kangxi two years (Guimao) 54-year-old Hong Ren in Poyang Lu painting "before the letter peak map" axis. In Poyang Lu home painting "landscape" volume sent Wu Bo Yan. On the title: "Guimao Chun, Hongren Yu Chi Chi East Lake, send Bo Yan lay." Spring is also "Shuquan wash research map", Hongren title: "Shuquan wash research map, Kao Hong Ren Ren. "Days slightly warm, accompanied by the downstream Wang Kuang Kuang Lu, pay Zong Bing, Lei Zong, Hui Yuan and others traces of the traces of the Jin and Song Dynasties Bailian community, places snow um. In the early summer, under the Kuanglu, the Poyang Lake back, but also in the first home in Lu Dan, and painting "Autumn Liu Gu Zhao map" axis. Then, back to the Shexian Phi Yunfeng Xia Xiashi, back to Shexian, said over Fengxi, is already in June, Wang, Wu is not inflammation Brothers and stay Xunri. Yin Shu "Gradually Jiang division biography": "Guimao, You Kuanggui, and travel booths, allow ice two Jun Xi Xia Yunfeng peak, each management of stone gongs, burning incense tea, the collection of paintings Ding Yi, "Long is summer, boring, write this small King sent meaning. Gradually Jiang Hongren." Hongren swim Cong Cong, the rise of the moment, the clothes off hat , Exhibition paper painting, post-dye disease, back to the next Yunfeng Wu Ming Temple, until death. "Landscape" axis, on the title: "Guimao new autumn, gradually Jiang scholars wrote in Phi Yunfeng." Zhong Qiu also as "plum bamboo fan diagram".
1664 Qing Emperor Kangxi three years (A Chen) 55-year-old winter, as "landscape" book, a total of eight, painting pine, stream, spring, pool, rock, stone, wall, Gang, and indicate. At the end of the "Gang" on the left top: "Guimao Jiaping on the 8th, Hongren wrote for the Weng." This map is now in the United States Nelson - Aijingsi Art Museum (Nelson Gallery Atkins Museum). Kuei December 22, AD 1664 January 19, died in Wu Ming Temple. Disease is still not stop pen, showing silence the day before still painting to send the poor family to economic degrees wax.