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  • 中文名萧晨
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍江苏扬州
  • 出生日期1658年
  • 逝世日期卒年不详
  • 职业画家
  • 代表作品《东阁观梅图》,《三星图》,《杜甫诗意图》,《枫林停车图》轴
  • 所属年代清代
  • 灵曦
  • 中素

       人物面部渲染得十分充分,衣服多是根据衣纹的转折用淡墨稍微分染出皱褶的凹凸。书童的衣服用淡蓝色渲染,突出线条的造型美感。画面上人物的冠巾与两把座椅为重墨,与其他处形成对比,使画面更为醒目。器物采用墨彩相冲之法积染而成,活泼自然又有古意。画的右下方钤两方印;一白文"惠均长寿",一朱文"晴庐",此为满族画家兼收藏家惠孝同(1902- 1979年,原名惠均,别号晴庐)之印。此与左上方的印章相呼应,在构图中起到了平衡作用。已是古稀之年的萧晨还能在扇面这样的小幅画中,把人物神态刻画得如此细致生动,完全达到了形神兼备的艺术境界,还是非常可贵的。因而,可以说这件《东坡博古图》是他艺术成熟时期的佳作。


English is introduced
Cheng-Lun Hsiao, the word Ling Xi, No. Su, Jiangsu Yangzhou, was born in 1658, died years unknown. Cheng-Lun Hsiao is active in the early Qing Dynasty painter, the poem, good painting landscapes, figures, and Weng Shuyuan at the same time, seclusion is not official. He to poetry, painting self-entertainment, painting Master Tang Song, skill deep, especially good at painting snow. Cheng-Lun Hsiao 84-year-old as a "drunk Zhong Kui map." Its artistic activities mainly in the Kangxi Dynasty, is more influential in the early Qing Dynasty literati painter.


The "Dongpo Bogutu" by Cheng - Lun Hsiao shows the life scenes of Su Shi, the scholar of Song Dynasty. (1057) Jinshi, Shenzong moved too often Dr., after the official to the Long Tu Ge Bachelor, the end of Ming Hall Bachelor, Li Shangshu, is the outstanding literature of the Northern Song Dynasty Home, and his father Su Xun, brother Su Zhe collectively known as the "three Soviet". He has a wide range of artistic talent, prose, poetry, Ci Fu, calligraphy and painting attainments are high. The text of Wang Yang unrestrained, vertical and horizontal freely, as "the Tang and Song eight" one. His ideas about artistic creation have far-reaching implications for future generations. Su Shi 's talent in literature and art is respected by the writers, whose deeds have become the object of later writers' description. This piece (Dongpo Bogutu "is to Dongpo good appreciation, erudite as the theme of the creation of paintings.
"Dongpo Bogutu" layout smooth and simple, vigorous strokes, lines transition freely, elegant color, and since the title: "Dongpo Bogutu, the predecessors have their own, the book of the history of the test, the end of its said, Fan whom into the Xinhai, when the years have been known as the ancient rarity of four men, the strength of the end of the end there is still considerable, but also get powder coated Zhu can also be ashamed. "Lanling Cheng-Lun Hsiao and know." Seal next to the party. From the title that we can see this fan is the works of Xiao Chen's later years.
       This painting is painted with four characters, all in the long book case before and after. Near the two back side, sitting on one hand holding the ancient device, the person sitting on the back turned and turned, as in the conversation, look leisurely natural. Although two people in the foreground, but because of the low position, the proportion of smaller body, which is still a foil. On the book case, the right placed three pieces of ancient artifacts, placed two pieces of artifacts at the top left. Mr. Dongpo, the master of the painting, is sitting in front of the viewer, his hands flat in the book case, the exhibition volumes look afresh, thinking like. Standing beside a book, his hands holding a bundle of scrolls. The characters and objects in the painting revolve around the theme of Bo Guiwen. The mood is fresh and elegant, and the atmosphere is elegant and harmonious. In character modeling, the image of Mr. Dongpo in four slightly larger, in order to better highlight the "Dongpo Bogut" theme. The figure of the textured stretch stretch, density contrast has caused, pen strong and vigorous, with work to write. In order to express Su Dongpo knowledge and spirit of the lofty, the clothing line with the side of the hard folding. And he painted the "Luo Shen Tu" fan with a high ancient tour of silk, in order to show the elegant light Luoshen demeanor. This shows that in the creation of Xiao Chen in accordance with the performance of different objects and artistic conception and select the specific brushwork and line drawing.
       Character rendering is very full, clothes and more is based on the twists and turns of the pattern with light ink slightly stained wrinkles of the bump. Children's clothes with light blue rendering, highlight the lines of the shape of beauty. The characters on the screen towel and two seats for the heavy ink, and other places in contrast, so that the screen is more eye-catching. Artifacts with the ink color phase of the stain from the stained, lively and natural and ancient. (1902-1979, formerly known as Huijun, alias Qinglu) of the Ming and Qing dynasties of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, a painting of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, India. This corresponds to the top left of the seal, played a balance in the composition of the role. Has been seventy years of age Xiao Chen can also fan in such a small picture, the character demeanor portrayed so meticulous and vivid, fully meet the artistic and artistic realm, is still very valuable. Thus, it can be said that this "Dongpo Bogutu" is his masterpiece of the art of maturity.






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