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  • 中文名伊秉绶
  • 性别
  • 民族
  • 祖籍福建汀州府宁化县
  • 出生日期1754
  • 逝世日期1815
  • 职业清代书法家
  • 所属年代清代
  • 祖似
  • 墨卿,晚号默庵



其传世的主要墨迹见于《默庵集锦》, 1971年台湾大众书局出版有《清伊秉绶作品集》, 1984 年 10月上海书店出版了《伊秉绶隶书墨迹选》。虽然他四体俱能,但以隶书为最。其隶书为汉碑中雄伟古朴的一类。仅在上海书店出版的《隶书墨迹选》中即收有其临写的《裴岑》、《韩仁铭》、《尹宙碑》、《孔宙碑》、《张迁碑》、《衡方碑》等。尤其得力于《衡方碑》,据伊秉绶《留春草堂诗抄》可知他临写《衡方碑》多达百遍。融先秦篆籀、汉魏砖瓦及颜体气象于一炉,而自成一家。
伊秉绶 书赠桂未谷(馥) 花绫对联 (右图),为金陵天渡楼收藏。
其隶书对联传世者甚多,如嘉庆三年( 1798 )书写的三言联“志于道,时乃功。”嘉庆四年( 1799)书写五言联“清光宜对竹,闲雅胜闻琴。”嘉庆八年( 1803 )书写的五言联“政声韩吏部,经义董江都。”嘉庆九年( 1804)书写的五言联“从来多古意,可以赋新诗。”嘉庆十年( 1805 )书写的四言联“变化气质,陶冶性灵。”(以上见于《中国书法文化大观 ·伊秉绶的书法艺术》)。又首都博物馆收藏、刊于《中国古代书画图目》的五言联“由来意气合,直取性情真”和赠诒元九兄世讲联“崇情苻远迹,精理亦道心”,刊于日本《中国书道全集》的七言联“三千余年上下古,一十七家文字奇”等。







English is introduced

Yi Bing Shou (1754-1815), the word ancestors like, No. Mo Qing, late Ming Mo Temple, the Qing Dynasty calligrapher, Fujian Tingzhou House Ninghua County, the enemy also known as the "Ting Ting". Qianlong forty-four years, fifty-four years of Qianlong Jinshi, served as chief of the Board of Punishments, after the members of foreign Lang. Jiaqing four years as Huizhou prefect, because with its immediate superior, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi auspicious dispute, was exile military station, and then promoted to Yangzhou prefect, 1802 (Jiaqing seven years), Iraq Bing ribbon 54 years old, father died , Quguan Feng coffin home, Yangzhou tens of thousands of people crying farewell. 62-year-old died, Yangzhou people admire his deceased, in the local "three Yin Temple" (worship Ouyang Xiu, Su Shi, Wang Shizhen three of the Temple) and worship Yi Bing Shou, renamed "four Yin Temple. During his tenure, "lian officials good governance" known. Yi Bing ribbon hi painting, printing, also has poetry handed down. Work book, especially fine Zhuan Li, fine show Mei. Its ultra-Guge book, so that the calligraphy of the Qing Dynasty, put a splendor. Lishu particularly indulgent and elegant, since ancient times into a broad atmosphere, and Deng Shiru and said everyone.


1754 (nineteen years of the Qing Emperor Qianlong) lunar January 11, Iraq Bingbing was born in Ninghua Chengguan a scholarly brother, the official family. His father Iraq Chaodong, Qianlong thirty-four years Jinshi, calendar officer of the Ministry of Justice, censor, Guanglu Temple Qing. Known as the Yi Bing Shou, "Zhu Cheng Li Cheng, from the division of Yin Cheng Fang, emphasizing the practice of self-centered." After the University of Zhu Gui's appreciation and Ji Xiaolan's attention, thanks to discipline as a teacher, and worship At that time the most prestigious calligrapher Liu Yong for the teacher calligraphy. Author of "stay spring cottage set." Handed down very rich. "Lishu five words", the book in Jiaqing twenty years (1815), the ink on paper. Official script. Where the upper and lower body 10 words, paragraph 16 words, a total of 26 words. Vertical 178 cm, horizontal 33.3 cm. Capital Museum.
Yi Bing Shou 15 years old (Qianlong thirty-four years), his father Iraq Chaozhao test Jinshi, the calendar of the Ministry of Punishments Lang, Guanglu Temple Qing, study of Cheng Zhu school, author of "South Window Series" Zhai set "and other books handed down. Yi Bing ribbon from a small eager to learn, uphold the origin of family learning, full study of Song Confucianism. 16-year-old into the Ninghua County, 26-year-old Zhongxiang test. And later by the industry in the name of Confucianism Yin Chengfang, attack Song Confucianism, and study with great concentration Li Rongcun, Cai Liangshan and Lei Cuiting and other famous Confucian theory. 30-year-old that year (Qianlong forty-nine years) went to Beijing to take exams, held in CJ, they stay in Beijing, for the Bachelor Zhu Gui, Ji Xiaolan appreciated and valued, often access Prince Edward Zhu Gui's brother, once lived in Ji Xiaolan Home, to his grandson class; also worship the most prestigious calligrapher Liu Yong as a teacher calligraphy.
In 1789 (fifty-four years of Qianlong) will try, Iraq Bing ribbon to participate in the examination, Scholars and the first, granting the Ministry of punishment additional principal, complement Zhejiang Yuanwai Lang, began prosperous career. Yi Bing Shou political, clean and honest.
Fifty-seven years of Qianlong, promoted to the Board of Punishments principal, in 1798 (Jiaqing three years) Sentence of the Ministry of Foreign Ministry Lang was appointed deputy examiner Hunan examiner.
Jiaqing four years was promoted to the Ministry of punishment. Soon after, Yi Bing Shou as the prefect of Huizhou in Guangdong. In Huizhou during Hennessy, diligent and love the people, and is committed to local cultural construction, after the school, founder of the Academy, the reuse of talent, its support Lingnan wit Song Xiang story, it became a story. When he was rebuilding the former residence of Su Dongpo, accidentally from the ink pool found Su's cherished "Germany has a neighbor" Duan Yan. Later, Iraq Bing ribbon
This Yan back to Tingzhou Ninghua home, and the den named "thanks to Yan Zhai." Some people say that this piece of Su Dongpo used to Yibing Shouduan brought endless Reiki, he used this Duan Yan Mo ink writing the words particularly beautiful. This Yan collection in Ninghua County Museum, for the national secondary cultural relics.
1805 (Jiaqing ten years) around, Yangzhou successive years of floods, two governor of iron Paul recommended Yi Bing Shou, to Nanhe, Gaoyou, Baoying investigation disaster. Soon, Yi Bing Shou was ordered to serve as prefect of Yangzhou. He set up porridge plant, resettlement of the victims, while the mobilization of wealthy business-to-disaster relief, and soon stabilized the situation in the disaster area. In the disaster area, the disaster area of ​​the disaster-stricken areas, , But also to take some flexible measures to enable the victims to rebuild their homes as soon as possible to resume production. And personally check the books, issued relief money and grain, is strictly prohibited Xu service grams, won the victims praise. More than 30,000 people fleeing to the city under the river floods, Yibing Shou advised the wealthy giant room to donate more than sixty thousand gold, set up factories in the temple, according to the population of the victims Fu Mian money, and in each village set up porridge, Of the victims. Some victims want to kill cattle for food. Yi Bing Shou according to the valuation of cattle to the credit quality, to recruit hand-shepherd, allowing the victims next spring to redeem, to ensure the spring plowing production. In order to social stability, Iraq Bingbing sent troops to exterminate the Beihu giant catastrophe iron generation, to crack down on "deceitful" deception of Nie Road, so that those rogue rogue local ruffians are severely punished. Therefore, the "history of Qing Dynasty," said: the disaster in Yangzhou, "the people, although hungry, security blocking no confusion." The second year, Yangzhou favorable weather, all waste are Hing,
Jiaqing eleven years, in order to promote the development of Yangzhou local culture, special recruitment Jiao Xun, Ruan Yuan and other famous scholars "Yangzhou map" and "Yangzhou Wencui".
In 1807 (Jiaqing twelve years), Iraqi ribbon transfer Hekou Road, and soon transferred two Huai salt transportation history. Just served two months, his father died, they returned to Tingzhou Ningben funeral. In the home cooking his father's funeral, Yi Bing Shou Ding worry about three years, may feel the career fatigue, and spent five years in Ninghua. Period, he left a lot of handwriting folks, but also do a lot of good things. One year, Ninghua wall collapsed, he was a daughter of maintenance. Another year, his hometown suffered famine, he not only donate food relief, but also use their own identity to persuade businesses to sell rice. And donated grain of 200 stone, relief victims; he also advocated Guangji, Longmen Bridge, raise money silver million. Return home during his hometown, Jiaqing sixteen years in autumn, he revisited Huizhou. Huizhou people heard that Iraqi ribbon to meet to meet. Yibing Shou visited Lake College, to see the College with a dedicated for their worship Temple, it will be removed.
In 1815 (Jiaqing twenty years) in the summer, after repeated urging friends, Yi Bing ribbon left Ninghua, leaving Beijing, via Yangzhou, old friends stay him, live to September. Yangzhou in September the weather is getting cooler. He accidentally infected with Qiu Han, sudden pneumonia, a disease can not afford, on September 11 died in Yangzhou. After the burying Ninghua Cao Fang Shi Niuyi (now Cao village).
Yangzhou people learned that after the death of the former prefect, he enshrined in the three Yin Temple, and the history of Yangzhou three prefect Ouyang Xiu, Su Dongpo, Wang Shizhen and worship. A few decades ago, Tingzhou Ninghua Huang Shen in this land to poetry and calligraphy to win the reputation, a few decades later, another Tingzhou Ninghua Yi Bing Shou with his diligence and benevolent, here was praised.
Yi Bing Shou governance Although Yangzhou Dehui political sound, for the Qing Dynasty Mingli, but he never worked. He moved his own residence from the "rich garden" to the "Huangshi Garden", an old town inhabited by civilians named "The Cottage on the Lake". He is also clean and honest in life Geng Jie, put an end to sensuality, "every food must be a vegetable", "to clear my heart ear." Often said: "Life is also, directly to the world of nature, no less evil, the line is positive." Yi Bing Shou for the official clean, diligent love the people, won the Yangzhou people love. "Wuzhou nostalgia recorded" praised him, said: "Yangzhou Prefecture on behalf of the famous Yin, Qing Qianjia, Tingzhou Yi Moqing Prefecture for the most, romantic literary grace, Huizheng and the people, and Ouyang Yongshu, Su Dongpo has comparable, township People praise is not bad, enshrines the Yin Temple containing wine hall.

personal works

The main ink handed down in the "Miao Temple Collection", 1971 Taiwan Public Publishing House published "clear Iraqi ribbon ribbon works", in 1984 October Shanghai bookstore published the "Yi Bing Shou Li script ink election." Although he can all four bodies, but the official script for the most. The official script for the magnificent ancient monument in a class. Only in the Shanghai Bookstore published the "official script ink election" that is received by its provisional written "Pei Cen", "Han Ren Ming", "Yin Choubei", "Kong Chuang tablet", "Zhang Qian" "Wait. In particular, thanks to the "value square monument", according to Yi Bing Shou "stay spring cottage poetry copy" shows that he was writing "monument square" up to a hundred times. Rongqian Qin Zhuanzhou, Han Wei brick and Yan weather in a furnace, and self-contained.
Its handed down the book works "section of the Tang and Song book screen" twelve lines, a total of one hundred and twenty-eight words, the Shanghai Museum collection, published in Japan, "China Ming and Qing calligraphy album." "Lin Liu Gongzhizhichu axis", the book in Jiaqing three years (1798), four lines of eighty-six words, published in Japan, "Chinese Book Collection". "Book from the book of poetry," a total of forty-one six words, Liaoning Provincial Museum collection, published in Japan, "China's Complete Works of the book." "Seven poems axis", a total of forty-five words in six lines, published in Japan, "the Ming and Qing Dynasties said." "Running Laozi language axis", the three lines of ten for the word, published in Japan, "Chinese book collection". And "Chinese Calligraphy Kam Kam" income "South Park, Mr. Du book", in twenty years (1931) Shakespeare Bookstore, according to the owner of possession of Mexican ink marks.
Ipin ribbon book gift Guiwei Gu (Fu) flower Ling couplet (right), Jinling Tiandou floor collection.
(1798) to write the five-character joint "clear light should be on the bamboo, leisure Ya Sheng-wen," the three-year period, "Jiaqing eight years (1803) written by the five-character" political voice of Han Li Bu, by the righteous Dong Jiangdu. "Jiaqing nine years (1804) to write the five-word" never more ancient, can give poetry. (1805) written by the four words "change temperament, cultivate spirituality." (The above is seen in the "Chinese calligraphy culture, Yi Bing Shou's calligraphy art"). And the Capital Museum collection, published in the "Ancient Chinese Paintings and Calligraphers," the five-character "origin from the mood, straight to take the real situation," and donated Yi Yuan nine brothers speak of "Chong Fu Fuyuan track, , Published in Japan, "Complete Works of Chinese calligraphy," the seven words of "more than three thousand years from top to bottom, one of the seven odd text" and so on.
In addition to the couplet, its handed down the official script works are also published in Japan, "Comprehensive Dictionary Da Da Dian" and "Jin Shu Liu Yi Chuan sentence", published in Japan, "Ming and Qing Dynasties," said, "Wei Shu language axis", Kyoto, Japan Museum collection, published in Japan, "Chinese Book Road, Complete Works" of the "section of the provisional monument of Han Heng."






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