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  • 中文名闵贞
  • 性别
  • 祖籍湖北武穴
  • 出生日期1730年
  • 逝世日期1788年
  • 职业清画家
  • 主要成就扬州八怪之一
  • 代表作品《蕉石图》、《花卉图》
  • 所属年代清代
  • 正斋
  • 蓼[liǎo]塘居士

闵贞,清画家。江西南昌人,侨居湖北汉口,字正斋,或呼闵騃子(闵騃子一作闵骏子)。善书画篆刻。尤工山水、写意人物,笔墨超逸。 (姓氏联典·闵- 推荐“奇联绝对” - 中国便民在线论坛诚信)




闵贞:号正斋。清朝广济人。学绘事,追摹其父母像而奉把之。远近称为孝了。旁 通绘画山水花鸟,尤精于篆刻,朱鸳。翁方纲皆器重之。(闵姓_雅虎知识堂)翁方纲序其奉馔图亦曰广济人:予从来不轻为人作序,诚以无所发明,则序不作可也。广济孝子正斋闵君绘其二亲为奉馔图,当世贤而有文者既皆诗之矣,何以序为?闵君将归,抱其册来,泣谓予曰:「诸君子所言者多誉某之孝耳。某何敢言孝,顾未有一语及於吾先人之为人者,则某奚以即安?」予告之曰:此奉馔者,子职也。惟子职是供,则惟子职是述。奚其及於尊亲哉?闵君则抚图以泣,若不胜其痛者良久。予再三问以二老人之行谊,则闵君惟有称其淳古笃实朴厚之状,若摹於目而绘於手者。嗟乎,此真言语所不能传而图绘所不能尽者也。凡言语可以传,图绘可以尽者,皆非其真也。世间长松千尺,灵芝九茎,裂山石而感风雷者,皆是物也。嗟乎,此焉得不为之序乎!於是序其质直之语以为是图後序。


Min Zhen (1730 - 1788) word is vegetarian, Hubei Wuxue people, one of Yangzhou eight strange. The painting of Ming Wu Wei, good painting landscapes, figures, flowers and birds, more for freehand, ink odd vertical, occasional fine for. Figure painting the most unique, concise lines of natural, physical and mental force Xiao. Handed down works of "banana stone map", "flower map" and so on.
Min Zhen, a painter. Jiangxi Nanchang people, living in Hubei Hankou, the word is fasting, or call Min dumplings (Min Daozi for Min Chun son). Good calligraphy and painting seal carving. You work landscape, freehand characters, ink and Chaoyi. (Surname Lian Dian Min - recommended "odd absolute" - China convenience online forum integrity)
Min-zhen figure painting has two kinds of rough pencil and fine brush, rough pen, pen and ink, such as "eight son view lamp map", "banana Yin ladies" and so on. Fine pen figure painting is neat and gorgeous, such a site, "Juan Church lay like." Jun Tang for the Qing Dynasty famous calligraphy, seal carving family ancestors. Figure in the Palestinian ancestors, face Qing, dressed in red, sitting on the orchid gorgeous Pu pad, modeling, such as sitting Buddha general, was very solemn. Min Zhen meticulous character line drawing out of Li Gonglin, meticulous, we can see Min Zhen is a character who can put the painter.
At that time, many people asked him to paint, according to legend, the two lakes, the Governor had forced him to portrait, he fled Beijing, refused to yield; in Beijing, and Liang Xian ordered his paintings, he would be insulted hungry, and refused to put pen to paper. But the painting of the poor and poor, all without exception, and even take the initiative to paint to help. His works, had a certain impact on the Korean painter. Engraving and engraving, not Han left.

One for Nanchang

Min Zhen, the word is fasting. No. Polygonum Tong lay. Jiang right people (Jiangxi Nanchang). Overseas Chinese Residence Hankou. There filial piety, known as "Min Xiaozi." Early death of parents, in order to pursue the portrait of his parents, hard work to paint. Good painting pencil ink vertical, bold and unrestrained Shen Xiong freehand brushwork, can also draw neat fine for. Good landscape, bold Shen Xiong, quite a huge interest. Character ink odd vertical and horizontal, clothing lines at random transition, heroic peerless, ladies good for straight pen hook Le, Yi Yuan Yi Yan. The white Luowan Jirou Li Kelin's real. And fine portrait. Quiet quiet leisure, no vertical and horizontal habits. His works are "Zhongnan Jinshi map", "stone play date map", "Lan Yi micro step map", "near the stone in the cloud map", "Wu Lao carrying children map" and so on. Zhongzhu the official wind, "which is" fasting "refers to the Min Zhen, was hailed as" Qin Han Zhi ", which shows the extent of its impact on the future generations of the deep.

One for Guangji people

Min Zhen: No. is fasting. Qing Dynasty Guangji people. Learn to paint things, to copy their parents like to put it. Far and far known as filial piety. Bypass painting landscape birds and flowers, especially good at carving, Zhu Yu. Weng Fang Gang are all of the. (Min Xing _ Yahoo Knowledge Church) Weng Fang Gang preface its Bong dishes are also said Guangji: to never light for the human order, honest to no invention, the order can not be made. Guangji filial piety is Minjoon painting two parents to serve dishes chart, when the world Yin and the text of both the poem carry on, why order? Minjun will return, hold the book, the sobbing that said: "Zhu Junzi said more than a certain reputation of filial piety, a dare to speak of filial piety, Gu no words and in my ancestors for people, then a Xi "Announcement of the said: This Fengzao who, sub-office also. But the child is for the job, but only child is described. Xi and its respect for pro-zai? Min-Jun is stroking to cry, if the pain is not a long time. To ask again and again to the old friendship between the two, the Min Chun said only its Chun Taku Takashi Park thick like, if the copy in the head and painted in the hand. Alas, this truth can not pass the language of the painting can not do as well. Where the language can be passed, can be painted to make those who are not the true also. The world long pine 1000 feet, Ganoderma lucidum nine stems, split rocks and a sense of wind and thunder who are also material. Alas, this was not the sequence of almost Yan! So the preface of its direct language that is after the sequence diagram.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对