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从书于竹节之名款“辛酉人”考之,当生于南宋绍兴11年(1141)或北宋元丰4年(1081)。宣和年间颇有画名,善画水墨梅竹,师从杨无咎,得其生动之状。传世作品《雪中梅竹图》, 即《雪梅图》。

  • 中文名徐禹功
  • 别名自号辛酉人
  • 性别
  • 祖籍江西人
  • 出生日期公元1141
  • 逝世日期不详
  • 职业画家
  • 代表作品《雪中梅竹图》

 【雪中梅竹图】绢本 水墨、纵30cm、横122cm 辽宁省博物馆藏。在《雪中梅竹图》中,无论是章法构图,还是技法表现,都明显地体现着他与其师扬无咎的师承关系。遗憾的是他的存世之作仅此一件,使我们不能领略其自身画风之格局。画上有清乾隆帝及董邦达、梁诗正等人的题诗。


English Introduction

 Xu Yugong (1141 ~?) Xin Youren, painter of Southern Song Dynasty, plum and bamboo painting, Jiangxi people, cloth clothes, love to write plum and bamboo, to inspire themselves with elegance. There is no textual research on the history of painting, but from Zhao Mengjian's inscriptions and postscripts after his volume Mei Zhu Tu in Snow, we know that he is a disciple who is blameless and free of charge, and he has got the interest of being blameless and unrestrained. Judging from his own "Xin Youren Yu Gongfu", he should have been born in 1141, but the year of his death is unknown. Among the descendants of Yang Wugui's "Fengwen Village Mei", Xu Yugong is a relatively successful painter. However, due to the few works that remain in the world, we can only get a glimpse of its artistic style from this volume of Mei Zhu Tu in Snow.

According to the famous money "Xin Youren" written in the bamboo festival, he was born in Shaoxing in the Southern Song Dynasty in 11 years (1141) or Yuanfeng in the Northern Song Dynasty in 4 years (1081). During Xuanhe's reign, he was quite famous for his paintings. He was good at painting plum and bamboo in ink and wash. He learned from Yang Wugui and got his vivid appearance. The handed down work "Mei Zhu Tu in Snow", namely "Xue Mei Tu".

[Meizhutu in Snow] Silk ink, 30cm in length and 122cm in breadth, collected in Liaoning Museum. In Mei Zhu Tu in the Snow, both the composition of the rules and the performance of the techniques clearly reflect the relationship between him and his teachers. It is a pity that his works are the only one that makes us unable to appreciate the pattern of his own painting style. There are poems inscribed by Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty, Dong Bangda and Liang Shizheng.

"Plum and Bamboo in Snow" is now in the Liaoning Museum, silk, ink, originally known as "Plum Blossom Volume of Song and Yuan Dynasty". Three poles of bamboo were repaired with ink and wash. Plum branches blossomed and ink was dyed on silk to show that snow pressed the branches. Strong ink to write branches, fine sketches, smart style. Among the bamboo festivals, there are six words of "Xin You Ren Yu Gongfu". Zhao Mengjian inscribed Bayun on his paintings and calligraphy: "At first I didn't know the power of Yu Gong, but now I can see that Xu Junyugong's work hidden by Yueyue Master is the best way to escape from Zen. Unfortunately, I didn't know it before, and later generations can sing more clearly.

This volume is followed by Song Yang's blameless travel book "Liuzhao Qing" ten imperfections, and Yuan Wuju (Yingzhi), Meizhi Tu and Wuzhen (Dao Ren of Plum Blossom) Meizhu Tu, which are well-constructed. In front of the volume, there are the prefaces of Qianlong inscription poems, followed by Ming Yang Xunji, Xu Shouhe and other posts. There have been many books in Ming Dynasty, such as Implication Edition, Bian Yongyu's Ancient Style Hall Calligraphy and Painting Collection, Wu Sheng's Daguanlu and Shiqu Baotu. Ming Yuan Tai, Xu Shouhe, Qing An Qi, Qing Nei Fu and so on.






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