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  • 中文名李阳冰
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍 谯郡(治今安徽亳州)
  • 出生地谯郡(治今安徽亳州)
  • 职业文学家、书法家
  • 主要成就"李斯后书写小篆第一人"
  • 代表作品 《三坟记》、《谦卦铭》、《怡亭铭》等
  • 字号字少温













李白寓居当涂后,与李阳冰在县署和山间时相过从,屡有聚会。他看到当时的李阳冰,是"高歌林木,大笑喧雷霆。落笔洒篆文,崩云使人惊。吐辞又炳焕,五色落华星。秀句满江国,高才 天庭。"说阳冰不仅书法有独到之处,而且所写的诗文也十分艳丽华美。为了表达对李阳冰的敬慕,他还专为李阳冰写了一篇《当涂李宰君画赞》,赞云:"天垂元精,岳降粹灵。应期命世,大贤乃生。吐奇献策,敷闻王庭。帝用休之,扬光泰清。滥觞百里,涵量八溟。缙云飞声,当涂政成。雅颂一变,江山再荣。举邑 舞,式图丹青。眉秀华盖,目朗明星,鹤矫阆凤,麟腾玉京,若揭日月,昭然运行。穷神阐化,永世作程。"这篇赞文不仅表达了李白对李阳冰怀着十分敬慕的心情,而且为李阳冰这样有谋略、有胆识、有政绩的人,在国家动乱、世道衰微的情况下,不能大显身手、施展抱负而惋惜。



















李阳冰以篆书为己任,始学李斯《峄山碑》,承玉筋笔法,然在体势上变其法。线条上变平整为婉曲流动,显得婀娜多姿。《金壶记》称"阳冰尤精书学,豪骏墨劲,当时人谓曰笔虎。"张旭的笔法也曾得到李阳冰的传授。暮年所篆,笔法愈见淳劲。自称:" 斯翁(李斯)之后, 直至小生。曹喜、蔡邕不足道也。"康有为《广艺舟双辑》称其为:"以瘦劲取胜,若《谦卦铭》,益形怯薄,破坏古法极矣。"
















6、元人吾丘衍曾提出李阳冰即李潮的观点,他在《学古编》中称:"阳冰名潮,杜甫甥也,后以字行,因以为名,而别字少温。木玄虚《海赋》有云:'其下阳冰不治,阴火潜然,则知与潮,又且有理'。"(吾丘衍《学古篇》,《历代印学论文选》第20页,西冷印社出版社,1999年8月第二版)清人刘熙载在其《艺概》中亦支持此说,并从李阳冰兄弟的名、字及李阳冰和李潮作品传世的情况等方面提出支持意见。(刘熙载《艺概》,《历代书法论文选》第699页,上海书画出版社,1979年10月第一版)他们这种观点虽得到一些人的认可,但大多数人是不认同这种提法的,清顾炎武即对此进行了详尽的反驳:"阳冰赵郡人,太白族叔,其字少温,见于《宣和书谱》,与其名相应。若为潮,而以阳冰、少温为字,于义旨无取。阳冰工篆书,潮工八分,观赵氏《金石录》载《城隍神祠记》、《忘归台铭》、《孔子庙记》、《先茔碑》、《三坟记》等为李阳冰篆书而《慧义寺弥勒像碑》、《彭元曜墓志》为李潮书,则非一人明矣。" (顾炎武《金石文字记》)。朱关田先生为此还专门著《李阳冰、李潮小议》进行了详细论辨,重新确立李阳冰和李潮不是同一个人的事实。(朱关田《唐代书法考评》第193-196页,浙江人民美术出版社,1992年2月第一版)




又据《赵郡李氏世系》之李騊駼至李阳冰世系为:騊駼子政藻、政起、政期,政藻子行敦,行敦子怀一怀一子雍门,雍门子阳冰。可以看出,李阳冰的五世祖是李騊駼而非李善权。此表又有"南祖之后有善权,后魏谯郡太守,徙居谯。生延观,徐梁二州刺史,生续。"续子显达,显达子迁,迁子孝卿,孝卿子敬玄,敬玄子思冲、守一。从这里可以看出,李善权的五世孙是李孝卿而非李阳冰。 可见,"李阳冰五世祖李善权为后魏谯郡太守"毫无根据。








11、古诗文网:李阳冰(生卒年不详),唐代文字学家、书法家。字少温,谯郡(治今安徽亳州)人,祖籍赵郡(治今河北赵县)。李阳冰五世祖李善权为后魏谯郡太守,将家徙至谯郡(治今安徽亳州),于是在安徽亳州一带有了赵郡李氏的后裔。 但这与赵郡李氏世系和《新唐书》"宰相世系表"相矛盾,李善权七世孙李敬玄生于615年 ,不可能到唐玄宗开元年间(713-741)还有李阳冰这个五世孙,且宰相世系表中"阳冰,将作少监"根本就不在"(南祖之后有)善权"名下。






14、吴越的长篇历史小说《括苍山恩仇记》载:李阳冰--唐赵州人,祖籍陇西成纪( 今甘肃天水 ),字少温,乾元元年(唐肃宗李亨年号,公元758 年)出任缙云县县令,后迁当涂县令,是李白的从叔,也是李白诗集的第一个编纂者,篆书与李斯齐名,缙云县境有其摩崖石刻多处。







English Introduction

 Paul Mauriat's History

Li Yangbing, a Tang Dynasty writer and calligrapher, was born and died in an unknown year. Words less temperature, Zhongwen, Xuejun (today's Bozhou, Anhui) people, say Hezhou (today's Hechuan, Chongqing) people (see "Unity Records"). Li Shanquan, the fifth ancestor of Li Yangbing, was a Taishou County in the late Wei Dynasty. He migrated his family to the county (Bozhou, Anhui Province today). Therefore, he had the descendants of Li family in Bozhou, Anhui Province. Uncle Li Bai.

During the reign of Emperor Suzong Qianyuan (758-759), he served as Jinyun County magistrate. In the second year of Shangyuan (761), he moved to Dangtu County, with achievements.

At the beginning of Dai Zong's Great Calendar (766), he was appointed Bachelor of Jixian Academy. In the early years of the middle school (780), the leader of the country, the official will be a minor prisoner.

Character Relations

Dealing with Li Bai

Ancient books record: "Baoying's first year, for the Dangdu Ling, Bai Zhiyi, once Bai Xu's poetry collection. Li Jixian Academy Bachelor, late as a juvenile prisoner, known as Li Jian. "

In the second year of Tang and Shangyuan (761), Li Bai in his later years came to Dangtu from Jinling (now Nanjing) and went to Dangtu from Shu Li Yangbing. At first, Li Yangbing did not know Li Bai's predicament and intention. When Li Yangbing sent Li Bai on board the ship to say goodbye, he saw Li Bai's poem "Dedicate to Uncle Dang and Tu Zai Yang Bing", and then he was saved. First of all, the poem praises Li Yangbing's talent, saying: "My family has Ji Father, outstanding Sheng Daiying, although there are no three tables, do not borrow four great names. Enthusiasm, the ultimate dragon and tiger essence. Weak-crowned Yan Zhaolai, Xianyan welcomes more. Lu Lian is good at talking and laughing. "He believed that Li Yangbing was an outstanding person and was respected and appreciated by the wise men in his hometown from an early age. Many wise men were willing to associate with him, saying that he was neither dependent on dignity nor heroic. Then he praised and appraised Li Yangbing's achievements in the local government in his poems. Said, "When the slaughter is difficult, the ancient city is empty of clouds. If a man shaves grass, he sweeps the floor without a slender stem. Huize flew away and the farmer returned to farming. Guanghan River is ten thousand miles long, and the sound of Yuqin is long. Yasong broadcasts Wu and Yue, just like Tai Tiaoping. "He believed that Li Yangbing came to Dangtu after the Anshi Rebellion, and was ordered to deal with the situation in danger. He was well-governed and well-run, with outstanding achievements. Finally, in the poem, he stated his difficult situation of no return and said, "The boy is not in Jinling, but comes to Baixia Pavilion. A group of Phoenixes pity the visitors, and the pools mourn each other. Each pulls out five-coloured wool, meaning heavy Taishan light. It costs a lot to give away micronutrients and water long whales. Sword-playing sings bitter and cold, before the severe wind blows. Moon Title Tianmen Xiao, frost Niuzhuqing. Long sigh is the way back, Linchuan empty screen camp. "From the poem, it can be seen that Li Bai clearly visited Yangbing from Jinling in winter, because Jinling could not live on the help of friends, so he came to visit Yangbing. Li Yangbing, however, was magnificent and helpful, and treated his friends with benevolence, so that Li Bai finally had a place of shelter and destination in his later years.

After living in Dangtu, Li Bai and Li Yangbing met each other in the county office and in the mountains, and there were frequent gatherings. He saw Li Yangbing at that time, who was "singing loudly and stirring up trees, laughing loudly and thundering". Writing and writing seal letters make people astonished when clouds break down. The speech was brilliant and colorful. Xiuju Man Jiangguo, Gaocai Tiantian. "Saying that Yang Bing has not only unique calligraphy, but also beautiful poems and prose. In order to express his admiration for Li Yangbing, he also wrote a special article for Li Yangbing, "Painting Praise of Dangtu Li Zaizhuan", praising Yun: "The essence of heaven hangs down, the essence of Yue Jiangjie. A man of great virtue is born when his life is due. Tuqi offered advice and listened to Wang Ting. Emperor Xiuzhi, Yangguang Taiqing. A hundred miles from the beginning, eight miles from the end. Jinyun flying sound, when Tu Zhengcheng. Once Yasong changes, Jiangshan will be glorious again. Juyi Dance, Danqing Style. Meixiu Huagai, Mulang Star, Hejiao Phoenix, Linteng Yujing, if the sun and the moon are uncovered, Zhaoran. Poor God elucidates the process of eternity. "This praise not only expresses Li Bai's great admiration for Li Yangbing, but also regrets that Li Yangbing, a person with strategy, courage and political achievements, can not show great skill and exert his ambition under the circumstances of national turmoil and declining morality.

In November of the first year of Zongbaoying in Tang Dynasty (762), Li Bai was not ill. In the hospital bed, Li Yangbing handed over his draft poems and prose, and asked him to edit the preface. Later, Li Yangbing compiled his poems and essays into ten volumes of Cao Tang Ji and wrote Preface for it. In Preface, Yang Bing said that he was "in a hurry to hang a crown, with tens of thousands of volumes of drafts and uncorrected manuscripts, which should be prefaced". This means that Li Yangbing compiled a collection for Li Bai and wrote a preface when he was about to leave office. In his preface, he not only gives a brief account of Li Bai's family, life, thoughts, personality, friendship and so on, but also gives a high appraisal of Li Bai's writings and achievements in poetry and prose. He called Li Bai "a solitary man in a thousand years" and "a mere man in a mere article, which has been combined in six ways, can be said to be the enemy's creation."

Character Achievements

Yang Bingshan's Ci Chapter, "Xiuju Manjiang Garden"; Gongzhuan Shu, "The Skill of Writing Wonderful World". The commentator praised his calligraphy with the words of "insect-eaten birds, popular rain, Tai'a Longquan, lofty Huayue, and precipitous". He called it "Three Hundred Years of Tang Dynasty, the person named by seal, is the only one who can walk alone. "

There are many stone carvings written by Li Yangbing. Among them are the records of Town God's Temple in Jinyun of Zhejiang, the book of praise in the Fuzhou's Wushi mountain, the Shun Temple Monument in Guangxi's Guilin, the Yi Ting Ming in Hubei Wuchang, and the tablet of Yan Zhen Zhen temple in Shaanxi Xi'an. In particular, the Qiangua Stele on the campus of No. 12 Middle School in Wuhu, Anhui Province, was inscribed in stone by Li Yangbing at the request of his friends during his tenure as a county decree. This tablet is seal book, with sharp momentum, strong wind and strong brushwork. In the Tang Dynasty, people were scattered. In the early Ming Dynasty, the Wang clan of Wuhu was acquired in Dangtu City and transferred the tablet to the secret house of Wuhu. In the fourth year of Jiajing in Ming Dynasty (1525), Zhang Dayong, supervisor of Wuhu Guan, moved from Wang's family to a scholar and wrote a postscript on it: "Qin Xiangsi, the ancestor of Yangbing Seal Letters, has passed his brushwork, and Shuyuan's opinions are detailed. It is the Wang clan of Wuhu carved in Tibet. It was acquired in the early days of the country by Dangtu County. It is elegant and vigorous in style and spirit, with outstanding and ancient meaning. Unfortunately, the inscription "Stele Stone" was destroyed in the turmoil of the Cultural Revolution, while "Qianhexagram Stele" still exists today.

Folding Representative Works

The Three Tombs, inscribed in the second year of the Tang Dynasty (767). Written by Li Jiqing, Li Yangbing's book. The Three Tombs is Li Yangbing's masterpiece. In seal books of the Tang Dynasty,

Li Yangbing is the highest achiever. It is called "wire drawing". "Three Tombs Tablet" is based on Li Si's Jade Tendon Brushwork of "Mount Fushan Tablet". It wins with thin strength, slender body, vigorous and smooth lines. The brushwork is thick and thin from beginning to end, smooth and clean, graceful and elegant.

Sun Chengze-yun of the Qing Dynasty said: "Seal scripts have been pushed by Li Yangbing since the Qin and Han Dynasties. Looking at "The Three Tombs" today, it is not easy to get the life style of writing and the moment of Fasensensen. However, after Lu Xuanwei's painting of Jinteng Tu, Yu saw Yang Bing's handwriting, which was full of vigor and elegance, and was beyond the reach of stone carvings. "Qing Kang Youwei believes that"Three Tombs"wins by"leanness". Mr. Wang Nanming, a contemporary calligrapher, once wrote a commentary on Li Yangbing's small seal: "The lines, like the swaying willows or the stretching rolls of clouds, are filled with a Lyric atmosphere, representing the literary style of the revival of small seal calligraphy in the Tang Dynasty. "The three grave inscriptions", "Town God's Temple tablet", "modest hexagram inscription", "Yi Ting Ming", "the book of praise and the epitaph of Wu Jizha" are all the later versions.

Folding Stone Carving Calligraphy

Li Yangbing likes to carve stone, and Yan Zhenqing's inscriptions invite him to seal his forehead. His famous books include "three grave inscriptions", "yetting inscription in parallel", "Town God's Temple tablet", "Yi Qian hexagram", "slipper new post" and so on. Among them, the writing style of Yi Qian Gua is especially thin and vigorous. Wang Shu of the Qing Dynasty called it "Zhuyun Tieba": "The brush is like silkworm spinning silk, the bone is like cotton wrapped in iron. "

Artistic Achievements

Li Yangbing's Poetry Collection of Cao Tang is the preface. Li Yangbing was famous for seal Science in Tang Dynasty. He was a refined little seal, round and thin, which changed the seal of Qin Dynasty greatly.

Ge, known as the first person of Li Si's later Xiaozhuan, has a great influence on later generations. Since the Qin Dynasty and Lisi's sorting out and standardizing Xiaozhuan, over a thousand years have passed from the Han, Wei, Jin to Sui and Tang Dynasties. The scholars of books have only attacked the real grass, while the study of seal scripts has been abandoned. Li Yangbing sighed and said, "Heaven is not lost, so the purpose of the boy to get seal. "Li Yangbing once published 20 volumes of Shuowen Jiezi written by Xushen in the Eastern Han Dynasty, but greatly changed the seal law and interpretation of the original book. Since then, Xu Shen's origin has gradually disappeared, while Li's publication is prevalent. Until the early Song Dynasty, Xu Kai revised Shuowen Jiezi and sorted out the contents of the original book, which restored Xu's original appearance.

Li Yangbing took seal book as his duty, began to learn Li Si's "Mount Yishan Stele" and inherited Yujin's brushwork, but changed his style in body posture. The lines become smooth and graceful. "Golden Pot Record" said, "Yang Bing is especially good at calligraphy, heroic and vigorous ink, then people called the pen tiger. "Zhang Xu's brushwork was also taught by Li Yangbing. In his old age, his writing style became more and more pure and vigorous. Self-proclaimed: "After Sion (Liss), until Xiaosheng. Cao Xi and Cai Yong are insignificant. "Kang Youwei's Guangyizhou Double Collection" calls it: "Winning with thin strength, if the"Qian Gua Ming", it will become more timid and destroy the ancient law. "

At that time, Yan Zhenqing's inscriptions on the tablets were bound to ask Li Yangbing to use the inscriptions of seal scripts, which shows the far-reaching influence of his seal scripts. Li Bai, a great poet, wrote poems like "My family has Ji Father, an outstanding Sheng Daiying" and "The writing and writing of seal scripts are amazing, which shows that Li Yangbing's seal scripts have indeed made great achievements. Sun Chengze in the Qing Dynasty in the "Gengzi Xiaoxia Ji" also known as the seal since the Qin and Han Dynasties, Li Yangbing as the first hand, we can see its high evaluation.

Life experience dispute

As for Li Yangbing's life, there are no biographies of old and new Tang Dynasty books, and other historical materials are not accurately recorded. Nowadays, most of the discussions in newspapers and websites come from the theoretical works of calligraphy, but they are not detailed in many languages, so that their identities are varied and contradictory at the same time.

1. Tang Calligraphy Critic Dou Gao's "Shu Shu Fu": Tong Jia Shiye, Li Jun, Zhao County. Fushan side by side, Xuanfu in the same group. Hole in the study of Chinese characters, ancient and modern general prose. Family filial piety, sense of wind and cloud. (Li Yangbing, a native of Zhaojun County, father Yongmen Lake City Order, family background in Yunyang, Chengbaimen as a lieutenant. Bing Brothers, all five of whom are negative in Ci studies, worked in Xiaozhuan, first teacher Li Si's "Mount Fushan Stele" and later saw Zhongni's "Wu Jizha Epitaph", then changed and opened up, such as tiger like dragon, vigorous and bold, popular rain collection, the text of the book, carefully in mind, who knows is called the back of Cangjie. Liziteng, Bingziteng, and Ci field is the highest. The younger son said that he was broad, diligent in learning filial piety and righteousness, so that he could have a family together with his younger children. )

2. Li Yangbing, a Tang Dynasty calligrapher, was first appointed as Dangtu County Order, followed by his son Li Yuju Jinyun, which was not handed down later.

3. Li Yangbing, the word less warm, Guanghan people, Baoying was initially when Tuling, according to Li Bailai, presented poetry cloud: Huayi difficult, floating clouds empty ancient city. If a man shaves grass, he sweeps the floor without a slender stem. Huize flew away and the farmer returned to farming. Guanghan River is ten thousand miles long, and the sound of Yuqin is long. Yasong broadcasts Wu and Yue, just like Tai Tianping. [Li Bai's Poetry Collection]

4. Li Yangbing, a philologist and calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty. Words Shaowen, Zhao County (Zhijin Zhaoxian County, Hebei Province) people. For Uncle Li Baizu. It was Jinyun Ling and Tu Ling. Li Jixian Academy Bachelor, late as a juvenile prisoner, known as Li Jian.

5. Volume 3 of Yuan Zhongdao's Traveling Persimmon Records in Ming Dynasty: "Li Yangbing, Li Chaozi, Son Mei Nephew. "

6. Wuqiu Yan of Yuan Dynasty once put forward the view that Li Yangbing is Li Chao. He said in Xue Gu Bian: "Yangbing is famous for its tide, and Du Fu is nephew. Later, he took the words and lines as his name, but the other words were not warm enough. There are clouds in Muxuan Xuxu's Haifu:'If the ice in the sun is not cured, the fire in the clouds is latent, then the tide is known and reasonable'. "(Wuqiuyan's Ancient Learning Papers, Selected Printing Papers of Successive Dynasties, page 20, Xileng Printing Press, August 1999, 2nd edition) Liu Xizai, a Qing Dynasty man, also supported this statement in his Yixue, and put forward his support opinions from the names and characters of Li Yangbing brothers and the handing down of Li Yangbing and Li Chao's works. (Liu Xizai's Yixue, Selected Articles of Calligraphy in Past Dynasties, P. 699, Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy Publishing House, October 1979, first edition) Although their views have been recognized by some people, most people do not agree with this formulation. Looking at Yanwu, they refute it in detail: "Yangbing Zhaojun people, Taibai uncle, their words are less warm, Seen in Xuanhe Shupu, corresponding to its name. If it is the tide, and the word "Yang Bing" and "Shao Wen" are the words, it is not desirable in the purpose. Yang Binggong Seal Book and Chao Gong 8 points. Looking at Zhao's Jinshilu, it is not only Li Chao's book but also Huiyi Temple Maitreya Stele and Peng Yuanqi's Epitaph. Gu Yanwu's Epigraphic Records. Mr. Zhu Guantian has also made a detailed argument in his special book "A Brief Comment on Li Yangbing and Li Chao", re-establishing the fact that Li Yangbing and Li Chao are not the same person. (Zhu Guantian, Review of Calligraphy in Tang Dynasty, PP. 193-196, Zhejiang People's Fine Arts Publishing House, February 1992, first edition)

7. According to the records of the Biography of the Great Sun Yuanzhong in the Northern History of Li Lingfu, when Li Xianfu opened Li Yuchuan, it seemed that the whole clan moved southward, but the actual situation was far from that. In order to illustrate the problem, it is based on Wei Shu Volume 49, Li Lingzhuan, Beiqi Shu Volume 22, Li Yuanzhong Biography, Beiqi Shu Volume 22, Li Yishen Biography, Beiqi Shu Volume 29, Li Hun Biography, Beiqi Shu Volume 43, Li Qilian Biography, Beiji Volume 33, Li Xiaobo Biography, Beiqi Shu Volume 48, Waiqi Biography. "Sui Shu" volume 77 "Biography of Li Shiqian" and so on, which lists a part of the descendants of Li Kai in Zhaojun as follows:

According to the Li Qian-Bing lineage in Zhaojun Li's lineage, the lineage of Li Qian-Bing is: Zhengzao, Zhengqi and Zhengzhou, Zhengzao Xingdun, Dunzi Huaiyi, Yongmen Yangbing. It can be seen that Li Yangbing's fifth ancestor was Li Qian-bian rather than Li Shanquan. This table also states that "after the Southern Ancestor, there was good power, and after the Wei Dynasty, Taishou Prefecture lived in immigration." Sheng Yanguan, the history of Xuliang and Erzhou, Sheng Xuan. "Successor Xianda, Xianda Ziqian, Xiaoqing Shizi, Xiaoqing Zi Jingxuan, Xuanzi Jingxuan thought, Shouyi. From this we can see that Li Shanquan's fifth grandson is Li Xiaoqing, not Li Yangbing. It can be seen that "Li Shanquan, the fifth ancestor of Li Yangbing, was the Taishou County of the later Wei Dynasty" has no basis.

8. Li Yangbing, Zhongwen, from Zhaojun.

9. Li Yangbing (721-785) is originally named Li Chao, with the word "Yang Bing" and "less temperature". Zhaojun (now Handan, Hebei Province) was born in Yunyang when his ancestor attacked Yunyang (now Chunhua, Shaanxi Province) and moved with him. Li Yangbing was born of a distinguished clan, and there were many officials in the clan. He is the nephew of Li Shizhi, the left-wing minister, and Li Shi, the Ministry waiter, Li Bai's uncle and Du Fu's nephew. Father Yongmen (first question), Hucheng order. Li Chao, the three sons, had been appointed by the county decrees of Jiangning, Jinyun and Dangtu, and lived in seclusion for the second time.

10. Sichuan Tongzhi Volume 8: Li Yangbing of Tang Dynasty [Hezhou people, Kaiyuan Dynasty as Tuling, with political achievements. Li Bai, the ancestor, always followed suit. Good seal script, Jing Hou Tang of Zhou Zhi has some books, and the eight-character stone carvings of "Yu Qing" must exist in the house of accumulating good deeds.

11. Ancient Poetry Network: Li Yangbing, a philologist and calligrapher of the Tang Dynasty. Words less temperature, Xuejun (today's Bozhou, Anhui) people, ancestral Zhaojun (today's Zhaoxian, Hebei). Li Shanquan, the fifth ancestor of Li Yangbing, was a Taishou County in the late Wei Dynasty. He migrated his family to the county (Bozhou, Anhui Province today). Therefore, he had the descendants of Li family in Bozhou, Anhui Province. However, this is in contradiction with Li's lineage in Zhaojun County and the "Premier's lineage table" in the New Tang Book. Li Jingxuan, the seventh Sun of Li Shanquan, was born in 615. It is impossible to reach the fifth Sun of Tang Xuanzong in the first year of Kaiyuan (713-741), and the "Yang Bing, who will be a minor supervisor" in the lineage table of the prime minister is not under the name of "good power" (after Nanzu).

12. Fan Zhenwei has studied and studied Li Bai carefully for many years. He has written a new research work on Li Bai. Recently, it was published by Heilongjiang People's Publishing House under the name of "Li Bai's Life, Marriage and Family". This book has seven chapters in depth and extensively studied Li Bai's family and life, and discussed the poet's state of mind, mood and social environment at that time. In Li Bai's research, he boldly broke through the barrier between literature and history, and opened up a new way of thinking for Li Bai's research. He traced back several decades to the edition table of Li clan genealogy, which was made according to the official history of Shiji, Han Shu, Old Tang Shu and New Tang Shu, to prove that Li Yangbing, who was younger than Li Bai, was Li Bai's slave uncle and Li Yangbing was the eighth grandson of Xingsheng Emperor and Liang Wuzhao King. Li Bai was the ninth grandson of the Xingsheng Emperor. In the 1970s, Mr. Guo Moruo corrected Li Bai's title of "self-contradictory and uncertain" in his book "Li Bai and Du Fu". It was just a snobbish look at people talking. The so-called "Li Jiushen Sun's statement seems to have been fabricated by Li Bai himself or his predecessors in order to elevate his family rank". "Li Zhenxiao Li Xin's generation, on Li Bai and Li Yangbing's peers. However, Li Bai called Li Yangbing'Congshu'and reduced himself to a generation.

13. The famous calligraphers of past dynasties said that Li Yangbing was born in Kaiyuan 9, 10 years (721-722) and died in the early years of Zhenyuan (785-787). He was born in Zhaojun County (now Zhaoxian County in Hebei Province) and later lived in Yunyang (now Jingyang in Shaanxi Province) and became a Beijing Zhaoren.

14. Wu Yue's long historical novel Enqiu Ji of Kuo Cangshan contains: Li Yangbing, a native of Zhaozhou in Tang Dynasty, was born in Chengji of Longxi (now Tianshui of Gansu Province), with few words. In the first year of Qian Dynasty (Tang Suzong, Li Hengnian, 758 A.D.), he became the county decree of Jinyun County, and later moved to the county decree of Tu County. He was Li Bai's slave uncle and the first compiler of Li Bai's poetry collection. Seal books are as famous as Li Si. There are many cliff stone carvings in Jinyun County.

15. During the period of Wuchaohua, the first emperor of the Li family in Longxi was Li Fang. When Xiliang was destroyed by Beiliang, its main famous descendants were divided into two branches: one was after Li Xin, the emperor of Xiliang, and later in the Northern Dynasty, Li Hu, the general of Zhuguo, was conferred the title of Tang Gong, that is, Li Yuan's grandfather. The other was Li Bao, son of his brother Li Fan, who fled to the Northern Wei Dynasty and later became a hero of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Subsequently, Li Chong, a Wuyang house known as the Tang imperial clan, was built. (Tang Dynasty historians for Li Yuan's ancestors to do textual research, known as the "four male ovaries". Among the descendants of Wuyang Fang, the most famous one is the great poet Li Bai and the great calligrapher Li Yangbing.

16. Yu Shao-song's Solution of Painting and Calligraphy Calligraphy Calls Li Yangbing "the Changming Man of Shu".

17. Book Question: The Story of Three Graves, written by Li Jiqing of Tang Dynasty, and written by Li Yangbing (son of Li Jiqing).







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