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  • 中文名查继佐
  • 别名査伊璜
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地 浙江海宁
  • 出生日期1601年(辛丑年)
  • 逝世日期1676年(丙辰年)
  • 代表作品《罪惟录》


























《罪惟录》的撰写时间,据自序说,从甲申年(顺治元年,公元1644年)开始,壬子年(康熙十一年,公元 1672年)写成,用了29年的时间。这部书是在极端险恶的环境中写成的。当时清政府最忌私人撰写明史,尤其是易代之际的历史,唯恐把历史真像揭露出来。浙江湖州南浔人庄廷鑨购得朱国桢《列朝诸臣传》稿本,补以崇祯朝事,定名《明书》,用自己的名字刊刻。因为书中称努尔哈赤为建州都督,不用清朝年号,康熙元年被入告发,结果庄氏全族和为此书写序、校阅、刻字、印刷以至卖书、买书的人和地方官,都被处死,死者70余人。查继佐列名参校,亦被逮捕入狱,幸经友人多方营救,才得免死。在这样一个万分恐怖的情况下,查继佐冒着灭族的危险,终于把《罪惟录》写了出来。他在自序中说,手稿改易了数十次,备极辛苦。这其实是其自吹自擂。


《罪惟录》是一部未定稿。书中常有"某卷颠倒错乱,当重为排定"一类的批语和"当入某目"的眉注,可以概见。原稿在作者当时已经"水溢火焦,泥涂鼠啮,零落破损"收藏者惧祸,又将"建虏"、"满兵"等字样都涂改成"大清",在南明各主及年号上加一"伪"字,所以稿本已非完璧。1931年,张宗祥借得浙江吴兴刘氏嘉业堂所藏原稿加以校补,厘订为本纪22卷、志32卷、传36卷(皆为类传),并子目合共102卷。 1936年,上海商务印书馆据嘉业堂原稿,将涂易可辨的字恢复原样,加注张氏校补文字,影印行世。历经沧桑,沉埋了二百多年的《罪惟录》,至此才得与世人见面。

《罪惟录》最注意"靖难"(指明成祖朱棣夺取皇位的事)以及明清易代之际的记载。 《荒节传》中人物都是"靖难"迎降诸臣。《播匿传》所记孙镇以下44人都是"靖难"时反对成祖的,田时震以下40人都是明末抗清的。《抗运》、《致命》两传,亦大多为"靖难"和易代之际的人物。王鸿绪的《明史稿》、傅维麟的《明书》和清代官修的《明史》,对于"靖难"的记载,往往把真实情况湮没。牵涉到清入关以前的事和易代之际的事,更是讳莫如深,略而不详。查氏《罪惟录》翔实过于三书,尤其是关于清入关以前的历史和易代之际的历史,可以补正三史的缺失。此书也有一些缺点:记事间有自相抵牾处,取材间有道听途说,失于考核处,列传分类,亦有不尽允当处,外志一篇,简直是小说,不是历史。但总起来说,此书大醇小疵,终不失为一部有价值的史书。



清代文学家钮琇的《觚剩》一书中有《雪遘》一文,记载查继佐独酌赏雪,见一乞丐破衣烂衫却气宇轩昂,便招其同饮,后又赠寒衣,勉其自强。入清后,此丐积军功官至提督,专诚邀查赴任所,后赠宅邸以报当年一酌之恩,并送一座名为英石峰的奇石给查继佐 ,此石改名为皱云峰,后世誉为江南三大名石

清代文学家蒲松龄《聊斋志异》有《大力将军》一则,叙查伊璜遇吴六奇,称吴六奇为"吴六一":"后十余年,查犹子令于闽,有吴将军六一者,忽来通谒" ,记载查继佐在一庙内看见吴六奇单手可以升起庙内的大钟,并取出藏在钟内的剩饭,惊为奇人,认为他在这个乱世应该报效社会,使其异能得以发挥。尔后,中国改朝换代,而吴六奇官至水陆提督,衣锦荣归后向查继佐道谢。



至于庄廷鑨明史案,普遍认为是吴六奇搭救了查继佐。蒲松龄《聊斋志异》中"大力将军"一则,叙查伊璜遇吴六奇,结语说:"后查以修史一案,株连被收,卒得免,皆将军力也。"评语称:"厚施而不问其名,真侠烈古丈夫哉。而将军之报,慷慨豪爽,尤千古所仅见。如此胸襟,自不应老于沟渎。以是知两贤之相遇,非偶然也。"《觚剩》一书中叙此事云:"先是苕中有富人庄廷鑨者,购得朱相国史稿,博求三吴名士,增益修饰,刊行于世,前列参阅姓氏十余人,以孝廉夙负重名,亦借列焉。未机私史祸发,凡有事于是书者,论置极典。吴力为孝廉奏辩得免。"(相关情节,在金庸小说《鹿鼎记》第一回"纵横钩党清流祸 峭茜风期月旦评"中也有描写,至于吴六奇为天地会香主等情节,自然是小说家的虚构了。)


野史笔记称查继佐曾救助吴六奇,前者在明史案报恩营救后者,也称查继佐获释后沉迷声色,眷养十二名女优,教习歌舞,终日嬉乐。但是真实情况却并非如以上小说家、野史家所言。 《查继佐年谱》里,查继佐自己否认有此事,说:"葛如,方布衣野走,世传余有一饭之恩,怀之而思报。其实无是也。是则公在时已传其事,故公为之辨。"。乾隆时诗论家吴骞在《拜经楼诗话》中也认为此传闻事不可靠。








English Introduction

 Cha Jizuo, the original name Jiyou, was miswritten in response to the county exam, so he continued to use it. In troubled times, the name of "Laigeng" is "Three Shows in the First Word, Three Friends in the Second Word", Yijuan, Jingxiu, Number and Zhai, Zuoyin, Ark, Bid Issuance, Diaoyu, Xingzhai and Dongshan Diaoguer in the Late Word". Yuan Huaren, Haining. When I was young, my family was poor and sick, and I was eager to learn. Six years (1633) in Chongzhen, Ming Dynasty.

During the reign of King Lu of the Southern Ming Dynasty, he served as the head of the military department and actively resisted the Qing Dynasty. He took part in the armed struggle to defend the Qiantang River, defeated the Qing Army in Cheshan (southwest of Haining), and crossed the sea from Huang Zongxi, the imperial governor, and stationed in Tanshan. After the death of the Ming Dynasty, the name of the province was changed and the word "Cha" was written as "Hawthorn" (in ancient times, the name of the offender was put aside, which is Cha Jizuo's self-comparison with the offender). He returned home to build a worship hall, gathered people to lecture, and compiled the Ming Dynasty history. In the second year of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty (1663), he was imprisoned for his involvement in the case of Chuang Ting and Yong Ming, and was exempted from argument by Wu Liuqi, the governor of Guangdong Province. After his release from prison, he was renamed Zuo Yin, a non-human family name. He lived in a seclusion in Dongshan, Kieshima, and still gathered to lecture. He was known as Mr. Dongshan or Mr. Park.

Niu Yu's "Xue Ruo" is an article in Niu Yu's "Xue Ruo", which evaluates Cha Jizuo's comment: "Haining, Zhejiang, Cha Xiaolian, the word Yijuan, is brilliant and gorgeous, and the style is natural and unrestrained. It is often said to be full of eyes and sad, but Hainei Qijie, who is not able to find things from the dust, is not available. "

Some notes and historical data suggest that Cha Jizuo was a prosecutor of the Ming History case.

(1) (Qing Dynasty) Chen Kangqi, Lang Qian Jiwen: "Only Haining Cha Jizuo, Ren He and Lu Qi, when he was in prison at the beginning, first announced that (Zhuang) Ting Yong admired his ranking in the school, he was exculpated (according to: novel legend, Xian said that he was succeeded by Wu Liuqi; Yuyang Literary Collection is also evident, not true). "

(2) (Qing Dynasty) Gu Yingtai, The Chronicle of Ming Dynasty: "Zhuangting Yong of Huzhou made Ming Dynasty history and inscribed his surname by Chai Juan. Ihuang knows, that is, to inform against learning, to investigate and file a case. In July of this year, Wu Zhirong of Anzhi County came out with a book and accumulated Ihuang. Ihuang said,'Cha Jiyou is a member of Hangzhou. Unfortunately, he has a small name, so Chuang Tingyong will be inscribed in the school. 'Following you's report, that is, the report was made in October of Gengzi, and Wu Zhirong was the parents of Chuang Ting Yongben County, whose first appearance was in July of Xin Uo. If we make the first contribution, we should succeed in the honor before and after the blessings; if we make the accusation late as a crime, we should succeed in the honor later, and the honor crime should not be succeeded by the blessings. Today's honor is rewarded by sin, and then you are killed by merit, which is not inversion. Zhufatai is fortunate for its good fortune. "

There are also rumors that Cha Jizuo rescued Wu Liuqi. The former repaid the latter in the Ming Shi case, but the real situation is not as mentioned by the above novelists and historians. In the Chronicle of Cha Jizuo, Cha Jizuo denied that there was such a thing. He said, "Ge Ru, Fang Buyiye left, and the rest of the world had a meal of grace, and thought about it. Actually, No. Yes, the public had passed on its story at that time, so the public argued for it. Wu Qian, a poetry critic in the Qianlong period, also considered this rumor unreliable in his Poetry Tales of Binglou.

Paul Mauriat's History

Cha Jizuo was born in a small landlord family. He began to read four books with his father at the age of five and learned poetry with his mother at the age of seven. His mother, Shen Shi, was the daughter of Shen Zongwu, a virgin scholar. Cha Jizuo studies very hard. When he was eleven years old, he was studying in a nearby school hall. He could not go home for lunch at noon. In the morning, he had to take powder bait for lunch. He often walks, read aloud, and sometimes sprinkles powder all along the road without knowing it. When he was twelve years old, he went to study far away, lived in a school hall and had to cook and eat by himself. As a result of his hard work, at the age of fifteen, he began his "reputation day".

When he was 20 years old, Cha Jizuo began to work as a school teacher to support his family. Because of his high reputation, wealthy families rushed to hire him. He teaches and reads. When he was thirty-three years old, he returned to his hometown with the pain of "subjugation" after he had passed the exam and lived in Pingping, West Hunan Province, where he studied and lectured until the Ming Dynasty collapsed.

Cha Jizuo is not only a scholar with profound knowledge and great achievements in history, but also an anti-Qing scholar with high national integrity. In June of 1645, Zhu Yihai, king of Lu, was called "Jiaguo" in Shaoxing. After hearing the news, he resolutely crossed the river to participate in the government of King Lu. In the government of King Lu, he first served as director of the military department, supervising Zheng Yixing Army, and then moved to the military department as director of the military department. In the year of King Lu's reign, Cha Jizuo personally led the army to fight against the Qing army in eastern Zhejiang. Much has been gained. He worked hard for the Western Expedition. Self-organizing forces, sending people to set up inter-trip, secretly liaising with Taihu Lake and other local volunteer brigades, to respond to each other. Unfortunately, at that time, the government of King Lu was divided and politically corrupt. His ideas were hampered everywhere and failed to materialize.

In June 1646, the Qing army captured Shaoxing and the government of King Lu came back to power. Cha Jizuo returned to his hometown of Haining and wrote a book in anger. In 1652, at the age of 52, Cha Jizuo left home to give lectures at Juejue Hall in West Lake and gave lectures at Tieyeling Memorial Hall in Hangzhou. Students from all provinces came thousands of miles to study and became the flourish of lectures for a while. From then on, Cha Jizuo gave lectures and wrote books until his death.

Cha Jizuo wrote many kinds of books in his life. Shen Qi's Chronicle of Cha Dongshan says that Cha Jizuo has "a complete collection of 120 volumes, about 8,000 pages". Most of them are historical books, especially those about the period between Ming and Qing Dynasties. Unfortunately, most of them have been lost, and only a few of them have been handed down, such as "Sin Only Record", "Lu Chunqiu", "Dongshan Mandarin", "Fishing Industry".

Major works

Gui Wei Lu is a biographical history of Ming Dynasty. The original name was Mingshu, and later renamed Guinweilu, taking Confucius'meaning of "the only person who sins against me is Chunqiu" (knowing that I sinned against me, its only meaning is Chunqiu). Cha Jizuo seems to stick to the anti-Qing position in the book "Sin Only Record". In his preface, he made it clear that he was from the Ming Dynasty, not the people of the Qing Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty chronology was used in all the books. Until the three years of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty, it was still called the eighteen years of Yongli. Each master of the Nanming Dynasty is listed in this chronology. King Fu called Anzongjian Emperor. Jianwen and Chongzhen were both named by the Hongguang Dynasty, not by the Qing government. The Qing Dynasty is also called "Manchu", or "Houjin", or "Jianyi", "Jianqi", or "Dongshi" or "Beishi", which is never called "Qing Dynasty". There are many biographies against Qing people in the book. He expressed his resentment against Manchu and capitulators everywhere. As Zhang Huangyan's "Baohan Lun" quoted in the book says, "Since ancient times, Zhang Liang has always been called Han, the first Confucian theory is detailed. Nowadays, most of the officials take this as a pretext, taking Jianzhou as an example to drive out thieves, and then take Pei Gong's death in Qin Dynasty and Han Dynasty as an example. Gee! Why not even! ______________“

But he was one of the first informers in the Ming Dynasty, and his face was covered with Qing Dynasty's clothes.

In the Chronicle of Mr. Cha Dongshan written by Shen Qi, a Zuo Men of Cha Ji, the narrative is very detailed and there is nothing to hide. In the eighteenth year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, when the case of Zhuangshi was about to start, Mr. Lu Zi Lijing (Qiantang people, Zijingxuan) said, "In Nanxun, Zhuangyi (Zixiang, Huzhou people, Gongsheng) wrote a Brief History of the Ming Dynasty, referring to the first Dongshan (abridged notes, referring to Jizuo), the second Fanzi Wenbai (Qian), and a certain number of people, totaling eighteen. Li Shuanghui, the author of the preface, also wrote the diary. "Sir, the so-called police officer must have done so. The author of this book calls it not a work from a knife and pen writer. The gentleman said, "The three of us are not working. This book is Qiuzhuang, not good. "Because of surveillance, he has four or six bodies in his hand, one of which is a couple:" If he commits a crime, there is something wrong to say. "Merge into Fan, Lu's name is Yu Xue, Fan and Lu don't know. Rate of this couplet, more than three hundred students.

Chen Qubing's Five Stones Lipid contains four people who were exempted by not listing. Lu Lu, Chai Juan, Fan Wenbai, Lu Lijing... Yihuang succeeds him in name, and Haining enrolls others... Boxer Shucheng promulgated, three people do not know, in Shunzhi eighteen years Xin ugly December, Hu Shangheng was a scholar, to identify its falsehood... That is to say, the three people, although not more honorable than the discovery, are also the first person to award according to the law. Therefore, Rongyin attacked Haphan and gave him one tenth of Zhuzhuang's property. Check, Fan and Lu also have to award the appliances. According to the Diary of Fei Gong'an, he said that he had personally seen Cha and other people collect Zhu and Zhuang furniture in front of Cigan Temple, about ten Zhouyun.

The Chronicle of Ming Dynasty History: Zhuangting Yong of Huzhou made Ming Dynasty history and inscribed his surname by Chai Juan. Ihuang knows, that is, to inform against learning, to investigate and file a case. In July of this year, Wu Zhirong of Anzhi County came out with a book and accumulated Ihuang. Ihuang differentiated, "Cha Jiyou is a member of Hangzhou. Unfortunately, he has a small name, and Chuang Tingyong will be carved into the school. Following Youyiwen's report, Wu Zhirong was the father and mother of Chuang Ting Yongben County in October, and his first appearance was in July of Xin Uo. If we make the first contribution, we should succeed in the honor before and after the blessings; if we make the accusation late as a crime, we should succeed in the honor later, and the honor crime should not be succeeded by the blessings. Today's honor is rewarded by sin, and then you are killed by merit, which is not inversion. Zhufatai is fortunate for its good fortune. "(According to Jiyou, Jiyou is Jizuo's original name, because of the imperial examination error and its error)

According to the preface, it took 29 years to write the "Records of Crimes Only" from Jiashen (the first year of Shunzhi, 1644 A.D.) and Renzi (the eleventh year of Kangxi, 1672 A.D.). The book was written in an extremely dangerous environment. At that time, the Qing government was most afraid of writing Ming Dynasty history privately, especially at the time of the Yi Dynasty, lest the historical truth be revealed. Zhu Guozhen's manuscript Biography of the Ministers of the Dynasties was purchased by Zhu Tingyong, a man from Nanxun, Huzhou, Zhejiang Province. The manuscript was supplemented by Chongzhen's imperial affairs, named Ming Shu and printed in his own name. Because the book called Nurhachi as the capital governor of Jianzhou, without the Qing Dynasty, the first year of Kangxi was accused. As a result, the whole family of Zhuangs and the local officials who wrote, proofread, engraved, printed and even sold books, bought books for this purpose were executed. More than 70 people were killed. Cha Jizuo was named to attend the school and was also arrested and imprisoned. Fortunately, his friends rescued him from death. In such a terrible situation, Cha Jizuo, risking the danger of exterminating the nation, finally wrote the book "Sin Only Record". In his preface, he said that the manuscript had been changed dozens of times and was extremely hard to prepare. This is actually a boast.

The source of the materials in Gui Wei Lu is about the historical events of the late Ming Dynasty, part of which is the author's own experience, especially about the history of King Lu's government, the author is the party concerned. Many people have written about him in their biographies. Part of it comes from surveys and interviews. This is illustrated in many chapters. His so-called "thousands of ear-picking classics" in "Zixu" refers to investigation and research. As for the historical materials before Chongzhen, part of them were collected from Zhuang Tingyong's Ming Shu and part from the compilation of national history and records in Ming Dynasty. Huang Zunsu wrote Shilue, which records the current events of Jiajing, Longqing and other officials. His son Huang Zongxi wrote Shilue, which records the events of Wanli to Chongzhen. Zongxi and Jizo were colleagues in the government of King Lu. Therefore, some historical materials of Gui Wei Lu may be derived from Huang Zongxi.

"Only Records of Crimes" is an unfinished book. There are often criticisms such as "a certain volume is upside down and confused, when it is arranged" and "when it comes to a certain item", which can be summarized. primary


Cha Jizuo and Wu Liuqi in Novels about Wild History

The Qing Dynasty writer Niu Yun's "Xueyu" contains the article "Xueyu", which records that Cha Jizuo enjoys the snow alone. When he sees a beggar in ragged clothes, he is in high spirits and invites him to drink with him. Then he gives him cold clothes to help himself. After entering the Qing Dynasty, the military officer went to the governor to invite him to visit his post, and then gave his residence as a reward for his favor. He also sent a strange stone named Yingshifeng to Cha Jizuo. The stone was renamed Yunfeng and later known as the three famous stones in the south of the Yangtze River.

The Qing Dynasty writer Pu Songling's Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio includes "General Dali". He narrates that Cha Yijuan met Wu Liuqi and called Wu Liuqi "Wu Liuqi": "Over the next ten years, Cha Youzi ordered to Fujian, and General Wu 61 came to visit him suddenly." It is recorded that Cha Jizuo saw Wu Liuqi raise the big bell in a temple with one hand, and took out the big bell hidden in the temple. The leftovers of the bell were amazing, believing that he should serve the society in this troubled time and make it play its power. Later, China changed its dynasty, and Wu Liuqi went to the land and water governor to thank Cha Jizuo after Yi Jinrong returned.

In addition, similar descriptions are found in Xu Ke's Barnyard Bills, Wang Shizhen's Notes on Xiangzu, Jiang Shiquan's Snow Man, Tie Pi Zhuan and Zheng Changshi's Han Jiang Wen Ji.

At the beginning, Wu Liuqiwei once begged for salt officials, and Cha Jizuo saw that he had courage, repeated and drank heavily, and returned with grants. After Wu Liuqi joined the army, from the officer to the governor, he never forgot his old kindness. Cha suffered and tried to rescue him. Zeng Yingcha found a small residence in Guangdong and helped it rebuild its residence. Wu Liuqi also visited Qishi Crepe Cloud Peak, which was transported by sea to Yuanhua Chazhai House. Crepe Cloud Peak is one of the three famous stones in the south of the Yangtze River. After more than a hundred years of changes, Crepe Cloud Peak stands in the famous stone garden in the south of the Yangtze River in Hangzhou flower nursery.

As for the case of Chuang Ting Yong Ming, it is generally believed that Wu Liuqi rescued Cha Jizuo. In Pu Songling's Strange Tales from a Liaozhai Studio, "General Dali" narrates that Cha Yihuang meets Wu Liuqi and concludes with the following remarks: "In the case of revising history after investigation, every one is accepted and every one is exempted from death. "The commentary said:" generosity without asking his name, the real chivalrous old husband. And the general's report is generous and generous, especially for all ages. With such a mind, we should never be too old to blaspheme. So it is not accidental that the two wise men meet each other. In the book "Remaining" the story goes: "First of all, there was a rich man named Zhu Tingyi, who purchased Zhu Xiangguo's historical manuscript, sought three Wu celebrities, gained decoration, published in the world, and consulted more than ten people with surnames in the front line, who bore a heavy name of filial piety and integrity, and also borrowed Yan Yan. Unfortunately, the private history of the disaster, all things so that the book, a classic argument. Wu Li argued for filial piety and honesty. "Relevant plots are also described in the first chapter of Jinyong's novel Luding Ji" in the commentary on the first chapter of "The Longitudinal and Horizontal Coupler Party's Qingliu and Qifeng Period of Yuedan". As for Wu Liuqi's plots such as being the master of heaven and earth, it is naturally a novelist's fiction. )

The Denial of the Parties and the Question of the Later Generations

Yeshi notes that Cha Jizuo rescued Wu Liuqi. The former rescued Wu Liuqi in the case of Ming Dynasty, and the latter in the case of Ming Dynasty. He also said that after his release, Cha Jizuo was addicted to voice and color, supported twelve female elites, taught singing and dancing, and played all day long. But the real situation is not as mentioned by the above novelists and historians. In the Chronicle of Cha Jizuo, Cha Jizuo denied that there was such a thing. He said, "Ge Ru, Fang Buyiye left, and the rest of the world had a meal of grace, and thought about it. Actually, No. Yes, the public had passed on its story at that time, so the public argued for it. ". Wu Qian, a poetry critic in Qianlong period, also considered this rumor unreliable in Poetry Tales of Binglou.

The First Lawyer of the Ming History Case

Cha Jizuo is regarded as the first accuser of Ming Shi, which has been recorded in history.

In the Chronicle of Mr. Cha Dongshan written by Shen Qi, a Zuo Men of Cha Ji, the narrative is very detailed and there is nothing to hide. In the eighteenth year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, when the case of Zhuangshi was about to start, Mr. Lu Zi Lijing (Qiantang people, Zijingxuan) said, "In Nanxun, Zhuangyi (Zixiang, Huzhou people, Gongsheng) wrote a Brief History of the Ming Dynasty, referring to the first Dongshan (abridged notes, referring to Jizuo), the second Fanzi Wenbai (Qian), and a certain number of people, totaling eighteen. Li Shuanghui, the author of the preface, also wrote the diary. "Sir, the so-called police officer must have done so. The author of this book calls it not a work from a knife and pen writer. The gentleman said, "The three of us are not working. This book is Qiuzhuang, not good. "Because of surveillance, he has four or six bodies in his hand, one of which is a couple:" If he commits a crime, there is something wrong to say. "Merge into Fan, Lu's name is Yu Xue, Fan and Lu don't know. Rate of this couplet, more than three hundred students.

Chen Qubing's Five Stones Lipid contains four people who were exempted by not listing. Lu Lu, Chai Juan, Fan Wenbai, Lu Lijing... Yihuang succeeds him in name, and Haining enrolls others... Boxer Shucheng promulgated, three people do not know, in Shunzhi eighteen years Xin ugly December, Hu Shangheng was a scholar, to identify its falsehood... That is to say, the three people, although not more honorable than the discovery, are also the first person to award according to the law. Therefore, Rongyin attacked and worshipped Tara-Labrahan, and gave Zhuzhuang one tenth of its property. Check, Fan and Lu also have to award the appliances. According to the Diary of Fei Gong'an, he said that he had personally seen Cha and other people collect Zhu and Zhuang furniture in front of Cigan Temple, about ten Zhouyun.

The Chronicle of Ming Dynasty History: Zhuangting Yong of Huzhou made Ming Dynasty history and inscribed his surname by Chai Juan. Ihuang knows, that is, to inform against learning, to investigate and file a case. In July of this year, Wu Zhirong of Anzhi County came out with a book and accumulated Ihuang. Ihuang differentiated, "Cha Jiyou is a member of Hangzhou. Unfortunately, he has a small name, and Chuang Tingyong will be carved into the school. Following Youyiwen's report, Wu Zhirong was the father and mother of Chuang Ting Yongben County in October, and his first appearance was in July of Xin Uo. If we make the first contribution, we should succeed in the honor before and after the blessings; if we make the accusation late as a crime, we should succeed in the honor later, and the honor crime should not be succeeded by the blessings. Today's honor is rewarded by sin, and then you are killed by merit, which is not inversion. Zhufatai is fortunate for its good fortune. "(According to Jiyou, Jiyou is Jizuo's original name, because of the imperial examination error and its error)

Representative Works

Cha Jizuo is fond of history and writes a lot. After the death of the Ming Dynasty, he spent 29 years, changed manuscripts dozens of times, visited thousands of people, and began to complete the great book of Ming Dynasty, Crime Only Record, which recorded a lot of historical data about the peasant uprising in the late Ming Dynasty (later revised and collated by Zhang Zongxiang, Li Ren, and published by the Commercial Press in 1936). His Banhan History, Lu Chunqiu, Dongshan Guoyu and Guoshou Lu are all valuable historical works. Fine melody, like to play and sing music, there are women's music classes at home, personally professor, renowned in the south of the Yangtze River. His works include Zaju Xixiang, Ming Fengdu, Legendary Three Rewards for Grace and Non-Fantasy. Other books are "Jingxiu Tang Student's Origin, Dongshan Wai Ji", "Five Classics Talk", "Four Books Talk", "Tongjian Yan", "Zhishilu", "Bingqu", "Nanyu", "Beiyu", "Jingxiu Tang Talk Creation", "Jingxiu Tang Disciples Catalogue", "Yu Travel Notes", "Individual Zhipi", "Shike" and "Jingxiu". Xiu Tang Poetry Collection, Shuo Doubt, Yue You Zayong, etc. Both good at painting and calligraphy, also known in the world.







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