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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名刘东瀛
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 居住地辽宁 沈阳
  • 出生日期1938-12
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长花鸟
  • 协会中国美术家协会


2003年《中国高等美术院校国画名家教学画稿工笔花鸟》由辽宁美术出版社出版。《工笔花鸟画精品》由天津美术出版社出版。  2002年带学生去菏泽、西双版纳等地写生。随团赴欧洲八国参观考察。为省政府创作大型工笔花鸟画《和平盛春图》。  2000年参加“金秋钱塘名家邀请展”、“西湖新千年国际书画艺术研讨会”。《山茶》等作品编入《中国当代线描艺术·花鸟篇》。  1999年《大麦熟》等作品,参加“99王盛烈书画邀请展”。  1998年《塞北秋情》入选全国第四届工笔画大展,获铜奖,由中国美术馆收藏。应邀为京丰宾馆馆藏,创作大型工笔花鸟画《晨兮》。  1997年于台北举办个人画展。《谢穗的玉米窝窝》编八《1990~1997中国工笔画》上卷。  1996年《虞美人》参加海峡两岸名家展,编入画集,并由“国立台湾艺术教育馆”收藏。  1995年《刘东瀛工笔花鸟画创意》由辽宁美术出版社出版。台湾雅林艺术有限公司出版明信片专集。  1994年《谢穗的玉米窝窝》入选第八届全国美展。  1992年《美术》刊登《荔枝》和教学成果文章。  1991年《农院》入选第二届全国工笔画大展。《沃野》参加纪念“九一八事变六十周年中国画展”,获佳作奖。《贵百合》等作品参加日本富山县举办鲁迅美术学院四人展。应邀随团赴日本,参加新凑市建市四十周年美展、访问等活动。  1989年应邀赴日本参加文化交流活动。  1988年香港《文汇报》整版专题介绍作者、作品及评论。《小院悄悄》参加全国中华杯书画大奖赛,获佳作奖。《斑鸠》参加日本第13回日中交流展,获横滨市长赏。《百合鸡》由日本新凑市民会馆收藏。  1987年《罂粟》参加教师节全国第届书画展。《红叶》参加日本第12回日中交流展。  1986年《中国书画》专栏介绍作者、作品。《晚秋》等作品参加新加坡“现代工笔画展”。《秋实》等作品参加加拿大、蒙古“当代中国画展”。  1984年《园边即景》入选第六届全国美展。  1983年《红叶》等作品参加辽、豫、鲁三省中国画联展。  1980年《映山红》参加辽宁省第一届中国画展。

Introduction to the artist

Ancestral home Liaoning visits general orchid shop. Took an examination of northeast beauty 1955 only school of accessary and medium art, the traditional Chinese painting in rising Lu Xun academy of fine arts 1959 is. Graduated 1964. 1969 go and settle in the countryside of Yu Liaona country, recall alma mater taught 1981. Be good at China drawing. Lu Xun academy of fine arts is taught, traditional Chinese painting fastens adviser of Master graduate student in, chinese artist academician, liaoning China draws seminar governor.

2003 " painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail of rough sketch of education of a person of academic or artistic distinction of traditional Chinese painting of school of Chinese advanced art " publish by Liaoning art publishing house. " painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail draws high-quality goods " publish by Tianjin art publishing house. Took a student to go 2002 He lustre, on the west and other places of double edition accept is sketchy. Go to 8 countries of European to look around along with the group make an on-the-spot investigation. Draw to save a government to create painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of large traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail " peaceful Cheng Chuntu " . Attended 2000 " money pond a person of academic or artistic distinction invites fall exhibit " , " seminar of art of painting and calligraphy of international of west lake new chiliad " . " camellia " wait for work to enroll " painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of · of art of Chinese contemporary line drawing piece " . 1999 " barley is ripe " wait for work, attend " 99 Wang Chenglie painting and calligraphy invite exhibit " . 1998 " north of a place of strategic importance autumn affection " the 4th labour strokes of selected whole nation is exhibited greatly, win cupreous award, collect by Chinese art gallery. It is holding of Beijing abundant guesthouse on invitation, create painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of large traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail to draw " morning " . Held individual art exhibition at Taipei 1997. " corn nest nest of Xie Sui " make up 8 " 1997 China traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail draws 1990 ~ " on roll. 1996 " corn poppy " attend cross-strait a person of academic or artistic distinction to exhibit, be classified draws volume, and by " national Taiwan art teachs a house " collect. 1995 " painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of Liu Dongying traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail draws originality " publish by Liaoning art publishing house. Limited company publishs art of Taiwan elegant Lin Yi postcard only collect. 1994 " corn nest nest of Xie Sui " selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited. 1992 " art " publish " litchi " with education achievement article. 1991 " farming courtyard " selected picture of traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail of the 2nd whole nation is exhibited greatly. " Wo Ye " enter commemoration day " the traditional Chinese painting in 60 years extends 918 emergency " , win award of an excellent work. " expensive lily " wait for work to attend county of Japanese rich hill to hold Lu Xun academy of fine arts 4 people are exhibited. Go to Japan along with the group on invitation, attend new pool city to build 40 years of beauty of city to exhibit, the activity such as the visit. Went to Japan to enter culture communication activity on invitation 1989. 1988 Hong Kong " civil report " author of introduction of full page special subject, work and comment. " small courtyard stealthily " play game of large award of painting and calligraphy of countrywide China cup, win award of an excellent work. " culver " attend the 13rd meridian communication of Japanese to exhibit, obtain yokohama mayor to admire. " lily chicken " by Japan guild hall of new pool citizen is collected. 1987 " papaverous " enter art exhibition of book of teacher's day whole nation. " red autumnal leaves " attend the 12nd meridian communication of Japanese to exhibit. 1986 " Chinese painting and calligraphy " column introduction author, work. " late autumn " wait for work to attend Singapore " art exhibition of contemporary traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail " . " Qiu Shi " wait for work to attend Canada, Mongolia " contemporary China art exhibition " . 1984 " garden edge be inspired by what one sees " selected beauty of the 6th whole nation is exhibited. 1983 " red autumnal leaves " wait for work to attend distant, comfort, Lu San to save China to draw couplet to exhibit. 1980 " azalea " attend Liaoning to save art exhibition of the first China.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对