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  • 中文名李禅
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 居住地北京
  • 出生日期1946-03
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长花鸟









Introduction to the artist

Chinese notable actual strength sends painter plum buddhist, the word is written case, number wide person. Male, the Han nationality. Was born in Shenyang city in March 1946. Took an examination of academy of fine arts of Shenyang Lu Xun 1963. Traditional Chinese painting of academy of fine arts was fastened in the center of attend in a advanced studies 1988. Li Chanxian is born to weigh colour to draw academician for traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail of Beijing of Chinese artist academician, China. Credential draws domestic party member in.

Painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of Li Chanxian's unripe traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail, painter of Shi Chengyi acting great master Mr Tian Shiguang, neat clique is enjoyable, white gentleman of Shi Conglou division, white stone later generations Mr Qi Xilai. The old-timer such as Ling Cang of Dong Shouping, Huang Jun and arrowroot , Liu has more give advice or comments. Classics tens of year research of with great concentration,

Li Chanxian gives birth to artistically to go after " division the ancients more division thes Creator, division heart and do not tread slash " . Force of its writing work is simple and honest heavy hero, style is decorous, become contemporary traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail to weigh colour,

Li Chanxian's unripe in recent years creation entered flourishing period, painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of his traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail is drawn, coloring is decorous, conveniently nature. Static excessive of water flea of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of place draw flowers is harmonious, look around strange feeling. Artful Yu Zhuo of contain of work of picture of its freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting, send static have law extremely again at moving. Numerous old artist ever judged Xiao Lao, Dong Shouping, Zhou Huaimin, yellow young plant its draw: "Words flies move, the business is abundant, have deep observation already,

Of his the wording and purpose of what one writes " eagle of red autumnal leaves " , " below cold Lin Yue " , " newspaper spring pursues " , " auspicious snow " , " Qiu Sheng " , " willow evade misty rain " , " the pond is interesting " etc, the work drawing wind that has tradition and innovation of contemporary photograph union, draw the recognition of bound person of the same trades.

Li Chanxian's unripe work enters domestic and international large art exhibition for many times and bear the palm. Its work parts by Chairman Mao memorial hall, medium palace of youth of memorial hall of bridge of channel of a tower over a city gate of Nanhai, Tian An Men, Lu, each museum, Beijing and guesthouse, restaurant collect. More than 140 work is reached by Japan, Korea, France, Italy, United States harbor, bay well-known public figure is collected. Created in August 1992 " Dajitu " company of environmental protection of cup China Hua Longguo border regards a country as the ceremony donative Japan the emperor of Japan, each are big at that time newspapers and periodicals is published, report.

Is Li Chanxian's unripe artistic achievement included " world blue book? Does China coil " 546 pages? , " big dictionary of celebrity of Chinese contemporary artist " , " collect of samite China painting and calligraphy " , " capitalization of Chinese culture celebrity is true " , " China is modern anthology of painting and calligraphy " , " China hot earth " , " seal cutting of world Chinese painting and calligraphy. Special subject of Beijing TV station broadcasted 1994 " Chun Huaqiu is solid -- the gentleman since Li Zhu of home of the traditional Chinese painting in visitting " . After this was held " couplet of traditional Chinese painting of the 10 or 20 days following Lunar New Year's Day was exhibited 1996 " , " the traditional Chinese painting in now exhibits 8 painters of Beijing " , " 6 philtrum credential art exhibition " ; Held in Beijing in June 1999 " Li Chanhua is exhibited " , ? Each province city already was held for many times plum buddhist individual art exhibition. ? Li Chanxian gives birth to Ceng Huo " cut of 3 gorge great river flows " countrywide beauty exhibits first prize, 1989 " the fruit of large Chinese hawthorn " selected whole nation " July 1 " the United States exhibits third class award, chinese art gallery exhibits. Painting and calligraphy of China of international old people was exhibited greatly 1999 " century a person of academic or artistic distinction creates award " in waiting for national beauty to exhibit multinomial award. In October 2002, should Malaysia is stationed in what Chinese ambassador takes Dou Maji to invite, hold in kuala lumpur " stimulative Ma Zhongwen changes art communication art exhibition " . Entered in June 2005 make up " Chinese artist grand ceremony " . Already published now have " Li Chanhua bird draws volume " , " an album of paintings since Li Zhu " , " Li Chanhua book " wait for special.

Profit pattern: 12000 yuan / square foot. Order 26000 yuan alone / square foot






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