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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名华拓
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地河北景县
  • 居住地江苏 南京
  • 出生日期1940-06
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长山水,版画
  • 协会中国美术家协会


Introduction to the artist

Person of Heibei scene county, this surname old, renown grand clear, fast date 9 leaves fast, ever read build the school at Tianjin, spare woodcut attended to study a class in Beijing at the beginning of 60 time 1960, get Li Hua, Huang Yongyu, power group directive: Attend the United States in Nanjing again assist the watermark woodcarving that Jiangsu branch holds creates long class, hind of complete a course closes to woodcut of thing auspicious allusion studies.
60 time not, at Jiangsu province literary creation group works, shi Yaming, Qian Songyan, Song Wen treats the traditional Chinese painting in changing habit.
Save courtyard of traditional Chinese painting for Jiangsu now division of 2 class art, vice director of landscape painting lab; Chinese artist academician; Its work " too lake graph coils " hide at Tianjin art museum; " cross greatly great plan has on the river " selected beauty of the 5th whole nation is exhibited; " Chun Shuirong dissolve " hide at Chinese art gallery. Held in Nanjing 1985 " downy visit a sacred land -- Qinghai is sketchy " individual art exhibition; Publish have " Hua Tashan water draws part " , " the traditional Chinese painting in Hua Ta is chosen " . Its work " Qiu Yan " , " put balsa " , " great river fountainhead spring " wait for 6 work to obtain provincial with international large award, " Chun Shuirong dissolve " , " great river fountainhead spring " , " too lake graph coils " wait for large quantities of work to be museum of art of Chinese art gallery, Tianjin, Jiangsu to save art gallery to wait for much home unit to collect, work goes to country and the area such as Japan, United States, Germany, Hong Kong to exhibit for many times, ever held individual art exhibition in Taiwan, Japan, publish have " Hua Tashan water draws part " , " Hua Ta draws volume " , " Hua Ta picture is chosen " wait for 6 kinds of an album of paintings.
Enjoyable viridescence landscape of Hua Ta, come from already at the tradition, it is traditional development. The breath flush that the times lives, perfusion meantime. What show an alpenglow of mountains and rivers-land in the interest of pen affection Chinese ink of lyricism is flowery, more the act carefully expression at favor, mood and poetic flavour. Be " Xin Jinling draws a clique " the famous artist of the innovation that has actual strength most, the unripe hair of landscape of his big dark green, let us see China paints innovation way. Ever said when Lin Sanzhi is alive: "Hua Ta's picture, inferior bright later another person. " 2002, shi Yanping is in famous art essayist visit long of ill lie in bed inferior bright gentleman asks: "Inferior old, now you by art group accepted for ' the palm door person that Xin Jinling draws a clique, can what be competent after you Inferior often say affectionately: "After me, big younger brother of alone China develop has its actual strength, ;equal;fitter;fittest;qualified;equal to Er " .
Mr Huata one's early years from force group learn woodcarving, must teach Yu Huangyong jade, Wang Qi, Yan Han. The Cong Yaming since 1972 learns a landscape painting, long-term assistance money is loose since 1974 cliff, inferior bright, government sector of Wen Zhiwei of the Song Dynasty creates large work, attended to be held in Hong Kong 1980 " Jin Ling 8 art exhibition. " published 1983 " Hua Tashan water draws part " , what attended half an year of Qinghai paint from life 1984 is long, influence of the creation after be opposite is great. After two years, held in Nanjing " downy visit a sacred land -- Qinghai is sketchy " art exhibition, went to 10 countries of European 1999 viatic paint from life and art make an on-the-spot investigation, attended Europe to go second year 5 people art exhibition. "Along with Jiangsu the imperial art academy that save a country went to beautiful visit 2001, in October 2002, attend the Jiangsu that countrywide the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference sponsors " 10 people exhibit outstanding work, " when Jin Jing exhibits, get of the national leader such as Li Lirui annulus interview.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对