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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名庄明正
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地山东省胶南市
  • 居住地北京
  • 出生日期1962-07
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长花鸟,人物
  • 毕业院校解放军艺术学院

庄明正,国画家。1962年7月出生于山东省胶南市,1981年毕业于解放军艺术学院美术系。中国美术家协会会员、解放军总医院杏林书画苑副院长、解放军总医院政治部宣传处副处长。  作品《宋庆龄》被编入中国人民解放军建军65周年美术作品集;作品《荷塘虾趣》入选92年全国著名书画家作品集;作品《远方的云》入选第八届全国美术作品展;作品《晨曲》入选95年法国巴黎现代中国画展;作品《白桦林铃响马帮来》入选全国孺子牛杯并获优秀奖;作品《远去的铃声》入选建军70周年美术作品展;作品《国之瑰宝》在当代中国工笔画大展中获奖;作品《清音》入选跨世纪建国五十周年全国山水画大展;作品《黄志强院士》参加第九届全军美术作品展览荣获三等奖;作品《火线入党》荣获全军抗非典作品优秀奖;作品《季羡林与牟善初画像》入选全国第十届美术作品展。

宋庆龄》  《荷塘虾趣》  《远方的云》  《晨曲》  《白桦林铃响马帮来》  《远去的铃声》  《国之瑰宝》  《清音》  《黄志强院士》  《火线入党》  《季羡林与牟善初画像》  其他作品如:《池塘青青》、《月是故乡明》、《练摊》等。

作品《宋庆龄》被编入中国人民解放军建军65周年美术作品集;作品《荷塘虾趣》入选92年全国著名书画家作品集;  作品《远方的云》入选第八届全国美术作品展;  作品《晨曲》入选95年法国巴黎现代中国画展;  作品《白桦林铃响马帮来》入选全国孺子牛杯并获优秀奖;  作品《远去的铃声》入选建军70周年美术作品展;  作品《国之瑰宝》在当代中国工笔画大展中获奖;  作品《清音》入选跨世纪建国五十周年全国山水画大展;  作品《黄志强院士》参加第九届全军美术作品展览荣获三等奖;  作品《火线入党》荣获全军抗非典作品优秀奖;  作品《季羡林与牟善初画像》入选全国第十届美术作品展。  作品《马帮》入选建军70周年全国美展。

Introduction to the artist

Zhuang Mingzheng, home of traditional Chinese painting. Was born in Shandong to visit the town austral glue in July 1962, was graduated from faculty of art of institute of liberation army art 1981. Lin Shu of apricot of total hospital of Chinese artist academician, liberation army draws center conduct propaganda of ministry of politics of total hospital of assistant dean, liberation army punishs deputy director general. Work " Song Qingling " be founded an army 65 years by be classified the Chinese People's Liberation Army art work collect; Work " shrimp of pond of carry on one's shoulder is interesting " selected collect of work of home of famous painting and calligraphy of 92 years of whole nations; Work " the cloud of distance " selected work of art of the 8th whole nation is exhibited; Work " morning music " selected Paris of 95 years of France is contemporary Chinese art exhibition; Work " noisy a train of horses carrying goods of bell of Bai Hua forest comes " selected whole nation childs bovine cup wins outstanding award; Work " far the ring that go " selected found an army 70 years art work is exhibited; Work " national gem " the bear the palm in be being exhibited greatly is drawn in contemporary China traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail; Work " atonic " selected cross a century to found a state 50 years countrywide landscape painting is exhibited greatly; Work " Huang Zhijiang academician " attend exhibition of work of art of the 9th horse and foot to have the honor to win third class award; Work " live wire join or be admitted to the party " have the honor to win horse and foot to fight SARS work outstanding award; Work " Ji Xianlin and Mou Shanchu picture " work of the 10th art of selected whole nation is exhibited.

Represent work
" Song Qingling "     " interest of shrimp of pond of carry on one's shoulder "     " the cloud of distance "     " morning music "     " Lin Ling noisy a train of horses carrying goods comes to Bai Hua "     " far the ring that go "     " country: " pond blueness is green " , " lunar hereat countryside bright " , " experienced booth " wait.

The individual is honorary
Work " Song Qingling " be founded an army 65 years by be classified the Chinese People's Liberation Army art work collect; Work " shrimp of pond of carry on one's shoulder is interesting " selected collect of work of home of famous painting and calligraphy of 92 years of whole nations; Work " the cloud of distance " selected work of art of the 8th whole nation is exhibited; Work " morning music " selected Paris of 95 years of France is contemporary Chinese art exhibition; Work " noisy a train of horses carrying goods of bell of Bai Hua forest comes " selected whole nation childs bovine cup wins outstanding award; Work " far the ring that go " selected found an army 70 years art work is exhibited; Work " national gem " the bear the palm in be being exhibited greatly is drawn in contemporary China traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail; Work " atonic " selected cross a century to found a state 50 years countrywide landscape painting is exhibited greatly; Work " Huang Zhijiang academician " attend exhibition of work of art of the 9th horse and foot to have the honor to win third class award; Work " live wire join or be admitted to the party " have the honor to win horse and foot to fight SARS work outstanding award; Work " Ji Xianlin and Mou Shanchu picture " work of the 10th art of selected whole nation is exhibited. Work " a train of horses carrying goods " selected found an army 70 years countrywide beauty is exhibited.






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