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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名黄恩涛
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地山东济宁
  • 居住地北京
  • 出生日期1948-06-01
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长花鸟,人物
  • 毕业院校山东艺术学院
  • 代表作品《红色喇叭家家响》,《社社队队粮满仓》,《我是工地点炮手》


Introduction to the artist

Huang Entao, male, was born at Shandong aid peace in June 1948, was engaged in culture working 1965, was graduated from faculty of art of Shandong artistic institute 1984, the member that have successively held the posts of Shandong to visit shop of vice-chairman of couplet of curator of house of culture of gigantic wild county, article, research, the credential in showing draws academician (gigantic wild exclusive) . Chinese artist academician, country division of one class art, chinese content draws artistic committee committee member, committee member of committee of art of Chinese comic, illustration, the person that special allowance enjoys the government, reside atelier of Beijing Huang Entao art now, chinese article couplet creates central major painter.
Be good at Chinese content drawing, comic, landscape painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style is drawn. In creation practice of nearly 30 years, hold to thorough life, wide read scroll, , short for Weihe River of sedulous imitate Xu, shi Tao, zhu Da, chen Laolian, ren Bainian all domestic craft, draw lessons from Chinese picture, gong Bi of Ji Yongle of the Dunhuang Caves draws art, search contemporary notion to be the same as the union of traditional form, what make in neat formation of composition of a picture, modelling ancient clumsy is elegant, writing is vigrous and free and easy, colour is pure and fresh lustre embellish, have strong life interest and distinctive artistic color. Main work has 70 time " home of gules horn home is noisy " , " full storehouse of provisions of group of company company group " , " I am work place artillerist " , " holiday " wait, 80 time have " the soubrette sends a book " , li Zicheng comic " night visits Gu Cheng " , " plan behead sits Shan Hu " , " come celestial being presses down great victory " , " poem of Cao city peony draws volume " etc, 90 time have " one party natural environment " , " illumination a thousand years " , " hunting on the west catch like the scales of a fish " , " Confucius achievement " wait. Work is collected by Chinese art gallery. Work still has " holiday " " ginger great-grandfather fishs " etc.
1972 traditional Chinese painting " appraisal new product " work of selected Shandong art is exhibited, traditional Chinese painting " home of gules horn home is noisy " attend countrywide beauty to exhibit and go abroad showpiece, collect by Chinese art gallery. 1973 " full storehouse of provisions of group of company company group " beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited and go abroad showpiece, collect by Chinese art gallery. 1974 New Year picture " can Wen Nengwu " , 1975 " the university is graduate " , 1976 " health grows " , 1977 " sedulous " publish by Shandong and publishing house of Beijing people art, wood-block 1978 New Year picture " I am work place artillerist " work of art of selected whole nation is exhibited, wait for a country in Japan, France, Italy itinerate exhibits, collect by Chinese art gallery. 1979 New Year picture " holiday " selected " collect of work of bear the palm of Shandong New Year picture " . 1980 traditional Chinese painting " the soubrette sends a book " publish by publishing house of Shanghai people art. 1981 comic " Li Zicheng " , " night visits Gu Cheng " , 1982 " plan behead sits Shan Hu " , 1983 " Zhu Xian presses down great victory " publish by publishing house of Shandong people art. 1984 New Year picture " Yang Wen is wide " , 1985 New Year picture " Yue Yun " publish by Henan press. 1988 New Year picture " dragon Feng Chengxiang " publish by publishing house of Shandong people art, painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style was drawn 1989 " fat is red " , " glacial approach overspreads Gong Shi " selected " poem of Cao Zhou peony draws volume " , publish by publishing house of Shandong people art. 1990 traditional Chinese painting " graph of spring of Yun He gully " , " the dream answers Sang Li garden " work of academician of selected Shandong artist is exhibited. 1991 traditional Chinese painting " one party natural environment " picture of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style invites selected whole nation to exhibit and be collected the 6th now at " contemporary China painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style is drawn " publish by Shandong art publishing house. Marked birthday of Chairman Mao Zedong 100 years 1992 work " illumination a thousand years " the whole nation is issued. 1993 landscape painting " graph of Jiang Tianlou cabinet " , 1994 " samite the land of country " publish by Shandong friendship press. 1995 traditional Chinese painting " hunting on the west obtain Lin " publish by publishing house of Beijing people art. 1998 traditional Chinese painting " Confucius teachs a graph all right " attend Beijing University hundred years anniversary of the founding of a school is exhibited. Created urban sculpture 2003 " Ares ignorants blame " . 2004 traditional Chinese painting " morning is read " selected found a state 55 years " general cup " book art exhibition. Creation city is large 2005 group of carve " hunting on the west obtain Lin " . Sculpture of 2006 creation city - Song Daiwen learns the home " Wang Yu " . The soubrette sends a book " , " holiday " , " one party natural environment " etc.






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