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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名孙福熙
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地浙江绍兴
  • 居住地北京
  • 出生日期1898-09
  • 逝世日期1962-06
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长花鸟
  • 毕业院校浙江省省立第五师范


Introduction to the artist

Sun Fuxi (1898.9, 1962.6) , word spring liver mosses, pseudonym Ding Yi, Chun Tai, Shou Mingzhai, zhejiang carry on starts a person. Was graduated from Zhejiang to save 1915 provincial the 5th normal school, in the county attached primary school of Li Jingfu school, normal school teachs, 1919, go to Beijing holding the post of administrator of Beijing University library. In curator Li Dazhao heads next assiduous works, literary history sagacious fastens the audit that choose a course each, and with Sun Fuyuan of its elder brother together, get acquainted with Lu Xun and the professor of a lot of progress, ceng Can is added " 54 " motion. Introduced by President Cai Yuanpei second year, go to French labour to read, preexistence Lyons is Sino-French the university holds the post of a secretary, study of Lyons art training school state-maintaineds into France after, begin to write an essay. Went back to the motherland 1925, in Lu Xun the help falls, prosaic collect " Shan Ye pick up is picked up " publish by enlightened bookshop. After homecoming, publish prosaic volume early or late " homing " , " Atlantic bank " , novel collect " spring city " etc. 1928, hold the post of professor of college of art of national west lake to Hangzhou. Chief editor " art wind " magazine. 1930, go again France is assiduously studied, in Paris university choosing listens literature and artistic and academic lecture. 1931 homecoming, add holds the post of Hangzhou art training school to teach. Came 1934 1937, hold national beauty to exhibit in and other places of Shanghai, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Beijing early or late -- art wind exhibition.
After the War of Resistance Against Japan erupts, attend literary bound of China whole nation to fight to Wuhan enemy association, promote to Wuhan, Heng Shan, carry on early or late, cent of Kunming and other places exhibits work of the art that fight day. Establish with the person such as Li Jiseng courtyard of aesthetic education of carry on Xing Jiemin, chief editor " journey " magazine. After 1938, have successively held the posts of carry on to promote teacher of check hill middle school, president, kunming is friendly benevolence difficult child school principal, article of state of schools of national and Oriental Chinese and French teacher hold educational administration director concurrently, professor of college of courtyard of Zhejiang university literature, Zhongshan waits. After founding a state, hold the post of president of Shanghai middle school, Shanghai to teach seminar chairman. 1951, attend Wen Daihui of Shanghai first time, joined countrywide artist consortium second year. Came 1951 1962, hold the post of people to teach a press senior editor, Beijing compiles a company senior editor.
Joined Chinese writer consortium 1952. Labour draws chrysanthemum, spend much Xie Shao, do not have a color.
23 to 26 years, hold national beauty to exhibit in and other places of Shanghai, Nanjing, Guangzhou, Beijing early or late -- art wind exhibition. After the War of Resistance Against Japan erupts, attend literary bound of China whole nation to fight to Wuhan enemy association, create work of the art that fight day. Promote to Wuhan, Heng Shan, carry on early or late, Kunming and other places exhibits. Return carry on 27 years to promote, ren Ji learns a teacher in hill and acting president, initiate establish courtyard of aesthetic education of carry on Xing Jiemin. 28 years, it is difficult to go to Kunming holding the post of friend benevolence child school principal, hold article of state of schools of national and Oriental Chinese and French teacher part-time, hold educational administration director concurrently. 29 years, with part of southwest the United Nations General Assembly the professor closes make up " the county annals that show tribute " and " journey " magazine. Go to Shanghai 35 years, make a living in order to sell a painting, edit " overseas Chinese communication " . 37 years, hold the post of courtyard of Zhejiang university literature to teach, be in Hangzhou high middle school and national art only do some teachings in addition to one's main occupation.
After People's Republic of China is built, hold the post of president of Shanghai middle school, Shanghai to teach seminar chairman, join Chinese writer consortium. Attended Wen Daihui of Shanghai first time 1951. Transfer Beijing people teachs a press to edit. Second year, join countrywide artist consortium. Joined Chinese artist consortium 1954. Successor Beijing compiles a company. Its composing still has prosaic market " 3 lakes travel notes " , close-up collect " see northwest early " , interpret is made " Vietnam folktale " , monograph of arts and crafts " French way is easy the structure style of 14 period and adornment are artistic " reach " Sun Fuxi draws volume " etc. 






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对