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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名林锴
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地福建福州
  • 居住地北京
  • 出生日期1924-01-01
  • 逝世日期2006-05-24
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长人物,其他
  • 代表作品《林锴书画》、《林锴书画集》
林锴访谈—艺海滔滔争万派 凭谁一苇问灵源

中国美术网 09-17 浏览



Introduction to the artist

Lin Kai (1924.01.01, person of 2006) Fujian Fuzhou, unripe on January 1, 1924. Home of painting and calligraphy, seal cutting home, poet. Father of funeral of Lin Kai childhood, from a child is sent along with the mother in be on grandfather home. Art is loved when childhood. By copy cigarette piece begin, then copy " picture of mustard seed garden is passed " , arrive sometimes outdoors make watercolour paint from life. Exhibition of acting in those days calligraphy and painting does not see, be forced to lie between 9 days to see a picture to around mount inn. Buy again later " the horse ans inferior horse encyclopedia of self-study a book on the art of drawing or painting " , use class Yu and time of cold summer vacation to begin to face review, very enchanted. Junior high school one grade summer vacation, begin to learn old system poem to grandfather, the purpose is to want to go up to inscribe a poem oneself in him picture, practice a poem of four lines of a landscape everyday, mix a small picture, finish 100 pieces of an album of paintings or calligraphy.
Took an examination of the Fujian Province to establish division of art of teachers training school 1946, accept wither cast 8, grove Mr. Bai Zhu is directive, ability learning a picture calculates enter the right path. He has strong interest to picture of Chinese and Western, study is very serious, visit gentleman of act vigorously of Chen Zi of Fuzhou old painter again constantly, chen Laoshi painting and calligraphy imprints all-round, suffer its to benefit gained from sb's wisdom quite. Read a teachers training school one year, take an examination of to Hangzhou national art only traditional Chinese painting is. Suffer Huang Binhong, Zheng Wuchang, Pan Tianshou, of Pi , of painter of Zhu Le third class give directions face to face, school work progress is very rapid.
Landscape of Lin Kai main attack is professional. Begin copy ancient magic art, with yuan 4, bright 4 the home, Qing Dynasty direction of 4 Wang Wei main attack, change in the writing of adept the ancients again; Take up 4 monks, 8 strange, aim to comprehend its strange feeling ease is interesting; Also hold concurrently to modern Tian Shouzhu of Wu Changshuo, Qi Baishi, Huang Binhong, Pan nutrition of the derive in domestic work. Feel traditional the method is too dated, want to try to improve, must the good qualities that other picture plants derive. Because this class Yu often follows,the classmate of picture classroom goes out on the west paint from life is painted on the west. Outside eliminating professional ability doctrine every week, still set calligraphy, seal cutting, poetics, art history and each academic course. Because practice of from a child crosses the copybook of the person such as public right of Yan Zhenqing, willow, Su Dongpo, calligraphy has bit of base. Begin to had been infatuated with Zhao Zhiqian, then learns tablet inscriptions of the Northern Dynasties. In tablet inscriptions of the Northern Dynasties square pen a kind from " Zhang Meng dragon " like then " temple of fleabane Gao Ling " , size cooks; Round pen is fond of " Shi Menming " , " the inscription that bury a crane " , take the divine taste of its clumsy Piao Guhou. The interest to seal cutting also only then hereat. Poem of more than 100 when ever issued scrape up old system sends gentleman of birthday of the day that ask Pan to correct, praise and be encouraged. Have 7 ancient, he thinks best, approve: "This poem is connected head agile, get sth done without any letup, have big bead small bead fall Yu Panzhi is clever, delectable, delectable! Delectable, delectable!!
Produce summit summit
1950 art graduate only, allocate the distant at that time art teacher learns in Kang Ping county is being saved to become on the west, job of people art publishing house is taken to Beijing after a year, with art creation is given priority to, also do one part edition. Work early or late those who amount to 38 years is long. Created a large number of comic, New Year picture, illustration, poster, the key is comic. " aid is official break opportunely hang down golden leaf " , " woman director " the work that waits to be thought depict character nature compares a success. " 3 fork in a road " it is the comic that will behave with Chinese ink of water of traditional Chinese painting, earn reputably. " armour midday naval battle " obtained decide on awards through discussion of the first comic of countrywide 1963 second-class award. " draught animals evaluates congress " exhibit first prize of traditional Chinese painting at obtaining Beijing youth beauty 1956. Fought day of subject matter for scale of museum of Chinese war revolution 1957 " the launch of devil came again " . For scale of Chinese revolution museum large history was drawn 1959 " Lin Qin of case of monk of defeat utterly of the Nian Army " . Was born 200 years to cooperate to commemorate Cao Xueqin 1963, dawn with Liu curtilage, He You is straight group of large water Chinese ink draws collective scale " Cao Xueqin is passed " 12 frame, enter an exhibition.
Seal cutting of with great concentration
"The Great Cultural Revolution " in, lin Kai is sufferred persecute, hubei of transfer to a lower level is salty 1970 peaceful " 57 dry school " labor. Returned former unit 1972, assume former post. He had new knowledge to old system poem 1975, think old system poem can mirror new era completely. Then once bedraggled old system poem of more than 20 years new pick up, continue to compose. The seal cutting that interrupted a lot of years also is picked up gradually rise, pass those who focus a few paragraphs of time to discuss, he feels the effect of inscriptions seal cutting, crucial part is not on knife and stone, and the accomplishment that depends on calligraphic bedrock and art. He is right seal cutting, partial heavy hero is vigrous all the way, pursuit is bold and unrestrained and answer whole severe, clumsy is thick and not the style of overstaffed. Qin Han is peeped on, take Zhu Jiazhi of Wu Changshuo, Qi Baishi, Lai Chusheng to grow nearly, an excellent work of referenced coetaneous popularity, do one's best gives new idea oneself.
Become one group oneself
People art publishing house established creation room 1979, from now on Lin Kai is major with traditional Chinese painting. Advance side by side- do two or more things at once of landscape, character, painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style. In former years emphasize a tradition discuss, of style of enthusiastic now ego found. Besides make a picture, also calligraphy of give attention to two or morethings. Close with a rubbing from a stone inscription ginseng, encounter circle criterion circle, encounter Fang Zefang, travel pen freelies, preserve the structure of tablet inscriptions of the Northern Dynasties and join what use a pen with week of ecliptic of Home Ming Qingshu, Shen Cengzhi to make turn method, the contain in Fang Jin flows, beautiful ease is provided in clumsy Chinese hackberrya. He experiences: Poetic painting and calligraphy imprints cent is 4, those who close for an organic whole, it is each other is to affect each other additional. The poem has picture idea, the picture has poetics, the layout influence of the picture imprints, imprinted inscriptions gout conduce uses a pen, and calligraphy is to imprint learned basics. 4 requirements hold labour concurrently, want to emphasize particularly on somewhat again, what afterwards elder bookman draws is long, print of frit poem painting and calligraphy one furnace, give carry forward, it is us the duty of person of picture of this one generation.
Great Master old age
Since Lin Kai retired 1988 oneself, suffer from chronic illness personally, still work not to stop. In July 1994 by the member that appoint to a position is central literary history to study house house. He or country one class painter, chinese artist academician, chinese calligrapher academician, china poem word academician.
In procedure of more than 50 years of artistic practice, its work often attends to exhibit domestic and internationally, the poetic painting and calligraphy that is published on each newspapers and periodicals imprints reach article countless, and for many times bear the palm.
On May 24, 2006 morning 9 when 20 minutes, because chronic illness dies, die at the age of is 83 years old. On May 24 morning, remains leaves the ceremony is in arrange justice tide white cemetery to hold, more than 200 before one's death friendly attended to leave ceremony.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对