启功(1912——2005),自称“姓启名功”,字元白,也作元伯,号苑北居士,北京市满人。 雍正皇帝的第九代孙。 中国当代著名书画家、教育家、古典文献学家、鉴定家、红学家、诗人,国学大师。曾任北京师范大学副教授、教授,中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会常务委员、国家文物鉴定委员会主任委员、中央文史研究馆馆长、博士研究生导师、九三学社顾问、中国书法家协会名誉主席,世界华人书画家联合会创会主席,中国佛教协会、故宫博物院、国家博物馆顾问,西泠印社社长。
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爱新觉罗·启功(1912-2005年)中国当代著名教育家、国学大师、古典文献学家、书画家、文物鉴定家、诗人,满族,爱新觉罗氏,是清世宗的第五子和亲王弘昼的第八代孙[1] 。北京人。字元白,也作元伯。幼年失怙且家境中落,自北京汇文中学中途辍学后,发愤自学。稍长,从贾羲民、吴镜汀习书法丹青,从戴姜福修古典文学。刻苦钻研,终至学业有成1933年经傅增湘先生推介,受业于陈垣,获闻学术流别与考证之学。后聘为辅仁中学国文教员;1935年任辅仁大学美术系助教;1938年后任辅仁大学国文系讲师,兼任故宫博物院专门委员,从事故宫文献馆审稿及文物鉴定工作;1949年任辅仁大学国文系副教授兼北京大学博物馆系副教授;1952年后任北京师范大学副教授、教授。中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会常务委员会委员、国家文物鉴定委员会主任委员、中央文史研究馆馆长、中国书法家协会名誉主席、北京师范大学教授、博士研究生导师。九三学社顾问、国家文物鉴定委员会主任委员、中国书法家协会名誉主席,中国佛教协会、故宫博物院、国家博物馆顾问,西泠印社社长。2005年6月30日2时25分病逝于北京。其主要著作《古代字体论稿》、《诗文声律论稿》、《启功丛稿》、《启功韵语》、《启功絮语》、《启功赘语》、《汉语现象论丛》、《论书绝句》、《论书札记》、《说八股》、《启功书画留影册》。
中央美术学院人文学院教授、博士生导师薛永年曾撰文纪录:故宫博物院有个比我年轻的学者王连起,虽然没有读过大学,工人出身,但善于学习,精通碑帖和书画,对赵孟頫有系统研究。他八九十年代是徐邦达的助手,启功先生非常器重他,当做忘年交,而且逢人说项,不断为他创造发挥与提高的机会。90 年代初,启功先生让我推荐王连起去美国大都会做研究,“让美国人也知道我们有这样年轻的专家”。稍后我问王连起这回事,他说为他去美国,启功先生煞费苦心。在一次宴会中,启功先生在与方闻的交谈中,特地引出一个话题,就是赵孟頫的《双松平远图》。这件作品一真一假都在美国,一件在大都会,另一件在辛辛那提。启功先生对方闻说,在座的王连起能告诉你谁真谁伪的铁证,你听他讲讲。”于是王连起讲道,真迹不但有乾隆印玺,而且有一段乾隆题跋,在宣统元年狄平子出版的《中国名画集》里就引出来了,可是后来乾隆题跋被挖掉了,谭敬组织人作假时就没有乾隆题跋了。因此。流传到美国的一真一假两件,没有挖痕的必假,那件细看有挖痕的真迹无疑。他又仔细讲了真迹的流传经过和伪作出现并卖给美国的历史,方闻大为折服,当即拍板邀请王连起赴美。
Aixinjueluo Kikoma (1912-2005) China famous contemporary educators, Ancient Chinese Literature Search master, classical philologist, painting and calligraphy, cultural identification, poet, Manchu, Qing Chang fifth is the aishingorio clan, and Prince of the Hong eighth generation [1]. Beijing people. White characters, but also for the primary element. Young fatherless and come down in the world, since the Beijing Huiwen Middle school dropout, learning to work harder. A little longer, from Jia Ximin, Wu Jingting learning calligraphy painting, from wearing ginger for classical literature. Study hard, and finally to achieving by 1933, Mr. Fu Zengxiang introduction, the industry in the yuan, has been heard in the academic stream of study and research. Appointed after the Chinese Catholic school teacher; 1935 assistant professor of Art Department of Fu Jen University; in 1938 he was appointed a lecturer in Chinese at Fu Jen University, the Imperial Palace museum serves as the special committee, engaged in the review and identification of the work of cultural relics the Imperial Palace Literature Museum; 1949 literature Associate professor and associate professor, Department of Peking University Museum of Fu Jen University professor; Associate Professor, Beijing Normal University, 1952. Members of the Standing Committee of the National People's Political Consultative Conference Committee Chinese identification of national heritage committee chairman, director, Central Research Institute of culture and history Chinese Calligraphers Association honorary chairman, Beijing Normal University Professor, doctoral tutor. 93 society of consultants, identification of national heritage committee chairman, China Calligraphers Association honorary president of the Buddhist Association of China, the Imperial Palace Museum, National Museum consultant, Xiling Seal-Engravers'Society president. 2:25 on June 30, 2005 died in Beijing. The main works of "ancient font on the draft", "sound poetry on the draft", "Qi", "Qi Cong draft" and "Rhyme" words, Qi Gong whispers "Qi Gong", "Chinese essays", "on the books", "on the book of poems", "eight", "Qi Gong said a Book of painting and calligraphy".
Mr. Qi Gong is a famous contemporary scholar, painter and calligrapher. He works rich in language proficiency in language study, and even has become a thing of the past stereotyped writing is research; he did a good poetry, at the same time the ancient paintings and calligraphy identification, especially fine rubbing inscription of the study.
Appreciation of his calligraphy works, I always think of his profound study on rubbings, because of his works of calligraphy art research and his achievements are inextricably linked, learning is a learning from the Ming and Qing Dynasties and two dynasties, this knowledge now with the underground ink unearthed, opened up new realm. He is one of the pioneers of this garden. This knowledge, in addition to Kuayang rare collection of antique collectors competing Hyun not, the way to research into two categories: one is the historical data to fill the card history or language inscriptions, the school is two, of diction; appreciation of the art of calligraphy. Mr. Qi Gong and the two, in the latter, he blend between the two methods, the breakthrough barriers. "Maiduhaizhu something different, Tuobei for most of the book industry. A final parallel prose what, see a few collectors chanting". He wrote the poem on the past how many connoisseurs attention to the works of calligraphy, Chinese speech is often ignored. Artists such as Sun Chengze, Weng and leaves a Changchi this flaw, and he did not miss the content and diction. Because of this, he has always been about "tablet" arguments to Caoejiang injured all over the body. Therefore, the so-called "small Wang Xizhi Cao'e monument", would not exist. Not to mention the Cai Yong ho.
Mr. Qi Gong's theory of calligraphy works, I love his hair when a metaphor, wit, and many problems on the art of calligraphy and calligraphy history, has its unique "on the book" this is the first hundred poems, and his experience for decades, the research on the practice of calligraphy. Especially since the note in the poem, the Junyi, this opinion. I met some long-term problems, after reading feel a sense of click into place smoothly done or easily solved. Textual "Wagtail song" for Kaiyuan Hanlin gongfeng hand; after the pro Japanese vine far "Leyi theory" to prove that Wang Xizhi's strong potential book; Zhang Xushu identified the letter G "step" is empty words for Dazhong Xiangfu after Song Dynasty to Jin pen; the remnant paper card "Ge tie" in cable Jing calligraphy. These are all over the history of calligraphy into the case, the full argument is strong, compelling. In addition, if it not on the calligraphy of Zhu Yunming into his own body; Liu Gongquan and Huang Tingjian as the lead of calligraphy, the word heart knot word poly potential. The characteristics of the ancient famous calligrapher, calligraphy style, the era of potential, and identify the style of origin, the change reason is very incisive.
early stage
Mr. Qi Gong as a famous historian Mr. Chen Yuan, specializing in teaching and research China literary history, art history, China Chinese prose poems and CI in Tang and Song Dynasties, history courses. He has been teaching for more than sixty years and has made outstanding achievements in the teaching and research of Chinese classical literature. He is promoting China's education, teacher education for grace, which taught Mr. Chen Yuan Ze, by selling paintings income more than 200 yuan, set up Li Yun scholarship.
In 1913, father died, with grandfather life. Pray for my grandfather, he was assigned to Lama Temple the Dalai Lama as a teacher, do a little lama, named "Chahar katol Zagreb cloth". It was after 1911, the Qing emperor to abdicate, his great grandfather never intended to reside in the capital, political, is no longer a single state. Just cengzu one student, Chen Yungao, is also home to the Hebei Hanlin, Yixian County's richest man, wide wealth, and funded the purchase of houses in Yixian County City, please cengzu living. Grandfather is his family moved in Yi County, starting when he was three or four. Later, into the school to read poetry.
In 1933 by Mr. Fu Zengxiang introduction, the industry in the yuan, involved in the academic stream of study and research. Appointed after the Chinese Catholic school teacher.
In 1935 as an assistant professor of Art Department of Fu Jen Catholic university.
In 1938 he was appointed a lecturer in Chinese at Fu Jen University, the Imperial Palace museum serves as the special committee, engaged in the review and identification of the work of cultural relics the Imperial Palace literature museum.
In 1949 the literature associate professor and associate professor, Department of Peking University Museum of Fu Jen university.
In 1952, he served as associate professor, Professor of Beijing Normal University, member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of Chinese, people's Political Consultative Conference Chairman, national cultural relics appraisal committee director, Central Research Institute of culture and history, doctoral tutor.
93 old age as a society of consultants, Chinese Calligraphers Association honorary president, United World Chinese calligraphy and painting will be the founding chairman of the Buddhist Association of the Imperial Palace Museum, the National Museum, China consultant, Xiling Seal-Engravers'Society president.
2:25 on June 30, 2005 died in Beijing.
The main works of "ancient font on the draft" sound poetry "on the draft" "Qi Gong" "Qi Gong" Cong draft rhyme "Qi Gong" Qi Gong "whispers" words "Chinese essays" phenomenon "on the book of poems" "on the book of the" "eight" "Qi Gong said." the book of painting and calligraphy.
"Qi Gong" the complete works published by Beijing Normal University press. "The complete works of Qi Gong" in 20 volumes, the first 10 volumes of works, including poems, lectures, oral history, letters, diaries, after 10 volumes of works of calligraphy and painting, a collection of Qi Gong's literary creation album, fan, roll, banners, vertical shaft, word class, writing pro. "Qi Gong" the complete works not only has precious historical value and research value but also has great value and high.
The emperor Yong Zheng emperor, five son and Prince of the Hong - a permanent bi - two - three - son of Mian Yi Heng - five - two sub sub carrier Chong Pu Liang - eldest son Yu Long - only the eldest son of the eldest son of Qi Gong -- with only constant
Qi Gong was born in the literary family, the grandfather of Yu Qi Gong long (1872 - 1923) the family, in twenty years Guangxu (1894) in the two 109 Enke Jinshi, powder house granted editing.
The grandfather Pu Qi Gong Liang (1854 - 1922) when young, request to leather title, salary, to participate in the imperial examinations, and six years Guangxu (1880) two of the top thirty-seven scholars, for shujishi, powder house granted editing.
The ancestors and the prince of the Hong Qi Gong (1712 - 1765) is the history of the famous absurd Wangyeh, like a funeral, eat the offerings, but also that he is free for historians in Hong (Yong Zheng three) and Hong Li (Yong Zheng four son of emperor Qian Long) to the throne of the competition with "absurd" in the name of low profile.
Achievements in calligraphy, "Kai" high prices
Once a large number of clinical learning Qi Gong rubbings, his calligraphy works, both banners, album, screen, can show the beautiful rhythm and profound artistic conception, known as "Kai body". The calligraphy circles commented: "not only is the study book, is the book of the book of scholar and poet."
The art of calligraphy itself, he also have a lot of ideas. Most people are beginning to learn calligraphy from writing "squares" or "rice", and the words focus on the center of square. Qi Gong has found that word is not the focus of the center point of the traditional M word, but in the four corner not far from the center, also calculate the ratio between them is in line with the so-called "golden ratio", has an important significance for the study of calligraphy.
Qi Gong calligraphy works very popular in the market. In 2003 spring auction in Beijing as an example, the China launched a total of 10 of his paintings, all transactions, of which more than 80 thousand yuan has 4, seven pieces of "Tang poetry" script mirror heart was taken to 418 thousand yuan, the transaction price staggering.
Painting, landscape bamboo ideographic interest
Qi Gong painting style is rigorous composition, vivid, vivid color, long lasting appeal, especially good at landscape bamboo, a traditional literati painting charm. "Akiyama people bank of China in the painting" is the common theme. In 30s and 40s, he has been painting emerged in 50s reached the peak of art. He also painted for her living.
Starting the steady increase in the price of paintings of old age. China Guardian 1999 autumn auction of his "Zhu Zhumo stone", sold more than 7 yuan. In 2002, the same four feet the whole paper Zhu Qi Gong Zhutu price in 100 thousand yuan of above. Qi Gong eye aggravating, painting is very difficult, more precious paintings.
He has repeatedly made paintings for national leaders and international exchanges. Qi Gong had said humorously: "here is my gift manufacturing company."
Chinese Calligraphers Association, vice chairman of Beijing Calligraphers Association, Mr. Qi Gong Peng Liming commented: "Mr. Qi Gong is dean of China calligraphy and cultural relics collection circles, his frank founder, refined generous, humorous, is a model. Qigong was president of the second Chinese Calligraphers Association, as Chinese calligraphy root, innovation and development have made great contributions, his death is a great loss to China calligraphy and art circles. Mr. Qi Gong also insisted with students until late in life, life students everywhere, we will remember him forever." Calligraphy everyone Xie Jinglian said: "the teacher as a well-known scholar, with his broad mind to give me not only the teaching of calligraphy, the most important thing is imperceptible in learning his outlook on life." Mr Peng Liming recalls, Qi Gong teacher is very humorous, life has many interesting stories.
Shandong Provincial Museum of librarians, China Calligraphers Association Review Committee Mr. Chen Gengqiao said: "Kai always generation famous scholar, educator, calligrapher, is recognized by the connoisseur, has always been a strong supporter of China cultural relics appreciation and cultural relics auction, China cultural circles have added to his beloved. From the beginning of 1980s, Mr. Qi Gong and I have had many contacts, he impressed me most, the biggest inspiration is that the Cultural Relics Identification: identification of the facts of ancient calligraphy and painting, know is not clear, you don't know, very honest. I had to carry a museum in the Qing Dynasty to Beijing album please Mr. Qi Gong identified, he gave me a lot of inspiration. In addition, in the exchanges I feel some of his ideas are very liberal, and often use simple language to express out in. He is an opera fan, often said: "Peking Opera in the first and then to charm orderliness. Writing is also the case, first pay attention to knot body, in order to seek charm. This sentence in my years of art has played a great role in enlightenment, to avoid some detours."
China Central Academy of Fine Arts College of humanities, Professor, doctoral tutor Xue Yongnian has written record: the Imperial Palace Museum has a younger than me scholar Wang Lianqi, although not read the University, a worker was born, but good at learning, proficient in painting and calligraphy rubbings and have a systematic study of Zhao Mengtiao. In 80s and 90s he was Xu Bangda's assistant, Mr. Qi Gong liked him as a friendship between generations, and continue to create opportunities to play and praise a person before everybody, improve for him. In early 90s, Mr. Qi Gong asked me to recommend Wang Lianqi to do research in the American metropolis, "let the Americans know that we have such young experts". Later I asked Wang Lianqi about it, he said as he went to the United States, Mr. Qi Gong took pains. In a banquet, Mr. Qi Gong in conversation with Fang Wen, specifically cited a topic, that is, Zhao Mengtiao's "double pine Pingyuan map". This work is true and false in the United States, one in the metropolis, the other in Cincinnati. Mr. Qi Gong said the other side heard here, Wang Lianqi can tell you who is who you listen to him talk about the evidence." Then Wang Lianqi said, not only have the authentic seal and a period of Qianlong, Qianlong inscription, in Xuantong first year published "Chinese Di child name album" in come out, but later Qianlong inscriptions had been deprived of, Tan Jing organization false without the Qianlong inscriptions. Therefore. Spread to the United States a really a fake two, no dig marks must be false, it is at the dig marks is undoubtedly authentic. He carefully told the authenticity and spread through the history of the United States and sell fake, Fang Wen was impressed by inviting Wang Lianqi to the United States, immediately closed.
oral history
As Mr. Qi Gong oral finishing, Professor of Beijing Normal University, the college student Qi Gong Mr. Zhao Rengui told reporters, in fact, as early as more than and 10 years ago, he was hoping to help Mr. sorting out a record of his life's oral history, but Qi Gong has always been declined. "Sir, on the one hand, because his family background is not good evaluation, difficult to speak; on the other hand is because he does not want to repeat the pain of the past, to recall those hidden in the bottom of my heart pain." But as time goes on, in everyone's appeal, finally reluctantly agreed to the oral Qi gong.
Digest appreciation
My name is Qi Gong, white characters, but also for the primary element, is referred to as the Manchuria tribe, Manchu, belongs to zhenglanqi.
Since I call Qi Gong, of course, is the surname Rev. Some people say that you are not Aixinjueluo Qi Gong?
Others would like to call him, think this is a compliment to him. This is actually very boring. Facts have proved that if Aixinjueluo really can as a surname, it's worth mentioning, glory worth mentioning, completely listen to the mercy of politics, there is nothing to boast about it? Why hold it to relish it? That's why I don't want to be a Aixinjueluo.
In the 80s of last century, some of the Aixinjueluo family wanted to open a Book Exhibition in the name of the family and invited me to participate. I'm not interested in this name, and wrote two poems, the first meaning is that, even as Wang and Xie that the families are bound to experience the "old king hall swallows vicissitudes, flying into the homes of ordinary people, people who truly have the ability is not heavy with his family, like Wang Xizhi, he signed in, never advertised himself as the Langya Royal noble descendants, but who can say that he is not a" book "! The first second of the mean, I like the ancient drama clown "Bao old", originally shabby in dress, appearance is not very easy for a long time, how can match and you played so elegant show? Even if you want to find supporters do not find me. My two poem may offend those same people, but this is my true feelings.
But some people like this set. Some people write to me, love to write "Aixinjueluo Qi Gong", I just laugh. More and more later. I simply marked "check this person, please return". Yes, do not believe you check my ID card, account of this, and all official documents, "Aixinjueluo Qi Gong" never a person like that.
Though I don't say he is Aixinjueluo, but I was really the descendants of the royal family in the Qing dynasty. Here I introduce my family, do not want to show off their noble birth, the reason to introduce, because a lot of things which are closely related to China and modern history. I am emperor Yong Zheng's ninth generation sun. Yong Zheng's fourth son Hongli, he inherited the throne, this is the emperor Qian Long. Yong Zheng's fifth son named Hong Zhou, only an hour later than my birth, of course they are half brother. After the Qianlong emperor, and Prince Hong letter. We are the offspring of the prince.