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舒伯展,1941年10月出生,兴化市竹泓镇人。书画家,日中水墨画学会会员,上海书法家协会会员,上海市工艺美术书画篆刻研究会会员。舒伯展,一生坎坷,11岁时因患病不得不辍学。27岁时师从张大壮、 樊伯炎学习中国画,身残志坚,以坚强的毅力在艺术的海洋里探求。

  • 中文名舒伯展
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍兴化市竹泓镇
  • 出生地兴化市竹泓镇
  • 出生日期1941年10月
  • 职业书画家

1959年入上海南市区职工业余师范学校进修中文,后师从张大壮、樊伯炎习书画,为入室弟子。临习樊少云真迹及宋、元、明、清诸家作品,注重向生活寻求创作素材。擅山水、花卉、林木,以画榕树见长。所作笔墨雄健,讲求气势。有作品在国内外展出并发表。创办“百展画社”,专营书画,教授学生。 舒伯展是江苏兴化人,那是出文化名人的地方,贤人高士不少。舒伯展尤对板桥特别推崇,他愿和扬州八怪同流合伍。他毫不讳忌地对朋友说:“我是传统的守护人,扬州八怪的后来者啊。”难怪画家兼美术理论家江宏评价他的画谓:“青藤之道不孤也。”程十发大师见画后在画册上欣然题写“春风第一”。



出版有《舒伯展书画集》,为上海美协会员,中国美协会员,上海书协会员,中国书协会员。 1941年10月出生,江苏省兴化市竹泓镇人。书画家,日中水墨画学会会员,上海书法家协会会员,上海市工艺美术书画篆刻研究会会员。



English Introduction

1959 Shanghai South City normal school amateur staff Chinese, under the tutelage of Zhang Dazhuang Fan Boyan, after learning calligraphy and painting, as a disciple. Lin Xi fan Shaoyang and original song and Ming Dynasties, some works focus on seeking creative material to life. Good at landscapes, flowers, trees, banyan to draw good. The text emphasizes the momentum of vigorous. Works exhibited and published at home and abroad. The founder of "100 Exhibition", specializes in painting and calligraphy, teach students. Super show is Xinghua Jiangsu, it is a cultural celebrity, sage goldsmith many. Super show especially in Banqiao special worship he wish and Yangzhou eight strange with stream wu. He did not answer to the friend said: "I am the keeper of tradition, and later Yangzhou eight strange ah." No wonder the painter and art theorist Jiang Hong said: "evaluation of his paintings are not alone ivy." Master Cheng Shifa see after painting in the book "gladly wrote the first spring".
Super show was born in 1941, a number, and later, fan fan, tumbler. Vegetarian House fragrance. Fragrance and lotus together is even more impressive, lotus out of the sludge without staining, painting lotus is a special feature of Shu bo. Super show road of life is rough and exhausted, at the age of twelve had lymph tuberculosis nearly killed and disabled for ill for five years. When he was just an ordinary person, take a number of fan. But the body cannot defeat super show self-confidence, he will do the literati, painting of "literati painting", put up a pageantry to raise the ideal sail, to explore the spirit of ink outside the territory.
He has learned from Zhang Dazhuang, Fan Boyan painting. During the day, he in the extremely heavy conditions work pull wire, at night, he insisted on writing his painting for three or four hours, we study ancient works. Sunday will go to the teacher's home report. Born with a pair of characters of the super show favorite saying is "I can't lose to others!" When the relevant departments to give him a certificate of disability, he does not want others to take care of him. In two he taught the teacher painting into a large, first painting landscapes, after flowers, a pen in hand, freely, get the praise.
Ten years ago he again fell ill, "tumbler", encourage oneself. He has a pet phrase: "three painting late and not late", "fall sick fail", "body residues without residue, finally he stood up and holding the brush! He took the poet's passion in the Jiuhan Yu Zhen pen to get ink, random hair, short but not thin, forceful style show unyielding personality. Looking for virtual and ink in ink shade and dry wet, the painting like a mighty painter in the painting in the The mighty river flows eastward., be the most changeful will be dizzy with success, the poet's passion, fantasy, breath, spirit, temperament is on paper. Meaning, emotion aspect aspect, aspect, aspect, water ink pen freely, and have large gaps to keep fresh air, see most of literati painting accomplishment.
Shu Bozhan worked in the "Jiangsu Art Museum", "Shanghai Chinese academy", held a personal exhibition, Shanghai people's Fine Arts Publishing House personal book of Shanghai TV filming the TV documentary, many collectors of his works.

In 1983, his story in the media coverage, caused a sensation in the community.
1999, he suffered a stroke attack, causing left hemiplegia. Difficult, and Shu exhibition calm face adversity, he put all his dedication to brush. His flower and bird, the picture is concise and lively, as he is confident Frank character, his landscape paintings, many pictures have Jinsong, this is his heart defying setbacks, endless pursuit of the spirit of art. He is a famous calligrapher. Good at calligraphy, cursive script, the pen between the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and concise, profound skill.
2003 in Jiangsu Province Art Museum held personal exhibition.
May 28, 2004 to June 1st held in Taizhou Mei Lanfang Memorial Museum exhibition"
5 days in Shanghai Chinese academy held personal exhibition in June 3, 2005.
The publication of "Shu" exhibition of calligraphy and painting collection ", Shanghai Artists Association, China Artists Association, Shanghai Calligraphers Association members, Chinese Calligraphers Association members. Born in October 1941, Jiangsu city of Xinghua Province Wang bamboo town. Painting and calligraphy, painting, ink painting society member, member of Shanghai Calligraphers Association, member of calligraphy and Arts Association of Shanghai city.
1959 Shanghai South City normal school amateur staff Chinese, under the tutelage of Zhang Dazhuang Fan Boyan, after learning calligraphy and painting, as a disciple. Lin Xi fan Shaoyang and original song and Ming Dynasties, some works focus on seeking creative material to life. Good at landscapes, flowers, trees, banyan to draw good. The text emphasizes the momentum of vigorous. Works exhibited and published at home and abroad. The founder of "100 Exhibition", specializes in painting and calligraphy, teach students.
In June 6, 1983, the "Liberation Daily" published its essays "I established a" courage in the rough.
Super show at the age of 11 due to illness had to drop out of school, and middle age caused by stroke left hemiplegia, carry out Shanghai famous painting and calligraphy exhibition of the disabled super personal exhibition in Shanghai in June 3, 2005 Chinese academy, more than and 80 pieces of calligraphy and painting with a brush about his fight experience. Super early show, under the tutelage of Zhang Dazhuang Fan Boyan, from the beginning of copying famous ancient masterpieces, trained to have a solid basic skills of landscape painting. The freehand painting bold and hearty, a few pens, we can outline the conception and composition of all works of high. The flower picture is concise and lively, confident as his heroic personality; and landscape painting, many pictures have Jinsong, showing his frustration attitude towards life. From the beginning of the last century in 80s, Shu Bo exhibition held personal exhibitions throughout the succession, had also published the "Shu Bozhan book" on the album. More than and 80 works of the exhibition exhibition of super exhibition over the years, including vertical shaft, lens, and various shapes album covers, landscapes, flowers and birds, calligraphy theme etc..






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对