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( 中国美术家协会理事 )


  • 中文名谢稚柳
  • 别名原名稚,字稚柳,后以字行
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍江苏常州
  • 出生地江苏常州
  • 出生日期1910年
  • 逝世日期1997年6月1日
  • 职业书画大师、书画鉴定大家
  • 协会中国美术家协会,中国书法家协会
  • 主要成就国家文物鉴定委员会委员
  • 代表作品《敦煌石室记》、《敦煌艺术叙录》、《水墨画》等

中国美术网 09-17 浏览




张大千,吞吐大荒,固然堪称一世之雄,可是在他心里,能和自己在画艺上颉颃雁行,并驾齐驱的,恰恰为这位“柳弟”。三分割据又为何人?放眼望去,没有人选。在倾盖相交之间,在生死契约之后,昔年莫高窟前万里流沙,青城山里满目青葱,映照着他们敲诗联句、论画谈书身影。大千豪迈、稚柳温婉、这样一对、异姓兄弟,平分画坛的天下。 从黑白印刷图版中只能依稀窥探出元人的遗韵,真迹一旦赫


谢稚柳画作大千豪迈,稚柳温婉,这样一对异姓兄弟,平分了画坛的天下! 从黑白印刷的图版中只能依稀窥探出元人的遗韵,真迹一旦赫然在目,难免有一种望外的愉悦。画面从左上角纵横伸开两枝树干,几组阔叶掩映其间,设色古雅,一丝不苟的神貌,散发出宋人院体绘画特有的拙朴。一只黑猿舒展双臂攀援树上,是易元吉画中的精灵。深厚繁复的点染,凝练沉稳的勾勒,似乎比张大千的纤巧更贴近古人的灵魂。画中题双款,书法已经逐渐脱开陈老莲的瘦硬古拙,变得丰腴端庄起来。戊子年的题款说的是关先生北游回归之后,特地将此幅赠送的原委,另一种说法是关家弄璋之喜的贺礼。自己得意的力作,随赠朋好,活得如此洒脱,人生还有什么遗憾可言?


在长达半个多世纪的艺术生涯中,谢稚柳孜孜不倦,精耕细研,广泛探求,锲而不舍地攀登艺术巅峰,在诗、书、画、考证、鉴定、研究等领域中成就卓着,鼎足当代他天资聪敏,幼承庭训,受业名师,习经史诗文,醉心丹青,热衷古画观摩,融会古法,自成风貌。绘画方面工花鸟、山水、人物,设色明雅,用笔隽秀,清丽静穆,曲尽其妙。晚岁更创“落墨法”,纵笔放浪,墨彩交融,别具一格。书法方面,清秀飘逸,风姿奇丽,潇洒出尘,气势恢宏。诗词造诣深邃,诗画交融,格调天成,清新可诵。学术研究,治学严谨,范围广泛,涉及古书画鉴别、美术史研究、作品赏析、史料整理编辑等,尤其是在书画鉴定方面,贡献更为卓着。 谢稚柳-自幼天资聪颖,其师钱名山为当地名流,其兄谢玉岑以诗驰誉江南,并能书善画,谢稚柳自幼受到熏陶。20岁始便经常出入中央博物院看画,并与兄之好友张大千过从甚密,这是他鉴定历程。

English Introduction

Xie Zhiliu, Jiangsu Wujin. Young teacher to learn the ancient language. Professor of Centre College.
In the identification of painting, beginning with Zhang Heng (Zhang Congyu) as there are "Bei Zhang Nan Xie", is Chinese painting identification synthesizer but untimely death. Later, Xie Zhiliu, Xu Bangda and Qi three as many people as "art identification" eye Xie, by "academic identification" to "identification" Kai, Xu. The identification of things be also a non. Mr. Xie Chang also have a lot of life or.
Xie Zhiliu (1910-1997), Jiangsu, Changzhou. From the age of nineteen when drawing money Zhenfu, go for chenlaolian style, and straight up after 1930 in song and Yuan Dynasties, chase Chen Hongshou painting.
1943 professor of art, Centre College. 1942 and Zhang Daqian went to Dunhuang to study grotto art, written "Dunhuang art narrative", "Dunhuang Grottoes collection" and other books. 40s in Chengdu, Chongqing, Kunming, Xi'an, Shanghai and other places held personal exhibitions. 1949 was appointed as the Shanghai municipal heritage management committee. In 1956 he served as a member of the Preparatory Committee of Shanghai China academy. After the former Shanghai Federation secretary general, Shanghai, vice president, Shanghai Museum consultant China Painting Institute elected Committee, China Artists Association third, four director, vice chairman of Shanghai artists association. Longer than the history of Chinese painting and calligraphy and painting identification. 1962 to participate in the National Bureau of cultural relics organization of Chinese painting and calligraphy appraisal team, went to Beijing, Tianjin, Shenyang and other places to read painting surplus. 1983 any national ancient painting and calligraphy appraisal team leader, the following year began the national painting and calligraphy appraisal work. And be good at flowers and birds, landscape painting.
"The fence" selected for the second national art exhibition; "Liantang (ridge bird) the", "Camellia mountain magpie" selected for the third national art exhibition. "Caoyuanmuge" hidden in the Chinese Gallery etc.. 1962 held a solo exhibition in Beijing, Chen Peiqiu held a joint exhibition of calligraphy and painting exhibition after 1981. Publications include "Xie Zhiliu album" a number of Editors "; the Tang and the Five Dynasties of song and Yuan" and "Yan Wengui, Fort Fan Kuan collection" and "Dong Yuan, Juran collection" and "complete works of Liang Kai, the author of" Dunhuang Shishi "and the" Dunhuang art "and" narrative "," ink painting in other miscellaneous draft "poetry collection"; poems "and" small fish drink "poetry etc..
In 1964 Zhang Daqian Tishi evaluation Zhiliu "oak" Xie works cow ape:
Don't always blame the picture, smoke, no cow ape shen.
The world hero king and fuck, three regimes who.
Zhang Daqian, the throughput is a wilderness, a hero of the age, but in his heart, and his painting art in the antagonistic echelon, just as the racing together bridle to bridle, "Liu brother". Three independent and why? Looking ahead, no candidate. In between the cover tilt intersection, in front of Mogao Grottoes this year after the death contract, 10000 quicksand, Qingcheng Mountain green everywhere, reflects the poem on painting couplet, they knock on book figure. The bold, Liu Wenwan, such a juvenile, Yixing brothers, split the painting of the world. From black and white printing plate can only vaguely see the genuine yuan out of rhyme, once he
However, in the eyes, there is inevitably a kind of hope outside pleasure. The picture from the upper left corner and open two trunk, several groups of broad-leaved shade in the meantime, color quaint, the appearance of God, strict in demands, the body painting exudes a unique key. A black monkey is climbing the tree with his arms spread, Yi Yuanji in the wizard. The complicated deep dyed, concise calm outline, seems closer to the soul than Zhang Daqian slim. The problem of double, calligraphy has gradually disengaged chenlaolian thin hard simple, become plump and dignified. The title is that Mr. Guan North travel back, took this piece of gift, another is Guan Jia David. His masterpiece, with the gift of good friends and live life so carefree, what regrets.
From the song to the old standard and clear a road style, wandering in the clouds ignorant of the Jiangnan scenery, obsessed with fog smoke around the pond, the lotus leaves frost and shadow, this orchid and plum Zhudou is spat fragrance cold, gentle and elegant style as timeless as the refined words, look for a long time, think with all the hubbub cleaning the wash.
"The gentleman bamboo, father-in-law stone, I still not your problem. This volume long stay between heaven and earth, from teach world heavy color." Shen Yinmo's poems and his word, always forget the Jin Tang wind. He is really the solution, seem to have seen the day after Xie in high and vigorous spirits, all-powerful figure. Indeed, the misty rain in the thousand years bred Cairen, inheritance of words, find the elegant refined spirit.
Light smoke mountains, vast and close look at writing. His early paintings, always exudes a touch sense. For Xu Xi the road law fascination, makes him a change of style, and then emerge, soar. The old man as Jiangnan road,
Enter the border late Mr. Xie ink more waves ripple, the color more colorful colors, pure and fresh and beautiful bridges bitter Huang Zhai, a strong Twilight hall with the cool The mighty river flows eastward. wallace.
"Less in fine old metrical waves, this is a teacher. This is the old life review summary, but also the overview of history, enlightenment for future generations to open nature high perspicacity, scholars.
June 1, 1997, the famous painting master Xie Zhiliu died.

Zhang Daqian's 1964 poem "Zhiliu Xie evaluation works:" don't look "oak cow ape, dust, painting is not to blame cow ape. The world hero king and fuck, three regimes who." Zhang Daqian is a great stimulation but in his mind, a hero of the age, and their antagonistic in painting on the echelon, is precisely the racing together bridle to bridle, "Liu brother". Three regimes? Looking ahead, no candidate. In an intersection cover, life and death in the contract, in front of Mogao Grottoes in quicksand, Qingcheng Mountain green everywhere, reflects the poetry couplet, they knock on painting book talk figure.
Xie Zhiliu and Liu Daqian paintings of heroic, gentle, a pair of Yixing brothers, split the painting of the world! From black and white printing plate can only vaguely see out yuan rhyme, authentic once impressively in the head, will inevitably have a look of pleasure. The picture from the upper left corner and open two trunk, several groups of broadleaf during the shade, color quaint, strict in demands appearance of God, exudes the body painting unique key. A black monkey is climbing the tree with his arms spread, Yi Yuanji in the wizard. The complicated deep dyed, concise calm outline, seems to be closer to the ancients than Zhang Daqian's delicate soul. The problem of double, calligraphy has gradually disengaged chenlaolian thin hard simple, dignified become plump up. The title is said after Mr. Guan North travel back, specially the picture presented the whole story, another story is Guan Jia David gift. Proud of their own masterpiece, with the gift of good friends, live life so free and easy, what regrets?
From the song to the old strict norms and cuhao road style, stroll in the clouds ignorant of the Jiangnan scenery, obsessed with fog smoke around the pond, the lotus leaves the frost, and this orchid, plum Zhudou is spat fragrance cold, gentle and elegant style like the song words as timeless and vulgar, look for a long time, think wash for cleaning with the world. "The gentleman bamboo, father-in-law stone, I still not your problem. This volume long stay between heaven and earth, from teach world heavy color." Shen Yinmo's poems and his word, always forget the wind gauge of Jin and Tang dynasty. He is really the solution, seem to have seen the small figure all-powerful in high and vigorous spirits, the day after. Indeed, the misty rain in the thousand years bred lady, inheritance in pen and ink, find the spirit of elegant and refined. Light smoke and write mountains, vast close look. His early paintings, always exudes a sense of touch. For a crush on Xu Xi road method, makes his style changed, the final breakthrough, soar. The old man stepped into the road south of the river, the border late Mr. Xie, wash more waves rippling, color more colorful colors, bridges in bitter Huangyuan fresh and bright, into a strong Twilight hall step with the The mighty river flows eastward.. In less fine old metrical waves, this is a teacher. This is the old life review summary, as he surveyed the history of enlightenment creation opens the way for future generations of high perspicacity, scholars.

In more than half a century art career, Xie Zhiliu diligently, intensive research, extensive exploration, relentlessly climbing peak in the field of art, poetry, books, paintings, textual research, identification and research in the contemporary achievement is outstanding, he was bright, young chengtingxun, by industry masters, Xi Jingshi poetry obsessed with painting, paintings, keen observation, combining the ancient method, self style. The painting industry and flowers, landscapes and figures, color Ming ya, pen Juanxiu, elegant and solemn, wonderful. His hit "the road", the vertical pen had, ink and color blending have a unique style. Calligraphy, handsome and elegant, graceful and beautiful and magnificent world. Poetry attainments deep, poetic style blend, natural, fresh one. Academic research, rigorous scholarship, wide range, involving ancient paintings identification, art history research, literature appreciation, historical data editing, especially in the identification of painting, more outstanding contribution. Xie Zhiliu was a gifted teacher for money famous local celebrities, the famous Jiangnan Yishi Cen Xie Yu brother, and can book good painting, Xie Zhiliu was influenced by the. 20 years old was frequented the Central Museum to see the painting, and his friends in close association and Chang, this is his identification process.
Xie Zhiliu's book as a starting point, had a great impact on him, and affect the creation and identification of his life. He made the characters are painting circles and identification of celebrities, except Zhang Daqian and Wu Hufan, Zhang Boju, Zhang Shizhao, Yu Youren, Shen Yinmo, Xu Beihong, Shang Chengzuo, Rong Geng, in the dark, plays an invisible role in his artistic experience. At the age of 36 with Zhang Boju is a turning point in his identification, because Zhang's rich collection, and specializes in the identification of. At the age of 41, Shanghai, was hired him for the compilation, the life of a major turning point, it China never identified specialized schools, such as Xie Zhiliu halfway monk, is a rare genius identification. He will never be the identification of well-known. At the age of 53, the State Bureau of cultural relics and calligraphy identification team members across the country to identify hidden ancient paintings for a comprehensive and systematic, across four provinces, from the first half of the year, the painting more than axis, in his life career identification is a big event in the history of calligraphy and painting, is the identification of the home also is rare.






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