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( 中国美术家协会会员 )

 瓷, 1949年生,河北故城人。国家一级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,清华大学访问学者。自幼从师著名书画家张寒杉、叶访樵先生学习中国画,毕业于西安美术学院国画系,深造于中国国家画院,现为西安中国画院专业画家。

  • 中文名刁呈健
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍河北故城
  • 出生日期1949年
  • 职业国家一级美术师
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校西安美术学院
  • 主要成就国家一级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,清华大学访问学者
  • 代表作品《鹤伍》《接天云涛》、《金靥凝霜》

















西安美院名誉院长、著名画家 刘文西


著名文艺评论家 肖云儒


中国美协副主席、中国国家画院院长 杨晓阳 


Introduction in English

 Diao Chengjian was born in 1949 in the old city of Hebei Province. National first-class artist, member of China Artists Association, visiting scholar of Tsinghua University. Zhang Hanshu and Ye Wenqiao, famous calligraphers and painters, have studied Chinese painting since childhood. They graduated from the Department of Traditional Chinese Painting of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, and are now professional painters of Xi'an Academy of Chinese Painting.


Personal Profile


Diao Chengjian was born in 1949 in the old city of Hebei Province. National first-class artist, member of China Artists Association, visiting scholar of Tsinghua University. Zhang Hanshu and Ye Wenqiao, famous calligraphers and painters, have studied Chinese painting since childhood. They graduated from the Department of Traditional Chinese Painting of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, and are now professional painters of Xi'an Academy of Chinese Painting. He was the director of Flower and Bird Research Department of Xi'an Chinese Academy of Painting and the chairman of Xi'an Youth Artists Association.


Currently, he is vice president of Shaanxi Chinese Flower and Bird Painting Research Association, vice president of Shaanxi Academy of Calligraphy and Painting Art, director of Shaanxi Charity Association and honorary director of Xi'an Charity Calligraphy and Painting Art Council. He is good at both painting and painting, especially freehand flower and bird painting. His works are smooth in brush and ink, clear and meaningful in style and excellent in artistic conception. With traditional brush and ink, modern ideas, strange and ingenious forms, and with concise writing and painting in calligraphy, the charm of flower and bird painting is vividly and vividly sprinkled, so that the beauty of nature and artistic conception can be harmoniously unified in the works.


Creative Style


Diao Chengjian's paintings are full of fresh air and calm masculinity. His brush and ink are bold and bold, smooth and vivid, handsome and detached. "Moistening Things Silently" was selected not only for the first National Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition, but also for the cover of the exhibition collection "Chinese Flower and Bird Painting". The peony trunk in the picture runs obliquely through the picture, bending iron to settle down, and unites into one. There are also a few sticks like Jiaojiao Panzhu, vigorous and far-reaching, in the form of painting and line contrast, between lines, a large area of thick ink for the leaves, depth, shade and originality, leaf veins scattered but not scattered, holding a group of charm, in vertical and horizontal to make the law, form a force of balance, peony in the spring rain also shows the painter. A quiet and upward desire of oneself.


The work "Hewu" only has one outline in its overall shape. Several free and easy lines delineate the rhythm of the cranes, such as the beating notes and the seemingly random dawn of the crane crest, which strengthens the whole and enhances the constitution. The concise and elegant expression of the spiritual connotation of the white crane is steady, wise and does not follow the popular trend. It also represents the author's spiritual pursuit.

The works such as Jietian Yuntao and Jindi Ningfrost aim at extolling the dependence and harmony between nature and individual life. The pictures are dignified in colour. Clusters of cloudy cockscombs and autumn chrysanthemums are blooming in the wind. Branches written with calligraphy brushes are painted vertically and horizontally, with rhythm coming out. The essential difference between art and non-art, freehand brushwork and description lies in the integration of the shape of natural phenomena and the soul of social life in the shape of flowers and the sublimation of the natural image to a metaphysical level. The overall composition is changed in the unity, far from the general formula, branches, leaves and flowers are also full of ink, reaching a free-hand state of "flowers at first sight, flowers are both flowers, flowers are not flowers, flowers are still flowers, flowers are not flowers, flowers are flowers, flowers are not flowers, flowers are not flowers, flowers are flowers, flowers are not flowers but flowers". Strong emotional orientation, strong artistic infection and strong visual impact are all coming.


Diao Chengjian often uses calligraphy as his painting method and literature as his painting method. He believed that the brush and ink Kungfu based on Chinese calligraphy was the premise of the formal beauty of Chinese painting. Throughout the ages, the master of freehand brushwork was not a master of calligraphy with deep brush and ink kungfu. For many years, he did not dare to relax his study and study of traditional calligraphy and seal carving. He carefully studied the calligraphy books of ancient and modern people, and traced them by hand. He had a good understanding of the ingenuity of free-style writing in calligraphy and art, supplemented by his understanding of traditional culture. Therefore, he was able to draw freely by his own calligraphy, so that the ink and ink in addition to the function of vivid representation also carried a heavy humanistic connotation.


While concentrating on Chinese freehand flower-and-bird painting, he also gave a lot of inspiration to landscape painting. His landscape painting brushes are beautiful, elegant, lively and artistic conception is high. He is not shackled by nature, but drives nature with the nature in his heart. He has a lot of experience in art. Hundreds of thousands of words of reading notes and paintings written over the years, tens of thousands of sketches, are the source of his endless creation. Reading, writing, stamping and traveling constitute his other spiritual world

Achievements and Honours


The works "Connecting Clouds to the Heaven", "Golden Dipper Frost" and "Actual" were selected into the seventh, eighth and Ninth National Art exhibitions; "Weiyemo" was selected into the first national Chinese painting exhibition; "Moistening Thin Silence" was selected into the first national flower and bird painting exhibition; "Peacock", "Autumn Water", "Yu Yu Yu Yu Cang", "Daji", "Yannian", "Yannian", "Yannian", "Yannian", "Yannian", "Yannian", "Yannian","《 Want to wash frost Ling under the Jianbian","Guanchang","Fujin Fuguang"were selected as the third, sixth, seventh, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth and fourteenth invitation exhibitions of contemporary Chinese flower and bird painting, respectively, and won the achievement award and elite award; Changhe Sunset Yen was selected as the first invitation exhibition of contemporary Chinese landscape painting in China.


The work "Moistening Things Silently" was selected as the cover of "Chinese Flower-and-Bird Painting" in the first national flower-and-bird painting exhibition. Several works were selected into the Collection of Works of the First National Chinese Painting Exhibition, the Collection of Chinese Paintings, the Collection of Chinese Flowers and Birds Paintings, the Selection of Works of Contemporary Chinese Painters, the Collection of Chinese Paintings of the Ninth National Art Exhibition, the Collection of Excellent Works of Calligraphy and Paintings of All Dynasties in Shaanxi, the Collection of Works of Famous Chinese Painters Crossing the Century, and《 "Love Olympics" China Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition Works Collection and other large professional paintings. Art biography is included in the catalogue of contemporary Chinese artists, Chinese artists, Chinese contemporary art circles, Chinese contemporary artists and Dictionary of Members of Chinese Artists Association. Published Diao Chengjian's Painting Collection, Diao Chengjian's Freehand Flowers and Birds, etc.


His representative works have participated in the Hong Kong Biennale of Modern Art, the Asian Artists Federation Exhibition and other important exhibitions. He has won the most potential Art Awards of the Charlie Howe Modern Art Foundation, the Jackie Chan Art Scholarship and the first prize of the Graduation Painting Exhibition of the Chinese University, the Ding Yanyong Memorial Art Award, and the Xu Rang Art Collection Award. Many works have been collected by New Asia College of Hong Kong University, Hong Kong Art Center, Charlie Howe Modern Art Foundation, China Association for Foreign Cultural Exchange, Jiangsu Art Museum, Shichuan County Art Museum of Japan, former President Clinton of the United States and many famous Chinese and foreign figures.


In recent years, more than 500 works have participated in more than 160 exhibitions at home and abroad, won more than 30 prizes, won eight prizes in international and domestic competitions, and many works have been collected by museums, institutions and individuals at home and abroad.

Celebrity Appraisal


Reiki, talent and education are the soul of art. Diao Chengjian has a quiet appearance, gentle and elegant, and nothing to publicize. But his humanistic accomplishment is comprehensive, and he pays attention to sincere life experience. Everyone who knows him well knows that he is a person with a peaceful mind and no fame. He is also an artist who loves life and perseveres in art. A painter's accomplishment, in addition to his artistic talent, is his understanding of the spirit of traditional art and his perception of life. Reiki, talent, education and enough persistent efforts should be combined. It is precisely this kind of accomplishment that makes Diao Chengjian's paintings have a unique charm, thus forming its own unique artistic style. [1]


Art mainly comes from life. In the breath of life, you should strengthen your personality. In the processing of pictures, you should grasp your unique features and constantly strengthen yourself with your own strengths in the language of expression. Generally speaking, your flower-and-bird painting is very strong, you have reached such a high level, so some things need to be more perfect, I hope you try to study as much as possible, so that your work will become more and more complete.


Liu Wenxi, Honorary Dean and Famous Painter of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts


Mr. Diao Chengjian is a very pursuing painter. His creative freehand brushwork is comprehensive. First of all, composition. I had a view on Chinese painting. It attached too much importance to brush and ink and neglected the innovation of composition. Mr. Diao has made a bold breakthrough in the composition of Chinese painting, with modern and even post-modern composers. Intervention of meaning not only pursues the balance of Oriental aesthetics, but also dares to re-compose without fear of tilting; in color, he can control the color regularly, brilliantly and grasp its rhythm; in line, whether with ink or with lines, he has his unique foundation, and exerts the function of lines to the extreme; It is obvious that it is a variant, but its variant is readable, understandable and communicative. Therefore, as an artist, Mr. Diao's powerful function of the subject can completely transform and improve the objective world he describes, and finally express it freely with his pen and ink, which is very difficult for an artist.


Xiao Yunru, a famous literary critic


Mr. Diao Chengjian is a rare freehand brushwork painter in Shaanxi painting circle. 20 years ago, he was already at a high level and a powerful painter. He inherited the traditional spirit of freehand brushwork. His freehand brushwork creation, calligraphy and seal carving have got rid of a mode based on Westernization in many art academies. From the perspective of material selection, he has many subjects which are not painted by ordinary painters; from the perspective of shape, he adopts exaggeration, simplicity and distortion to get rid of others'realism and sticking to details, which is a kind of inheritance and development of traditional freehand brushwork; from his ink and picture as a whole, his paintings are vivid and vivid. It has not only the basis of the Westernization of the college, but also the traditional basis and development of freehand brushwork, so it has formed its own unique features.


Yang Xiaoyang, Vice-Chairman of China Artistic Association and President of China National Academy of Painting






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