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( 中国美术家协会会员 )

 侯晓峰• 男、字风子、号羽山、恒祥居士;1968年生于山东,中国美术家协会会员,中国文艺家书画院常务副院长、副主任院委,中国美术家协会敦煌创作中心委员,北京国画家艺术协会副会长、一级美术师,享有华人优秀艺术家荣誉称号。

  • 中文名侯晓峰
  • 别名字风子、号羽山、恒祥居士
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地山东
  • 出生日期1968
  • 职业画家
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 主要成就中国美术家协会会员
傅京生:在天成象 在地成形——画家侯晓峰

中国美术网 09-17 浏览


  侯晓峰• 男、字风子、号羽山、恒祥居士;1968年生于山东,中国美术家协会会员,中国文艺家书画院常务副院长、副主任院委,中国美术家协会敦煌创作中心委员,北京国画家艺术协会副会长、一级美术师,享有华人优秀艺术家荣誉称号。曾就读于中国艺术研究院研究生院硕士研究生李魁正工作室。多件国画作品被中国诗书画研究院、中国艺术研究院、北京故宫博物院、中国军事博物馆、中国美术家协会、彭德怀纪念馆、台湾、香港等专业机构收藏,并多次在中国美术馆、中国历史博物馆、中国军事博物馆、炎黄艺术馆、山东、河南、甘肃、宁夏、山西、陕西、天津、湖南、广东、安徽、台湾、香港、澳大利亚、日本等国家和地区展出。作品多次参加全国大型画展,获金、银、铜或优秀奖。









       1999年.《硕果累累》参加由‘中国美术家协会’主办的“纪念张大千诞辰100周年华人书画名家精品展” 获优秀奖。


      《秋雨蒙蒙》参加由‘中国美术家协会’主办的纪念“孔子诞辰2550周年全国书画作品大展” 。


       2000年.《洗却清风不染尘》参加‘中国文联、中国文化部’主办的“首届世界华人艺术大展”获银奖 。

       2001年.《红叶鹦鹉》参加‘中国艺术研究院’主办的“跨世纪著名中国国画家作品展” 。

       2002年.《秋风玉羽满地金》参加‘中国文化部’主办的“中国国际科技文化博览会书画大展”获金奖 。




       2005年.《秋晨霞光满地金》参加‘中国美术家协会’主办的“2005年全国中国画作品展” 。

      《秋色初上秋风暖》参加‘中国美协’主办的“长江颂全国中国画提名展” 。

      《秋风春语》参加‘中国美术家协会’主办的“苏州胥口太湖情全国中国画提名展” 。


       两件作品参加“中国美术家协会第十九次新人新作展” 。



       2007年.应邀参加“纪念彭雪枫诞辰百年当代百名书画名家邀请展”(中国军事博物馆)。“炎黄名人当代中国画名家精品学术邀请展”(北京炎黄艺术馆) 。






Introduction in English

 Hou Xiaofeng, male, character Fengzi, Nuo Yushan, Hengxiang resident; born in Shandong Province in 1968, member of China Artists Association, executive vice-president and vice-director of Chinese Artists Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, member of Dunhuang Creation Center of Chinese Artists Association, vice-president and first-class artist of Beijing Chinese Artists Association, enjoy excellent Chinese art. Home honor. Li Kuizheng, a graduate student of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Art. Many Chinese paintings have been collected by Chinese Academy of Poetry, Calligraphy and Painting, Chinese Academy of Art, Beijing Palace Museum, Chinese Military Museum, Chinese Artists Association, Peng Dehuai Memorial Museum, Taiwan, Hong Kong and other professional institutions, and many times in China Art Museum, Chinese History Museum, Chinese Military Museum, Yanhuang Art Museum. Shandong, Henan, Gansu, Ningxia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Tianjin, Hunan, Guangdong, Anhui, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Australia, Japan and other countries and regions exhibited. His works have participated in many large-scale national painting exhibitions and won gold, silver, copper or excellent awards.1992. The first solo painting exhibition was held.


1997. The Past Years participated in the World Chinese Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition sponsored by the Chinese Artists Association.


"Looking forward to the Spring Wind in the Early Dawn" won the bronze prize in the "1997 Hong Kong Return to the National Chinese Painting Exhibition" sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of China.


Years won the silver prize in the International Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of the Cross-Century Peace Cup sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Art.


"Lotus Rhyme" participated in the "Dragon Vein Cup" National Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition sponsored by the "Beijing Palace Museum" and won an excellent prize.


Morning Wind won the third prize in the National Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of the Three Gorges Interception Cup sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Art.


In 1999, Rich Achievements won an excellent prize in the "Exhibition of Excellent Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Artists in Commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of Zhang Daqian's Birthday" sponsored by the Chinese Artists Association.


"Autumn Wind" won an excellent prize in "Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic" and "Welcoming Macao's Return to the National Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition" sponsored by the "Chinese Artists Association".


"Autumn Rain and Meng Meng" participated in the National Exhibition of Calligraphy and Painting in commemoration of the 2550th anniversary of Confucius'birth sponsored by the Chinese Artists Association.


Enrolled in the Second Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition sponsored by the Chinese Artists Association


In 2000, "Cleaning the Clean Wind and Cleaning the Dust" won the silver prize in the "First World Chinese Art Exhibition" sponsored by the Chinese Federation and the Ministry of Culture.


In 2001, Red Leaf Parrot participated in the exhibition of works of famous cross-century Chinese painters sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Art.


In 2002, "Autumn Wind, Jade Feather and Gold" won the gold medal in the "Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition of China International Science and Technology Cultural Exposition" sponsored by the Ministry of Culture of China.


In 2004, "Red Home" won an excellent prize in the "National Youth Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition Celebrating the 55th Anniversary of the People's Republic of China" sponsored by the Chinese Artists Association.


Participated in the First Xiangtan Qibaishi Art Festival National Chinese Painting Exhibition sponsored by the Chinese Gourmet Association and won the Qibaishi Prize.


"Spring Outlook" participated in the "2004 Nominated Exhibition of Chinese Painting" sponsored by the Chinese Artists Association, and won the Excellent Award.


In 2005, "Autumn morning glow full of gold" participated in the "2005 National Chinese Painting Exhibition" sponsored by the Chinese Artists Association.


"Wind Warm in Early Autumn and Last Autumn" participated in the "Yangtze River Song National Chinese Painting Nomination Exhibition" sponsored by the "China Artistic Association".


"Autumn Wind and Spring Language" participated in the "Suzhou Xukou Taihu Lake National Painting Nomination Exhibition" sponsored by the "Chinese Artists Association".


In 2006, "Autumn Language" won the prize of "National Chinese Painting Exhibition in Memory of the 70th Anniversary of the Victory of the Long March of the Red Army" sponsored by the Chinese Artists Association.


Two works participated in the Nineteenth New Artists Exhibition of China Artists Association.


He was invited to attend the 2nd Invitation Exhibition of Dunhuang Contemporary Chinese Painters.


Invited to participate in the "Contemporary Master Painting Lotus Invitation Exhibition".


In 2007, he was invited to attend the "Invitation Exhibition of Hundred Contemporary Calligraphers and Painters in Memory of Peng Xuefeng's Birthday" (China Military Museum). "Yanhuang Celebrity Contemporary Chinese Painting Masters Academic Invitation Exhibition" (Beijing Yanhuang Museum of Art).


In 2008, he was invited to participate in the "Charitable Works Exhibition of Chinese Contemporary Excellent Artists" (China National Academy of Painting).


"Flying Songs in the Desert" is the first academic invitation exhibition of contemporary Chinese painting.


In 2009, he was invited to participate in the "Academic Invitation Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Painters Celebrating the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China", and was named "Contemporary Young and Middle-aged Strength Painters", and Rongbaozhai Publishing House published and distributed works.


In 2010, he was invited to attend the Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Celebrity Artists'Calligraphy and Painting.


From 2009 to 2012, it was ranked as the 30 most valuable flower and bird paintings in contemporary China.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对