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  • 中文名杨令茀
  • 性别
  • 出生地无锡
  • 出生日期1887年
  • 逝世日期1978年9月5日
  • 职业爱国书画家
  • 代表作品《山远水长诗集》

 5岁时作品参加画展。8岁从师江南著名画家吴观岱 学画。后就读于上海务本女子中学,在校品学兼优,曾获上海市中学生联 合运动会跳栏冠军及学校的奖学金。毕业后执教于江苏如皋小学和南京女 子师范学校。1911年随兄去北京,得名师樊樊山、陈师曾、林琴南等人的教诲和指点,画艺及诗文日益精进。曾在北京举行过个人画展,并与齐白石一起办过画展。后到故宫古物陈列所当画师,得以观赏临摹历代名作。

宣统三年(1911年)随长兄杨味云(清末度支部丞参)去北京,得以拜文 坛耄宿樊樊山为师,并结识陈师曾、林琴南、廉泉等人,得到他们的教诲 和指点,画艺及诗文日益精进。她在北京举行过个人画展,并与齐白石一 起办过画展。不久,被推荐到故宫古物陈列所当画师,得以观赏临摹历代 名作。尤致力于临摹历代帝王和皇后的画像。她当时不仅画名大噪,诗亦 盛誉。一些诗作汇编为《山远水长诗集》 2册,故有“杨家小妹才气高” 的美誉。她还爱好建筑艺术,曾制作大观园模型和颐和园模型。前者曾运 往上海和美国展览,获得好评。民国12年(1923年)9月,日本关东发生大地 震。她被推为艺术界代表东渡日本,向关东灾民捐赠一批书画。后去朝鲜 举行个人画展。民国14年又去美国参观费城博览会。民国16年回国。她应 邀至沈阳故宫博物馆工作,并将自己临摹的近百幅历代帝王画像在馆中展 出。后又应聘兼任东北特区美术学校校长。

九一八事变后,日本派女间谍对她进行拉拢,她慨然写下“关东轻弃 千钟禄,义不降日气节坚”的诗句。民国23年,为摆脱日军纠缠,她通过 驻哈尔滨的德国领事馆介绍,赴德举办画展。行前将在沈阳皇姑屯购置的 600 亩田产捐赠给当地基督教女青年会。以后一路旅行一路作画,并将所 得收入寄赠上海救国会作为抗日活动经费。抵达柏林后,适逢希特勒主持 的联合画展开幕,她被邀参加,不料一幅花鸟作品被希特勒看中,并要其 在画上题款。她用中文写上“致战争贩子”几个字。事后希特勒看到译文 时勃然大怒,下令将其驱逐出境。此时她早已离开德境回国。

民国25年(1936)赴加拿大,参加在温哥华举办的加拿大全国画展。民国26年 到美国,从此在美国侨居40年。先在加利福尼亚大学学习,后至斯坦福大 学、蒙德莱国立军官学校太平洋大学、华盛顿大学教授绘画和中文。1965 年退休后移居加州卡麦尔城,开设扬令茀画院。杨令茀终身未嫁。她珍藏 着祖国一些极贵重的文物,其中有宋代玉瓶、明代翡翠镂空花鸟花瓶和水 晶钵等。台湾方面曾派人与其联系,劝她到台湾度晚年。她写诗明志:“ 我在海外作隐伦,每见叶落思归根。小箕山下先茔在,归去长依父母灵。” 1972年,她曾写信给周恩来总理,表白她思归并欲将珍藏文物和她在故宫 临摹的帝后画像献给祖国的心愿。时中美尚未建交,因而由我国驻加拿大 大使李文洲转告,同意她回国定居。但当时国内正处于“文化大革命”时 期,她迟迟没有成行。




Introduction in English

 Yang Lingfan, a patriotic painter and calligrapher, was born in 1887 in Guangxu, Wuxi. Born of a distinguished family. From childhood, he loved literature and studied painting and calligraphy diligently. In 1927, he was invited to work in the Shenyang Palace Museum and exhibited nearly a hundred portraits of emperors of past dynasties. He later served as the principal of the Art School of the Northeast Special Administrative Region.


Personal Experience


When he was 5 years old, he participated in the exhibition. Wu Guandai, an 8-year-old famous painter from the south of the Yangtze River, studied painting. Later, she attended Shanghai Wuben Women's Middle School, where she had both excellent academic and moral qualities. She won the champion of hurdle jumping in the Shanghai Joint Sports Games and the scholarship of the school. After graduation, he taught at Rugao Primary School in Jiangsu Province and Nanjing Women's Normal School. In 1911, he went to Beijing with his brother, and was named Teacher Fan Fanshan, Chen Shizeng and Lin Qinnan. His painting and poetry became more and more advanced. He has held a personal painting exhibition in Beijing and held a painting exhibition with Qi Baishi. Later, he worked as a painter in the Palace Museum antiquities exhibition and was able to watch and imitate famous works of past dynasties.


In 1911, Xuantong went to Beijing with his eldest brother Yang Weiyun, who was a member of the Qing Dynasty branch. He was able to visit Fanshan Mountain as a teacher in the literary world. He also met Chen Shizeng, Lin Qinnan, Lianquan and other people, and received their instruction and guidance. His painting and poetry were improving day by day. She held a personal painting exhibition in Beijing and held a painting exhibition with Qi Baishi. Shortly afterwards, he was recommended to be a painter in the Palace Museum antiquities exhibition, and was able to watch and copy masterpieces from past dynasties. Particularly devoted to copying the portraits of emperors and queens of successive dynasties. She was not only famous for her paintings, but also famous for her poems. Some poems are compiled into two volumes of "Long-term Poems of Mountains and Rivers". Therefore, they have the reputation of "Young Girls of the Yang Family are talented". She also loves architectural art and has made models of the Grand View Palace and the Summer Palace. The former was shipped to Shanghai and the United States for exhibition and received good reviews. In September, 1923, a major earthquake occurred in Kanto, Japan. She was promoted as a representative of the art circle to travel to Japan and donated a batch of paintings and calligraphy to the victims of the disaster in Guandong. Then I went to Korea to hold a personal painting exhibition. In the 14th year of the Republic of China, he visited the Philadelphia Expo in the United States. The Republic of China returned home in 16 years. She was invited to work in the Shenyang Palace Museum and exhibited nearly a hundred portraits of emperors from past dynasties. Later, he was appointed as the principal of the Art School of the Northeast Special Administrative Region.


After the September 18th Incident, the Japanese sent female spies to woo her, and she wrote the poem "Kanto abandons Qianzhonglu lightly, and the righteousness will not descend to the sun." In 23 years of the Republic of China, in order to get rid of the Japanese army's entanglement, she went to Germany to hold art exhibitions through the introduction of the German consulate in Harbin. Before the trip, 600 mu of land purchased in Huanggutun, Shenyang, will be donated to the local YWCA. Later, he traveled all the way and painted all the way, and sent the income to Shanghai Salvation Congress as funds for anti-Japanese activities. When she arrived in Berlin, she was invited to attend the opening of the joint painting hosted by Hitler. Unexpectedly, a flower and bird painting was appreciated by Hitler and asked to be inscribed on it. She wrote the words "to war dealers" in Chinese. Hitler was furious when he saw the translation and ordered him to be deported. By this time, she had already left Germany and returned home.


In the 25 years of the Republic of China (1936), he went to Canada to participate in the Canadian National Painting Exhibition held in Vancouver. In the Republic of China, he came to the United States in 26 years and lived abroad in the United States for 40 years. First studied at the University of California, then taught painting and Chinese at Stanford University, Pacific University at Mondley National Military Academy, and Washington University. After retirement in 1965, he moved to Camel City, California, and opened the Yangling Painting Academy. Yang Lingfan remained unmarried for life. She cherishes some valuable cultural relics of the motherland, including Jade vases of the Song Dynasty, Jade hollow flower vases of the Ming Dynasty and crystal bowls. Taiwan sent people to contact her and advised her to spend her old age in Taiwan. She wrote poems and wishes: "I work overseas as a hermit, and I always think of Ye Luosi as the root cause." Xiaojishan first cocoons under, returns to Changyi parents spirit. In 1972, she wrote to Premier Zhou Enlai expressing her desire to return and dedicate the treasured cultural relics and her portrait of Empress Empress copied in the Forbidden City to the motherland. Since Sino-US diplomatic relations had not yet been established, Li Wenzhou, our ambassador to Canada, informed her that she would be allowed to return to China and settle down. But at that time, China was in the period of the "Cultural Revolution", and she did not make it.

Passing away


On September 5, 1978, Yang Lingfeng died of illness in Carmel, USA, at the age of 91. After her death, her nephew Yang Tongyi, in accordance with her will before her death, donated her treasured cultural relics to the Beijing Palace Museum, and 15 portraits of emperors and her poetry, calligraphy and paintings copied in the Palace Museum in her early years to the Museum of Wuxi City, her hometown. In 1982, her remains were buried at the foot of Guanshe Mountain in Wuxi. In the same year, the State Administration of Cultural Relics held a ceremony for the donation of cultural relics by Ms. Yang Lingfeng in Shufangzhai, the Forbidden City, and an exhibition for the donation of cultural relics by Ms. Yang Lingfeng.




Mrs. Yang Lingfeng was educated by her mother's virtue of filial piety and virtue all her life. She was willing to do good deeds and accumulate virtue, and remained in the cabinet all her life. On the eve of his brother's visit to Beijing in 1911, he paid the arrears of tenants his mother had received before her death.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对