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( 中国美术家协会理事 )


  • 中文名谢瑞阶
  • 别名 谢宝树
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地河南省巩义市焦湾村人
  • 出生日期1902
  • 逝世日期2000
  • 职业 画家
  • 协会中国美术家协会,中国书法家协会
  • 毕业院校1924年毕业于上海美术专科学校
  • 主要成就中国美协理事、中国书协理事
  • 代表作品《大河上下浩浩长春》
  • 字号号就简老人







后以黄河为主题,创作大量表现黄河的作品,意境宏阔,气势磅礴,尤富特色;《黄河三门峡》入选1960年全国美术作品展览,《黄河在前进》入选1973年全国美术作品展览;《大河上下 浩浩长春》等分别为中国美术馆、北京人民大会堂等处收藏,并被单幅出版。






在北京人民大会堂接待厅陈列他的国画《大河上下 浩浩长春》,受到中外人士的同声赞绝,被称为社会主义时代山水画的里程碑。










 谢瑞阶著有《人物画简述》、《三门峡写生集》、《谢瑞阶画选》等;代表作品还有《大河上下 浩浩长春》、《植物能手石玉殿》、《朗吟飞过洞庭湖》等。





那时,正值五四运动前夕,新思想,新思潮也终于影响到了这穷乡僻壤. 老师讲的许多知识,许多资料都来自西方国家,当然还有日本的. 在这些资料上,有许多植物, 动物,特别是鸟类的挂图,对小瑞阶更有一种强大的吸引力. 有时,下课后,别的同学都外出活动了,他就躲在教室临摹那些挂图.后来,带课老师发现了这个问题,他就让小瑞阶将这些图画到黑板上,以加深学生们的理解.因为他学习刻苦,成绩优异,又乐于助人,老师同学们都很喜欢他. 一溜8间房子,是他们的寝室,一人一铺,共住十几个人.晚上, 这些孩子们也很开心,没事时,就在床上翻筋斗玩,从动翻到西. 但是这样快乐的日子并未持续多久.也许是因为过分用功,在上学的第二年,小瑞阶开始莫名其妙地头痛.开始还较轻,只是偶然发作.后来逐渐加重.以致再也不能学习下去了.


那年的年底,经要求,学校同意他就休学了,准许他在治好病后继续完成学业. 就要离开可爱的学校了,几位要好的同学来送他.每次放学后,他们都要经过洛河岸边.这时,他又看见那个熟悉的盲人从铁路桥上走过,心中不由一动. 以前,在周末或月底,他总要和几位同学从这里走过.当时,桥下是有船,但较慢,还要花钱.桥上走,要跨过枕木,一步一步走,挺怕人的.但为了省钱, 孩子们还是经常从桥上走.那时,他就多次看见这个盲人很熟练地从桥上走过,而且比他们走还快.那时只是感到惊奇.如今再看到这个盲人,他的心情却不同以往. 依依不舍地与好友告别,他走过了桥,到了"双井园"的碑前,他又忍不住停了下来.这是一块水浇地,因两头各有一口井,所以叫"双井园".以前回来时,他总要在这里休息一会儿.今天的心情可不同以前,因为他谢宝树以后再也没有理由在这里休息了. 昆到此,他感到十分痛苦. 他在碑附近坐了很久.以后该怎么办?以后靠什么生活呢? 这时,那个盲人过桥的身影又出现在他的眼前:他能生活,我谢宝树为什么不能生活呢?想到此,他一拍大腿,对自己说:谢宝树,你一定要活下去!


然后,他站起身来,慢慢向家里走去.看到儿子愁眉苦脸的样子, 谢友三并不感到意外,因为这是早以知道的事情.他心疼地看着儿子,许久,他也是一拍大腿,说"现在什么也不管了...".小宝树下了一跳,然后,又听他父亲说:"什么也不管,先治病".这才明白父亲的意思. 到那儿看病呢?谢友三首先想到了自己的好友,老中医焦相朴(焦润兰),这家伙医术高明,人也很实在.


到了焦医生家,焦很热情地问老朋友有什么事?友三很沉重的说,我这孩子有病, 从学堂回来了,现在就交给你了. 老焦很喜欢这位朋友的儿子,因此心痛得不得了.望闻问切之后,他说这孩子是过于用功,导致肾虚,又加肝火过旺所致.


前前后后治了3个月,吃了许多剂中药,结果头不痛了. 但小宝树的右眼却永远看不见了. 他又开始准备养蚕.因自己没有钱,就去帮一个焦振江的养蚕. 在学校前的一座古庙里养蚕.养了一年,不赔不赚.他们发现,没有自


己的桑园,仅靠买桑叶养蚕是不行的.但是家里也就7亩地,那是养家糊口的命脉,是不可能用来作桑园的.那该怎么办呢? 于是,年仅17岁的他,过早地开始考虑今后的生计问题.人要活着,就必须吃饭,要吃饭,就必须有一技之长.这是父亲一贯的教导. 而我的一技之长是什么呢? 无奈,只好一边帮父亲在小学里教低年级算术, 一边仍跟着父亲学些文史知识. 一天,一个书贩到学堂来卖书,小瑞阶看到一本残缺的<<芥子园画谱>>;,如获至宝.拿到家后,激动不已. 早在蚕桑学堂读书时,教蚕桑课的李绍英先生小瑞阶有画画才能,就让他把挂图上的松,鹤一类动物图样临摹下来,挂在黑板上,这就增加了谢对画画的兴趣.这是又有了[芥子园画谱],他每天一有空就照着临摹,越画越有兴趣.对于上面的绘画理论,他也熟读背诵,仔细揣摸.诸如南齐谢赫的六法,和其它的书画论,得到启发不少.



这时,他在一家小报上,看到开封艺术学校招生的消息,他受到很大震动. 由于从小受的教育,他字写得比较好.逢年过节帮人写对联.又对画画感兴趣. 谢第一次知道还有专门教绘画的学堂,心想,能到那儿上学,该有多好. 洛河对岸的孝义集邮电局长与谢的父亲相熟,也很喜欢小瑞阶.小瑞阶就与他商量,写了一封信,谎称是从开封熟人寄来的信,并盖了邮戳. 几天后,谢得知父亲外出办事.就到黑水关的铁路桥有渡口的地方,交给船家,要他们转交父亲. 后来,父亲拿到信后,并未说什么.直接到了孝义镇,问他的老友, 这封信是怎么回事? 在获知真相后,他并未责怪自己的孩子. 与亲友凑钱,送儿子去开封考试.这是谢瑞阶第一次离开家乡. 谢高高兴兴的来到了开封,考试后,住在一个开小铺的同乡家里,晚上就睡在人家的柜台上.到了发榜那一天,因担心自己考得不好,迟迟不敢前去看榜.后来, 当他忐忑不安地来到学校,却发现自己考的是第一名,他高兴极了. 他急忙给父亲写了信,一家人都很高兴.因家庭困难,他的父亲向当时的县教育局求帮.当县教育局长知道这事后,非常高兴.说他早看出来,这孩子有出息.特批50 现洋.当他父亲去领钱时,财政局是这是为巩县人争了光,又给增加了20现洋.谢友三喜笑颜开.将70元现洋寄给儿子,于是就解决了学费问题. 在学校里,他一心迷在绘画上,发奋攻读,成绩特别优秀.因此老师们都喜欢他.毕业那年,周伯康老师带他们到上海美专去参观,以便开阔视野, 他就请求留在上海参加报考.周老师对他很支持.经过一个假期的复习,他被录取为该校的插班生.对油画的设色和各名家风格作了比较系统地学习.



我是一个教师.有人说我是画家,书法家,我不敢承认,我却可以承认我是一个教师.我觉得教师这个工作很光荣. 1924年,谢瑞阶从上海美专洋画系毕业后,回到了开封母校东岳艺术学校任教.当时,他一回到开封,就面临了一次画家与教师的抉择.两股力量都在争取他,一边是搞美术的朋友,希望他当职业画家;一边是他那在乡村学堂教书的父亲和开封的老师们,希望他承业从教.后来一件事情刺激了他.有个军阀为母做寿,托人以重金求他作画庆贺.他画了一幅[麻姑献寿图],送去后军阀不满意,还想让写上几句恭唯的话,并落上画者的名字.血性男儿不愿为一个素不相识的阔人折损画家气节,断然予以拒绝.由此他想到一个根本问题--究竟为哪个雇主服务?大多是官僚,资本家,是风雅或附庸风雅的前朝遗老, 是贱买贵卖的画商,是奔走高门大户的送礼人.教师的顾主又是谁呢,是学校,是校长,而真正的顾主还是学生.两相权衡,天平彻底倾斜了.作一幅画,不如培养一个人,何况这一个人还能培养更多的人!


尽管教师薪俸微薄,且常拖欠,往往仅够糊口,但谢瑞昆阶宁愿受雇于学生,受雇于教育-- 那是,这位潇洒而内秀的小伙子,是开封最早骑自行车的人之一,也算领了一番风骚.他除了在母校任教以外,还在北仓女中,开封高中兼课.后来,谢瑞阶一直到70岁,还能骑自行车上班.



1925年5月间,谢瑞阶带领开封东岳艺术学校毕业班20名学生去南京上海杭州参观,内容一是艺术教育,一是各地的艺术文物.出发前, 报上登了上海工人罢工抗议日本枪杀中国工人顾正红的消息.到南京时住南京工学院,在见到有撒传单的, 有演说宣传的.到上海后他们住"梁溪宾馆".当他从江苏教育学会回来,到旅馆门口,门房告诉他,你的学生已被捕了,你先别回屋子".在发现没有特务后,才让他回房.次日,他又去找学生会,及原美专校长刘海粟,还有著名民主人士史良先生.等了几天,学生们才被放回来. 在上海短短的三天时间,给谢瑞阶留下了深刻的印象.一是外国人在中国办厂,对工人极端残酷,每天上下班要搜身,工作要18小时而工资却低得可怜. 顾正红带领工人与资本家斗争,日本人竟敢开枪将他打死.结果引起可上海以及全国各界的抗议与声讨,形成了震惊中外的"五卅运动".而是在租界内,外国人可为所欲为,可一随便逮捕中国人.中国的坏人跑到那里可以受到保护.这种国家的耻辱令年青的谢瑞阶终生难忘.



谢老29岁结婚,他的夫人沈予荃小他10岁左右. 谢老的岳父原在开封一个富人家(南方人)做家庭教师,并带女儿伴读.后来, 顾主回了南方,他就在开封与朋友们组织了一个"书画协会".正好, 年轻的谢瑞阶也参加了这个组织.这时通过朋友介绍,彼此有了很深的了解, 于是就促成立这一世纪奇缘. 沈女士也能书善画,二人情趣相投,感情甚笃. 两年前,夫人不幸去世,谢老十分难过.



谢瑞阶80岁寿辰时,老人的学生前后三代近300人,在郑州人民公园欢聚一堂. 谢老写下了"刚健,笃实,辉光"6字,与学生们共勉. 为了让每一位学生都得到一副自己亲笔题写的字,老人花了一年的时间,一丝不苟地写了几百张. 老人的学生中大部分业成了耄至老者,业多是一些有名望的专家,学者. 要刚健,即要意志刚强,思想品质健康; 要笃实,即实实在在做人,实实在在做事; 要辉光,即做人要光明正大,襟怀坦白. 老人以这高度概括凝练的6字来要求自己的学生, 也是以此来作为自己做人的标准和生命的信条.这种信念即使是在"十年浩劫"的年代都不曾改变. 学生们记得,这是老师的横贯半个世纪的不变主题:我们所追求的, 就是要做一个自食其力,不剥削别人,还要造福别人的正直的人.-- 当教师必须慎重,任何言行都要有选择,不苟且,勿对青年对别人产生丝毫不良影响.用自己的力量,在前进中为人类幸福和社会发展奠基。


38年的教育生涯中,从解放前任教于开封东岳艺校, 北仓女中,开封女师.,1949年筹办省立开封艺术学校(后更名开封艺术师范学校)任校长,1955年任河南师专副校长,1966年任郑州师专副校长,1958年任郑州艺术学院院长,直到1961年到省文联从事专业美术创作时为止,这是谢瑞阶坚定不移的一种教育观. 他在河南第一个向学生教唱进步歌曲[伏尔加船夫曲], 并在兄弟开设的小书店里卖当时违禁 的进步作品;他带领20个学生赴上海参观,之后参加了反帝大**;他把上海美专,上海师范专科学校的教材,教学方法,远景规划在开封进行实践, 如美术课堂的模特写生,教学改革等,得到校方的认可,并一直延续下来;他提倡中等艺校要体育,音乐,美术,劳作四门兼修,一专多能,以便毕业到中小学,特别是分散的农村中小学时四门课都能胜任,拓宽了学生就业和发展的路子;他1935年出版了[ 人物画法简述]一书,借鉴西画的人物解剖学原理,改进国画的人物画法;即使是抗日战争时期,开封女师迁至伏牛山区镇平,内乡,在油短粮缺,常常要拔野菜吃的7年半中,他也组织各种活动,引导学生乐观向上度过困难岁月;新中国成立以后, 他更是全力推进办学,50年代成为河南艺术教育事业蒸蒸日上的黄金时期-- 谢老作为老师,热爱教育事业,热爱他的学生.在抗战时期, 有一个学生的身患重病,而她的哥哥又急于到抗日前线.情急之中,他就找人把自己的妹妹抬到了学校,拜托同在患难中的老师.后来,这个学生因病去世, 但这件事这充分说明了谢老与学生的关系.



谢瑞阶在求学时,学的是西洋画.20年代,主要是画油画,水粉画和粉画. 后来他感到多数的中国人喜欢国画,遂从30年代初开始自学国画,后以国画为主. 1926年,他在很艰苦的情况下,创作油画[瓜农]. 这幅画是通过一位瓜农历尽艰辛,初得一点收获后的喜悦之情.表现了中国农民勤劳勇敢,自强不息的精神.同时, 这也是他自身处境的写照.1935年,他结合教学,编写的[人物画法简述] 一书正式出版.


这个时期,他创作了人物画[李清照],[草鞋老农][勇往只前][朗吟飞过洞庭湖] 等.其中,[朗吟飞过洞庭湖]曾于1935年左右,参加在南京举办的全国美术展览. 1937年,抗日战争爆发后,他随开封女师迁到伏牛山区.那时,虽然条件艰苦,但师生们依旧很乐观,很努力.他曾作一首[山居自喻],反映了当时的心境.诗曰:"手结茅屋芳草坡,鸟语花香共唱和,闲寻曲径通幽处,归来路迷忍饥渴".这一时期, 他创作了大量作品,但因连年战火,今已荡然无存.自开封迁出,先到镇平,后到内乡县夏馆.抗战期间,直至日本投降后七年半之久,他偶作打油诗,以记实况.如"茅屋数椽竹篱绕,山径崎岖宾客少.门前青山隐隐,墙外绿水滔滔.闷时漫步行吟,闲来登高长啸. 春花开得早,夏蝉枝头闹.霜叶醉红秋未了,白雪飞絮冬又到.屈指人生容易老, 展眉笑看日月小.一霎时,只留得两袖清风,一枕黄粱,伴随着炉烟袅袅.默默无语问青天,' 何时晓?何时晓?'" 1946年夏天,过去的学生赵瑞突然来拜访自己的老师.那时,抗战刚刚胜利,赵瑞却和自己的男友打算去南洋谋生.但因经济困难,,连路费也没有,只好向自己的老师求援.谢老当时急忙和自己的夫人商议.沈夫人翻箱倒柜,总算找了20元钱,给了小赵.同时,他拿自己最喜欢的书《菜根谭》给了学生。


后来,赵瑞和男友到了新加坡的一所学校教书.男友移情别恋,和别人结了婚.极度痛苦中,小赵想起了老师给的书《菜根谭》,认真研读后,她终于得到了解脱.几年后,她去了美国.到一所华侨学校教书,开始了新的生活.而谢老师给她的帮助始终念念不忘. 1980年,一封信寄到了谢老原在开封的住处,又转到了郑州.1991年,年近古稀的赵瑞终于回到了祖国.她专程来郑州看望自己的老师,表达自己的谢意.她说,是老师的资助改变了自己的人生,是老师的书救了自己的命.


1946年秋天,又一位不速之客敲开了谢老的家门.那就是丰子恺.丰子恺与谢老曾同为弘一大师的学生,但二人并不太熟悉.丰子恺从四川举家迁移, 到河南后没了路费,就去找学友求救.当时,丰子恺有六个孩子,另外,还收养了他姐姐的一个孩子,所以生活十分困难.谢老又是全力支持.使丰顺利到达上海.解放后, 已成为著名作家,画家的丰子恺,写信到河南,对自己的老同学表示感谢. 抗战时期,在洛阳,有一个学生,谢老给他介绍了许多佛教方面的书籍.后来这个学生终于度过了自己的困难时期.2天前(1998,6,26 是沈师母三周年祭日)在沈师母去世三周年之际,这个学生还从西安寄来100元钱,要他们代为祭奠.



1949年,新中国成立后,他特别高兴,国庆大典的当天,就在龙门湖畔口吟一《[ 中州即景》:"中原拂天晓,嵩岳起彤云,龙门开伊洛,砥柱垂古今",表达了他的喜悦之情。




1956年,高等院校院系调整,改任郑州师专副校长,并兼图画科主任.1958年,郑州艺术学院成立,他任院长。这一段时间, 河南艺术教育事业呈现出蒸蒸日上的景象,可到1961年以后,来了一股下马风,有人提出要停办艺术学院. 尽管谢瑞阶做了很大努力,也未顶住.后来郑州艺术学院并入开封师范学院(即今河南大学). 谢瑞阶被调入河南省文联,搞专业艺术创作.不久前,有家大报的记者采访时问他:" 你这一生最如意的事是什么?最不愉快的事是什么?"谢瑞阶随口答到:" 最如意的事就是选择了教师这个职业,最不愉快的事就是停办艺术学院." 新中国成立后, 他满怀激情用绘画来歌颂党所领导的土地改革和翻身农民的喜悦.从1955年始,他的美术创作开始转到黄河题材上来.黄河是中华民族的摇篮.黄河流域,山河壮丽,资源丰富,在相当长的历史时期曾是中国政治经济和文化的中心.但是,由于历代统治者的腐败,黄河得不到治理,中上游水土流失严重,下游洪水不时泛滥给中国人民带来了深重的灾难,成为举世闻名的害河.从小在黄河边长大的谢瑞阶对此更有真切的感受. 在黄河的外貌上看来很少可供尤人玩赏的青山绿水,只是在沙滩,峡谷, 黄土和平原上蜿蜒数千里的一条巨大泥流.然而,一旦认识了它那大度有容, 自强不息的高尚品格,将会肃然起敬的和它结为忘年之友,以满腔的热情去歌颂它,使之扬名于世界,梗大的造福于人类.黄河对中华民族的生息成长,发展,都有深远重大的意义, 所以历代对它的治理都付出过无比的努力.夏禹的父亲因治水不成而被杀,但禹仍然不畏艰险而继承父业与洪水作斗争,乃至三过家门而不入,成为千古佳话.如是种种,都给了谢瑞阶很大启示和激励,也可能是后来他画黄河的潜在因素. 因了这种血脉相连的不可分割的亲缘,也因了对黄河的风韵,风范的深深理解,自60年代起,谢瑞阶就对黄河的全貌和重点水利设施作了比较系统的考察,老人行经甘肃,宁夏,内蒙,山西,陕西,河南, 山东7省,行程万余里.正是有了这样深厚的生活基础,才有了对黄河这样一往情深的赤子之爱,才有了相继而出的《三门峡全景》、《雨后新晴》、《黄河入海流》、《壶口瀑布》、《黄河禹门》、《中流砥柱》、《黄河在前进》、《大河上昆下浩浩长春》等一系列巨幅杰作.谢瑞阶在画黄河方面取得了巨大的成功, 他的山水画被称为"社会主义时代山水画的里程碑."


1952年10月30日,毛主席视察了黄河,并发出了"要把黄河的事情办好"的伟大号召.1955年,国务院又制订了综合治理黄河的规划. 这个宏伟的规划表达了亿万人民的心愿,体现了党对人民群众的关怀,十分鼓舞人心.30多年来,黄河流域人民和广大治黄职工,积极相应毛主席的伟大高招,以愚公移山的精神,转战大河上下,在根治黄河水害,开发黄河水利资源方面,取得了巨大的成就.在下游,千里大堤培高加固, 经受住几次特大洪水的考验,新中国成立一类,从未发生过决堤;在中上游植树造林,减少水土流失,在全河的干,支流上建成了上千座大,中,小型水电,水利工程,有力地支援了国家建设.看到这种史无前例的丰功伟绩,谢瑞阶抑止不住内心的激动,想用画昆笔画出这黄河的新面貌.


从1955年开始,谢瑞阶在黄河水利委员会的帮助下,先后多次沿黄河实地体验生活.特别是在三门峡水电站,他呆的时间最长,并受到很大教育.他第一次到工地时,看到那里有许多装物资的大木箱子,上面标着北京发,上海发,哈尔滨发等字样, 心里很激动,一方建设,八方支援,这是旧社会绝对办不到的.另外,广大干部,工人朝气蓬勃的精神风貌也是他深受鼓舞.他暗下决心,一定要把黄河画好, 为根治黄河做出昆一定贡献. 通过几年的实地考察,谢瑞阶初步熟悉了黄河的地貌与特征,为以后的创作打下了基础.黄河的波浪看起来象是泥塑的,但又充满动感.再之,黄河流域的山主要在中上游,多为黄土山,它既不象桂林的喀斯特地貌那样异峰突起,山清水秀,也不象华山泰山那样悬崖峭壁,险峻异常.由于长期的水土流失, 在黄土山上形成了变化万端的千沟万壑.它一般林木较少,有些荒凉,但有的地方却草木茂盛,一派生机,这些特点, 不昆亲自观察,是根本画不好的. 谢瑞阶青年时代学的是西洋画,后来才逐渐改画国画. 为了更好地表现出黄河的特色,他尝试着把西洋画的透视和明暗处理技术运用到国画中来, 把国画的笔墨和西洋画的笔触揉合起来,而又保持其国画的特色.受到了群众的欢迎. 在创作了一些片段反映黄河的作品后, 他想进一步比较全面地反映黄河面貌.1963年,他沿着黄河跑了甘肃,宁夏,内蒙,山西,陕西,河南, 山东等七个省直到山东垦利县黄河入海处,行程二万余里, 对黄河的全貌和重点水利设施作了比较系统地了解,积累了大量素材,为以后的创作打下了良好的基础.



在"文革"初期,谢瑞阶与李准都被扣上了"资产阶级反动学术权威"的大帽子, 当游街时高音;喇叭传出的"打倒资产阶级反动权威"的口号声震天价响时,老人的心反而似秋天的黄河水般平缓清亮.老人的<;晴天彩虹>;被说成是"诬蔑社会主义如彩虹一现",但这位老艺术家的心是坦然的,因为这幅画饱蘸着他对党,对人民, 对社会主义深深热爱之情的巨幅佳作,曾得到过艺术界的称赞与推崇,人民的肯定与承认. 有一段时间,李准因作品全部被打成毒草,多少年的劳动成果都变成了条条罪状, 这为新中国生长起来的作家背负着沉重的压力.谢老劝他说:" 这肯定不符合党的政策,既然是他们的错误,就不要那别人的错误来惩罚自己"."死,不可怕, 因为人生下昆来的第一分钟就注定要死","但是,人的有限生命可以创造无限的生命. 我们是精神产品的劳动者,所以要爱惜生命.爱惜生命与怕死是两回事".这些话, 几乎成了作家生活下去的精神支柱,也使作家至今难忘. 也是因了这种豁达与宽容, 坦诚与无私的的精神,谢老无论在被游街,批斗, 无论在自己心爱的画稿和宝贵的书籍被洗劫一空的极度悲愤下,他始终不屈不馁,永远保持着黄河般的一往无前的品格.在文革中,谢老曾长期与李准,张静悟一起接受改造.谢老豁达的性格对他们都有很好的影响.张静悟是我省著名的神经内科专家,曾长期担任河南医学院院长. 现在98岁高龄的张老住在河南医科大学家属院内,两位老朋友还经常联系.


1969年,70 岁高龄的他被下放到位于黄泛区的西华县劳动,有机会接触到许多遭受黄河水害的农民群众,他们的悲惨遭遇更增添了谢瑞阶反映新黄河的决心. 文革后期,谢老住农学院.有一天,谢雷来找伯父.他仔细地问了祖父几十年前被安葬时的情景.然后他就去了开封,把祖父的遗骨启了回来.带回故乡巩县与祖母合葬,了却了谢老的一桩心愿. 提起谢老的这个侄子,也是很不幸的.60年代初,因家庭实在困难,妻子离婚, 嫁给了一个打油的,以图有口饭吃.唯一的一个女儿,也是在很小的时候,被生产队的拖拉机撞死.不过这个男人很坚强的活了下来.



1972年,谢瑞阶又拿起了搁下多年的画笔,画了一幅盐锅峡水电站.盐锅峡水电站位于黄河上游的兰州附近, 它是黄河上第一个完全依靠中国自己的力量建起的大型水电站.它的拦河大坝全长321米,高大55米.滔滔的黄河水从溢洪坝上飞溅而下, 成为奇异的人工瀑布,气势雄伟,令人神往.在构图上他以大坝和瀑布作为主题,上边是平静如镜的水库,下边是奔腾的黄河水,题为[高峡出平湖]. 在纪念毛主席视察黄河20昆周年展览会上,这幅画受到了与会群众的称赞.


1978年,在黄河水利委员会的协助下,他再次到黄河的龙门,壶口一带考察.后来,他以壶口瀑布,龙门雄姿,中流砥拄,和中原大地为题材,作了一幅国画[大河上下浩浩长春],象征中华民族的坚强性格和伟大的社会主义祖国欣欣向荣, 自强不息的革命精神.


北京人民大会堂接待厅,悬挂着一幅6.86米*3.82米国画巨作<;大河上下浩浩长春>.泱泱华夏的母亲--黄河,那磅礴的气势,那雄伟的风神, 常常作为中国领导人接见外国贵宾的背景而出现,令人感心动魄,叹为观止....这是"黄河画家"谢瑞阶80岁时应约赴京奋笔40余天留下的封笔之作. 到目前为止,在画黄河这方面,谢瑞阶尚是一高蹈独步的一大手笔,已有人认为他是自宋代荆浩以后真正画出北方山水神韵的第一人.


50年代以来,他的<;三门峡全景>,<;雨后新晴>,<;高峡出平湖>,<;黄河入海流>,<;壶口瀑布>,<;黄河禹门>,<;中流砥柱>,<;黄河在前进>,<;大河上下浩浩长春>;等系列画卷,被称做"社会主义时代山水画的里程碑". 黄河,对于任何一个艺术家,都是一个永恒的题材.但自古以来,尽管关于黄河的诗赋字墨众多,汇画名作却极为罕见."山林,楼观,人物,花木,鸟兽,虫鱼,皆有定形,独水之变不一,画者每难之".尤其是黄河之水,与传统山水画中的山水相差甚远."黄河的水含泥沙量是世界第一,黄昏的河床变化也大,在下游还是一个水面高出堤外地面十几米的'悬河',这就造成了黄河水独特的流动规律.它的波浪乍看起来就好象是泥塑成的,但是运动感却很强,很不容易画,弄不好,不是画成一般的河水,就是画成泥块块...".从笔墨技法到画法构思,画家极难逞兴挥洒.在宣纸上创造黄河,成为一种劳苦,一种不亚于黄河纤夫的劳苦. 然而应该强调的是,谢瑞阶成功的决定因素,恰恰不止于技巧,而在于一以贯之的艺术观,在于一位艺术大家的气度. 谢瑞阶之于黄河,黄河之于谢瑞阶,是一种双向的必然选择. 谢瑞阶选准了黄河.当他年逾半百的时候,已经完成了拥抱黄河的思想艺术双重准备.这位河洛之子,前半生屡见河上的水患人祸,后半生欣逢"要把黄河的事情办好"的时代壮举.所以,用画笔为黄河写貌传神,讴歌这条大河, 讴歌这条大河召唤的这些建设者,讴歌大河流经的这个时代,已是从他生命之根生长出来的强烈愿望.而在此之前,20年代起研习西洋画,水彩画,水粉画,30年代起涉猎中国山水画,人物画,木版画,他一直没有专事美术,从未隶属哪个画派.他的创作一反传统文人画那种"临泉扶琴""梅妻鹤子"的情调,总以质朴,乐观,生动见长.在<;李清照><;草鞋老农><;朗吟飞过洞庭湖><;灌园叟><;捕荧图><;一呼山岳动><;植树能手石玉殿>,<;劳模苏殿选><;鲁迅像组成的画廊上,充满了和谐阳光与蓬勃生机,给人以希望和力量. 特别是知命之年成熟以后,他的理念,情愫,才华都在渴望附丽一种更阔大,更坚实,更系统的寄托. 这时,还有什么比大度有容,自强不息的黄河更合适呢! 黄河也选准了谢瑞阶.中央综合治理黄河的规划催生了画家<;黄河组画>;的计划,"个人小时空"从此融入"世界大时空",一切变得宏大.1955年起, 在黄河水利委员会的直接帮助下,谢瑞阶多次深入水利建设工地体验生活,与工人们一起吃饭聊天, 一起坐空中吊车过河上班,其中在三门峡水电站呆得最长,工程的几个主要阶段都亲睹亲历.与治黄的工人,农民,工程技术人员,干部有了共同的语言和感情,"我也不由自主地把自己当做一个治黄的职工,感到治黄的一切都与我有关系.20多年来, 我虽然不是一直生活在黄河上,但心里却从来没有离开过它."1963年,谢瑞阶又风餐露宿, 沿河跋涉甘宁蒙晋陕豫鲁七省直至垦利入海口,行程万余公里,系统了解黄河全貌和重点工程,获得了真切的感性理性认识,记录了大量形象素材,然而,十年浩劫将他的宣泄从已不早了的六旬之年又推迟到了更不早了的七旬之年.挨斗,游街; 在省文联的第一批抄家中,几十年积累的上万份书画资料和原始速写被洗劫一空;黄泛区西华农场苹果园里,多了一位消瘦的看园子老 .....郁积,壅塞,更加导致惊涛裂岸.此后,当一幅幅云蒸霞蔚,气吞八荒的黄河画卷相继面世一一展现与首都人民大会堂, 钓鱼台国宾馆和郑州火车站,黄河水利展览会的时候,黄河好象已不太惊讶, 因为母亲对亲生儿子的作为已视为必然. 画黄河之难,一在河水质感,而在画面布局.谢瑞阶潜心探索,笔墨中揉入西洋焦点透视和明暗处理等技法,画出了黄水特有的颜色,质量,流速,气势.并且,以国画散点透视的构图方式,对河中和两岸的主要景观加以剪裁,拼接,概括,小中见大, 局部中见整体,于尺幅之间凸现黄河形而上的魂魄.他的黄河一脉千姿, 既有沸腾咆哮的威厉,也有一泻千里的壮阔;既有怪石狂涛的奇,也有尽收眼底的坦荡.更有< 大河上下,浩浩长春>;,将最具代表性的壶口瀑布,龙门,中流砥柱和中原沃野掬于一幅,满纸雄风猎猎,一派正气铮铮.... 奇异的是,对黄河这样的豪放狂纵的题材,谢瑞阶竟是以一支严谨,凝重,朴实的画笔出之.画坛行家十分赞许画家的这种"控制",这不仅是一种画风,更是一种人品.他并不缺乏激情,黄河画卷中展示着这位谦谦君子不常外道的一段胸襟,河水是他心中滚烫的热血,河岸是他胸中奇的块垒,然而这一切,都备笼罩在一片崇高,静穆, 端肃的光芒之下.这光芒来自于更广义的一种热爱,热爱祖国,热爱苍生,热爱光明, 热爱大自然--黄河已是谢瑞阶的人格化了.


"我总认为,各种形式的艺术作品都应该是教材.我们常说要"感染"读者, 艺术家的功过就在于把读者染成什么颜色.因此,我在选择题材上有两条: 一是对整个民族和四化建设的发展有促进作用的,二是我所理解和熟悉的.""我们画画不是为了个人出奇制胜,而应该是为了教育人民,鼓舞人民,培养人们的心灵美."书法也是如此. 从1980年至1991年同时兼任河南美协,书协主席的谢瑞阶, 书法上的成就绝不亚于美术.他的一手章草仙风道骨,冠绝一时,参加过全国第一、二、三、四、五届书法展,1984年还曾随中国最高规格的书法家代表团出访东瀛.但他笔底恭谨瘦劲,从无戏墨. 他常讲的"立品",书坛后学们已能耳熟能详:"这里所说的品,既指人品,又指书品.书家,应有高尚的道德品质,正派的书写气质.所谓的书品气派, 就是指书法作品应该让人看后得到的感染是良好的,愉悦的,纯洁的,既作品气质庄重而不轻薄,高尚而不放荡,以功力制胜而不哗众取宠;所谓人品高尚,即作人不搞江湖那一套,相反,应体现出质朴端庄的思想情操." 作为新时期河南书坛的奠基人,从指导思想到具体活动,谢瑞阶排除许多干扰, 始终不渝地维护书法艺术的独立性,纯洁性,坚持把我省的专业书画机构"办成北京的同仁堂",使书协工作一开始就形成了规范运作.短短十年中,面向全省, 全国的书法函授院,书法奖励基金和多次书法大赛大展,声势之壮,实力之强,使有关人士惊叹"河南书协就象书法界的深圳"迅速崛起,由原先的中下游跃居全国前列.


1991年11月,全省第二届书法家代表大会结束时,谢老作为名誉主席, 语重心长提出4句共勉:"事业效果的继续,社会关系的依存,智慧开发的创造,克服困难的毅力".并在纸上盖上一方印文赠给大家:"诗文莫为钓名饵,书画羞作敲门砖." 面对迎面刮来的"拜金主义"风潮,他谆谆告诫年轻人:"艺术不宜有丝毫尘浊,一时为名利, 作品则必庸俗...." 仁者乐山,智者乐水.坐在曾经花山画水的老人身旁, 抚着本当涌现更多传世之作的寂寞画案,不禁深深地遗憾.我轻轻问老人:"您还经常想黄河吗?" 已经决定身后将骨灰撒入黄河的老人,没有正面回答,他微阖双目, 似乎倾听着什么.窗外正在下雨,有一阵沉雷般的声音在天边隐隐响着,凉凉的水气扑向脸庞-- 涛声依旧.



当时间的指针飞转至90年代时,这位历经风雨沧桑的老党员,老艺术家,已90多岁高龄了.他每天除有规律的安排自身的生活外,老人的精力几乎全放在了对社会一带新人的培育上."活着,就要创造,眼看不清,写不成了,但我还能说,我坚信'以掌计水,微波可及全海'."老人以自己的模范言行影响着社会上的学生们" 故乡的巨变,人民生活水平的提高,都使这位深深眷恋着故土,深深热爱着故乡人民的老人喜悦之情溢于言表."只有社会主义能够就中国, 只有有中国特色的社会主义理论能够富中国".是他坚定的信念.当他听到家乡有的产品信誉不太好的消息时,心里很不平静,老人不顾高龄和仅有的右眼也几乎失明的状况,在巩义建市之际经心为父老乡亲构思了一幅平头对联,"巩固既成业,再图未就功,义内求财富, 先存道德心."诚心希望乡亲们要有自尊自爱和自强精神,"君子爱财取之有道"要为巩义争光.


1993年3月28日,在中国人民政治协商会议巩义市委员会的第七届一次全会上, 全市的175名委员向全市场75万父老乡亲发出了"向谢瑞阶学习,为巩义市争光"的倡议.提出了学习他那坚定的社会主义信念,学习他那以勤劳为基石,遇挫不息,老骥伏枥,志在千里的奋斗精神,造就一代四有新人,为巩义市的双文明建设创造一个良好的社会环境,为建设有中国特色的社会主义作出较大的贡献.


委员们的倡议得到了光大干部群众的一致赞同,参与和支持,大家说这个典型选得好.谢瑞阶撰写的两万册的忆述录,被人们当作珍品如饥似渴地读起来.市内广播,电视,报社等新闻媒介直至各单位的黑板报也宣传了学习谢瑞阶的活动,精神文明建设的春风正吹拂在巩义市城市,乡村,机关,学校的乡亲的心坎上-- 谢瑞阶生于斯,长于斯的这片古老的土地,总面积不过1041平方公里. 这个历年来各项经济指标在河南省县级中持续保持领先地位, 而且跨入了全国农村综合经济实力百强县(市)行列的巩义市,如今,正是在物质文明取得了显著成绩之后, 为了实现在更高层次上的迈进,以故土成长起来的儿子的那种德高识深的精神为楷模,一期在两个文明建设中取得新的成绩. 最近, 当谢瑞阶听说家乡黄河与洛河交汇处的经济开发和发展旅游业的构思在逐步实现时,心中激动不已.他刚刚出院不久,就一手拿放大镜,一手挥笔写下了< 借古今怀故乡>: 相传图书出河洛,登临邙山眼界阔,融会贯通恩泽远,饮水思源福惠多. 迁流不息无终始,因缘和合创新作,群贤毕至论今古,振衣高唱正气歌. "物华天宝,人杰地灵",河洛在孕育远古华夏文化的同时, 又孕育了人类无数杰出的人物.这里曾是一代诗圣杜甫的故乡,这里也是新中国老一代知识分子的优秀代表--谢瑞阶生长的地方.谢瑞阶,一个充盈着黄河的气质,黄河的品格的老人,他让巩义市骄傲,让河南人自豪. 黄河若有知,也要为之唱起最美丽,最动听的歌....



谢瑞阶的最后一幅大型黄河画卷作于1981年.少年左盲,晚年右眼又视网膜出血,视力极度微弱的他惜别丹青,迄今已经10余年了.然而就在这样的耄至之年,一个已经不带任何光环的谢瑞阶,超越了画坛书界,只以一个人, 一个饱经沧桑的过来人的形象,正在被社会上更多的人所认识,所接受,所感动,所敬仰.他凭借的是深么呢?当命运将他毕生倚持的读,画写的能力几乎剥夺怡尽的时候,他只剩下了说.说,用一个朴素真挚谦逊的声音,用一口亲切实在苍劲的河南方言,说时代的嬗变, 说历史的规律,说人生的真谛--,不是报告,不是讲演,只是一位几乎可以称得上世纪老人的知识分子的漫谈. 他对郑州大学,河南政法学院,河南医科大学的大学生们娓委地说着;他对省老年大学,老干部活动中心的离退休人员 悠由地说着; 他对家乡巩义市的乡亲们缓缓地说着....


1993年2月,巩义市政协175名委员发出"向谢瑞阶学习, 为巩义市争光的倡议,得到全市人民的相应.连在北京的原民政部长王国权都来信说"谢老这人,我们很熟悉,他的忆述录我也读了,确实好.作为巩义人,我也响应政协委员的倡议, 向谢老学习." 长期僻居于省老干部休养所一座平方理的谢瑞阶,却至今未弄清自己的声波是怎样象涟漪一圈连着一圈荡漾开去的.只有一个念头横亘在他的余生:"活着就要创造.眼看不清了,写不成了,但我还能说.....我不是来应酬的,我说话没引经据典,我只想坐这里把我的心思给大家说说,对我们的事业,我们的前途有一些好处....我坚信,以掌击海水,微波可以及全海."


1983年离休之后,谢瑞阶常吟一诗: 机缘成熟得离休,坐看彩云任悠悠 漫理思绪就经纬,无挂无碍展眉头. 回顾自己这几十年,思绪就好比织布的经,织布的纬,一堆乱线....总结一生的经历,体会和得失,有经有纬,还能不能织块布呢?织不了好的,总可以织个麻包,也能装点啥嘛!"--而实际上,渐入人生化境的老人,已向今人献上了一幅思想的锦绣. 在这幅锦绣上,世界观,人生观勾勒出了简约而壮美的画图,对世界的;理解,世是时间目古今是纵界是空间,是东西南北中,是横.时空关系也就是经纬关系,经纬纵横交织,才构成 了世界."在这中间,有世界大时空与个人小时空的关系,有无限生命与有限生命的关系,有本质与现象的关系, 有继承与创造的关系,有曲与直的关系,有升与沉的关系,有依与存的关系.... 而其中他归结了一个最深切的体会,"只有社会主义才能救中国,只有有中国特色的社会主义才能富中国". --试想,如果不是共产党,不是社会主义,,我们能不能在这40年里这样渡过?新旧对比,社会主义比封建,半封建半殖民地,比资本主义优越性大.我们必须先弄清我们的思想支柱.今天虽然还有些坏人坏事,但我们的政权, 对这些坏人坏事是痛恨而制止的,而不是支持的,更不是提倡的.要弄清楚现象与本质,不能因一时的缺点,错误,就否定我们的一切,动摇我们的根本.为什么要弄清楚呢?怕再有变动或混乱的时候,我们自己心里没有定盘星." --任何向往都是直线的,我们想的是共产主义,想的是世界和平, 但中间有一个过程,第一是曲折的,第二是升沉的,未知数是很大的,我们不要有天真的想法, 要有思想准备.浮起来就要往前走,沉下来就要潜伏住.增加在曲折中的耐压力,就压不死. 怎样锻炼我们的潜水能力和耐压力呢?最基本的因素,就是我们的信念." --现在讲廉政.俗话说,廉生威.有人用行贿受贿的办法来发财,那他心里头就有畏,不是威望的威,是害怕的畏.他们睡觉就没有咱正常人睡得安稳,他并不愉快. 心里不愉快他就要喝酒,要狂欢,要找赌场等来麻醉自己. 他这些表现就表示他内心说不出的害怕,说不出的痛苦.要知昨日因,今日受者是;要知明日果,今日做者是'. 今天你做光明正大的事,明天就必然结好果,就啥事都不害怕.也有个别情况,人好,做事也不错,结果却遭受的不好.不要紧,你放心,历史和群众是公正的. 今天如果不在这里结果,就在那个地方结.我是坚决承认这个道理的.


人生有两个生命,我们每个人都有有限生命,无限生命, 应该不断创造有利于人类的事业,通过有限生命去创造无限生命.在曲折中间, 也许生理上的有限生命被压死了,但无限生命是压不死的,象我们的先烈.无论在中国还是在全世界,只有一个字可以代替这个意义,这就是公.想到公,我们就有力量." --正确的人生观,正确的世界观,就是要懂得世间万物的依存关系.生与死,顺与逆,忙与闲,苦与乐,现实与未来,局部与全体,互相依存,不依就不存... 继承是我们的权利,创造和发展是我们的义务.怎样继承先烈给我们留下的事业? 我在抗日时期就有一幅题画诗,叫{草鞋老农}:"自己要走自己路,扎紧鞋带莫迟误,种瓜种豆各有得,何必依样画葫芦"!中国有中国的自身条件,有过去的精华和经验, 建设我们的社会主义,还是要坚持中国特色." .....


一帧帧思想的图案,明澈高洁,云淡风清,在世纪的梭机上渊源织出. 织锦老人谢瑞阶,如今仍在丝丝缕缕抽动心绪,继续完成着他今生最后的这件大作. 他头顶的白发稀疏的直立,眼睑松垂的双目微阖,红润的面颊上流布着一种幸福感--对, 是幸福感.思想的通透,哲理的彻悟,步入人生的大自在,这是一种最高层次上的愉悦.



虽然声名遐迩,虽然年寿高迈,但谢瑞阶还是我们中间的谢瑞阶.他面临的一切, 柴米油盐,伊食住行,与普通人一样,甚至连普通人也不如.精神生活的峰巅, 物质生活的底层,构成了他现在的生存状态. 10年了,他近乎于盲,老伴全盲,老两口仅靠半只眼摸索生活. 加上老伴久病心理有些失常,除了靠保姆外,九旬老人天天还要伏侍八旬老人,帮她拿杖,扶她入厕, 为她洗脸,听她唠叨,平她烦躁.看遍家中,除了电视机和录音机, 连一台电冰箱老人也不让添置,说是附近有菜场,长年素食为主,也没有什么需要存放.除了补还"文革"抄家物品时赔偿给他的一张画案还比较象样,所有家具都是简陋的旧物.老人书房的单人木床上,是家织的灰白格子粗布棉被,一只深蓝色枕头上尽是阵脚补丁.... 然而,这却是一位最舒坦,最安适,最硬朗的寿者,1985年他曾被评为全省" 健康老人",至今思路清晰,谈谈吐流畅,听闻灵敏,步履从容,还担任着省直老干部休养所的党支部委员.外出座谈时,上楼从不许别人掺扶,以免"失了我的威风"....所以,时常有人惊险的向老人打听有什么秘法,会什么"功"? 老人笑了.中医有个治小孩病的常用单方,山楂,神曲,大麦芽,谓之"三消饮". 他的"三消饮"也很简单,第一动静结合,第二生活规律,第三心情舒畅.每天清晨5点半,老人住室的灯光准时亮了,他坚持自己摸着叠被铺床,牙洗脸;不一会儿, 他出现在操场上,半小时的慢跑中,一边口念古诗,一边手转钢球,使生理心理达到协调; 回家以后,干些擦桌子之类的家务,这些保姆也能干,但不如自己亲手干来令他愉快;然后拿些须臾不可离开的放大镜,有放桌上的,有挂腰里的,投合的,有抽的, 滑过一本本画册书籍,陶醉在艺术的熏风里;晚上,盘腿静坐个把小时,谛听钟摆均衡的节奏, 进入一片无限的空灵...他至今唯一为自己配备的享受,就是手植窗前的那株已经高昆及屋檐的翠竹了.窗户很大,淡绿的竹风徐徐吹来,听着电视中的<;动物世界>;,想着人间的世理情态,"花枝春满,天心月圆",他觉得每天的谢瑞阶都是一个新生的谢瑞阶.


这位引人注目的知名人士,至今坚持"名下应无虚",婉拒了一些纷至沓来的挂名头衔.谁都明白,谢瑞阶的任何一件书画作品如果出售,都必定价值不菲,但他除了尽力为公益事业无偿献画写字外,个人从未卖过一幅作品.他对自己的一双儿女和五个孙儿甚感欣慰."他们都没有不良习惯,没骂人的,没不上班的.5个孙而都是老老实实考上大学的,一个也没拿长辈的名义去走门路." 53岁就因肌肉萎缩症被苏联专家判定只能再活3年的谢瑞阶,在92水电时候, 笑对死亡宣称:"死来不怕不作死"--"我们要珍惜这'晚晴'. 每月照样给我们发工资养活着我们,这省我们多少心.有人养,我们就得好好生活..."不作死,即一定要戒无度的贪,二要戒无谓的嗔,三研戒无知的痴.而且还有"三不";一不昧己心, 不做不光明不合法的坏事,自己无意识的尽量不干,自己有意识的坚决不干;二不拂人情,严以律己宽以待人;三不竭物力,不挥霍财富,不暴 天物....


站在第95级;台阶上俯瞰人生,一个至少分子的攀登坎坷而漫长. 过来的路愈走愈险.命运一次比一次残酷,直至只在他眼前残留一片昏花;2来的路也愈走愈宽, 命运一次比一次慈祥,直至让他心中已盛满一派澄澈.只因为是一直向着光明攀登, 他才能够以风骨,以品格,以气度,以灵魂,在高的峰顶站成一个强者。

English Introduction

 Born in November 1902, he studied art and music in 1921 at Kaifeng Teachers'College, studied western painting in 1923 at Shanghai Fine Arts College, graduated from Shanghai Fine Arts College in 1924, and taught at Dongyue Art School, Beichang Women's Middle School and Women's Teachers' College in 1924. He was the principal of Kaifeng Art School in 1949, joined the Democratic League of China in 1951 and the Communist Party of China in 1956.

In 1958, he was president of Zhengzhou Academy of Art; in 1962, he was vice chairman of Henan Federation of Arts and Arts and chairman of Henan Association of Arts. He has successively been the president of Kaifeng Art School, the president and professor of Zhengzhou Art College, the vice-chairman of Henan Provincial Literature Federation, the chairman of Henan Artists Association, the chairman of Henan Calligrapher Association, the member of Chinese Federation, the member of Chinese Artists Association, the member of Chinese Calligrapher Association, and the member of the National Political Consultative Conference.

In the 1920s, Xie Ruijie mainly created oil paintings, and in the 1930s he began to make Chinese paintings. In 1934, he compiled and published the book "Brief Introduction of Figure Painting". In 1935, the figure work "Longyin Flying over Dongting Lake" was selected for the National Art Exhibition held in Nanjing. In 1946, he held a personal painting exhibition in Kaifeng. In 1955, the master of asbestos planting, Shiyudian Hall, was selected for the National Art Exhibition.

Later, with the Yellow River as the theme, he created a large number of works expressing the Yellow River, which are of great artistic conception, magnificent momentum and distinctive features; The Three Gorges of the Yellow River was selected into the national art exhibition in 1960; The Yellow River is advancing was selected into the national art exhibition in 1973; The Great River is up and down and the Great Changchun is selected as the Chinese Art Museum and the Peking People's Congress respectively. Collected in halls and other places, and published in single.

Xie Ruijie's calligraphy is characterized by Zhang Cao, which is elegant and free in the early stage, and heavy in the late stage.

His traditional Chinese painting, the combination of Chinese and Western painting, the Yellow River painting, unique, Zhangcao, simple and mellow, vigorous and powerful, are respected by the calligraphy and painting circles.

In the reception hall of the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, he displayed his Chinese painting Changchun, which was praised by both Chinese and foreign people and was called a landmark of landscape painting in the socialist era.

What is more admirable is that he loves education all his life, especially taking "educating people" as the foundation of education, and always perseveres--when he is in school, he encourages himself by "teaching people and preaching the right way"; after his retirement, he still regards social education as his duty as his own; he diligently and carefully treats people, especially young people, with the responsibility of an old Communist Party member. Explaining the way to be a human being is inspiring and widely respected by people.

The Yellow River in Progress, created by him, is displayed in Diaoyutai State Guest House, Beijing.

In 1982, the Chinese Calligrapher Association and the Japan Book Dao Union jointly organized the "Sino-Japanese Calligraphy Art Exchange Exhibition", which exhibited his works such as the Yellow River Mountains Visual Couplet.

In 1984, the Chinese Calligrapher's Works Exhibition for the Elderly over 70 was held by the Chinese Calligrapher's Association. His 83-year-old new work, Lanting Preface Sentence "All the wise are here".

Xie Ruijie's works include "Brief Description of Figure Painting", "Sanmenxia Painting Collection", "Selection of Xie Ruijie Painting". His representative works include "Hao Changchun on the Upper and Lower Rivers", "Stone Jade Hall of Vegetable Experts", "Longyin Flying over Dongting Lake" and so on.

Industry Saves the Nation

She went to school when she was about 7-8 years old. Her grandfather and father were both rural teachers, so they received better education. At the same time, because he was hard-working and not active, his physical quality was not very good. In 1919, Xie, 16, with his father's support, went to a nearby sericulture school to study. For Xiao Rui-bian, everything in the school was good. It's so fresh. The courses are quite different from those in the past. Besides the major of silkworm rearing, there are also Chinese, mathematics and so on.

At that time, on the eve of the May 4th Movement, new ideas and new trends of thought finally affected the remote areas. Many of the knowledge and materials that the teacher talked about came from western countries and, of course, Japan. On these materials, there were many wallcharts of plants, animals, especially birds, which had a strong attraction for Xiao Rui-bian. Sometimes, after class, other students go out to activities, he hides in the classroom to copy those wall charts. Later, the teacher found out this problem, he let Xiao Ruijie draw these pictures on the blackboard to deepen the students'understanding. Because he studies hard, achieves excellent results, and is willing to help others, teachers and students like it very much. He slipped eight houses and lived in their dormitories, one bedroom and more than a dozen people. At night, the children were also very happy. When they were all right, they turned upside down and played in bed. But the happy days did not last long. Maybe it was because they worked too hard. In the second year of school, Xiao Rui-bian began to wonder why. Wonderful headache. It was mild at first, only occasional attack. Later it became worse and worse, so that it could not learn any more.

At the end of that year, upon request, the school agreed to suspend him and allow him to continue his studies after he was cured. He was leaving the lovely school. Several good classmates came to see him off. Every time after school, they passed by the Bank of the Luohe River. At this time, he saw the familiar blind man walking across the Railway bridge, and his heart could not help. Before, on weekends or at the end of the month, he had to walk with some of his classmates. At that time, there were boats under the bridge, but they were slow and expensive. Walking on the bridge, it was frightening to cross the sleepers, step by step. But in order to save money, the children often walked on the bridge. At that time, he saw the blind man skillfully walking from the bridge many times. It was just a surprise to see the blind man again, but his mood was different from the past. He reluctantly said goodbye to his friends. He walked across the bridge and stopped before the monument of "Shuangjing Garden". This is a watering field. There are two wells at each end, so it is called "Shuangjing Garden". When he came back, he always had a rest here. Today's mood is different, because Xie Baoshu has no reason to rest here any more. Kun was very painful. He sat near the monument for a long time. What should he do after that? What should he live on? At this time, the figure of the blind man crossing the bridge came out again. Now in his eyes: he can live, why can't I Xie Baoshu live? Thinking of this, he patted his thigh and said to himself: Xie Baoshu, you must live!

Then he stood up and walked slowly toward the house. Xie Yousan was not surprised to see his son's sad face, because it was something he had known for a long time. He looked at his son heartily. For a long time, he took a pat on his thigh and said, "Nothing cares now...". Xiaobaoshu jumped down and then listened to his father say, "What? No matter what, treat the disease first. That's what my father meant. Where to see a doctor? Xie Yousan first thought of his good friend, Jiao Xiangpu (Jiao Runlan), an old Chinese medicine doctor. This fellow is skilled in medicine, and he's also very real.

At Dr. Jiao's house, Jiao enthusiastically asked his old friend what had happened? Friend 3 said heavily that my child was ill and had returned from school and was now handed over to you. Lao Jiao liked his friend's son very much, so he felt terrible heartache. After hearing about it, he said that the child was working too hard, leading to kidney deficiency and aggravating liver fire. It's caused by prosperity.

After three months of treatment, Xiaobaoshu took many Chinese medicines, but his head was painless. But Xiaobaoshu's right eye was never visible. He began to raise silkworms again. Because he had no money, he went to help a Jiao Zhenjiang silkworm farmer. He raised silkworms in an ancient temple in front of the school. After a year, he did not lose money.

His mulberry garden can't be raised only by buying mulberry leaves. But there are seven mu of land in the family, which is the lifeblood of the family and can't be used as mulberry garden. What should we do? So, at the age of 17, he began to think about the future livelihood too early. If a man wants to live, he must eat and eat, he must have the skill to grow. One day, a bookseller came to the school to sell books, and Xiao Ruijie saw a fragmented picture book of Mustard Garden; if he got a treasure, he was thrilled when he got home. As early as when he was studying in the sericulture school, Mr. Li Shaoying, who taught sericulture lessons, had the ability to draw. He asked him to copy the pictures of pine and crane animals on the wall chart and hang them on the blackboard, which increased Xie's interest in drawing. This is another picture of Mustard Garden. Every day, he imitated them whenever he had time. Interest. For the above painting theory, he also read and recite, carefully speculate. Such as the Six Ways of Southern Qi Xiehe, and other painting and calligraphy theory, have been inspired a lot.

Kaifeng Learning and Art

At this time, he was greatly shocked when he saw the news of the enrollment of Kaifeng Art School in a tabloid newspaper. Because of his childhood education, he wrote better characters. He helped people write couplets on New Year's Day. He was also interested in painting. Xie knew for the first time that there was a school specializing in painting. He thought how good it would be to go to school there. Xiao Ruijie, a philatelic and Telecommunications director on the other side, is familiar with Xie's father and likes Xiao Ruijie very much. Xiao Ruijie consulted him and wrote a letter, falsely claiming to be a letter from an acquaintance in Kaifeng, with a postmark. A few days later, Xie learned that his father was out on business. He went to the railway bridge of Heishuiguan where there was a ferry, and asked them to hand it over to his father. Afterwards, when his father got the letter, he didn't say anything. He went directly to Xiaoyi Town and asked his old friend what was wrong with the letter. After learning the truth, he didn't blame his children. He collected money with his relatives and friends and sent his son to Kaifeng for the exam. This was the first time that Sherry Tien left his hometown. Xie happily came to Kaifeng after the exam. On the day of publication, he was afraid to go to the list because he was worried about his poor exam. Later, when he came to the school uneasily, he found that he was the first in the exam, and he was very happy. He wrote to his father in a hurry, and the whole family was very happy. Happy. Because of family difficulties, his father asked for help from the then County Education bureau. When the county education director knew this, he was very happy. He said that he had seen that the child had a bright future. When his father went to collect money, the Finance Bureau won glory for Gongxian people and added 20 more. Xie Yousan smiled happily. 70 yuan would come in. In school, he was fascinated by painting, worked hard and achieved excellent results. So the teachers liked him. In the year of graduation, Mr. Zhou Bokang took them to Shanghai American College to visit, so as to broaden their horizons, he asked to stay in Shanghai for the examination. Mr. Zhou was very supportive of him. After reviewing for a vacation, Zhi was admitted to the school as an insertion student. He studied systematically the coloring of oil paintings and the styles of famous artists.

I am a teacher

I am a teacher. Some people say that I am a painter and a calligrapher, but I dare not admit that I am a teacher. I think the work of a teacher is very glorious. In 1924, after graduating from the Department of Foreign Painting of Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts, Xie Ruijie returned to Dongyue Art School, Kaifeng Alma Mater, to teach. At that time, as soon as he returned to Kaifeng, he faced painting once. The choice between home and teacher. Both forces are striving for him. On the one hand, they are friends engaged in fine arts, hoping that he will become a professional painter; on the other hand, their father who teaches in rural schools and Kaifeng's teachers hope that he will take up his profession and teach. Later, one thing stimulated him. There was a warlord who lived for his mother and asked for his painting to celebrate. He painted. A picture of Magu's life was sent to the warlords who were not satisfied with it and wanted to write a few complimentary words and put the painter's name on it. The bloody man was unwilling to discredit the painter's integrity for a rich man he knew nothing about and refused to do so. So he thought of a fundamental question - which employer did he serve? Most of them were bureaucrats, capitalists, and yes. Elegant or vassal legacies of the former dynasty are cheap buyers of expensive painters and gift givers running high doors. Who is the teacher's patron? Who is the school, the principal, and the real patron or the student? The balance is completely tilted. To make a picture, it is better to train a person, not to mention that this person can train more. Man!

Despite the meagre salaries of teachers, often in arrears, and often just enough to make ends meet, Serekun Tien preferred to be employed by students and by education -- that is, this handsome and elegant young man, one of the earliest cyclists in Kaifeng, who also took the lead. Besides teaching in his alma mater, he also worked in Beichang Girls High School and Kaifeng High School. Class. Later, Cherie Tien was 70 years old and could ride a bicycle to work.

Compassion with Revolution

In May 1925, Xie Ruijie led 20 students from Dongyue Art School of Kaifeng to visit Hangzhou, Nanjing, Shanghai. The contents included art education and artistic relics from all over the country. Before departure, the newspaper published the news that Shanghai workers had gone on strike to protest against the shooting of Gu Zhenghong, a Chinese worker. When he returned from the Jiangsu Education Association to the entrance of the hotel, the porter told him that your students had been arrested and you should not go back to the room until you found out that there was no secret agent. The next day, he went to the Student Union and Liu Haisu, the former president of American College, and returned. Mr. Shi Liang, a well-known democrat, waited a few days before the students were released. In a short period of three days in Shanghai, Xie Ruijie was deeply impressed. Firstly, foreigners run factories in China and are extremely cruel to the workers. They have to search their bodies every day to and from work, which takes 18 hours while their wages are pitifully low. Gu Zhenghong leads the workers and their salaries. In this struggle, the Japanese dared to shoot him to death. As a result, protests and criticisms from all walks of life in Shanghai and throughout the country led to the May 30th Movement, which shocked both China and the rest of the world. In the concession, foreigners could arrest the Chinese at will. China's villains could be protected when they went there. Qing's Xie Ruijie is unforgettable all his life.

First Love and Marriage

Xie Lao was 29 years old and married. His wife Shen Yuquan was about 10 years old. Xie Lao's father-in-law used to be a tutor in a wealthy family (southerners) in Kaifeng, accompanied by his daughter. Later, when his patron returned to the south, he organized a "Calligraphy and Painting Association" with his friends in Kaifeng. At that time, young Xie Ruijie also joined the organization. Through the introduction of friends, we have a deep understanding of each other, which contributed to the establishment of this century's margin. Ms. Shen is also good at painting and calligraphy. They share the same interests and feelings. Two years ago, the wife died unfortunately, Xie Lao was very sad.

Dedicated Education

On Xie Ruijie's 80th birthday, nearly 300 students from three generations gathered in Zhengzhou People's Park. Xie Lao wrote the words "vigorous, honest, glorious" and encouraged the students. In order to let each student get a handwritten handwriting, the old man spent a year writing hundreds of copies meticulously. Most of the students of human beings have become old people, and most of them are renowned experts and scholars. To be strong-minded, they should have strong will and healthy ideological quality; to be honest, that is, to be honest and honest, to do things; to be glorious, that is, to be honest and open-minded. The old people are summarized in this highly concise six words. This belief has not changed even in the age of "ten years of catastrophe". Students remember that this is the teacher's unchanging theme throughout half a century: what we pursue is to be self-reliant, not to exploit others, but also to benefit others. When a teacher must be careful, he must choose his words and deeds carefully and carefully. He must not exert any negative influence on others. With his own strength, he will lay a foundation for human happiness and social development in his progress.

During his 38 years of education, he taught at Dongyue Art School, Beichang Women's Middle School and Kaifeng Women's Teachers before liberation. He was the president of Kaifeng Art School (later renamed Kaifeng Art Teachers School) in 1949, the vice-president of Henan Teachers College in 1955, the vice-president of Zhengzhou Teachers College in 1966, and the president of Zhengzhou Art College in 1958 until 1961. Up to the time when the Provincial Literary Union was engaged in professional art creation, this was an unswerving educational concept of Cherie Tiao. He was the first person in Henan to teach students progressive songs [Volga Boatman's Songs], and sell illegal progressive works in a small bookstore opened by his brothers. He led 20 students to visit Shanghai and then participated in the Anti-imperialist Congress. Practice the textbooks, teaching methods and long-term plans of Shanghai Fine Arts College and Shanghai Teachers'College in Kaifeng, such as model sketch in art class, teaching reform, etc., which has been recognized by the school and has been continuing. He advocates that secondary art schools should take four courses, including sports, music, art, and labor, with one specialty and many abilities, so as to finish. He published the book "Brief Introduction to Figure Painting" in 1935 to improve the figure painting of traditional Chinese painting by drawing lessons from the principles of figure anatomy of Western paintings. Even during the War of Resistance Against Japan, Kaifeng female teacher moved to Funiushan Town. In the seven and a half years when there was a shortage of oil and grain in Pinghua, he also organized various activities to guide the students to live optimistically through the difficult years. After the founding of New China, he pushed forward the running of schools, and in the 1950s he became the golden age of the flourishing cause of Henan art education--Xie Lao as a teacher and loved education. During the Anti-Japanese War, one of the students was seriously ill and her brother was eager to get to the front line of the Anti-Japanese War. In a hurry, he asked someone to carry his sister to the school and ask the teacher who was in trouble. Later, the student died of illness, which fully illustrated the relationship between Xie Lao and his students. Department.

Spring to Funiu

Xie Ruijie studied Western painting when he was studying. In the 1920s, he mainly painted oil painting, gouache painting and pastel painting. Later, he felt that most Chinese people liked Chinese painting. He began to learn Chinese painting by himself in the early 1930s, and then mainly Chinese painting. In 1926, he created oil painting [Guanong] under very difficult circumstances. This painting was completed through the lunar calendar of a melon. Hardship and joy after a little harvest have shown the Chinese peasants'spirit of diligence, courage and self-improvement. At the same time, it is also a portrayal of his own situation. In 1935, he combined teaching and compiled a book named Brief Introduction to Figure Painting, which was officially published.

During this period, he created figure paintings [Li Qingzhao], [Lao Nong of Straw Shoes], [Longyin Flying Over Dongting Lake] and so on. Among them, [Longyin Flying Over Dongting Lake] participated in the national art exhibition held in Nanjing around 1935. In 1937, after the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japan, he moved with the Kaifeng Women's Division to the Funiu Mountains area. At that time, although the conditions were difficult. Pain, but the teachers and students are still optimistic and hard-working. He once wrote a poem which reflects the mood at that time. The poem said: "Hand-knotted thatched houses, grass slopes, birds singing and flowers singing together, idling to find a quiet place, return to the road lost to endure hunger and thirst." During this period, he created a large number of works, but because of years of war, it has disappeared since Kaifeng. During the Anti-Japanese War, until seven and a half years after the surrender of Japan, he occasionally wrote oil poems to record the facts. Frost leaves are drunk in the autumn and white snow is flying in the winter. Life is easy to grow old and the moon is small. Suddenly, only two sleeves of breeze and a pillow of yellow sorghum are left, accompanied by smoke curling. Silently ask the blue sky,'When is it dawn? When is it dawn?'"In the summer of 1946, Zhao Rui, a former student, suddenly visited his teacher. At that time, the War of Resistance Against Japan was waged. Just after the victory, Zhao Rui and his boyfriend planned to go to Nanyang to make a living. But because of financial difficulties and lack of travel fees, he had to ask his teacher for help. Xie Lao was in a hurry to consult with his wife at that time. Mrs. Shen turned the box and turned the cabinet upside down and finally found 20 yuan for Xiao Zhao. At the same time, he gave him his favorite book Caigen Tan. Student.

Later, Zhao Rui and her boyfriend went to a school in Singapore to teach. Her boyfriend fell in love with each other and married someone else. In extreme pain, Xiao Zhao remembered the book "Caigen Tan" given by her teacher. After careful study, she finally got relief. Several years later, she went to the United States to teach in an overseas Chinese school and started a new life. In 1980, a letter was sent to Xie Laoyuan's residence in Kaifeng and then to Zhengzhou. In 1991, Zhao Rui, a rare young man, finally returned to her motherland. She came to Zhengzhou to visit her teacher and express her gratitude. She said that the teacher's financial support had changed her life and it was the teacher's. Books saved their lives.

In the autumn of 1946, another unexpected visitor knocked on the door of Xie Lao's home. That was Feng Zikai. Feng Zikai and Xie Lao were both students of Hongyi Master, but they were not very familiar with each other. Feng Zikai moved from Sichuan to Henan and went to seek help when he had no road fare. At that time, Feng Zikai had six children and adopted them. After liberation, Feng Zikai, a famous writer and painter, wrote to Henan to express his gratitude to his old classmates. During the Anti-Japanese War, there was a student in Luoyang who introduced many aspects of Buddhism to him. Books. Later, the student finally passed through his difficult period. Two days ago, on the third anniversary of Shen Shimu's death (1998, 6, 26, the third anniversary of Shen Shimu's death), the student also sent 100 yuan from Xi'an for their memorial.

Towards the Yellow River

In 1949, after the founding of New China, he was very happy. On the day of the National Day celebration, he chanted "Zhongzhou Instant View" at the Bank of Longmen Lake: "Dawn in Central Plains, Tongyun in Songyue, Kaiiluo in Longmen, pillars hanging from ancient to modern times", expressing his joy.

In 1949, he was organized to set up Kaifeng Art School in Henan Province as the principal. In 1955, he was transferred to Henan Normal University as the full-time vice-principal, in charge of sports and arts.

In 1956, the Department of higher education was adjusted and changed to vice-president of Zhengzhou Teachers College and director of graphics. In 1958, Zhengzhou Art College was established, and he was the president of Zhengzhou Teachers College. During this period, the cause of art education in Henan Province was booming day by day. But after 1961, there was a rush of disruption, and some people proposed to suspend the art institute. Despite Xie Ruijie's great efforts, he did not withstand it. Later, Zhengzhou Art Institute was merged into Kaifeng Normal College (now Henan University). Xie Ruijie was transferred to the river. Not long ago, a reporter from a big newspaper asked him, "What's the most satisfactory thing in your life? What's the most unpleasant thing?" Xie Ruijie said casually, "The most satisfactory thing is to choose the profession of teacher, and the most unpleasant thing is to stop running art academy." From 1955, his art creation began to turn to the theme of the Yellow River. The Yellow River is the cradle of the Chinese nation. The Yellow River Basin, with its magnificent mountains and rivers, is rich in resources. It has been the center of Chinese politics, economy and culture for a long time. Because of the corruption of the rulers of the past dynasties, the Yellow River has not been harnessed, the soil erosion in the upper and middle reaches is serious, and the floods in the lower reaches have brought serious disasters to the Chinese people and become a world-famous harmful river. Xie Ruijie, who grew up near the Yellow River, has a more sincere feeling about this. In the appearance of the Yellow River, it seems that it is seldom for people to enjoy. The green hills and rivers are only a huge mud flow winding thousands of miles on the beach, canyon, loess and plain. However, once we recognize its magnanimous and self-improvement noble character, we will respectfully make friends with it and praise it with full enthusiasm, making it famous in the world for its great benefit. The Yellow River is of far-reaching significance to the growth and development of the Chinese nation. Therefore, great efforts have been made in the past dynasties to control it. Xia Yu's father was killed for failing to control the water, but Yu was still brave enough to inherit his father's work and fight against the floods, and even to pass through three doors without entering, which has become a good story for thousands of years. All these have given Xie Ruijie great inspiration and inspiration, and may be the potential factor for his later painting of the Yellow River. Because of this inseparable blood relationship, and because of his deep understanding of the charm and style of the Yellow River, since the 1960s, Xie Ruijie has made a systematic study of the overall situation of the Yellow River and key water conservancy facilities. The old man traveled through Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan and Shandong provinces for more than 10,000 miles. It was with such a deep foundation of life that he had such a deep love for the Yellow River, and then came out with Panorama of the Three Gates Gorges, New Clear after Rain, Current of the Yellow River into the Sea, Hukou. A series of masterpieces, such as Waterfall, Yumen of the Yellow River, Pillar of the Middle Stream, Advancement of the Yellow River, Kunxiahao Changchun on the Great River, etc. Xie Ruijie has made great success in painting the Yellow River. His landscape painting is called a landmark of landscape painting in the socialist era.

On October 30, 1952, Chairman Mao inspected the Yellow River and issued a great call to "do a good job of the Yellow River". In 1955, the State Council formulated a plan for the comprehensive control of the Yellow River. This grand plan expressed the wishes of hundreds of millions of people, embodied the concern of the Party for the people, and was very encouraging for more than 30 years. In response to Chairman Mao's great tactics, the people of the region and the vast number of workers engaged in Yellow River control have made tremendous achievements in eradicating the flood of the Yellow River and developing the water resources of the Yellow River. In the lower reaches, the Qianli dyke has been strengthened and strengthened to withstand the test of several extraordinary floods. New China was founded one year ago. In the middle and upper reaches of the river, afforestation has never happened, soil erosion has been reduced, thousands of large, medium and small hydropower and water conservancy projects have been built on the trunk and tributaries of the whole river, which have strongly supported the nation's construction. Seeing this unprecedented achievement, Xie Ruijie can't restrain his inner excitement and wants to draw it with Kun brushwork. New features of the Yellow River.

Since 1955, with the help of the Yellow River Water Conservancy Commission, Xie Ruijie has experienced life on the spot along the Yellow River many times. Especially at the Sanmenxia Hydropower Station, he stayed for the longest time and received a lot of education. When he first arrived at the construction site, he saw there were many large wooden boxes containing materials, which were marked with Beijing Fa, Shanghai Fa and Ha. In addition, he was inspired by the vigorous spiritual outlook of the cadres and workers. He was secretly determined to paint the Yellow River well and make certain contributions to the eradication of the Yellow River. Xie Ruijie was initially familiar with the landform and characteristics of the Yellow River, which laid the foundation for his later creation. The waves of the Yellow River looked like clay sculptures, but they were full of dynamic feeling. Moreover, the mountains of the Yellow River Basin were mainly in the upper and middle reaches, mostly in the Loess Mountains. It was not like Guilin's karst landform, which had abnormal peaks, beautiful mountains and beautiful waters, nor Huashan Mountain. The cliffs and cliffs of Mount Tai are very steep and abnormal. Because of the long-term soil erosion, thousands of trenches and gullies have formed on the Loess Mountains. Generally, there are fewer trees and some desolate places, but some places are lush in vegetation and flourishing in vitality. These characteristics, which are not observed by Kun himself, are fundamentally difficult to draw. Xie Ruixian's Youth Science In order to better show the characteristics of the Yellow River, he tried to apply the perspective and shading techniques of Western paintings to Chinese paintings, combining the brush and ink of Chinese paintings with the brush strokes of Western paintings, while maintaining the characteristics of Chinese paintings. He was welcomed by the masses. In 1963, he traveled along the Yellow River to seven provinces including Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Henan and Shandong until the Yellow River entered the sea in Kenli County, Shandong Province. He traveled more than 20,000 miles, making a comparative study of the overall situation of the Yellow River and key water conservancy facilities. Understanding and accumulating a large amount of material lay a good foundation for future creation.

Difficult years

In the early period of the Cultural Revolution, Xie Ruijie and Li Jun were both labeled "bourgeois reactionary academic authority", whistling in the streets; when the slogan of "overthrowing bourgeois reactionary authority" sounded loud and loud, the old man's heart was as gentle and clear as the Yellow River in autumn. The old man's <; Rainbow on a clear day > was said to be a "slanderous society". "Socialism is like a rainbow," but the old artist's heart is calm, because this painting is full of his deep love for the party, the people and socialism, has been praised and praised by the art community, the people's affirmation and recognition. Xie Lao advised him: "This is definitely not in line with the Party's policy. Since it is their fault, don't punish themselves for the mistakes of others." "Death is not terrible, because the first minute of life is doomed to be in Kunming." "Death", however, can create infinite life. We are workers of spiritual products, so we should cherish life. To cherish life and fear death are two different things."These words almost become the spiritual pillar of the writer's life and make the writer unforgettable. It is also because of such openness and tolerance, frankness and selflessness. In spirit, Xie Lao, no matter in the street, criticism, no matter in his beloved paintings and precious books were looted in the extreme grief, he remained indomitable and always maintained the Yellow River-like never-ending character. In the Cultural Revolution, Xie Lao had long been transformed with Li Zhun and Zhang Jingwu. Xie Lao's open-minded character. Zhang Jingwu is a famous neurologist in our province. He has been the president of Henan Medical College for a long time. Now, the 98-year-old Zhang Lao lives in the family hospital of Henan Medical University. The two old friends often contact each other.

In 1969, when he was 70 years old, he was sent to Xihua County in Huangpan District to work. He had the opportunity to contact many farmers who suffered from the flood of the Yellow River. Their miserable experience added to Xie Ruijie's determination to reflect the new Yellow River. In the late period of the Cultural Revolution, Xie Lao lived in the Agricultural College. One day, Xie Lei came to see his uncle. He carefully asked his grandfather for dozens of times. When he was buried a year ago, he went to Kaifeng and opened his grandfather's bones. He took them back to his hometown Gongxian and buried them with his grandmother, but he lost one of Xie's wishes. It's also very bad to mention Xie's nephew.






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