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  • 中文名刘继卣
  • 别名大唐
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地 天津
  • 出生日期 1918年10月3日
  • 逝世日期 1983年11月5日
  • 职业画家
  • 毕业院校 天津市立美术馆
  • 主要成就人物画、动物画大师 连环画大师、美术巨匠 贯学古今、融汇中西 创造劈毛皴法 花鸟、走兽、人物工写皆精
  • 代表作品《大闹天宫》《雄狮图》《孔雀开屏》《鸡毛信》
一旺百旺 月月吉祥——刘继卣的《艳阳图》  作者: 王舒

中国美术网 09-17 浏览






















1956年《闹天宫》组画由人民美术出版社出版,以年画的形式在全国大量发行,深受广大人民群众的欢迎。随后《闹天宫》组画原作八幅,由人民美术出版社转借给当时的中国美术组织机构,送到世界有关国家进行巡回展出。展览完成后,只还给刘继卣先生《闹天宫》原作八幅中的六幅,另外的第二幅第四幅原作,被告知"不 慎丢失 难以找到"。惊天动地之艺术杰作竟不能完整回归,就连后来周恩来总理调阅原作时,也只能看到六幅。刘继卣先生为此更是伤心万分。此后再出版《闹天宫》组画时,其中的第二 第四两幅,只得使用早先出版物的翻拍照片来制版。这真是天大的遗憾。




事隔几十年,奇迹却发生了!中国美术出版总社的刘延江先生,在弘扬祖国文化 组织出版连环画珍品的过程中,几经周折,从中国美术馆尘封的众多藏品中,将《闹天宫》组画丢失的第二 四两幅原作找到。立即将这两幅几十年不见天日的艺术瑰宝,进行了 拍照 制版,并借出参加了纪念人民美术出版社建社五十周年展览会,在中国美术馆展出。2003年天津杨柳青画社根据刘继卣先生《闹天宫》八幅原作出版了的4开大画册!


刘继卣为人厚道,一心画画,不黯世事,生活中大事(画画)不糊涂,小事就不免有糊涂之时。有一次,他很自信地去北京站接一位身穿绿军大衣,手提黑皮包的远方来客,结果没接着。回来说:没想到北京站有那么多穿绿大衣提黑色的人,我接谁好? 参加农村"四清"时,工作队长让他去粮库查帐,他认真地把所有的帐本翻了一遍,却没弄清要查的是什么。让老刘去查"四不清"帐,也实在是够难为他的。另一方面,他也不是一个古板乏味的人,他有很丰富的文学知识,爱好音乐,唱得一口好京剧,老生小生都行。记得在他的婚礼上,就应贺客之请,唱了一擞《罗成叫关》;他也爱在晚饭时喝那么一小盅,却从未见过他过量。他待人诚恳,不善心计,不知道什么叫吃亏,什么叫占便宜。他只要有画可画,能面他所想画的画,就什么都有了。他是一个忠厚的"书呆子"。


 主要作品还有《红楼梦》(组画)、《春光无限》、《金丝猴》、《东北虎》、《三打白骨精》、《黄巾起义》(为中国革命历史博物馆作)、《金田起义》(为南京革命历史博物馆作)等。这些作品向世界展示了新中国绘画艺术的风采,以其卓越的造型艺术在国际画坛上确立了自己的地位!也因此许多美术评论家称赞他是:"东方的伦勃朗和米盖朗基罗"。亦擅作连环画,在连环画界有"北刘(继卣)南顾(炳鑫)"之美誉。作品主要有《鸡毛信》、《东郭先生》、《生死缘》、《永不掉队》、《奇怪的旅行》等。其中《鸡毛信》荣获1953年中国保卫儿童委员会儿童作品一等奖。连环画《穷棒子扭转乾坤》、《东郭先生》1963年分别获全国连环画创作评奖绘画一等奖、二等奖。由于对连环画艺术的革新和发展所起的巨大作用,刘继卣成为中国连环画艺术一代宗师、中国现代线描连环画的奠基人之一。他的作品还被译成多国文字行销海外。 他临终前抱病创作了巨幅中国画《双狮图》,献给了全国人民代表大会。


















在描绘动物上,刘先生还有一手绝技--劈笔丝毛,是由其父刘奎龄独创的一种特殊绘画技法发展而来。《水帘洞》、《筋斗云》中群猴的皮毛,《闹天宫》中孙大圣的面部都采用了这种技法,表现出了细腻入微的质感,令人叫绝。 .










01《鸡毛信》243幅 大众图画 1950 (另有修改版200幅,本次天津新版198幅)








02《王秀鸾》108幅 大众图画 1950年11月初版




04《永不掉队》48幅 朝花美术 1951


05《东郭先生》83幅 人民美术 1951


06《小英雄捉特务》6幅 1951 刊登在五十年代初《新观察》杂志封三


07《抱大石头的(小)孩子》11幅 人民美术 1951年10月北京(黑白,彩色两种版本)


08《心爱的小人书 》8幅 人民美术 1951年10月北京


09《生死缘》(上集133幅下集124幅) 人民美术 1952




11《不朽的国际主义战士罗盛教同志》》 幅数不详《连环画报》1952年总第22期






14《长处和短处》 彩版4幅 《连环画报》1952年总第29期


15《龙虾、梭鱼和天鹅》 彩色4幅 《连环画报》1952年总第30期


16《谁能保护小家小家/白兔》彩色8幅 《连环画报》1952年总第31期


该书连环画正式版人民美术于 1954年出版名字改为《谁能保护小白兔》


17《不要冤枉小花猫》7幅 1952年(有彩色与黑白两个版本)


18《武松打虎》初稿 彩色28幅 《连环画报》1952年总第38期


此版连环画《武松打虎》28幅 大众美术社 1954年8月正式出版


19《向学习模范看齐/文化大进军》 24幅(刊登在《连环画报》1952年总第28期又名《文化大进军》)人民美术 1952年10月 定价900元


20《"马家顺在,阵地在!"--中国人民志愿军青年团员马家顺坚守文衡山的故事》6幅? 刊登在1953年《中国青年》封底?




22《一个志愿军战士的未婚妻》 彩色19幅 《连环画报》1953年第6期


23《愚公移山》7幅 刊登于1953年《学文化》杂志第16本




25《奇怪的旅行》 66幅朝花美术 1954 (有彩色与黑白两个版本)


26《列宁的故事之平常的会见》11幅上海人美 1954


27《武松打虎》 16幅人民美术 1955 (重彩)(荣获1956年第六届世界青年联欢节美术作品奖、56年莱比锡书展览会金奖、84年瑞士西耶尔第一届国际连环画节获特别荣誉奖。)


28《闹天宫》8幅人民美术 1956 (重彩)参加社会主义国家造型艺术展览获美术作品奖


29《河神娶妇/西门豹》19幅 朝花美术 1956 (彩色)(1954年第5期连环画报刊登时的名字为《西门豹》)


30《兔子的尾巴为啥这样短》26幅 朝花美术 1956年12月 (彩色)《连环画报》《兔子的尾巴》1955年6月刊17幅


31《乌鸦与狐狸》 20幅朝花美术 1956年6月 (彩色)印量52000 48开 定价一角三分


32《水帘洞》40幅 人民美术 1957月1版1次 (有彩色与黑白两个版本)












38《剥核桃/司马光小故事》11幅 1961年 (有黑白与彩色两种版本)


39《穷棒子扭转乾坤》167幅 1963年3月1版1次 人民美术


40《筋斗云》56幅 人民美术 1963年10月 (有彩色与黑白两个版本)


41《朝阳沟》 98幅人民美术 1964年8月


42《人欢马叫》 幅数不详 人民美术 1965


43《黄巢起义》27幅 发表在1975年8期《革命接班人》上画家使用了化名




44《柳下跖怒斥孔丘》?幅(至少5幅) 工笔重彩国画(农民起义、?、笔戈相说、怒斥孔丘、民起胄溃)(对开柳下跖怒斥孔丘 .9.5 品, 75 年 7 月 1 版 1 印,对开,。刘继卣画,上海人民出版社出版,印数 165000 张, 300 元 / 张)




46《武则天故事》 18幅。天津人美 2008年刘继卣线描稿16幅和全部18幅的铅笔稿。这是大师的这部遗作首次以全貌面世,此作代表了刘继卣传统线描的最高水平。




47《胡同(里)变了样》54幅绘画者为刘继卣、邵国寰 / 禾长人民美术 1952年1月北京初版 开本不详48开?初版发行量10000册 定价2000元


48《王国藩与建明社》61幅绘画者为刘继卣、王 角 人民美术 1958年10月1版1次








50《雷锋》 绘画者为刘继卣、董洪元 人民美术 1965


51《毛主席的好学生焦裕禄》76幅人美1966年3月 1版1次 绘画者为刘继卣、林锴陈惠冠童介眉任率英1/60




绘画者为刘继卣、 熊孔成湖北美术 1971年








54《保护祖国的森林》10幅?15幅? 1951年


55《蒙族姑娘奇那林花》1953年 《中国青年报》待证实






58 《共产主义战士----赵小和》10幅幻灯片安徽幻灯制片厂 根据连环画报改编1975年11月










1程十发《何细妹》封面 1952年


2苗地《罗弄送信》封面 1955年


3北京人美冯灌父等《都江堰》封面 1955年






6朝花美术 张鹿山《苏武》封面1956年4月






9河北美术《西游记》套书张树德《龙宫借宝》封面 1958年








13北京人美 张令涛、胡若佛《杨家将》套书之《李陵碑》封面1960年














20北京人美康殷杜甫》封面 1960年












2《双龙会》 1959年第16期《连环画报》封面














03《连环画报》之《韩恩互助组相应号召向全国农业劳模挑战》4幅彩色插图 刊登在总第4期 由于该期已经刊登了刘继卣的另外两部作品 所以用了化名"纪友"(与本名继卣谐音)




05《战士与祖国》(青年读物)6幅插图 1952年1版1次(见过2幅小图)


06《传麦种》(董均伦)封插9幅 人民文学出版社1952年3月初版(部分与《金须牙牙葫芦》相同)(传麦种、半湾镰刀、猴子夫妻、蜡嘴与锡嘴、狼、浪荡鬼、潘大年、拾黄金、元宝)






09《连环画报》之《为了和平》1幅 契尔诺夫.斯马契柯画刘继卣复描总36期1952.11.16


10《周支队大闹平川》(马烽)封插10幅 (9幅)工人出版社 1952年12月


11《大闹天宫》(文学初步读物)封面1幅加3幅水墨插图(大圣不由分说,举棒就打。)(大圣捻着诀,念声咒语,对众仙女道:"住!住!住!")(老君赶上抓一把,被他一捽,捽了个倒栽葱。)1953年出版 人民文学出版社


12《周铁汉》(徐光耀)(文学初步读物)4幅插图1953年3月出版 人民文学出版社




14《生活小故事》第二辑(文雄等)插图新观察丛书1953 阿老等图,见到刘继卣3幅插图




16《真正的爱情》(新故事)通俗读物出版社 多人刘继卣1幅(同封面)1954年7月


17《武松打虎》 4幅(白描) 通俗读物出版社 1954年9月1版1次


18《青年英雄的故事》刘继卣绘制了《刘胡兰》部分2幅插图(我死也不屈服)(这样的一双军鞋怎么有脸送给八路军呢) 1954年6月 中国青年出版社


19《金须牙牙葫芦》(董均伦、江源)1幅彩色封面14幅白描插图 1955年5月天津通俗出版



20《狼军师》(苏东)封插 1955年一版一次刘继卣、舒华精美插图7幅群益堂出版




21《老山界》1幅 初级中学课本 文学第一册1955年5月1版


22《平常的人》1幅(提到旁人,也不必我问,那战士话多了起来) 初级中学课本文学第一册1955年版






















33《鲁智深》(文学初步读物)封插4幅 1955年9月出版 通俗读物出版社


34《野火烧不尽》(张联方、王愿坚、高朗亭)封插 4幅+1幅彩色封面 工人出版社1955年11月北京






02《黑旋风李逵》(文学初步读物)封插 6幅1956年2月 通俗读物出版社


03《我的两家房东》(康濯)(文学初步读物)5幅刘继卣、毓继明1956年2月出版 通俗读物出版社 未标注清楚作者,看着像刘继卣3幅,毓继明2幅














10《中国青年》故事新编《尊重人才的燕昭王》插图1幅 刊登于1956年第3期(经证实)11《民间文学》之《鲁班故事十一篇》之《赵州桥》1幅1956年4月号(经证实)


















20《岳飞枪挑小梁王》(岳大爷把枪一起,把个梁王,头望下,脚朝天,挑于马下。)初级中学课本 文学第一册1956年版


21《社戏》(鲁迅)(母亲送出来吩咐要小心的时候,我们已经点开船,在桥石上一磕,退后几尺,即又上前出了桥)初级中学课本 文学第一册1956年版
















28《美丽的牵牛花》6幅 彩色插图 50年代一本外文儿童读物上的。(只见过2幅)


29《虎口救小孩》6幅 《中国妇女》1956年第9号


30《三件宝器》(董均伦、江源)中国少儿 1956年12月(最新出版的天津全集为13幅)










35《严贡生和严监生》(严监生……把手从被单里拿出来,伸出两个指头)高中文学第三册 1957年7月




37《孟姜女》插图3幅 刊登于《中国民间故事选》第一集外文出版社1957年11月


38《中山狼》戏曲故事 封插5幅 作家出版社 1958年1版一次刘继卣(看封面图为东郭先生内页)








41《民间文学》中《鲁班故事》之《鲁班学艺》2幅 《桌子的故事》1幅1959年4月号


42《阿凡提的故事》幅数不详,出现过2幅 作家出版社1959年8月初版北京








46《武则天》(郭沫若)插图2幅刊登在《人民文学》 1960年5月号






01《人民文学》《打猎》题图白描画1幅 1961年第10期










06《鸡毛信》封插6幅 1960年1版3次 内页为连环画中的选页(封面为彩色重新绘制) 文字改革出版社(《鸡毛信》插图8幅?1961?)


07《说不完的故事》(王尧)封插 (出现过4幅)1962




09《春秋故事》(林汉达)封插26幅(白描)+1幅封面(彩图)=27幅 少年儿童 1962 .


10《战国故事》(林汉达)封插32幅(白描)+ 1幅封面(彩图)=33幅 (白描)少年儿童






12《胆剑篇》(曹禺、梅阡、于是之)封面画 中国戏剧出版社 1962年10月北京


13 《秦汉农民战争史》之《黄巾起义战争图》 1幅 三联出版社1962 主要插图三幅:另外两幅是:陈胜吴广起义图-刘旦宅;赤眉起义军战争图-刘凌沧










18《三代人的脚印》( 多人插图,其中刘大师两幅-借了地主十五串钱以后。)1963年9月中国青年出版社 19《小山子的故事》(杨啸)15幅封插(彩版和白描)1964年1月 中国少儿


20《荷花满淀》(杨啸)25幅 中国少年儿童出版社1964年4月一版一次。(白描)1964(最新出版的天津全集为22幅缺2幅捉鬼其中16幅原插图分为2幅故天津实为23幅)


21《岳云》(马少波)(儿童话剧剧本)封面岳云画像 中国戏剧出版社 1964年5月北京


22《永远不忘阶级和阶级斗争》(邵宇)插图2幅 1965年(未经证实)


23《敢叫日月换新天》(沈群)封插(农村组画)刘继卣插图3幅("一把土""一条扁担""还有1幅不详" 1966年1月一版一次人民美术出版社"一把土""一条扁担"另有彩版)


24《〈李自成〉人物图咏》插图4幅 (出现过李自成、刘宗敏、牛金星、高夫人或红娘子)4幅 1978年


25《中国古代著名哲学家评传》刘继卣插图4幅?(郭象画像、郭象注《庄子》、桓谭像、痛斥图识出现过4幅)刘继卣插图在第2卷即汉朝卷 齐鲁书社1980年9月出版




27小学课本算数 第一册封面(经证实)


28小学课本算术 第四册封面(经证实)










03刘继卣绘肖像画1幅 陈岩:宝古斋经理。


04刘继卣绘肖像画1幅 王积玉 辽宁收藏家,可能是刘弟子


05《团指挥员》(雪畴)插图1幅 1980年(未经证实)






















1955年素描《王积玉造像》。《李白吟诗》(为四川省江油李白纪念馆作中国画)(82《花间独酌图》)。 1957年画《三战吕布》《农夫和运草马车》。



















































































































































































































































































































































English Introduction

 Liu Jibo, a descendant of Liu Jia in Tucheng, one of the eight greatest painters in Tianjin, was influenced by Liu Kuiling, a famous painter of his father. He loved painting very much. In 1936, Liu Jibo entered the Western Painting Department of Tianjin Municipal Art Museum. Under the guidance of Liu Fenghu, an oil painter, he studied sketch, sketch, watercolor and oil painting systematically. He also learned landscape painting techniques from Liu Zijiu for a long time. Chen Shaomei studies landscape paintings and characters. The next year, he started to sell paintings. In 1947, a personal painting exhibition was held at Yongan Hotel in Tianjin. It was well known in Tianjin and Beijing and attracted worldwide attention. After 1949, he worked in the Art Bureau of the Ministry of Culture of the People's Republic of China. In 1950, he transferred the People's Fine Arts Publishing House as a creator and moved to Beijing from Tianjin. He gained a good knowledge of Beijing's famous artists, and gained a lot from it. He has successively created a number of well-known works in the painting world. Especially in the early 1950s, the comic book Chicken feather Letter was published, with ingenious composition, vividly depicting the heroic story of the calf-herding doll. As soon as the comic book was published, it immediately stirred up the art circle and boosted Liu Jishao's reputation. In 1957, he visited Czechoslovakia with a delegation of Chinese artists. Publish a variety of personal picture albums. Liu Jishan's paintings of ladies, flowers, birds and animals are mostly based on the combination of Meticulous Brushwork and freehand brushwork. On the basis of their brilliant and accurate shapes, they are extraordinarily dignified, bold, unrestrained and vivid. His works permeate the mood of Western paintings into the artistic conception of Chinese paintings, but show no trace, forming their own unique style. His artistic achievements attracted the attention of the art circles at that time. Since then, he has participated in many paintings exhibitions at home and abroad, and has been praised repeatedly. In particular, five of the 128 modern volumes of Rongbao Zhai Painting Spectrum published by Rongbao Zhai are Liu Jishao's (the third animal part of Liu Jishao,

Volume 25, Flowers, Birds, Fungi and Insects, Volume 54, Characters of Liu Jimu, Volume 55, Lions, Tigers, Leopards and Leopards of Liu Jimu, Volume 128. In addition, only Mr. Qi Baishi has the honor of five volumes, which shows that his accomplishments are extraordinary. In 1954, Chairman Mao Zedong received Liu Kuiling and Liu Jishao's father and son in Tianjin. When he exhibited Jishao's works, he praised them very much: "Bogutong today, Liu's talent!"

Liu Jishao was a director of China Artists Association, vice president of Beijing Fine Brushwork Figure Painting Research Association and vice president of Beijing Flower and Bird Painting Research Association. Characters, animals, flowers and birds, etc. are both good at writing and writing. His works include the group painting Wusong Dahu, which won the Fine Arts Award of the Sixth World Youth Festival in 1956, the Gold Award of the Leipzig Book Exhibition in 1956, and the Special Honour Award of the First International Comic Festival in Siyer, Switzerland, in 1984. The group painting "The Heavenly Palace" participated in the plastic arts exhibition of socialist countries and won the prize for fine arts. It was praised as "the classic of Chinese painting in the century" by art critics. The traditional Chinese paintings "Golden Monkey" and "Northeast Tiger" were adopted by China Stamp Company to issue commemorative stamps, and won the National Best Stamp Award in 1980. In 1982, Liu Jimao specially drew up the "Literary Dog Picture" (8g Golden Dog face value 200 yuan) for the release of "Commemorative Coin of Chinese Renxu (Dog) Year Zodiac". This simple composition not only accurately depicts the physiological characteristics of the erect dog, but also shows its spirituality and vigorous vitality, moving in the quiet, very vivid, and is one of Mr. Li's masterpieces in his later years. Because its paintings are specially designed to commemorate the issuance of coins, the coin is also respected as the set of coins, the original painting and coins are the most perfect combination of a coin, the same concise and lively artistic tone, will interpret the charm one by one. Its commemorative silver coin won the "Best Silver Coin" award in 1984, which was co-sponsored by Claus Publishing House and World Monetary News. It won a very high international honor and greatly promoted the status of Chinese coins in the International Coin market. Later, his "Double Rabbit Pictures" (1987 Chinese Zodiac - 8 grams of gold coins with a face value of 150 yuan, 5 ounces of Ding Mao Rabbit Silver coins, with a face value of 50 yuan), Monkey Pictures (1992 Chinese Zodiac gold with a face value of 100 yuan), Cows (1997 Chinese Zodiac - 12 ounces of gold bulls with a face value of 1000 yuan), Double Niu Pictures, Banana Yin Shuangguo Picture (in 2006, the gold and silver commemorative coins of Chinese C-Pi dog were worth 50 yuan and the silver coins were worth 10 yuan) and other works appeared on the commemorative coins of the zodiac.

Liu Jimu entered the Western Painting Department of Tianjin Municipal Art Museum in 1936 (aged 16). Under the guidance of oil painter Liu Fenghu, he studied sketch, sketch, watercolor and oil painting systematically and learned from Liu Zijiu.

Learn landscape painting techniques and learn landscape painting and characters from Chen Shaomei. At that time, the only art education park in Tianjin was located in Zhongshan Park, Zhongshan Road, Hebei Province. He went in and out of the garden day and night, observing the growth of flowers, plants, trees and the life of birds, animals, insects and fish in depth, as a sketch theme, thus laying a solid foundation for painting. The next year, at the age of eighteen, he began to sell paintings.

Wusong Dahu Group Map

From 1949 to 1950, Liu Jishao successively created a number of well-known works in the painting world. Liu Jishao added valuable wealth to the treasure house of Chinese art with his noble character and exquisite painting skills. He is good at meticulous brushwork, white sketch and heavy colors. Later, he painted freehand brushwork and integrated Chinese and Western painting. His characters, animals, flowers and birds, mountains and waters have both shape and spirit, and his painting style is rigorous. He combines fine brushwork with freehand brushwork, which has unique characteristics and enjoys a high reputation at home and abroad.

Art circles claim that his artistic life has been fully exercised and developed since the 1950s. In 1950, Liu Jimao moved to Beijing from Tianjin, and gained a good knowledge of Beijing's famous artists. He benefited a lot from this, and his art was more advanced.

Liu Jimao has formed the habit of observing things at any time because he explores the traditional techniques of Chinese painting. Once he took his children to the zoo, because he was concentrating on watching tigers, he lost the children he was carrying, and finally the zoo staff found them for him. It is reported that before his death, he created a giant Chinese painting "Double Lions" for the country. Before his death, he still remembered that "Chinese painting should strive for the glory of national culture". The painter's deep patriotic enthusiasm is worthy of admiration.

Liu Jishao always treats every work with all his energy and all his feelings. I remember that when he wrote The Heavenly Palace, he was just as excited as a fish in water. The Heavenly Palace is painted with Meticulous Brushwork and heavy colors. The traditional Chinese meticulous heavy-color painting method requires not only the painter to have the basic skills of line drawing, modelling and color setting, but also very laborious. A piece of armor, a cloud, a pinch of monkey hair should be dyed with light ink over and over again. Generally, it should be dyed more than ten times. Then, it should be colored. This color is strong and deep. If colored directly, the color will float, thin and vulgar. Eight paintings have been painted for nearly a year, not counting the preparations for sophomore year. It takes more than a month to paint a small painting. Every day, from morning till dark, the color can't be seen clearly. It can be said that people forget to eat and sleep. They think they are bitter, but they think they are happy. He feels that immersing himself in his favorite mood is a kind of enjoyment of beauty.

In 1956, the Painting Group of "Naoting Heaven Palace" was published by People's Fine Arts Publishing House. It was widely distributed throughout the country in the form of New Year's Pictures and was welcomed by the broad masses of the people. Subsequently, eight original paintings of the "Naotian Palace" group were transferred by the People's Fine Arts Publishing House to the then Chinese Art Organizations and sent to the relevant countries of the world for itinerant exhibition. After the exhibition was completed, only six of the eight original works of Mr. Liu Jimao's "Heavenly Palace" were returned, and the second and fourth original works were told that "it is difficult to find them if they are lost carelessly". Even when Premier Zhou Enlai visited the original works, he could only see six of them. Mr. Liu Jishao is even more sad about this. The second and fourth pictures of the group painting "The Heavenly Palace" had to be reproduced using photographs taken from earlier publications. It's a great pity.

Maotian Palace Group Map

After several decades, a miracle has happened! Mr. Liu Yanjiang of China Art Publishing Corporation, in the process of promoting the publication of comic book treasures by the motherland cultural organization, has gone through many setbacks and found the 24th or 2nd original works lost in the dusty collection of the Chinese Art Museum. Immediately, the two artistic treasures, which had not seen the sun for decades, were photographed and edited, and lent to participate in the exhibition commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the People's Fine Arts Publishing House for exhibition in the Chinese Art Museum. In 2003, Tianjin Yangliuqing Painting Co., Ltd. published four large albums based on eight original works of Mr. Liu Jimao's "Heavenly Palace"!

Liu Jikuo is a kind person, devoted to painting, not gloomy, life events (painting) is not confused, small things will inevitably be confused. On one occasion, he went confidently to Beijing Station to meet a distant visitor wearing a green army coat and carrying a black leather bag, but he didn't follow up. Back to say: I didn't expect that there were so many people wearing green coats and carrying black in Beijing Station. Who should I pick up? When participating in the "Four Clear" in the countryside, the head of the task force asked him to go to the grain depot to check the accounts. He carefully doubled all the accounts, but did not find out what to check. It is hard enough for Lao Liu to check the "four unclear" accounts. On the other hand, he is not a dull person. He has rich literary knowledge, loves music and sings a good Peking Opera. All the old and the young can do it. I remember that at his wedding, he sang "Luo Cheng Shouguan" at the invitation of greeting guests; he also liked to drink that small cup at dinner, but never saw him overdo it. He was sincere and thoughtless, and did not know what to lose or take advantage of. As long as he has pictures to draw and can face the pictures he wants to paint, he has everything. He is a loyal "nerd".

The main works include Dream of Red Mansions (group painting), Infinite Spring, Golden Monkey, Northeast Tiger, Sanda White Bone Essence, Yellow Towel Uprising (for the Museum of Chinese Revolutionary History), Jintian Uprising (for the Museum of Nanjing Revolutionary History), etc. These works have shown the world the elegance of New China's painting art, and established its position in the international painting circle with its outstanding plastic arts. Therefore, many art critics praised him as "Rembrandt of the East and Miguelangiro". He is also good at making comic strips, and has the reputation of "BeiLiu (Jimao) Nangu (Bingxin)" in the comic strip circle. His works include Chicken Hair Letter, Mr. Dongguo, Life and Death, Never Left Behind, Strange Travel, etc. Among them, "Chicken Mao Xin" won the first prize for children's works of the China Committee for the Defence of Children in 1953. In 1963, the comic strip "Poor stick turns the tide" and "Mr. Dongguo" won the first prize and the second prize of the national comic strip creation award. Because of his great role in the innovation and development of comic strip art, Liu Jishao became one of the masters of Chinese comic strip art and founders of modern Chinese line drawing comic strip. His works have also been translated into many languages and sold overseas. On his deathbed, he created a huge Chinese painting, The Double Lions, which was dedicated to the National People's Congress.

According to his comic book creation, there are ancient themes such as "Mr. Dongguo", "Da Hao Tiangong", "Wu Song Da Hu", "Chicken feather letter" and "Wang Xiulu" with revolutionary historical themes, modern themes such as "Poor sticks turn the tide", "Chaoyanggou", fairy tale themes such as "Strange Travel" and "Crow and Fox".

Introduction of Works

Mr. Liu Jishao is a skilled artist, based on tradition without sticking to tradition, integrating Chinese and Western paintings into one and forming a school of his own. This style of painting became a model to be emulated by the comic strip circles in the 1950s. Because of his deep painting skills, Mr. Liu skillfully uses various line drawing techniques and painting techniques to express works of different periods and themes in his creative comic strips.

Water Curtain Cave and Wu Zetian adopt a variety of line drawing techniques to integrate, to show the brilliance of Jinluan Hall and the elegance of people's clothing (mainly long lines, dense lines and fine lines). However, most of the realistic subjects are represented by short lines, sparse lines and thick and thin lines (referring to a group of lines or different parts of a line), which reflects the simple and concise painting style.

From "Poor stick to turn the tide", we can see that simple and concise painting and his mastery of human anatomy are so mature that he is more skillful. In "Mr. Dongguo", the method of light and shade is used to express trees, which enhances the stereoscopic sense. In addition, he also used different methods to express the scenery in Chinese painting, which made the distance relationship more obvious and achieved a high degree of harmony and perfection.

For the works with the same theme, Mr. Liu is not uniform in the way of expression. The fine brushwork Wusong Dahu is bright and beautiful in coloring, while the Heavenly Palace is bright, dignified and dense.

Mr. Liu inherits his family studies (his father, Liu Kuiling, is famous for his skill in painting birds and animals in Chinese painting circles). He is very good at depicting birds and animals in comic strips.

He is one of the most skilled. Monkeys, tigers, deer and cranes in Shuixian Cave and Jindouyun; wolves, cattle and donkeys in Mr. Dongguo; sheep in Chicken Hair Letter; tigers in Wusong Dahu. Through describing the internal and external body and physiological characteristics of animal skeleton structure, texture relaxation, fur and band pattern, Mr. Liu shows the birds and beasts in front of people. They are not only vivid in form and spirit, but also endowed with distinct personality. The animals in his works are not only the portrayal of real animals in real life, but also the artist's art. Creation endows humanoid animal images with thoughts and feelings.

In describing animals, Mr. Liu also has a unique skill - hairing brush, which was developed by his father Liu Kuiling's unique painting techniques. The monkeys'fur in Water Curtain Cave and Fighting Clouds and Sun Dasheng's face in Laotian Palace all adopt this technique, showing a delicate and subtle texture, which is amazing.

Mr. Liu Jimao's pen is simple, free and unrestrained, and sharp. It is exaggerated and implicit according to its structure, clean with ink, bright in color, smart, smart, flexible, delicate and delicate. Beginners avoid throwing, dirty, greasy, and go astray because they don't know why. He Yanxue and Qi Juan, the authors of Liu Kuiling, wrote: "His son Liu Jimu's works are bold, full of tension, emphasizing a thriving life breath. "Falsifiers draw gourds and gourds, and their spirit is difficult to imitate. Lines, ink and colours are ridiculous for thousands of miles.

"All ancient painters, drawing animals, are good at two at most. Nowadays, Ren Bonian, Xugu, Zhang Shanfu and Xu Beihong are all famous for their specialty in one or two kinds of animals. "Mr. Liu Jishao, on the other hand, deals with Chinese paintings with heavy colors, freehand brushwork, characters, animals, landscapes, feathers, flowers, grass, insects, vegetables and fruits. He is a faithful portrait of all things in the world, a versatile painter and a proud generation.

Mr. Liu Jishao has been successful in blending Western painting style, perspective and color, realism and freehand brushwork in harmony and innovation. It is different from Xu Beihong's horse painting, Li Keran's cattle painting, Huang Qiang's donkey painting and his father Liu Kuiling painting. His great and outstanding artistic achievements come from life and creation. Father's words and deeds, observation of life, understanding of life, a large number of sketches, hard work; the top of the eight group paintings "Da Nao Tiangong"; the classic 16 group paintings "Wu Song Da Tiger"; the household-known "Chicken Hair Letter", "Mr. Dongguo"; and "Rabbit's Tail", "Crow and Fox" and so on more than 30 comic strips, Haiwa and sheep, Dongguo and wolf, as well as Monkey Sun Wukong, are all vivid. A large number of creations, dedication, accumulated rich experience, characteristics of dynamic memorization in mind, letters and brushes will be the world's most beautiful instantaneous paper, so that countless people pour over the worship.

Independently completed comic strips

01 "Chicken feather letter" 243 popular pictures 1950 (another 200 modified editions, 198 new editions in Tianjin)

Chicken feather letter was published by Popular Picture Publishing House in September 1950. The first edition has a circulation of 190,000 copies.

The Chicken Maomao Letter (Episode I) Popular Pictures of September 1950

Liu Jishao's work photo

Liu Jishao's work photo

"Chicken feather letter" (the second part) February 1951 Popular Pictures

02 "Wang Xiuluan" 108 popular pictures, first edition in November 1950

03 Fire of Revenge 28 People's Fine Arts 1951

04 "Never Left Behind" 48 Chaohua Art 1951

05 Mr. Dongguo 83 People's Fine Arts 1951

06 "Little Hero Catches Secret Agents" 6 1951 published in the early 1950s "New Observation" magazine cover three

07 "Children with Big Stones" 11 People's Fine Arts in Beijing, October 1951 (black and white, color two versions)

08 "Loving Little Man" 8 People's Fine Arts in Beijing, October 1951

09 "Life and Death" (133 in the first episode and 124 in the second episode) People's Fine Arts 1952

10 "Quyao Leaves Mutual Assistance Group to Sow in the Trench"? Xu Xianli Edited and Liu Jimao Painted 17 Issues of 1952 Comic Paper

11 Comrade Luo Shengjiao, Immortal Internationalist Soldier, No. 22, 1952

12 Bacterial Warfare to Crush American Imperialism

13 The Soldiers Are Enraged. Eight Comic strips, 1952, 24 issues

14 "Advantages and Disadvantages" Colour Print 4 "Comic Book" 1952 No. 29

15 "Lobster, Barracuda and Swan" Colour 4 "Comic Paper" 1952 No. 30

16 Who Can Protect Little Family/White Rabbit Colour 8 Comic strips No. 31, 1952

The book's comic book, the official version of People's Art, was published in 1954 under the title "Who Can Protect the Little White Rabbit"

17 Don't Wrong Little Cat, 1952 (with two versions in color and black and white)

18 First Draft of "Wusong Dahu" Coloured 28 "Lianhua Picture Newspaper" Total No. 38, 1952

This edition of the comic strip "Wusong Dahu" was officially published in August 1954 by 28 popular art societies.

19 The People's Fine Arts in October 1952 was priced at 900 yuan for 24 pieces of "Seeing Qi/Great Cultural Forward from Learning Model" (published in Lianhua Picture Newspaper, 1952, No. 28, also known as "Great Cultural Forward").

20 "Ma Jiashun, Position!" - Six stories of Ma Jiashun, a member of the Youth League of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, sticking to Wenheng Mountain? Published on the back cover of "China Youth" in 1953?

21 A New Couple on the Production Front

22 The Fiancee of a Volunteer Soldier

23 Yugong Moving Mountains, 7 of which were published in the 16th edition of the 1953 Journal of Learning Culture

24 "Zoo" 26 wall-painted color comic strips (20 of the total 76th issue of the 14 issue of the comic strip newspaper published on July 21, 1954, and 18 of the new edition in Tianjin)

25 Strange Travel, 66 Chaohua Art 1954 (with two versions in color and black and white)

26 The Ordinary Meeting of Lenin's Stories 11 Shanghai Beauty 1954

27 "Wusong Dahu" 16 pieces of people's fine arts 1955 (heavy color) (won the sixth World Youth Festival in 1956, the gold medal of the Leipzig Book Exhibition in 56, and the first International Comic Festival in Siyer, Switzerland, in 84. )

28 "Heavenly Palace" Eight People's Fine Arts 1956 (Heavy Colors) Participated in the Socialist Country Plastic Art Exhibition and won the Art Works Award

29 "River God Married a Woman/Siemens Leopard" 19 Chaohua Art 1956 (Colour) (The name of the fifth comic strip in 1954 was "Siemens Leopard")

30 "Why the Rabbit's Tail Is So Short" 26 Chaohua Fine Arts Dec. 1956 (Colors), "Comic Paper" and "Rabbit's Tail" 17 in June 1955

31 "Crow and Fox" 20 Chaohua Art Prints 52000 48 in June 1956

32 "Water Curtain Cave" 40 People's Fine Arts in July 1951 edition once (with two versions of color and black and white)

33 "Little Deer" 8 "Comic Papers" No. 15, 1957

34 "Mouse" 8 "Pictures" No. 15, 1957

35 Jiuquan Painting Series, 4 People's Fine Arts (Colors). Lianhua Picture Newspaper, No. 11, 1959, was officially published in 1963?

36 The Great Glory of Jianming People's Commune (Painting Group) 8 black-and-white pictures, Lianlian Picture Newspaper No. 11, 1960. Is this work Poor Stick? Unknown! Jiang Weipu's poem Liu Jimu's painting. Like the manuscript of Jianming Society of Painting

37 Wolf Comes, 10 People's Fine Arts 1961 (Colors)

38 Walnut Peeling/Sima Guang Stories 11 1961 (black and white and color versions)

39 "Poor sticks turn the tide" 167 People's Fine Arts, March 1, 1963

40 Fighting Clouds 56 People's Fine Arts in October 1963 (with color and black and white versions)

41 Chaoyanggou 98 People's Fine Arts in August 1964

42 The Number of People's Calls of Joy and Horses is Unknown People's Art 1965

43 Huangchao Uprising 27 paintings were published in the eighth issue of Revolutionary Successors in 1975.

"Yellow Nest Rebellion against Confucius Fear" 38

44 "Liu Xia Zhi Angry at Confucius Qiu"? Paintings (at least 5) with meticulous heavy-coloured Chinese paintings (peasant uprising,?, Bi Gexiang, angry at Confucius Qiu and people's upheaval). (Against Kai Liu Xia Zhi Angry at Confucius Qiu. 9.5, July 1, 75, 1 print, opposite,. Liu Jibo's paintings, published by Shanghai People's Publishing House, have a print of 165,000, 300 yuan per sheet.

45 The Conceited Tiger: Four (Colors) in 1981

46 Stories of Wu Zetian, 18 pieces. Tianjin Renmei Liu Jimu's 16 sketches and 18 pencil sketches in 2008. This is the first time that the master's legacy has appeared in a panoramic way, which represents the highest level of Liu Jimao's traditional line drawing.

A comic book in collaboration with others

47 The 54 painters of Hutong (Li) Chang Fang are Liu Jimao, Shao Guoliang/Hechang People's Fine Arts, the first edition of which was published in Beijing in January 1952. The first edition has an unknown 48 editions. The first edition has a circulation of 10,000 copies and is priced at 2,000 yuan.

48 The 61 painters of Wang Guofan and Jianming Society are Liu Jimao and Wang Jiao People's Fine Arts, published once in October 1958.

Two versions in black and white

In the 18th and 19th issues of 1958, Lianhua Picture Published 46 color comic strips, Wang Guofan and Jianming Society.

49 The Spirit of One Centre Money was reprinted in September 1963 by Fei Shengfu, Liu Jimao and Youyun Changtu Beijing Slide Studio; 20 pieces were made of glass and paper.

50 The Painters of Lei Feng are Liu Jimao and Dong Hongyuan People's Fine Arts 1965

51 Jiao Yulu, Chairman Mao's Good Student, 76 Renmei paintings in the first edition of March 1966 were painted by Liu Jimao, Lin Kai, Chen Huiguan, Tong Jiemei and Ren Zheng Ying 1/60.

52 "Follow Chairman Mao, carry the banner to the end--Wang Yingzhou, a young commander armed with Mao Zedong Thought" 105

The painters were Liu Jimao and Xiong Kongcheng, Hubei Fine Arts, 1971

53 Selected Stories of Song Jiang, a capitulator, and Shuihu, 230 Renmei in June 1976

The painters are Liu Jimo, Liu Hanzhong, Ren Piying, Li Shinan, Chen Huiguan, Lin Kai, Yu Xuejian, Liu Yongkai, Zhao Longyi, and some other workers, peasants and soldiers.

The Confirmed Works of Liu Jishan's Comic Paintings

54 "Protecting the Forest of the Motherland" 10? 15? 1951

55 "Mongol Girl Chinarin Flower" 1953 "China Youth Daily" to be confirmed

56 The Skills of Guizhou Donkeys to be Verified

57 Lenin and the Guard?

58 "Communist Soldier--Zhao Xiaohe" 10 slides Anhui Slide Studio adapted November 1975 according to the comic strip

Unpublished works

59 Golden Hoop Stick

Liu Jishao's Drawing of the Cover of the Comic Book

In addition to the covers of most of the above works, there are mainly:

Cheng Shifa's cover of He Ximei in 1952

2 Miaodi's cover of "Lo Nong Send Letters" 1955

3 Beijing Renmei Feng Guanfu and other cover of Dujiangyan, 1955

4 Beijing Ren Meilin Xueyan and Wang Yushan's cover of Yuefei Yifu Yang Zaixing, 1955

5 The cover of "veteran general Huang Zhong" by Luwen, Zhang Yiqiu and Zhang Lushan from Beijing, July 1955

6 Dynasties Flower Art Zhang Lushan "Suwu" Cover April 1956

7 Dynasty Flower Art Lin Yihe and Liang Rongmu's Cover of People Exploring Mines (195606 Edition)

8 He Mingham's "Little Hunter" Cover 1956

9 Hebei Fine Arts Journey to the West cover of Zhang Shude's Longgong Borrowing Treasures 1958

10 Beijing Renmei "Wang Guofan and Jianming Society" cover October 1958

11 Beijing Renmei Lubson's "Chairman Mao in WISCO" Cover March 1959

12 The Shuanglong Club (cover of the 16th issue of Lianhua Picture in 1959) in the series of "Yang Jia Jiang" written by Zhang Lingtao and Hu Ruofu, Beijing Renmei

13 The cover of Li Ling Stele, a collection of Yang Jia Jiang by Zhang Lingtao and Hu Ruofu from Beijing, 1960

14 The cover of the comic book "Li Long Da Tiger" or "Li Long Da Lu"? To be verified

15 The Cover of Gun-picked Xiaoliang Wang in Beijing Renmei Yuefei Biography Series 1960

16 The Cover of Xiao Shang He in Beijing Renmei's Yue Fei Zhuan Set of Books in 1960

17 The Cover of Fengbo Pavilion in Beijing Renmei Yuefei Biography Series 1960

18 Beijing Renmei "Mr. Dongguo" Cover 1960

19 The Cover of Xu Yuxing's Wang Xiaogong Uprising 1960

20 Beijinger Mei Kangyin's cover of Du Fu in 1960

21 The Cover of Chen Zhilin's Iron and Steel Red Company 1960

22 Beijing Renmei's cover of Monkey King's Three Strikes of White Bone Spirits in 1964

23 Beijing Renmei's cover of Monkey King's Three Strikes of White Bone Elite (in cooperation with Ren Feiying) 1973

The Cover Works of the Comic Book

1 Urban-Rural Exchange, No. 8 of 1951, The Cover of the Comic Book, published on September 16, 1958

2 The Cover of Shuanglong Club No. 16, 1959

3 "The Morning of Jianming Commune" (Colour) (Cover of the 11th issue of the comic strip in 1960)

4 "Workers'Recuperation Home"


Illustrations (1) (before 1955)

01 Shi Bushi Catching a Car (Zhao Shuli) (Extracurricular Readings for Staff and Workers'Amateur Schools) (Sealing) 8 pieces of Beijing Workers' Publishing House, March 1, 1950

02 Annotation to the General No. 63 of Qing Shuan of Chinese Youth in 1951 (This is a picture of a young cowherd by Brother Hammer)

03 Four color illustrations of "Han En Mutual Assistance Group Calling for Challenges to National Agricultural Labor Models" published in the fourth issue of Lianlian Picture Newspaper have been used as aliased "Jiyou" (homophonic with his real name Ji Shan) because of the publication of two other works by Liu Jishao in this issue.

04 "Gao Yubao Zhuan" (Wu Juntao) Pacific Publishing House, early December 1952, cover A Lao Tu, Liu Jimao, Chen Yunhua illustrations (of which Liu Jimao 2 pieces (1), "fight is you, see you dare not steal chicken again" (2), "This letter is from Uncle Liu to you."

05 "Soldiers and Motherland" (Youth Reading) 6 illustrations 1 time in 1952 (see 2 small pictures)

06 The Spreading of Wheat Seeds (Dong Junlun) sealed nine pieces of People's Literature Publishing House in the first edition of March 1952 (part the same as "Golden Musk and Dental Gourd") (Spreading wheat seeds, half Bay sickles, monkey couples, wax mouths and tin mouths, wolves, wandering ghosts, Pan Danian, picking up gold and Yuan bao)

07 The Asian and Pacific Regional Peace Conference of the Comic Paper, a 32-issue issue issue, was published on 16 September 1952.

08 The Chinese Delegation to the Soviet Union, a total of 32 issues, was published on September 16, 1952.

09 "For Peace" in the comic strip, a repetition of Chernov Smachik's Liu Jimu, 36 issues 1952.11.16

10 "Zhou Detachment Makes a Great Noise in Pingchuan" (Ma Feng) Sealed 10 (9) Workers'Publishing House in December 1952

11 The Heavenly Palace of Noise (Preliminary Literature Reading) cover 1 plus 3 ink and wash illustrations (Dasheng can not help but say, raise the stick and fight. (The great sage twisted his knack, chanted incantations and said to the fairies, "Live! Live!" (The old gentleman caught up with him and was overwhelmed by him. ) Publishing People's Literature Publishing House in 1953

12 Zhou Tiehan (Xu Guangyao) (Preliminary Literature Reading) Four Illustrations Published by People's Literature Publishing House in March 1953

13 A picture of "Women Singing in New China" published on March 6, 1953 (painted by Aunt Lu, Jinxiulan, Lan Chen-xiang, Shen Jilan, Hao Jianxiu, Zhao Guilan, Li Landing, Xie Xiumei, Guo Junqing and women's groups)

14 Illustrations in the second volume of Life Stories (Wenxiong et al.) New Observation Series 1953 A Lao et al. See three illustrations by Liu Jishan

15 A Draft Constitution for the Proof of the People's Republic of China

16 "True Love" (New Story) Popular Book Publishing House Many People Liu Jimu 1 (same cover) July 1954

17 Wusong Dahu 4 Popular Readings Publishing House, September 1954, 1 edition

18 The Story of Young Heroes Liu Jishan drew two illustrations of Liu Hulan (I will not give in to death). How could such a pair of military shoes be given to the Eighth Route Army? June 1954, China Youth Publishing House

19 "Golden Whiskers and Teeth Cucurbits" (Dong Junlun, Jiangyuan) 14 white sketches on a color cover. Fig. 15 Tianjin Popular Publication in May 1955


20 "Wolf Military Division" (East Jiangsu) is sealed and inserted once in 1955. Liu Jimao and Shuhua's exquisite illustrations are shown in Figure 7. Qun Yitang is published.

One illustration of Liu Jitao shows a Chinese wolf.

21 Laoshanjie, Volume 1 of Junior Middle School Textbook Literature, May 1955

22 The Ordinary Man, Volume 1 of Junior Middle School Literature 1955

23 Seven Brothers in Folk Literature, September 1955

24 The Story in the Mule and Horse Shop in Folk Literature, September 1955

25 Rabbit Revenge in Folk Literature, October 1955

26 Gu Du in Folk Literature, October 1955

27 An Owl and Crow in Folk Literature, October 1955

28 The Fox Is King in Folk Literature, October 1955

On March 5, Liu Jimao's memorial meeting was solemnly held in the auditorium of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

In 1983, Mr. Liu Jibo and his wife Pei stood in the house.

In 1983, Mr. Liu Jibo and his wife Pei stood in the house.

Mr. Liu Jishao's Model Significance

In the history of modern Chinese comic strips, Mr. Liu Jishao, the painter, should be a model figure with noble morality and no controversy. The significance of his existence is not only in his lifetime, but also behind him. Mr. Liu died in 1983 at the age of 65. When he was alive, he didn't have the chance to become a big red or purple man, or he had more chances to become a big red or purple man. But like some painters, he is accustomed to working in silence, and is not good at packaging and propaganda, to pursue the so-called "value" and "effect". Therefore, the value of his existence lies in that he lives in the hearts of millions of readers, which is why he has the significance of a model. Although Mr. Liu has passed away for more than 20 years, when it comes to comic books and traditional Chinese paintings, no matter the old readers or the young readers, who does not hold Mr. Liu Jishao in high esteem?

Mr. Liu Jishao's exemplary significance lies first in his progressive consciousness and revolutionary enthusiasm of keeping pace with the times. Mr. Liu Jimao was born in 1918 in a Danqing family in Tianjin. His father, Liu Kuiling, was a well-known painter of birds, birds, animals, flowers and trees in Gushang. Influenced and taught by his father, Mr. Liu Jimao mastered Chinese painting of flowers, plants, birds and animals very early. Unlike his predecessors, he entered Tianjin Municipal Art Museum at the age of 18, studied landscape from Mr. Liu Zijiu, sketch and watercolor from Mr. Liu Fenghu, studied and studied Western art techniques, and tried to combine them with Chinese traditional art, so that his works had the composition of Chinese painting. With pen and interest, as well as the perspective of Western painting and anatomical basis, it enriches the expressive force of the works, expands the scope of the subject matter, and lays a solid foundation for future comic creation. Since 1937, he has been selling paintings and holding personal art exhibitions. He has also ranked among the famous artists in Tianjin. If we follow this road, we can expect to become a famous painter. But besides this, Mr. Liu Jishao chose a strange road.

In 1949, New China was founded. In 1950, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a call to popularize culture and transform old comic strips. At that time, in Beijing and even in the north, there were not many artists engaged in comic book creation, far from the strong strength and tremendous influence of Shanghai comic book base, and the artists from liberated areas also lacked such experience. But as the capital of New China, Beijing must take the responsibility of leading the cultural tide of the new era. At this time, Mr. Cai Ruohong was appointed to set up the Popular Picture Publishing House. Mr. Cai Ruohong is a senior cartoonist and literary theorist from the Liberated Areas. He can draw and see people. At the invitation of Cai Ruohong, Mr. Liu Jishao resolutely said goodbye to his career of selling paintings and joined the "public", with a clear purpose. He created a new era comic strip with brand-new contents and forms, to occupy and reform the old comic strip market, and to popularize revolutionary ideas among the masses.

Comic strips have always been difficult to get into the hall of elegance. Of course, the factors of social prejudice are also related to the accumulated drawbacks of the "Liantan" itself in history. Compared with traditional Chinese paintings, comic book "Xiaorenshu" is like a cloud in the eyes of many people. Mr. Liu Jishao needs great determination and courage to make a great transformation of his creative style. As for what Mr. Liu Jishao thought at that time, he did not leave any written information. Although there were no slogans like "obey the Party's arrangements", "go where the motherland needs most, and"the needs of the Party are my own volunteers"at that time, although Mr. Liu Jishao was not out of livelihood considerations, as long as we talk about things, we can not help feeling his enthusiasm for the new China and for popularizing popular culture. It was very difficult at that time, and it was of exemplary significance.

It is also understandable that Mr. Liu Jishao is persistent in the creation of comic strips in the form of popularization. Others believe that it is a waste of talent to kill chickens with a cow's knife. As far as Mr. Liu's Chinese painting background is concerned, his development path is broad, but Mr. Liu has a special love for comic strips, and he has persevered for decades with fine painting style. 。 The pen is smooth. Rich color and unique composition are widely praised. For a long time, the comic book circle has the saying of "looking South and looking north at Liu". This praise represents an epochal height and a shining history of "Liantan". His paintings, which have influenced a large number of later generations, are still praised and remembered. Mr. Liu Jimu is well-known: his painting Chicken Maomao Letter won the first prize for children's works of the China Committee for the Defence of Children in 1955, Wusong Dahu won the Fifth World Youth Festival Art Award in 1956, his painting "Making Heaven Palace" was selected into the plastic arts exhibition of socialist countries in 1957, and "Poor stick turning the tide" was selected in 1963. He won the first prize of the first national Comic Book Award in 2001. On the one hand, winning the prize is more important. Mr. Liu Jishao pushed the new comic art into the palace of art in the early 1950s with his own achievements and those of more comrades in comic art. In an article entitled An Image of Wang Xiuluan, Mr. Wang Zhaowen praised Wang Xiuluan as "a very real, vivid and profound figure". Its success made some people who despised the popularization of comic strips at least partially eliminate the fact that comic strips were low-level art before the excellent form of Wang Xiuluan. Prejudice. Mr. Liu Jishao's painting art is obviously of typical significance in the history of modern comic strips.

In Mr. Liu Jimao, in his decades of comic book creation career, he also reflects from time to time the pragmatic and modest spirit of the older generation of artists, "Inkstone farming cattle", hard work, no noise, no envy of vanity. Some people say that Mr. Liu does not care about politics, so in addition to the "Cultural Revolution", political movements have been frequent before. But Mr. Liu seems to stay out of the way and keep it safe. Art is the only pursuit in his life. He can paint and go to remote mountain villages to observe sketches. He doesn't feel bitter. He can paint a picture for more than a month, forgetting to eat and sleep, and striving for perfection. The latter point is natural. That is the life of a real artist. Spiritual sustenance, but the former view, but lost absolutely, no political enthusiasm of the painter how to draw so many works, living so many characters such as Wang Xiulu, Haiwa, Wang Guofan, and even though classical characters, but it reflects enough to remind and inspire people today, whether historical figures or mythological people. Things? Without sober political consciousness and passion, this is absolutely impossible.

It is true that Mr. Liu Jishao is a low-key person. He is generous, uncontrollable, sincere and unscrupulous. He only regards creation as the whole of life. According to his students'recollections, Mr. Liu does not regard art as his own character. He is always a kind, selfless, strict and conscientious teacher in class. Although he was a past painter in the field of old times, he was not affected by the habits of old painters such as "conservatism", "stunt", "tricks" and "secrets". Ask Mr. Liu how to use ink in the production of famous animal paintings "black pole and velvet", how to use tiger's fur "thin and thick, with jewelry color", and so on. He always tells the story and shares it with students and comrades. He also seldom writes, seldom talks about his creative experience, he seems to be based on self-teaching, so it is difficult to find such articles written by him, and no one summarizes his creative experience well before his death, which often makes us sigh. Some time ago, the author wrote this article and found it unexpectedly in old Tibet. More than 40 years ago, a newspaper clipping was written by Mr. Liu's signature. I can't help but rejoice that it was not written by Mr. Liu exclusively for journals, but probably by Mr. Liu's own account recorded by others. The article does not involve any theoretical issues. It only talks about creative techniques and creative process. It talks concretely and concretely. It is simple and unadorned. It makes people think of the spirit of Mr. Liu when he talks about it, and it is deeply inspired.

Over the past decades, Chinese modern comic strips have made great achievements in the process of continuous progress. It is precisely because of the pioneering and unremitting efforts of a large number of leading painters such as Mr. Liu Jimao. When we are summing up historical experience and making comic strips more brilliant and rise again in the new historical period, we summarize the creative thoughts and process of the old generation of comic strip artists represented by Mr. Liu Jishao, and review their thoughts, spirit and personality as outstanding painters, as well as their historical achievements and outstanding contributions. Not only is he "a person who has a relationship with our literature and art, we want to commemorate him", but also because they are outstanding painters of Liantan and still have a model significance which is not out of date with the passage of time.

Artistic Characteristics of Liu Jimao's Comic Paintings

First of all, they are good at shaping the image of rural people in the north. Among Liu Jishan's numerous comic strips, he takes the rural areas of North China as his main living base and creates many typical characters of different classes, ages, gender and identities in the north, such as Haiwa in Chicken Mao Letter, rural cadres in Poor Sticks to Turn the Heaven, and Mr. Dongguo in Mr. Dongguo. They all have the characteristics of simplicity, simplicity and perseverance of the northern people. It is the successful shaping of these northern characters that makes Liu Jimu's comic books full of real and vivid appeal.

Secondly, the linear characteristics of dry and vigorous. Liu Jimao used traditional line drawing (mainly iron line drawing and blue leaf drawing) in his comic strip drawing techniques. He often used concise lines to draw complex images. His line quality is very distinctive. It gives people a dry and vigorous visual feeling by using dry ink brushes. It is different from the beautiful and moist linearity of famous Shanghai Liantan artists and the over-traditional line-drawing method of other famous northern artists (this traditional line-drawing style is the combination of Wumen School and Palace School). The dry and strong line-drawing effect cooperates with each other. The image characteristics of the northern characters are simple and simple. The same flowing and moist lines are more suitable for expressing Southerners'wisdom and exquisite temperament. Because of its stylized and conceptual limitations, traditional line drawing is only suitable for expressing traditional patterns, but it is not suitable for expressing real life. For example, it is not suitable for expressing modern working women by changing Qiqian and Fei Danxu's portrayal of ladies in Qing Dynasty.

Liu Jishan's comic book painting is very fast, and can draw nearly ten drawings a day. His pen is skilled and fluent, but his lines give people a sense of dryness. This kind of special line is very rare among contemporary comic book artists. It is the product of the combination of the artist's painting skills and the northern environment characteristics.

Thirdly, it emphasizes the position of animals in the picture. Animal picture books are Liu Ji-shan's family studies. Being good at shaping animal images is another important success factor of Liu Ji-shan's comic strips. Liu Jimao's comic book depicts animals not only vividly and vividly, but also intentionally proceeds from the plot of the story and combines the characteristics of animals themselves, endowing animals with personified personality and social attributes comparable to human life, so that animals can also express human feelings and be full of humanized meaning. Painters consciously enhance the status of animals in their works, focusing on describing the interaction between human beings and animals in the plot, so that animals are no longer just the foil of characters. This feature is particularly evident in the Zhongshan Wolf in Mr. Dongguo, the Tiger in Wusong Dahu and Monkey King in Da Lao Tiangong.

Therefore, the animals in Liu Jimao's works are not only the reappearance of real animals in real life, but also the animal images endowed with thoughts and feelings by artists'artistic creation, which embodies the artistic creation principle of "originating from life, higher than life". The combination of the animal image in the painting and the typicality of the characters in the story deepens the ideological theme of the work.

In his later years, Liu Jishao came out with the style of freehand brushwork, mainly focusing on animals and characters, and established his position in the modern Chinese painting circle with a fresh and bright face. Liu Jimao's freehand animal paintings emphasize the use of brush and ink to create realistic and vivid images, clear composition, quick and unrestrained brush strokes, more use of side edges, pay attention to the effect of brush strokes, such as the "wind gust horse", with "the brush has not yet swallowed up the spirit", a strong sense of rhythm, full of vitality and tension, strong visual impact. It is a further development of his father's style of painting.

Liu Jishao is an artist who inherits the past and forges ahead in the field of modern Chinese painting. His outstanding achievements are not only reflected in his superb artistic attainments and profound cultural connotations, but also in the admirable spirit of innovation. He not only inherited Liu Kuiling's painting style, but also made a comprehensive innovation and development of this style. Liu Jimao's painting skills are quite profound, and there are not many painters who have such skills in the whole history of Chinese painting.






    最近更新:2024-12-13 17:54:52
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