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( 中国美术家协会理事 )


  • 中文名王晋元
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地河北乐亭
  • 出生日期1939.2
  • 逝世日期2001.11
  • 职业国画家
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校中央美术学院中国画系
  • 主要成就国家一级美术师
王晋元—自然生命的歌者(作者 刘士裕)

中国美术网 09-17 浏览






















在实践跨形式、跨技法的综合语言样式上,王晋元也迈出了重要一步,取得了令人瞩目的成就。王晋元扎实而全面的技法基础使他有能力实践导师郭味蕖先生提出的“山水与花鸟相结合、工笔与写意相结合、泼墨与重彩相结合” 的花鸟画主张,并以此形成他绘画风格的一个显著特征。这一点体现在他的作品中,在《绿谷》、《绝壁千寻一涧花》中可以看到,花卉和环境处理得水乳交融,具有山水性质的素材与山花野卉处于同等地位,山石水口成为风景的一部分,共同营造出整体的空间意象和幽深蓊郁的氛围。工笔勾填与泼墨写意结合是他融合不同技法语言的另一表现,像《野山春》、《神山之寿》等作品,它们多以“双勾”表现植物细部结构,重彩点染,以“没骨”画出作为提神之笔的主体花卉,通过泼墨或写意笔法造局布势。各种手法的自由调动、综合运用达到了多样统一、对比和谐的交响效果,大大强化了作品的表现力。这一点没有极高的艺术造诣,是不可能做到的。


Introduction in English

 Art evaluation approached Wang Jinyuan's giant flower-and-bird paintings as if you were in a wild valley. Before his mysterious, rich and magnificent pictures, you felt as if you had been awakened for the first time and turned into a blade of grass and a bird in the woods?


Mr. Wang Jinyuan is a master of modern flower-and-bird painting in China. Although he hurried through his painful journey of art in 2001, his immortal masterpiece of praise for natural life which he left to future generations has infected us permanently.


Wang Jinyuan loved art since childhood. In 1959, Wang Jinyuan graduated from high school and was admitted to both the Chinese Department of Peking University and the Department of Traditional Chinese Painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He chose his favorite art major. In the Central Academy of Fine Arts, he was taught by Li Kuchan, Guo Weigu and Tian Shiguang. In the third grade, under the guidance of Mr. Guo Weigan, he specialized in flower-and-bird painting and became a disciple of the famous painter who once established the Flower-and-Bird Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts and made outstanding contributions to Chinese flower-and-bird painting. After graduating in 1964, he chose to work in Yunnan, and since then he has opened up a new road for the development of flower and bird painting in this magical and beautiful land.


Wang Jinyuan painted Yunnan all his life. Yunnan's unique ecological environment and diverse species communities are undoubtedly a creative opportunity and a test for Wang Jinyuan. The natural scenery, the snow mountain meadow, and Ono Yamahana provide him with the objects of life and soul, so that he can expand a new world beyond the scope of his predecessors' ink and wash. He is well versed in the ancient precepts of "making things by outside teachers, gaining inspiration from them" and "searching all the odd peaks for drafts".


To this end, he made full use of the help of this creation, plunged into the Xishuangbanna tropical rainforest, ran in the snow grassland of Western Yunnan, remained in the cliff turbulence of Wumeng Jinsha, brought back a sketch book and a stack of drawings, and was moved by the magic of natural ecology one after another.


In the long-term practice of being close to nature and society, Wang Jinyuan found inexhaustible and inexhaustible creative materials. On the other hand, choosing Yunnan means choosing a new subject that has never been studied before. Herbs and plants here have their unique shape and style. Their growth laws and structural characteristics can not be found in the traditional Chinese painting patterns and methods of expression. To walk on their own road is different from the natural environment of predecessors: parasitic, winding, climbing, interweaving vine trunks, moss lichens, tree and stone forests. Water, a variety of rain forest vegetation species, so diverse, peculiar and rich, it is not easy to complete the creation of pen and ink program from the natural sense, from the image of life to the promotion of artistic image! The real essence and mission of his creation is to depict the flower and bird scenery, to reside in his soul home, to construct the original place of life, and to call for the emotional consciousness of ecological harmony. Therefore, he believes that only by loving life can we discover the beauty contained in life and nature, but we also need to analyze and study nature so as to grasp life more accurately and deeply.


In order to show the natural characteristics of the full, dense, complex and gorgeous jungle, he went deep into the dense forest valley with flowers such as waterfalls, Ivy flying and moss embroidery. Through repeated practice and deliberation, he summed up the creative method of "panoramic interception", boldly broke through the interest of the traditional scholar's broken flower and bird painting, with a complete plot and an open artistic conception. Panoramic expression of the colorful, meteorological world of natural life. The application of this method has proved to be successful. In the works Jinggang Rhododendron Red, Spring Man Rainforest, Autumn Pale and Rainforest Elegance, the single description of flower and bird painting is replaced by a lush biological community. The dense layer of mountain flower vegetation, the main layer, the community layer and the rock layer are interwoven into a three-dimensional and rich ecological landscape, which creatively shows the beauty of lush and dense rainforest. Compared with the traditional freehand flower-and-bird painting pursuit of simplicity, lightness, elegance and ease, Wang Jinyuan's creation of this grand scene and panoramic interception opens up a new realm of flower-and-bird painting, which generally presents a modern aesthetic style and temperament with great momentum, broad realm and profound implication.


The success of Wang Jinyuan's creation is hard to come by. Painters with creative experience all know that it is easy to be confused and confused when dealing with such complex and diverse images in a painting. Wang Jinyuan's paintings tend to be dense and denser. In the past, Huang Binhong was unscrupulous in making mountains and rivers, and then he should understand the method of getting the inner beauty of them in a sparse way for Wang Jinyuan. The fuller, the more dense, the more sensible, the clearer the vein, the more complicated but not disorderly, which fully reflects the super-strong grasp of image, pen and spatial structure. Especially in image processing, it is not easy for plants and plants of different genera to have distinct personality and organically and harmoniously organize together. It is precisely through the classification method that different images and brushwork are summarized, refined and abstracted, and then the same kind of objects are unified dispatched and integrated according to the growth law and picture needs. Effectively control the overall situation, and avoid ambiguity and confusion.


In the use of pens, his paintings sweep away the common problems of roughness, impatience and indifference. His brushes have successively been painted with grammar. Although the brushes and ink in Stonehenge are falling and falling, and there is no lack of calmness and calmness in the exhibition of flowers and branches, however, they all follow strict drawing procedures and the inherent law of the brush, so his paintings are full of luster and deep flavor. Avenue. Of course, if the picture structure is not well grasped, it is still difficult to escape chaos. In this respect, we can see Wang Jinyuan's absorption of modern elements, the proper use of segmentation, block lines, black-white-grey contrast, and various straight lines.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对