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( 中国美术家协会理事 )


  • 中文名赵奇
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族 满族
  • 出生地辽宁锦县
  • 出生日期1954
  • 职业画家、教授
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 毕业院校鲁迅美术学院
  • 主要成就中国文联评为美术界“世纪之星”

中国美术网 09-18 浏览



1972年 于盘锦地区东郭苇场电影放映队参加工作。

1975年 入鲁迅美术学院学习。


1988年 当选中国美术家协会理事。


1994年 当选辽宁省美术家协会副主席。

1994年 当选辽宁省美术家协会副主席。1996年 当选中国文学艺术界联合会第六届委员会委员。

1996年 任中国画系副主任。

1997年 当选中国画艺术委员会委员。

1997年 创办鲁迅美术学院中国人物画工作室。

1998年 任鲁迅美术学院艺术文化研究中心主任。

2011年 调入中国国家画院。





















1996年 被中国文联世纪之星工程委员会评为中国文联美术界的“世纪之星”。


1999年 辽宁省中青年“德艺双馨文艺家”。

2004年 被评为辽宁省优秀教师







2012年 在辽宁博物馆举办“与你相遇——赵奇绘画作品展”和“赵奇画展 座谈会”。2014年 在中国美术馆举办“这片地呀——赵奇绘画展”和“赵奇作品理论 研讨会”。 


2015年 在中国国家画院美术馆举办“浴火——赵奇画展”和“赵奇画展座谈会”,在南京同曦艺术馆举办“浴火——赵奇画展”和“赵奇画展研讨会”。


 1982年出版《嘎达梅林》(合作) 辽宁美术出版社


  1984年出版《可爱的中国》 辽宁美术出版社 


1989年出版《靖宇不死》 辽宁美术出版社


  1989年出版《速写与教学笔记》 辽宁美术出版社


  1994年出版《赵奇中国画作品选》 辽宁美术出版社




  2001年出版《赵奇连环画作品集》——(1)《山中,那十九座坟茔》、(2)《爬满青藤的木屋》、(3)《啊·长城》 辽宁美术出版社


  2003年出版《二十一世纪主流人物画家创作丛书·赵奇》 大象出版社


  2006年出版长篇散文《最后,眼睛总是湿的》 春风文艺出版社 2006年出版《靖宇不死》 人民美术出版社

English Introduction

 Born in Jinxian, Liaoning Province in 1954.

In 1972, he worked in the film projection team of Dongguo Weichang in Panjin area.

He joined Luxun Academy of Fine Arts in 1975.

In 1978, he graduated and remained as a teacher of the Department of Chinese Painting. In 1987, he was promoted to associate professor.

In 1988, he was elected director of China Artists Association.

Promoted to Professor in 1992.

He was elected Vice Chairman of Liaoning Artists Association in 1994.

He was elected Vice Chairman of Liaoning Artists Association in 1994. In 1996, he was elected a member of the Sixth Committee of the Federation of Chinese Literature and Art Circles.

He was deputy director of the Department of Chinese Painting in 1996.

In 1997, he was elected a member of the Chinese Painting Art Committee.

In 1997, Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts was founded as the studio of Chinese figure painting.

In 1998, he was appointed Director of Art and Culture Research Center of Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts.

He was transferred to China National Academy of Painting in 2011.

In 1983, he won the First Prize of Fine Arts in the Annual Award for Excellent Literary and Artistic Works of Liaoning Provincial Government.

In 1984, Gadamelin (Cooperation) won the silver prize of the 6th National Art Exhibition.

"Lovely China" won the bronze prize of the 6th National Art Exhibition. In 1985, he won the Liaoning Provincial Government's "Year Award for Excellent Literary and Artistic Works".

In 1986, "Wooden House Crawling with Ivy Leaves" won the first Golden Ring Prize of the Comic Book.

"Gadamelin" (cooperation) won the second prize in painting of the third national comic book award.

"Lovely China" won the third national Comic Book Award for painting.

In 1987, Ah Great Wall was awarded the National Art Exhibition Excellent Works Award in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of the PLA.

In 1988, Waiting for a Car was awarded the Excellent Works Award of the Northeast Three Provinces Art Exhibition.

In 1989, Jingyu Immortality won the bronze prize of the 7th National Art Exhibition. Was awarded the "1980-1989 Literary and Artistic Creation Achievement Award" by Liaoning Provincial Committee and Government

In 1990, Shengmin - 1885 San Francisco Huang Zunxian and Huagong won the first prize of Yongfang Art Award in commemoration of Huang Zunxian's International Tour Exhibition of Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Art.

In 1991, Ah Great Wall won the Golden Ring Award of the Second Comic Book.

Jingyu Immortality won the first prize in painting in the 4th National Comic Book Award.

In 1992, "Five Paintings of the Great Wall" won the silver prize in the painting exhibition commemorating the 60th anniversary of the September 18th Incident.

Primary School on Hope Hill was awarded the bronze medal of the National Art Exhibition in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the speech delivered at the Yan'an Literature and Art Symposium.

In 1993, Past Times won the first National Chinese Painting Exhibition Award for Excellent Works.

In 1994, Jingzhang Railway Zhan Tianyou and the People who Build it won the Excellent Works Award of the Eighth National Art Exhibition.

In 1995, The War of Resistance was awarded a bronze prize in the exhibition of art works commemorating the 50th anniversary of the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japan. In 1999, "Father's Huqin" won the bronze prize of the 9th National Art Exhibition.

Puyi Golden Glory Award of Liaoning Fine Arts in 2009. In 2014, "On the Land" won the silver prize of the 12th National Art Exhibition.

personal honor

In 1996, he was appraised as the "Century Star" by the Century Star Engineering Committee of the Chinese Federation of Literature and Art.

Since 1997, the State Council has enjoyed special allowances.

In 1999, Liaoning Province's young and middle-aged "literary artists of both virtue and art".

In 2004, he was awarded excellent teacher in Liaoning Province.

In 2005, he was appraised as an outstanding expert in Liaoning Province.

In 1990, the Academy of Chinese Painting held "Zhao Qi Exhibition of Chinese Paintings and Comic Paintings" and "Symposium on Zhao Qi's Works Theory".

In 1991, Zhao Qi's Works View Exhibition was held in China Academy of Fine Arts.

In 1996, Zhao Qi Painting Exhibition and Symposium on Zhao Qi's Theory of Works were held in China Art Museum.

In 2012, the Liaoning Museum held "Meeting You - Zhao Qi Painting Exhibition" and "Zhao Qi Painting Exhibition Symposium". In 2014, Zhao Qi Painting Exhibition and Zhao Qi Works Theory Seminar were held in the Chinese Art Museum.

Zhao Qi Painting Exhibition in Yiruju Art Museum of Xi'an Chang'an Xing

In 2015, "Bath Fire - Zhao Qi Painting Exhibition" and "Symposium on Zhao Qi Painting Exhibition" were held at the Art Museum of China National Academy of Painting, and "Bath Fire - Zhao Qi Painting Exhibition" and "Symposium on Zhao Qi Painting Exhibition" were held at Tongxi Art Museum in Nanjing.

1982 "Gadamelin" (Cooperation) Liaoning Fine Arts Publishing House

Liaoning Fine Arts Publishing House, Lovely China, 1984

1989 Publication of Jingyu Immortality Liaoning Fine Arts Publishing House

1989 Publication of Sketches and Teaching Notes Liaoning Fine Arts Publishing House

1994 Publication of Selected Works of Zhao Qi's Chinese Paintings Liaoning Fine Arts Publishing House

In 2000, Zhao Qi Painting Collection of Land and People was awarded the third prize of the first National Art Book Award and the first prize of excellent books in Liaoning Province.

In 2001, Zhao Qi's Collection of Comic Paintings was published --(1) Nineteen Tombs in the Mountain, (2) Wooden House Crawling with Ivy Leaves, (3) Ah Great Wall Liaoning Art Publishing House.

Elephant Publishing House of Zhao Qi, A Series of Creations of Mainstream Figure Painters in the 21st Century, published in 2003

In 2006, he published a long prose, "At last, eyes are always wet." Chunfeng Literature and Art Publishing House published "Jingyu is immortal" People's Fine Arts Publishing House in 2006.






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