10月至11月发表《试论中国画的气》一文。参加与何溶、叶朗、沈鹏、贾方舟、彭德、 陈云岗、茹桂、陈博萍、陈方既等在湖北神农架举行的美术创作研讨会。
1999年1月为《石磊园画集》撰文《一派清光照后人》,该文并发表于台湾 1999年第10期《中国人物》和2001年第4期《国画家》;9月参加《晴川画会二十年画展》及活动。
2001年 6月由中国美术家协会、湖北省文化厅、湖北省文学艺术界联合会、湖北省美术学院、湖北省美术家协会共同举办的《鲁慕迅画展》在湖北美术学院美术馆举行。7月《慕迅题画诗稿》由澳门出版社出版,11月参加全国河南籍名画家中原活动。
2005年3月8日在北京人民大会堂参加国家科学技术奖励大会被授予《优秀人民艺术家》奖牌。《我爱四君子》参加"科学与艺术---优秀人民艺术家作品展。6月《竹石图》参加"继承与发展---第二届全国中国画名家学术邀请展"7月《鸟国之春》、《照水梅》参加"2004全国中国画百家作品展"10月12 日作品《高风图》搭载"神舟六号"宇宙飞船遨游太空。10月30日作品《香雪》等参加《传承-创新---2005北京皇城艺术馆优秀艺术家邀请展》同时参加《南北花鸟画展》、第12届当代中国花鸟画展。10月参加《湖北省当代国画精品展》在韩国展出。
2010年3月30日至4月6日 《南国花如海》鲁慕迅-高坤水师生画展在深圳美术馆展出。
<1> 某年端午晚与夫人,秘书携弟子赴某餐厅就餐,宴后步行回寓所途中忽降甘霖,其夫人迅速从包中拿出雨伞为先生遮雨,意外的是:先生却执意将雨伞挪开,其夫人执拗不过,只得目睹任雨点打湿先生全身,却无可奈何……
<2> 某年深秋先生应邀赴江苏某地举办《鲁慕迅花鸟画学术邀请展》。未至下榻宾馆途中心情与时长谦逊和蔼无异,至宾馆大厅内却一言不发,表情极其严肃,到了寝室更是向秘书与弟子大发雷霆!说:为什么交代的事情不照办?!当地接待人员为之不解十分尴尬……
<4> 某年春,先生携弟子拜谒"宋四家"之一,"江西诗派"开创者黄庭坚先贤陵墓的行程中,当地京剧票友社得之此消息后,要为先生表演的强烈愿望,先生热情洋溢的接受了请请。由于票友众多并且是逐一演出方式,以至于四个小时还未结束,先生却乐此不疲坚持要让所有票友上台演出,在场所有的人无不被先生深厚修养的德行与待人处事的方式为之动容……
<5> 有次先生举办新作展,展览的前言与画册的序言却请弟子(书写),并要求多写批评的话不要奉承的话……
<6> 上世纪八十年代,先生负责湖北美协工作,与周韶华等人倡议发起了刊物《美术思潮》,自己与周公担任副主编,却请名不见经传的年轻人彭德担任杂志主编,当杂志走上正轨的时候,先生与周公索性全盘托出将杂志完全交给彭德。并由此杂志与展览("国画新作展"等)衍生出了众多的优秀艺术人才,诸如谷文达,高路明,李小山,殷双喜,李津,郎少君,周京新,江文湛,丁立人,等等等等
遵法有度而自化-- 读鲁慕迅的书法
大画家李可染先生说过:可贵者胆,所要者魂.鲁慕迅先生的全部作品都体现了可染先生名句的精神.十分可贵,做到这点十分难得.学习鲁慕迅的画作,常说形神皆备,而他的画突出的是"神".做到形似比较容易,而达到神,则不是常人所能为也.他画的向日葵不仅形似,更画出神韵.他画的古松苍劲高洁.他画的荷花池塘表现?逍露谰?耐人寻味.他画作的独创性更令我钦佩.如画仙桃,紫藤,我自己就脱不开吴昌硕大师的框框程式.而他则另辟新径.走自己的路,有创新的面貌.这是很不容易的. 鲁慕迅先生画作达到这样高的水平,核心在于他有高于别人的悟性.这是文学艺术哲学社会科学------多学科丰富知识的和丰富社会生活的综合表现.由于此,他看到了,发现了别人不曾注意的景物.路边小屋他发现了几颗南瓜藤爬上小屋,结出硕果.旁边是几丛修竹,构成一幅精彩的画面.而平常人则视而不见.他的字写得非常精彩,如"脱俗"两字,独到精彩耐看,他写的诗同样深刻清新.一句话,他的诗,字,画统一,和谐,照应,有机结合,这是十分难得的.丰富的感情,精到的笔墨,画出常人所难以达到的高水平,是使人为之倾倒的. 谢谢鲁慕迅先生这次展出,使我终生难忘. (作者为西安美术学院老院长)
December 26, 1928, the fifteenth month of the lunar calendar. Born at No. 42 Qinglong Street, Taxi, Fahang Temple, Ruzhou, Henan Province, with the nickname Lu Li (later renamed Lu Zhongli, Lu Simiao, Lu Muxun)
In the summer of 1945, he studied painting from his uncle Shi Leiyuan in Xi'an and Huashan.
In the spring of 1946, he was appointed an art teacher in Nanzhao County High School, Henan Province.
From the autumn of 1946 to the spring of 1948, he studied painting in Kaifeng from Mr. Xie Ruijie.
In early 1948, he was admitted to the Fine Arts Department of the College of Arts and Literature of Central Plains University, and published "Feng Pictures" by Lu Muxun in magazines such as "China Times Paper" and "Civil Rights News" (highly appraised Mr. Feng Zikai's works), "Corruption and Superstition", "Night Eagle Praise", "Talking about Sunglasses", "Flies", "Flies" and so on.《 Essays, poems and cartoons on the road, averting the wrongs of Cao Cao, eliminating dogs, public order, prayer, and my interrogation editor - also talking about allusions.
In 1950, he graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, College of Arts and Literature, Central Plains University.
From 1951 to 1958, he worked as an art editor and group leader in the Art Work Team of the Chinese Academy of Literature and Art, the Changjiang Daily of Zhongnan University, and the Changjiang Daily of Wuhan City. He was engaged in the creation of New Year pictures, cartoons and art reviews. At the same time, he studied painting from Mr. Zhang Zhaoming and Mr. Xu Songan.
From 1958 to 1961, he was classified as a rightist. During the decentralization of labor, he often sketched and thought about art theory when nobody was there.
In the summer of 1962, he went to Changyang and sketched along the Qingjiang River and mountainous areas. At this time, he returned to Yangtze Daily (once changed to Wuhan Evening News) to work as an art editor and commentator. From time to time, paintings and articles were published until the Cultural Revolution was decentralized again. In the Cultural Revolution, when participating in the critical meetings, they mostly thought about the theoretical issues of fine arts. For example, the preliminary outline of the article "On the Qi of Chinese Painting" was secretly written in the corner of the venue.
In 1971, he returned to Wuhan and worked in the propaganda group of the political work group of the municipal automobile transportation company. He was able to experience nature and collect materials with the convoy in the mountainous areas of Western Hubei and the primitive forest of Shennongjia. Then he was transferred to the art studio of Liberation Park. During July, he drew a lot of flower sketches and went to the Three Gorges, Daning River, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi, Shaanxi and Shaanxi successively. Wudang Mountain and other places of sketch and creation, until 1979 transferred to the Hubei Provincial Literary Union.
In 1979, Calligonum was displayed and collected in the Great Hall of the People, and composed of Chen Zuoding, Tang Wenxuan, Zhou Shaohua, Feng Jinsong and so on: Qingchuan Painting Fair.
In 1981, he returned home to make-up state to create life sketches and re-search his old dream. Eight works, such as Thousand Snows, participated in the "Hubei Ten People Chinese Painting Exhibition" at the Chinese Art Museum, and made a preface to "Wang Xiazhou Painting Collection".
In 1982, he attended a symposium on art theory held by the Editorial Department of Fine Arts, and read out three works of the paper "On the Qi of Chinese Painting", "Three Flavors of Chinese Painting--Book Bone, Music and Poetry Soul", "Fine Arts" on July, including "Every Adult Instrument", "New Bud of Peony" and "Yanyangqiu".
From October to November, the article "On the Qi of Chinese Painting" was published. He Rong, Ye Lang, Shen Peng, Jia Fangzhou, Peng De, Chen Yungang, Ru Gui, Chen Boping and Chen Fangji attended the art creation seminar held in Shennongjia, Hubei Province.
From October to November 1984, a delegation of the Chinese Federation of Nations was invited to visit Britain and the Netherlands. Planning and participating in the trial issue number of Art Trend of Thought magazine founded by Hubei Provincial Literary Union.
In 1985, he participated in the National American Congress and was elected the fourth member of the Chinese Artists Association. The magazine Art Trend of Thought was officially published and published as the first deputy editor and editorial board. Organizing and participating in the invitation exhibition of new Chinese paintings held in Wuhan Exhibition Museum in November was listed as the top ten news of Chinese fine arts. Dai Yun and Dai Yun attended the Yantai Art Theory Symposium and visited Qingdao, Shidao, Penglai and other places for study. He has published a series of articles and pictures about visiting Britain and the Netherlands in Yangtze Daily and Hubei Pictorial.
In 1986, he was invited to attend the National Symposium on Chinese Painting Art held by the Academy of Chinese Painting and the Academy of Chinese Art. He put forward the viewpoint of "multiple complementarities" in his speech "Modern Chinese Painting Judgment", which was later published in "Chinese Painting" and "Art". In the same year, he participated in the 4th American Congress of Hubei Province and was elected Vice-Chairman of Hubei Branch of China Association of Arts. He went to Taohuayuan, Zhangjiajie, Jishou and Phoenix with Dai Yun to create sketches.
In 1988, he visited Britain and the Netherlands with a delegation of the Chinese Federation of Literary Sciences and conducted artistic exchanges. His works, such as Gaoqiu Tu, were exhibited at the Wuhan International Ink and Wash Painting Festival, and his article, The Development of Chinese Ink and Wash Painting and Its Freehand-brush Tradition, was published in the Theoretical Seminar and Anthology of the 88 Beijing International Ink and Wash Painting Exhibition On June 29, 1988, the front page of the Calligraphy Newspaper published Lu Muxun's commentary on Wu Zhangshu's calligraphy work "Preface to Lanting", entitled "Two Lanting in a Thousand Years", which caused a great disturbance. As far as the writing of this thousand-character review of calligraphy is concerned, it is assumed that it is one of the best reviews in the past 30 years. Such a short space, some writings, quoting classics and classics, commenting on the past and the present, and expressing their own views incisively and vividly, is really rare and admirable.
In 1989, Hong Kong's New Evening News published six works such as "The Moon" in a special edition and Liu Gangji's commentary articles. She left in June and accompanied Mrs. Dai Yun to Jingshan for convalescence.
In 1990, "Lu Muxun Jingshan Poetry and Painting Exhibition" was held; in the same year, "Hubei Ten People Joint Exhibition" was exhibited in Singapore and invited to visit New Zealand.
In 1991, Art and the Times published five works, such as "Talk on the Art of Judging Bamboo" and "Lotus Township", as well as Liu Gangji, Xu Gongdu and Wu Zhangshu's commentary articles, and "Literature and Art Newspaper" published Jiang Tianmin's commentary articles.
In 1992, the second issue of "Yingchunhua" published 12 works such as "Wild Chrysanthemum" and Jiang Hong's commentary articles. Taiwan's "1992 Mainland Art Selection" published eight works such as "Spring Sound" and "Drunken Lie in the East Hedge" and Jiang Hongwen's "Book Bone Music and Poetry Soul". In the same year, 7 issues of Fine Arts published 9 works such as "Fish Opera Pictures" and "Three Flavors of Chinese Painting - the Musical Rhyme of Book Bones and the Soul of Poetry" with Chen Poping's commentary articles.
In 1992, the people's government of Ruzhou City, Henan Province, held an exhibition of Lu Muxun's poems and paintings in his hometown. After the exhibition, all the works were left to his hometown.
Following the 1990 Beijing Mountain Poetry and Painting Exhibition, solo exhibitions were held successively in Zhongxiang, Jiangling, Tianmen, Honghu and Yanli, Hubei Province. In 1992, he went to Shenzhen to participate in the preparation of the Eighth Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Flower and Bird Painting and to make a preface to the album.
In 1993, Taoshitu participated in the First National Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition held by the China Association of Fine Arts and served as a judge; and participated in the Beijing Symposium on the Theory of Chinese Flower and Bird Painting and published the article "Information of Life" in the fourth issue of "Chinese Painters".
On July 26, 1994, Zai Yun, the closest known wife of art, died. Since September, she has moved to Shenzhen, where she has lived in a deep and simple way.
In November 1995, Shenzhen Museum of Art held an exhibition of Lu Muxun's Flowers and Birds Paintings, which caused a sensation in South China.
"New Bud of Peony" participated in "Exhibition of Works of Famous Chinese Contemporary Flower and Bird Painters" and prefaced the album. Participate in "Modern Chinese Painting Exhibition" held in Hong Kong.
Since 1986, he has participated in the 1st - 9th and 11th Invitational Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Flower and Bird Painting.
In April 1996, he participated in the National Flower and Bird Painting Symposium in Wuxi sponsored by the Chinese Painting Research Institute, and in December in Tianjin, he participated in the First Symposium on Chinese Painting and the Development Strategy of Chinese Painting and published his thesis.
In June 1997, Lu Muxun's Collection of Paintings was published by Zhuhai Publishing House, with 84 works, 11 calligraphic works and 16 reviews since 1978. Cockscomb Flower is included in Book 4 of Complete Works of Modern Chinese Art. In December, the National Symposium on Twenty Years of Reform of Traditional Chinese Painting was held in Shenzhen.
In 1998, he went to Xi'an to collect his works for the late stone painter, Mr. Shi Leiyuan. In July, he went to Dalian to participate in the activity of "Green Field Art House". In November, "Autumn Language" and other works participated in the First Shenzhen International Biennial of Ink Painting.
In January 1999, he wrote "A Family of Lighting Later Generations" for "Shileiyuan Painting Collection", which was published in the 10th issue of "Chinese Characters" in 1999 and the 4th issue of "Chinese Painters" in 2001. In September, he participated in the "Twenty-Year Painting Exhibition of Qingchuan Painting Fair" and other activities.
In April 2000, he went to Xi'an to attend the related activities of Shileiyuan Painting Exhibition. In November, he attended the 6th Mei Dai Congress of Hubei Province and was selected as a consultant. Works such as Shuiyun Township outside the Green Poplar Embankment have been included in the collection of Contemporary Art. In December, "The Rise of Mansions" and other works participated in the Second Shenzhen International Biennale of Ink Painting.
In February 2001, "Spring of Bird Country" and 15 other works participated in the "Spring of the Century Painting Exhibition"; in April, Lu Muxun Painting Exhibition was held in Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, which was jointly organized by Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, Shaanxi Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting, China, Shaanxi, Hubei, Shenzhen Association of Fine Arts and Hubei Provincial Arts Federation; and in June, Lu Muxun Painting Exhibition was held in Wuhan. The exhibition was jointly organized by the Chinese Artists Association, the Hubei Cultural Department, the Hubei Wenlian, the Hubei Academy of Fine Arts and the Hubei Artists Association. In September, "Lotus Leaf Fish" participated in the exhibition of "Hundred Years Chinese Painting Exhibition" in the Chinese Art Museum and was included in the "Hundred Years Chinese Painting Collection" and published the "Hundred Years Chinese Painting Exhibition Famous Artists Series".· Lu Muxun's album, The Harmony of the Pestle and the Sun, was included in the New Age Collection of Chinese Paintings, and was appointed as the judge of the 2001 Australian Chinese Painting Exhibition of the Chinese Artistic Association in November.
In April 2001, "Lu Muxun Painting Exhibition" was held in the Art Museum of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts, Shaanxi Traditional Chinese Painting Academy, Shaanxi Artists Association, Hubei Literature and Art Association, Hubei Artists Association and Shenzhen Artists Association.
In May 2002, "Cockscomb Flower" and "Shuiyun Township outside the Green Poplar Embankment" were included in "Complete Works of Modern Chinese Flower and Bird Painting".
In June 2001, "Lu Muxun Painting Exhibition" was held in the Art Museum of Hubei Academy of Fine Arts, which was jointly organized by the Chinese Artists Association, the Hubei Culture Department, the Hubei Literature and Art Association, the Hubei Academy of Fine Arts and the Hubei Artists Association. In July, Mu Xun's Painting Poetry Draft was published by Macao Publishing House. In November, he participated in the activities of Henan famous painters in the Central Plains.
In September 2003, he was invited to participate in the exhibition and Theoretical Seminar of famous Chinese contemporary flower and bird painters held in Yantai.
In September 2004, he was invited to participate in the "Nine People Exploration and Exchange Exhibition of Chinese Flower and Bird Painting" held by the Beijing Academy of Chinese Painting. In December, he toured Shantou, Xiamen and Shenzhen for exhibition. Nine artists are: Zhao Meisheng, Lu Muxun, Zhou Shaohua, Qi Xinmin, Jia Pingxi, Zhao Guide, Liu Yinxiang, Zhang Guiming and Wang Jinling. The work "Lotus Leaf Fish" is collected by the Chinese Art Museum.
On March 8, 2005, he attended the National Science and Technology Award Conference in Beijing Great Hall of the People and was awarded the Medal of Excellent People's Artists. "I Love Four Gentlemen" participated in "Science and Art - Excellent People's Artists Works Exhibition". In June, "Bamboo and Stone Pictures" participated in "Inheritance and Development - the Second National Academic Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Painters", July "Spring of Bird Country" and "Zhaoshuimei" participated in "2004 National Exhibition of 100 Paintings of Chinese Painting" on October 12, "Gaofengtu" carried "Shenzhou VI" spacecraft to travel in space. On October 30, his works "Fragrant Snow" and others participated in "Inheritance - Innovation - Excellent Artists Invitation Exhibition of Beijing Imperial Museum of Art 2005" and also participated in "North-South Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition" and the 12th Contemporary Chinese Flower and Bird Painting Exhibition. In October, he participated in the Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Paintings in Hubei Province, which was exhibited in Korea.
In 2006, Mu Xun's Paintings and Characters was published by Hubei Fine Arts Publishing House. At the end of the year, I went to my hometown Ruzhou to teach voluntarily.
In 2007, Hubei Fine Arts Publishing House published the anthology "Qingcha Talking about Art". It is the preface to "Complete Works of Contemporary Chinese Art".
In 2008, Mu Xun's Bailian of Self-written Books was published and elected president of Hubei Ink Painting Institute. In April, he was appointed Deputy Director of the Art Committee of the Art Museum of Shenzhen Cultural Exposition to make a preface to the Exhibition of the Ninety-fifth Anniversary of Chen Zizhuang's Birthday.
On December 16, 2008, "Hometown - Lu Muxun's Works Exhibition", sponsored by China Artists Association, Henan Literature and Art Association, Henan Artists Association, Hubei Literature and Art Association and Hubei Artists Association, was held at Shangdu Art Museum in Zhengzhou. Lu Muxun's Works Collection, a large-scale collection of paintings and calligraphy, was published by Henan Fine Arts Publishing House. Participated in the exhibition "Qingchuan Qingchuan" to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Qingchuan Painting Fair.
In June 2009, he visited Xin'an Longtan Grand Canyon with He Jingzhi, Lixin, Keyan and Huang Yifen. It is the inscription and postscript of "Three Famous Buildings in the South of the Yangtze River in Huangqiuyuan" and "Fine Brushwork Flowers and Birds in Huangqiuyuan". Invited to participate in the "First Nominated Exhibition of Chinese Urban Art Calligraphy and Painting" (China Museum of Art).
From March 30 to April 6, 2010, Lu Muxun-Gao Kunshui Teachers and Students Painting Exhibition of South China Flowers Like the Sea was exhibited at Shenzhen Art Museum.
On May 1, he participated in the May Ink Marks - 50 Paintings Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Famous Painters at Baiyun Pavilion Art Museum, Huanghe Tower.
November 17, by the Hubei Artists Association, Hubei Ink Painting Academy, Lianyungang Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, Lianyungang Artists Association, Haizhou Academy of Traditional Chinese Painting, Lianyungang Municipal Art Museum. Lianyungang Flower and Bird Painting Research Association, co-sponsored by the "Sound of Mind" - - "Lu Muxun Flower and Bird Painting Academic Invitation Exhibition" opened in Lianyungang Museum of Art, and held a seminar on the exhibition.
On November 24, I went to Haizhou to inspect the "Haizhou Second Carvings" (Confucius Wangshan Buddhist Cliff Statue, General Cliff Painting), and put forward the view that General Cliff Rock Painting is one of the earliest flower and bird paintings in China.
In March 2011, his article "Multi-structure of Contemporary Chinese Painting" was selected as the 12th Five-Year Plan textbook for general higher education.
On April 14, he took his disciples to Shuangjing Village, Xiushui County, Jiangxi Province to pay homage to Huangting's mausoleum.
On August 21, the works participated in the "Wonderful Hundred Years Cross-Strait Painting and Calligraphy Joint Exhibition" in Taipei "National Father Memorial Hall". Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou and honorary chairman Lien Chan of the Chinese Kuomintang congratulated Wu Boxiong in writing.
On October 29, I went to Kunshan to attend the Exhibition and Seminar of Art Exhibitions in Memory of Zhang Daqian's 112th Birthday.
On December 15, the exhibition of Xu Songan's 100th Anniversary of Birthday was opened in Wuhan Museum of Art in the year of his birth, and the exhibition was prefaced with a picture album.
On December 27, he took disciple Fu Dubai to visit and exchange art.
Painting in Taihang Mountains in May 2012
In January 2013, the exhibition of calligraphy and painting with bamboo houses was held in Shenzhen by Shenzhen Newspaper Group and Shenzhen Artists Association.
In September 2013, the "Voice of the Heart - Lu Muxun's Calligraphy and Painting Exhibition" was held at the Art Museum of the Academy of Fine Arts of Beijing Tsinghua University, sponsored by the Chinese Artists Association, Tsinghua University, Hubei Literature and Art Federation, Hubei Artists Association, Hubei Calligraphers Association and Hubei Academy of Calligraphy and Painting.
He has been engaged in the research of Chinese painting creation and art theory for decades, and also in calligraphy, poetry and poetry. His works of art and theoretical articles are listed in dozens of newspapers and magazines, such as Fine Arts, Chinese Painting, Jiangsu Painting Magazine, Hubei Painting Newspaper, People's Daily, Hong Kong Wen Hui Newspaper, and held individual works exhibitions in Jingshan, Ruzhou, Shenzhen, Xi'an, Wuhan and Zhengzhou, respectively. In 2001, Lotus Leaf Fish was published. Participated in the Centennial Chinese Painting Exhibition, The Horseshoe Lotus was displayed in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, and published in the Collection of Paintings in the Great Hall of the People, Qingfeng Langyue and Lotus Leaf Fish are collected by the Chinese Art Museum. In 2005, he was awarded the title of Excellent People's Artist by the State Council. His work Gaofengtu travels in space aboard the Shenzhou VI spacecraft. Some of the works have been included in the Centennial Collection of Chinese Paintings, Complete Works of Modern Chinese Art, Complete Works of Modern Chinese Flower and Bird Paintings, Contemporary Chinese Art, Famous Almanac of Modern Chinese Artists (compiled by China and Japan), Hundreds of Contemporary Chinese Calligraphers and Painters, Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Painters, etc. He has also been employed as a part-time and visiting professor in many colleges and universities.
Lu's paintings have national cultural connotations, features of the times and personality. They are masters of contemporary literati paintings integrating poetry, calligraphy and painting. Mr. Zhang has a deep pursuit of calligraphy. He integrates seal script, Li script, regular script and cursive script, tradition and painting into one, so that his self-created works of "painting characters" have their own style. Calligraphy is created by painting, painting helps calligraphy; lines are the muscle, poetry is the bone, and style is simple and quiet.
The secretary and his disciples went to a restaurant to have dinner at the Dragon Boat Festival evening. On the way back to the apartment after the banquet, it suddenly rained. His wife took an umbrella out of her bag to shelter him from the rain. Unexpectedly, the husband insisted on removing the umbrella. However, his wife insisted on seeing the rain wet his whole body, but had no choice...
Originally, the gentleman found that the four of them had only brought a raingear with them. He could not bear the Secretary and his disciples to get in the rain, so we were all caught in the rain together.
Sir was eighty-two years old.
Mr. Lu Muxun's Flower and Bird Painting Academic Invitation Exhibition was held in late autumn in Jiangsu. On the way to the hotel, the mood was as humble and kind as the time, but he didn't say a word in the hotel lobby, and his expression was very serious. When he arrived at the dormitory, he was furious with the Secretary and his disciples. He said, "Why don't you do what you have to tell?" The local receptionist was very embarrassed by this.
There are six principles for Mr. Zhang to go somewhere: not to live in five-star hotels, not to eat public meals, not to alarm local government leaders, not to collect flower baskets, not to hold opening ceremonies (preferably not), not to sell paintings.
Secretaries and disciples who are well aware of the four principles of Mr. A violate the principle of Mr. A punishment should also be imposed. Before the banquet started, the vice mayor who took over for Mr. A witty statement was made by the vice mayor: there is no vice mayor here but your students, and all the expenses of the banquet are the salaries of the students themselves...
Mr. <3> Should attend a solo exhibition of some famous figure painters. Mr. saw that hundreds of meters away from the exhibition hall, cars were parked, baskets were laid out outside, balloons were placed in the air, guards were not allowed to enter the exhibition hall entrance, so he had to stand outside for the grand opening ceremony and listen to the official family instructions of celebrities, but Mr. hung them up. The "VIP" bar in front of the chest is still quietly under the ground, squeezing out the crowd and fleeing.
In the spring of a certain year, Mr. Huang Tingjian, one of the four schools of Song Dynasty, was visiting the tomb of Huang Tingjian, the founder of Jiangxi Poetry School, with his disciples. After receiving the news, the local Peking Opera Ticket Club had a strong desire to perform for him. Mr. Huang accepted it enthusiastically. Because of the numerous ticket-holders and the way of performing one by one, so that four hours have not ended, Mr. Happy to insist that all the ticket-holders perform on the stage, some people in the venue are all moved by Mr. Deeply cultivated virtue and the way of dealing with people...
Sir was eighty-three years old.
< 5 > Once Mr. Zhang held a new exhibition. The preface of the exhibition and the preface of the picture album asked the disciples to write and asked them to write more critical words and not flattery words.
Thus, it can be seen that Mr. Hu's teaching to his disciples is imperceptible.
< 6 > In the 1980s, Mr. Zhang took charge of the work of the Hubei Association of Fine Arts and initiated the publication Art Trend of Thought with Zhou Shaohua and others. He and Mr. Zhou served as deputy editor, but invited Peng De, an unknown young man, to be the editor-in-chief of the magazine. When the magazine got on the right track, Mr. Zhang and Mr. Zhou Gongsuo totally handed in the magazine. For Peng de. From this magazine and Exhibition ("New Exhibition of Traditional Chinese Painting"), many excellent artists have been born, such as Gu Wenda, Gao Luming, Li Xiaoshan, Yin Shuangxi, Li Jin, Lang Shaojun, Zhou Jingxin, Jiang Wenzhan, Ding Liren, etc.
It can be seen that the wisdom of Mr. Zhou and Duke Zhou, and the courage of employers.