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( 中国美术家协会理事 )


  • 中文名朱凡
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地沈阳市
  • 出生日期1960年
  • 职业中国美术家协会艺术委员会秘书处处长
  • 协会中国美术家协会
  • 主要成就中国美术家协会理事
  • 代表作品《士兵》《长城脚下》《夙愿》《绝路》等
观澜,将成为国际版画艺术的重镇——来自中国•观澜版画原创产业基地的报告(作者:朱凡 解丹)

中国美术网 09-17 浏览





 1991年 中国画《绝路》入选“纪念九一八事变60周年中国画展览”获银奖。

1994年 中国画《士兵》入选第八届全国美术作品展览。

1998年 中国画《奶奶》(等多幅)参加“水墨延伸”中国画人物肖像画展。 中国画《夙愿》入选“第九届全国美术作品展览”。中国画《夙愿》入选“第八届全军美术作品展览”获优秀奖。

2003年 中国画《壮歌》入选全国“永结同心”抗击非典美术作品展。壁画(合作)《长城》入选首届全国壁画大展中国画展、第十届全国美术作品展览。

2005年 中国画《放飞心灵》入选“第二届全国人物画展” 获优秀奖。

2005年 中国画《金鼓震震姊妹情》特邀参加首届中国写意画大展。

2006年 中国画《作品2006》特邀参加在新加坡举行的华人艺术展。 2008年 中国画《放飞心灵》特邀参加改革开放30周年——全国中国画学术邀请展。

2008年 在西安美术学院举办“朱凡速写展”。 在北京工业大学艺术设计学院举办“朱凡想象速写展”。

2009年 漆画《天问》入选第十一届全国美术作品展览。

2009年 在深圳大学艺术设计学院举办“朱凡空中漫笔速写展” 。

2010年 中国画《苗岭踏歌》特邀参加“翰墨家园——中国画百家邀请展” 2010年 中国画《花歌飞蝶施洞情》特邀参加 “根在中原----书画名家作品展”。



 2003年 参与北京国际美协双年展论坛的策划、筹备、组织工作。

2004年 参与“第十届全国美术作品展览”组委会工作,负责雕塑、壁画、版画三个 展区的联络、协调、评审组织等工作。

2004年 策划启动“为中国而设计首届全国环境艺术设计大展”任组委会、评委会秘书长。

2005年 参与策划“首届中国写意画展” 任组委会、评委会秘书长。

2005年 “第十七届全国版画作品展览” 组委会、评委会秘书长。

2005年 “第七届全国水彩、粉画作品展览” 组委会、评委会秘书长。

2005年 参与策划“首届‘设计之星’全国大学生优秀平面设计作品展览”。


2006年 策划“中国当代漆画绘画性学术论坛暨全国漆画学术邀请展”。

2006年 创建深圳观澜原创版画产业基地,中国美协派出的主要创业者。

2006年 “为中国而设计——第二届环艺设计大赛” 任组委会、评委会秘书长。

2007年 策划启动首届“2007中国·观澜——国际版画双年展”,任组委会、评委会秘书长。

2007年 “第二届全国漆画作品展览”组委会、评委会秘书长。

2007年 “第八届全国水彩、粉画作品展览” 组委会、评委会秘书长。

2007年 “第十八届全国版画作品展览” 组委会、评委会秘书长。


2008年 “为中国而设计——第三届环艺设计大赛”组委会、评委会秘书长。

2008年 “深圳观澜原创版画产业基”地正式对外开放,圆满完成创业任务。

2009年 “第十一届全国美术作品展览”组委会办公室副主任,负责雕塑展区的联络协 调、组织评审等工作。 策划“首届全国少儿美术教育学术展”并担任秘书长 。

2009年 “2009中国·观澜——国际版画双年展”任组委会秘书长。

2009年 广州艺术博览会艺术顾问 2010年 策划“中国当代漆画高等教育论坛暨全国漆画观摩展”。

2010年 “上海世博会中国美术作品展览”副秘书长,评委会秘书长。

2011年 6月16日至19日,在巢湖艺术馆举办了“走进巢湖—当代青年美术家中国画学术邀请展”,并受邀为学术支持;



 中国画《绝路》、《士兵》 、《奶奶》 、《夙愿》、《壮歌》、《放飞心灵》、《作品2006》、《金鼓震震姊妹情》、《放飞心灵》、《苗岭踏歌》、《花歌飞蝶施洞情》,壁画《长城》,漆画《天问》等

English Introduction

 Zhu Fan participated in the work of the National Association of Fine Arts, such as the creation of national art works, the study of art theory and the development of art undertakings; chaired the Secretariat of the Art Committee of the Chinese Association of Fine Arts; and participated in the academic orientation of the national large-scale activities of various art majors and art design majors. Activity planning, professional selection, exhibition and other work; Participate in the establishment of "China Association of Arts Graphic Design Art Committee", "Environmental Design Art Committee", "Industrial Design Art Committee", "Animation Art Committee", "Clothing Design Art Committee"; Participate in the creation of internationally renowned cultural products Industry projects; my works often participate in national art exhibitions and various academic exchange exhibitions.

Zhu Fan's work Soldier was selected in the 8th National Art Exhibition, The Foot of the Great Wall was selected in the 9th Army Art Exhibition, and Long Wish was selected in the 9th National Art Exhibition. He is currently the Director of the Art Committee Secretariat of China Artists Association. In 2011, Zhu Fan held the "Entering Chaohu - Contemporary Young Artists'Academic Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Painting" at Chaohu Art Museum, and was invited to give academic support.

In 1991, the Chinese painting "The Endangered Way" was selected as the silver medal in the exhibition of Chinese painting in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the September 18th Incident.

In 1994, the Chinese painting Soldier was selected for the 8th National Art Exhibition.

In 1998, the Chinese painting Grandma (and many others) participated in the "Water and Ink Extension" Chinese Painting Portrait Exhibition. The Chinese painting Long Wish was selected as the Ninth National Art Exhibition. The Chinese painting "Long Wish" was selected as the "Eighth Army Art Exhibition" and won the Excellent Award.

In 2003, the Chinese painting Song of Songs of Songs was selected in the National Art Exhibition of "Yongjie Tongxin" against SARS. Murals (Cooperation) "Great Wall" was selected as the first national fresco exhibition of Chinese painting and the Tenth National Art exhibition.

In 2005, the Chinese painting "Free Flying Mind" was selected as the "Second National Figure Painting Exhibition" and won the excellent prize.

In 2005, the Chinese painting "Jingu Zhenzhen Sister Love" was invited to participate in the first Chinese freehand painting exhibition.

In 2006, Chinese Painting Works 2006 was invited to participate in the Chinese Art Exhibition held in Singapore. In 2008, the Chinese painting "Free Flying Mind" was invited to participate in the 30th anniversary of reform and opening up - the National Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Painting Academic.

In 2008, Zhu Fan Sketch Exhibition was held in Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts. "Zhu Fan's Imagination Sketch Exhibition" was held at the School of Art and Design, Beijing University of Technology.

Lacquer Painting Tianwen was selected in the 11th National Art Exhibition in 2009.

In 2009, Zhu Fan's Sketch Show in Sketch Sketch was held in the School of Art and Design, Shenzhen University.

In 2010, the Chinese painting "Miaoling Tage Song" was invited to participate in the "HanMo Home - Invitation Exhibition of 100 Painters of Chinese Painting" and the 2010 Chinese painting "Flower Song, Flying Butterfly, Shidong Qing" to participate in the "Root in the Central Plains - Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition".

In 2003, he participated in the planning, preparation and organization of the Beijing International Artistic Association Biennial Exhibition Forum.

In 2004, he participated in the work of the Organizing Committee of the 10th National Art Exhibition, and was responsible for the liaison, coordination and evaluation of the three exhibition areas of sculpture, murals and prints.

In 2004, he planned to launch the First National Environmental Art Design Exhibition for China as the Secretary-General of the Organizing Committee and the Jury.

In 2005, he participated in the planning of the First Chinese Freehand Painting Exhibition and served as the Secretary-General of the Organizing Committee and the Jury.

Secretary-General of the Organizing Committee and Jury of the Seventeenth National Print Exhibition in 2005.

The Secretary-General of the Organizing Committee and Jury of the Seventh National Watercolor and Pastel Exhibition in 2005.

In 2005, he participated in the planning of the First National "Design Star" Exhibition of Excellent Graphic Design Works for College Students.

In 2006, he participated in the planning of "China Centennial Watercolor Exhibition".

In 2006, he planned "China Contemporary Lacquer Painting Academic Forum and National Lacquer Painting Academic Invitation Exhibition".

In 2006, Shenzhen Guanlan original printmaking industry base was established, and the main entrepreneurs dispatched by China Artistic Association.

In 2006, he was the Secretary-General of the Organizing Committee and the Jury of the Second Environmental Design Competition for China.

In 2007, he planned to launch the first "2007 China Guanlan - International Biennial Print Exhibition", and served as Secretary-General of the Organizing Committee and the Jury.

2007 "Second National Lacquer Painting Exhibition" Organizing Committee, Secretary-General of the Jury.

The Organizing Committee and Secretary-General of the Jury of the Eighth National Watercolor and Painted Works Exhibition in 2007.

2007 "Eighteenth National Print Exhibition" Organizing Committee, Secretary-General of the Jury.

In 2008, he was elected the director of the 7th National Congress of the Chinese Association of Arts.

The Secretary-General of the Organizing Committee and Jury of the 2008 "Design for China - Third Environmental Design Competition".

In 2008, "Shenzhen Guanlan original printmaking industry base" officially opened to the outside world, and successfully completed the task of entrepreneurship.

In 2009, Deputy Director of the Office of the Organizing Committee of the Eleventh National Exhibition of Fine Arts was responsible for the liaison and coordination of the sculpture exhibition area, organization and evaluation. Planning and acting as Secretary-General of the First National Academic Exhibition of Children's Art Education.

In 2009, he served as Secretary-General of the Organizing Committee of the "2009 China - Guanlan - International Biennial Print Exhibition".

Art consultant of Guangzhou Art Expo in 2009 planned "China Contemporary Lacquer Painting Higher Education Forum and National Lacquer Painting View Exhibition" in 2010.

Deputy Secretary-General and Secretary-General of the Jury of the 2010 Shanghai World Expo China Fine Arts Exhibition.

From June 16 to 19, 2011, an "Invitation Exhibition of Chinese Painting for Contemporary Young Artists" was held in Chaohu Museum of Art, and was invited for academic support.

Chinese paintings "Desperate Way", "Soldier", "Grandma", "Long Wish", "Song of Songs", "Flying Mind", "Works 2006", "Sister Love of Jingu Zhenzhen", "Flying Mind", "Miaoling Stepping Song", "Flower Song Flying Butterfly Shidong Feelings", "Great Wall", "Lacquer Painting" and so on.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对