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  • 中文名百双虎
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地河南偃师
  • 居住地四川 成都
  • 出生日期1955-05-28
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长人物

后入县文化馆美术班学习。1975年参加由文化馆组织,由省出版社李自强 李伯安等先生指导的美术创作班。1976年入村学任教,后入洛阳师院艺术系,受到恩师金忠厚先生器重和悉心指导。毕业后入偃师县城关新新学校任教。后调洛阳地区印刷厂任美术设计。1985年入郑州轻工业学院美术班,受教于石林张森,姜波诸先生。临习颜真卿陆柬之陆机文赋泰山金刚经等。临摹张择端《清明上河图》。



Introduction to the artist

Bai Shuanghu was born in Wutun, Yanshi, Henan Province in May 1955. At the age of eight, he joined the village school. His father often worked as a couplet of books on the street. Under his influence, he studied books at the age of ten. He studied Liu Ti at the beginning, followed by painting, Chairman Mao's portrait and various paintings. He was able to draw comics and posters in junior high school. At the age of 14, he studied in No. 6 Middle School of Yanshi and was deeply instructed by Mr. Li Jincai and Mr. Wang Mingxuan. Mr. Li is good at poetry and calligraphy. He has another book case in his bedroom for my study. During this period, I read a large number of art magazines, Leonardo da Vinci's painting theory and other theoretical books, which benefited me a lot and I knew about painting. After class, I went to the village head of the field to sketch. I forgot to eat and sleep. I couldn't receive a hair. I traveled 60 miles to Longmen Coal Mine in Luoyang for many times on foot to sketch clay sculptures. I made great progress.


After entering the County Museum of culture art class. In 1975, he participated in an art creation class organized by the cultural museum and directed by Li Ziqiang, Li Boan, etc. of provincial publishing house. In 1976, he joined the Art Department of Luoyang Teachers College and taught in the village school, and was valued and carefully guided by his mentor, Mr. Jin Zhonghou. After graduation, he joined Chengguan new school in Yanshi county to teach. Post printing Luoyang area printing factory as art design. In 1985, he joined the art class of Zhengzhou Institute of light industry and was taught by Hao Shilin, Zhang Sen and Jiang Bozhu. Lin Xi Yan Zhenqing, Lu Cambodian, Lu Ji Wen Fu Taishan Diamond Sutra, etc. Copy Zhang Zeduan's picture of the Qingming River.


It's very quiet and likes reading. Try to make poems to console yourself. When reading four works, three words and two claps, Tolstoy, Gogol and Gorky, they were deeply touched, so they meant to portray the truth for the author. Reading broadens the horizon, enlightens the mind and enriches the imagination. Lay the foundation for future painting creation. He is a close friend of yuerli, Xinxiang. Erli paints white mountains and rivers. He is talented and sincere. And Huaishang Wen Chengxun as a close friend, Chengxun landscape painting birds.


Chinese painting is the result of the painter's learning, ability, character and interest. Deliberately for the soul of painting, painting and ink second. Every day, when the whole painting is mature in the brain, it will stand before the case, face plain paper, gaze until you see the painting, and then start to write in one go. After the completion of the sketch, make local sketch preparation, and then enter the creation. Painting is not the arrangement of natural objects, but the unique world in the painter's heart. It is a process of reprocessing, arranging, combining and re creating performance objects. Therefore, the creation is complex and even difficult to express in language or words, which is a very serious matter. Leonardo da Vinci said: "up to now, all forms of labor are to get paid", but he painted Mona Lisa for four years. It is the noble integrity of Chinese literati to be willing to keep the poor and not obsequious. For decades, when I studied painting, I often remembered the ancient precepts and chased after my ancestors without any hesitation.


There is no doubt about the pursuit of simplicity and introverted feelings in painting. The ancient Chinese people understood the two characters of freehand brushwork incisively and accurately, which is determined by the materials used. Highlight a writing, that is, the priority of writing. Only by maintaining a certain speed can the mysterious line of writing lead the viewer to get better, and the effect of dry autumn wind and moist spring rain can appear. Only in the light and rainy stippling, the possible effect of inadvertent will come unexpectedly, such as thick and thin, dry and wet, virtual and solid back, gathering and opening and closing, dense and interspersed. We pay more attention to a word of meaning. Most of the fine arts we can see now are works with high intention, ingenious thinking and intriguing. Whether it's Li Bai, Du Fu, Wang Wei, Ma Yuan, Shi Tao or the 8th National Congress of CPC, they all present a different world for us with their outstanding vision. Painting is a visual illusion art, not only art creation has its own rules, but also art appreciation has its own rules. Painters create images on the plane carrier, and at most provide the viewer with a little clue to open imagination. The appreciation process is jointly completed by the viewer and the painter. The viewer's energy is limited, the emotional excitement is short, the reversion inhibition is the aesthetic necessity, so freehand painting must be simple, it is different from western painting, and more different from photography. To make the works simple and rich is a very vexing thing, and also a place to show the artist's ability. Painting is the art of expression, in fact, it is the understanding of painting, it is to express the attitude to the world with personalized language. Mature painters have a set of expressions to express their ideas, otherwise they cannot operate. This kind of vocabulary needs to match the specific form and theme of expression, so it is possible to create an ideal work of art. The creative process is full of impulse and hope, but as the work nears completion, disappointment will follow, because the final effect is far from the previous expectation. That's why I've been painting. Generally speaking, vocal music is the art of regret, and in fact, painting is the same. Failure and inadequacy will expose the clumsiness of painters, as if every work has such regret. Perhaps it is the existence of regret that makes the pretentious painters persevere. Perhaps it is the existence of this regret that makes the painting art radiate mysterious and dazzling light. The birth of a good work of art is to experience pain to achieve success, and its hardships are self-evident. The so-called words are like people, and the paintings are like people, which is the concentrated embodiment of the artist's self character. The formation of a unique style with connotation and tension, such as the birth of a baby in October, is a natural thing. It's not a work of bluffing and bluffing. [2] life is very simple, cloth clothes vegetarian, a cup of tea.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对