Bai Guowen, was born at Liaoning to visit distant in relief town 1946, the Hui nationality. Saved art of artistic normal school to fasten graduation by Liaoning 1967, allocate house of culture of Kang Ping county to be engaged in art working, tone held the post of full-time painter, dean to imperial art academy of iron mountain city 1986. Tie Ling holds the post of during Tie Ling works vice-chairman of city article couplet and chairman of association of artist of iron mountain city. Tone held the post of a dean to imperial art academy of river of Pan Jin distant 2003. Country division of one class art. It is Chinese artist academician now, liaoning saves artist association vice-chairman, chairman of committee of art of Chinese northward imperial art academy, it is Chinese beauty assist delegate of congress of the 6th whole nation.
Come for years work of traditional Chinese painting is exhibiting domestic and internationally hundreds times, partial work is collected domestic and internationally the orgnaization is collected. " snow Wo Changbai " , " fresh gale pursues " , " wind aing kind of sweet grass " , " mother of Li Kui explore " , " thrive " , " long Bai Wuyue " , " Shan Ligong " , " our heaven and earth " , " , in be being exhibited with province beauty in the whole nation for many times bear the palm.
Ever went to the country such as Japan, Singapore, Malaysia to hold individual exhibition and couplet to exhibit on invitation.