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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名王仙圃
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍山东海阳
  • 居住地黑龙江 哈尔滨
  • 出生日期1914-03-01
  • 逝世日期1982
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长山水
  • 协会中国美术家协会

王仙圃(1914—1982) 山东省海阳市王家庄人。画家。幼年酷爱绘画,青年时期山水画已闻名乡里。1939年赴北平,加入雪庐画社,就学于吴镜汀门下,接触了一些著名画家,见识了一批名画,受到良好的艺术熏陶。其画作能剔除偏见,博采众长,独具风格。1941年,在北平中山公园举办《王仙圃国画展》崭露头角。1950年王仙圃去哈尔滨,任市文联美术创作员,1952年,举办山水画展,义卖画作350幅, 所得全部捐献国家支援抗美援朝。1954年,调黑龙江省文化局工作。1960年,调入黑龙江省美术家协会任创作员。 “文化大革命”中,遭受迫害。1978年平反后,多次举办国画讲座,传授绘画艺术。












Introduction to the artist

Wang Xianpu (1914-1982) was born in Wangjiazhuang, Haiyang City, Shandong Province. Painter. He loved painting when he was young, and landscape painting in his youth has become famous in the countryside. In 1939, he went to Peiping, joined Xuelu painting society, studied under Wu Jingting's door, met some famous painters, met a number of famous paintings, and was well influenced by art. His paintings can get rid of prejudices, take advantage of others and have unique style. In 1941, Wang Xianpu's national painting exhibition was held in Zhongshan Park, Peiping. In 1950, Wang Xianpu went to Harbin to work as an art creator of the Municipal Federation of literary and art circles. In 1952, he held a landscape painting exhibition and sold 350 paintings, all of which were donated to the state to support the fight against the United States and aid the DPRK. In 1954, transferred to Heilongjiang Cultural Bureau. In 1960, he was transferred to Heilongjiang Artists Association as a writer During the "Cultural Revolution", they were persecuted. After the Anti Japanese war in 1978, many lectures on traditional Chinese painting were held to teach the art of painting.


In 1980, he was elected president of Heilongjiang traditional Chinese Painting Association. In the same year, he was transferred to Heilongjiang Academy of calligraphy and painting. At that time, although he was very young, he loved the scenery outside the great wall of China more and more, and continued to write.


Chen Lei, a famous calligrapher and painter and governor of Heilongjiang Province, once presented a banner with a Book: "a strong old man with great ambition", praising his full creative spirit.


In 1981, although suffering from a terminal illness, he still drew two masterpieces for the Great Hall of the people, namely "forest sea" and "Jingpo waterfall", which are called Wonderful pens.


For nearly 50 years, he has made thousands of works. His representative works include Qu Zi's chanting, forest, and vast land. Many of his works have participated in the first, second and third national art exhibitions, among which exploration of primitive forest, mountain and river breeze have been rated as the best creation of landscape paintings, which are collected by the state. The paintings of Qu Zi's chanting, jingmaniwanzhu, changcang mountains and rivers, frontier soldiers, danfuyuhua, Nanhu, Tianchi, etc. have always been approved by the painting circle. Died in 1982.


Wang Xianpu, born in 1915. From Haiyang County, Shandong Province. He studied in private schools from 1922 to 1927, and then taught in the countryside. I love painting since I was a child.


After Wang Xianpu arrived in Beijing in 1939, with the help of Mr. Zhong Zifu, he participated in the "Xuelu painting club" and studied landscape painting under the door of Mr. Wu Jingting and Mr. Ji Guanzhi. During this period, he contacted many famous artists and was well influenced by art. The creation of traditional Chinese painting has made progress day by day. In 1945, after the restoration of Northeast China during the Eighth Five Year Plan period, he came to Harbin and worked as a creative member of Harbin Federation of writers, Harbin Artists Association, provincial pictorial society and Heilongjiang Artists Association.


Wang Xianpu made great contribution to the development of Heilongjiang traditional Chinese painting by making innovations, trying to show the mountains and rivers of northern China, sparing no effort to train young artists.


Wang Xianpu's landscape painting, simple and vigorous, magnificent, has a profound traditional technical literacy. He believes that art is valued in innovation, if confined to traditional techniques without development, it will dry up art. He insisted on facing the nature, often went deep into the Xing'anling primeval forest to sketch, and drew creative nutrition from life. With bold and unconstrained brush and ink, it depicts the big forest in Northeast China and explores the technique of expressing the tall Korean pine. Also many times to Jingpo Lake, Wudalianchi and other places to sketch. The magnificent scenery of the mountains and rivers in the northern part of the Great Wall has accumulated rich creative materials and created a large number of landscape paintings. Its painting has local characteristics of Heilongjiang Province, with vigorous and vigorous strokes, proper arrangement of rules, proper handling of the relationship between the virtual and the real, quick movement of the pen, marvelous composition, fluent strokes and elegant coloring. The magnificent style of the northern country leaps to the paper, which is fascinating to watch.


From 1953 to 1955, Wang Xianpu's works were selected into the first, second and third national art exhibitions for three consecutive years, which were highly praised and considered as innovative works in landscape painting. After that, his works participated in successive art exhibitions and national art exhibitions in Heilongjiang Province. In support of the war against the United States and aid Korea, a personal painting exhibition was held, and more than 50 works were donated for charity sale, which was praised. His representative works include exploration of primitive forest, report of mine, forest, Jingpo Lake, arduous exploration team, Tianguang and dikuo, mountain and river breeze, Jingpo waterfall, long volume of mountains and rivers, Nanhu, etc. Some works have been published in journals such as art diary and Chinese painting. Some works are collected by China Art Museum, National Museum and Heilongjiang Provincial Museum, and spread to Hong Kong, Japan and other countries and regions. Wang Xianpu is a famous Chinese painter in Heilongjiang Province. He is a member of China Artists Association, director of Heilongjiang calligraphy and Seal Engravers Association, President of Heilongjiang traditional Chinese Painting Association and member of the Standing Committee of Heilongjiang CPPCC.


He died in 1982. 67 years old.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对