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( 中国美术家协会会员 )

张富君(缶君),字尘缶,号橘庵,1960年12月生,大学文化,中国美术家协会会员,中国书法家协会会员,河南省政协委员,河南省美术家协会会员,河南 省书法家协会理事、创作委员会委员,河南省东方书画院副院长,河南省书画院特聘画家。

  • 中文名张富君
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 居住地河南 漯河
  • 出生日期1960-12
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长山水

张富君(缶君),字尘缶,号橘庵,1960年12月生,大学文化,中国美术家协会会员,中国书法家协会会员,河南省政协委员,河南省美术家协会会员,河南 省书法家协会理事、创作委员会委员,河南省东方书画院副院长,河南省书画院特聘画家。漯河市政协常委,漯河市书画院院长,漯河市书法家协会主席。

美术作品 《蝶舞碧波》入选全国第四届体育美展;《远风寻韵》、《春云出岫》入选由文化部和中国美协主办的“中华世纪之光”中国画提名展:《侗岭即景》获中国美协主 办的“新世纪全国中国画精品大展”优秀奖,《秋溪笑太行》获中国美协主办的“21世纪中国画澳大利亚展”优秀奖,《泉润太行》入选中国美协第十五次新人新 作展;《秦韵沃野》《高台万木风》、《楼阁玲珑五云起.退思清凉迎客来》三幅作品应中国美协特邀参加“同里一保护世界遗产国际中国画作品展”;应中国艺术 研究院美术研究所特邀,其作品《万壑苍秋图》《苍颜太行图》参加“走进无锡一全国中国画名家邀请展;应中国美协特邀,其作品《曲径通佳境》参加2004年 “菜乡情”《全国中国画提名展》并获优秀奖;中国美协邀请,其作品《太行情》参加“当代中国画名家邀请展”.应香港华泰出版社等单位特邀,其四幅作品入选 《2003当代中青年国画家水墨小品精选》大型画册.并多次应邀参加中国美协组织的著名画家写生团到各地写生,创作,交流;其山水画作品还编 入《20世纪中日绘画名匠集》,《海峡两岸中国名家书画集》等.山水画作品,还在上海嘉泰拍卖 会上屡屡拍出佳绩,

美术报》《中国书画报》《文学报》均有报道.书法作品曾入 选全国第四、五届书法篆刻展览,全国第三、四届中,青年书法家作品展览并均获一等奖,全国第二届楹联书法展,在全国第四次人口普查书法美术摄影大赛中夺得 唯一的书法一等奖,在河南省第二、三届中原书法大赛中均获—等奖,入选河南省第二届中青年22人北京墨海弄潮展,获河南省第二届“书法龙门奖”银奖,还在 全国其它书法大赛中多次夺魁。

其书法作品入编《中南海珍藏书法集》(第一卷),全国历届书法篆刻展、历届中青年书法篆刻展《获奖作者书法作品集》,《当代 书法篆刻获奖者作品点评》集《中韩书法宝典,》作品集,《中国书法选集》(1978-1998),《20世纪中日书法名匠集》,《世纪之声河南省艺术大展 作品集》,《中原新一代书法展作品集》等.曾应邀赴新加坡成功举办个人书画展,应邀随张海师赴香港举办师生书法展,应邀随周俊杰先生赴韩国举办师生书法 展,应邀随中国文联全国书画院创作交流协会著名画家代表团赴澳大利亚、新西兰等国家举行书画艺术交流展览等活动。

澳大利亚SBS电台、翡翠电视台、《澳洲 星岛日报》、《澳洲新报》、《人民日报》(海外版)、《中国文化报》、《中国书画报》、《河南日报》等多家新闻媒体均进行了多角度专题报道.出版有“当代 书法美术家.中原画风“《张富君山水画作品集》“,《张富君书法作品集》“ 代书画艺术名家作品选.中国书画百杰《张富君作品选》“中南海等多家博物馆纪念馆文史馆碑林碑廓均有藏书勒石,并入编辞书和其他书画作品集数集.其书画作 品数到了海内外书画收藏爱好者的青睐.

Introduction to the artist

Zhang Fujun (gentleman of v/LIT an amphora-like jar) , word dirt v/LIT an amphora-like jar, date tangerine huts, unripe in December 1960, university culture, chinese artist academician, chinese calligrapher academician, henan visits committee member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, henan saves artist academician, henan visits committee member of committee of calligrapher association director, creation, henan saves assistant dean of courtyard of Oriental painting and calligraphy, henan saves courtyard of painting and calligraphy to hire an artist especially. Members of standing committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference of Luo river city, dean of courtyard of painting and calligraphy of Luo river city, chairman of association of calligrapher of Luo river city.

Art work " butterfly dance blue waves " beauty of the 4th sports of selected whole nation is exhibited; " does far wind search charm " , " does Chun Yun go out cave " selected by culture ministry and Chinese beauty assist sponsor " the light of China century " does Chinese picture nomination exhibit: ? Tremble stretch tight whencing honest a huge legendary turtle of ? of fellow of ? of lane Duo discharge " Lan copy target leads ? of ? of ? of discharge of ? of orchid leg ? to turn over Jia a low bank of earth between fields to shelter the traditional Chinese painting in sentencing Jing to protect century of?1 of copy of Lan of Da of ? of fellow of ? of discharge of Duo of small mill of ? of μ of ? of ? abdomen clang, " fontal embellish too row " selected China is beautiful assist the 15th times new personality is made newly exhibit; " Wo Ye of charm of the Qin Dynasty " " Gaotaimomu wind " , " 5 cloud of pavilion exquisite rise. Retreat think of cool and refreshing greet a guest to come " 3 work should China is beautiful assist specially invite attends " be the same as li of one protection work of picture of China of world bequest international is exhibited " ; should specially invite of institute of art of Chinese art academy, its work " Cang Qiutu of 10 thousand big pool " " dark green Yan Taihang pursues " attend " walk into without stannum a person of academic or artistic distinction of picture of China of one whole nation invites exhibit; Should China is beautiful assist specially invite, its work " meandering connects the most pleasant stage " attend 2004 " dish country situation " " nomination of the traditional Chinese painting in the whole nation is exhibited " win outstanding award; China is beautiful assist invite, its work " too prices " attend " a person of academic or artistic distinction of the traditional Chinese painting in now invites exhibit " . Should the unit specially invite such as press of peaceful of Hong Kong China, its 4 work are selected " essay of Chinese ink of water of home of traditional Chinese painting of the 2003 youths in now is handpick " large an album of paintings. Attend Chinese beauty on invitation for many times assist famous artist paint from life of the organization is round to each district paint from life, creation, communication; Work of its landscape painting still enrolls " 20 centuries are Sino-Japanese collect of painterly name artisan " , " collect of painting and calligraphy of cross-strait China a person of academic or artistic distinction " wait. Landscape painting work, still be in Shanghai fine peaceful auction takes beautiful performance time and again on the meeting,

" art signs up for " " Chinese book pictorial " " article journal " all have a story. Calligraphy work ever selected whole nation the 4th, exhibition of 5 calligraphy seal cutting, the whole nation the 3rd, 4 in, young calligrapher work is exhibited and all win first prize, calligraphy of the 2nd couplet hung on the columns of a hall of countrywide is exhibited, the 4th times in the whole nation census calligraphy art photographs carry off in the contest only calligraphy first prize, save in Henan the 2nd, all obtain in contest of calligraphy of 3 Central Plains, wait for award, selected Henan saves the 2nd in tide of lane of sea of Chinese ink of 22 people Beijing exhibits the youth, obtain Henan to save the 2nd " award of calligraphy dragon door " silver-colored award, still seize chief for many times in contest of countrywide other calligraphy.

Its calligraphy work is entered make up " in collect of calligraphy of Nanhai collect carefully " (hank) , seal cutting of countrywide all previous calligraphy is exhibited, all previous in young calligraphy seal cutting is exhibited " collect of work of calligraphy of author of bear the palm " , " bear the palm of contemporary calligraphy seal cutting person work is commented on " collect " jewel of Sino-South Korean calligraphy, " work collect, " Chinese calligraphy anthology " (1978-1998) , " 20 centuries are Sino-Japanese collect of calligraphy name artisan " , " the art of acoustical Henan province of the century extends work market greatly " , " calligraphy of Central Plains new generation extends work market " etc. Ever went to Singapore to hold individual book art exhibition successfully on invitation, go to Hong Kong to hold calligraphy of teachers and students to exhibit along with Zhang Hai division on invitation, follow Mr Zhou Junjie to go to Korea to hold calligraphy of teachers and students to exhibit on invitation, follow courtyard of painting and calligraphy of whole nation of Chinese article couplet to create communication association on invitation famous artist delegacy goes to the country such as Australia, New Zealand to hold art of painting and calligraphy to communicate the activity such as the exhibition.

TV station of Australian SBS broadcasting station, halcyon, " daily of Australia star island " , " Australia signs up for newly " , " People's Daily " (overseas edition) , " Chinese culture signs up for " , " Chinese painting and calligraphy signs up for " , " Henan daily " wait for many news. Publish have " contemporary calligraphy artist. Central Plains draws wind " " collect of work of Zhang Fujun landscape painting " " , " collect of work of Zhang Fujun calligraphy " " work of a person of academic or artistic distinction chooses art of acting painting and calligraphy. Chinese painting and calligraphy 100 outstanding " work chooses Zhang Fujun " " in outline of tablet forest tablet all has the Rearch Institute of Culture and History of memorial hall of much home museum such as Nanhai collect books Le Shi, merge into write dictionary and part of number of volume of work of other painting and calligraphy. Work of its painting and calligraphy counted global painting and calligraphy to collect the favour of lover.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对