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( 中国青海省美术家协会主席 )


  • 中文名左良
  • 别名佐良,斋号履霜,又署河源行者
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 出生地陕西长安县
  • 出生日期1943年10月
  • 职业画家
  • 毕业院校西安美专、中央美术学院版画系
  • 主要成就国家一级美术师
  • 代表作品《唐古拉山下》《高原风》《祁连风雪》

 左良 中国美术家协会理事、中国美协版画艺术委员会委员、中国版画家协会常务理事、中国少数民族美术促进会常务理事,是第五次、第六次全国文代会与第五次全国美代会代表。一级美术师。国务院批准享受政府特殊津贴专家。1991年任中国美术家代表团团长率团访问孟加拉国。







Introduction in English

 Zuo Liang, male, born in October 1943 in Chang'an County, Shaanxi Province. Chairman and first-class artist of Qinghai Artists Association of China. From 1992 to 1993, he presided over the creation of works of art in Qinghai Hall of Beijing Great Hall of the People. He is good at printmaking, Chinese painting and art theory. Art works have participated in 36 national art exhibitions, and have been selected to participate in international art exhibitions in more than 20 countries and regions, such as France, the United States, Japan and so on. The representative works of Chinese painting "Down Tanggula Mountain", "Plateau Wind" and "Qilian Snow" were collected by the Chinese Art Museum. In 1984.1989.1994.1999, he was awarded the highest prize for literary and artistic creation in Qinghai Province for four consecutive sessions.


Zuo Liang is the director of the Chinese Artists Association, the member of the Print Art Committee of the Chinese Artists Association, the executive director of the Chinese Print Artists Association, and the executive director of the Chinese Minority Art Promotion Association. He is the fifth, sixth and fifth representatives of the National Literary Congress and the Fifth National American Congress. First-class artist. Experts who are granted special government allowances are approved by the State Council. In 1991, he was the head of the delegation of Chinese artists and led the delegation to visit Bangladesh.


Good at printmaking, Chinese painting, art theory. Qinghai Lake Editorial Department. Graduated from Xi'an College of Fine Arts in 1961. In 1982, he graduated from the Printing Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. The fifth and sixth members of the Chinese Artists Association. In 1993, they began to enjoy special government allowances approved by the State Council. He has been a member of the Chinese Artists Association, the Print Art Committee of the Chinese Artists Association, and the Standing Director of the Chinese Print Artists Association. Standing Director of China National Minority Art Promotion Association, Art Consultant of China National Museum Gallery, Standing Director of Shenzhou Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, People's Daily, Editor of Lanzhou Military Region Soldier Reading Society, Deputy Editor of Qinghai Lake Monthly, Secretary-General of Qinghai Branch of China Artists Association, Director of Arts Committee, Chairman of Qinghai Artists Association. He is currently the Honorary Chairman. First-class artist. Works such as "Down Tanggula Mountain", "Yak Competition", "Spring Rong", "Childhood", "Road, Just Beginning", "Plateau Wind", "Hometown vicissitudes" were selected into more than 30 national art exhibitions such as the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth and seventh to sixteenth national art exhibitions, and won awards many times. 。 Papers include Preface to Zhu Nai Zheng's Painting Collection, Bangladesh Art Survey, Woodcut with Knife to Reason, etc. More than 50 articles have been published in such newspapers as Art, Art Observation, People's Daily and People's Pictorial. In 1991, he was the head of the delegation of Chinese artists and led the delegation to visit Bangladesh. From 1992 to 1993, he presided over the creation of Qinghai fantastic works of art in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. In 1999, he won the Luxun Print Print Award for life. In 2003, he won the Advanced Individual Award for Propaganda and Culture Work in Qinghai Province.


Ten works of Chinese painting, such as "Down Tanggula Mountain", "Plateau Wind", "Qilian Wind and Snow", have been collected by the Chinese Art Museum; more than 50 works, such as copper relief "Chaidamu", "High Road into Cloud Sky", "Dajiyang", "Mingyue in Qin Dynasty", have been collected by the Great Hall of the People, Zhongnanhai, Yanhuang Art Museum and Shenzhou Print Museum. The works such as "Spring Harmony", "Childhood", "Road, Just Beginning!" were selected and compiled into 19 large and medium-sized albums, including "Selection of Modern Chinese Black and White Wood Carvings", "Complete Works of Modern Chinese Art", "Collection of Collections of Collections of Central South China Sea", and "Contemporary Chinese Art 1979-1999". Publishing; 21 times won provincial, ministerial and above awards, among which the printmaking "vicissitudes of native land" won the excellent creation award of the Ninth National printmaking exhibition. The printmaking series "Kunlun Moon", "Raft Yong River under Qinghai", "Hexi.1936 Autumn", "River out of Kunlun" won four consecutive literary and artistic creation awards of Qinghai Province in 1984, 1989, 1994 and 1999, respectively. The highest award. Professional papers such as Zhu Naizheng's Painting Collection. Preface, Wood Carving with Knife to Reason, Wing Spreading Sky - On Yanhan's Art, Art Commercialization and Commercialization Art, etc. are published in newspapers, albums and papers such as Fine Arts, People's Daily, Hong Kong Wen Hui Bao, Taiwan's Journey of Chinese Art, etc. Set.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对