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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名王大为
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍辽宁省瓦房店
  • 居住地辽宁 大连
  • 出生日期1938-10-11
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长人物,油画,版画
  • 协会中国美术家协会

 自幼酷爱美术,因美术教育与群文工作需要,绘画涉猎广泛,多次参加国家、省、市各种绘画研修班,博采众长。中国画、油画、版画、水彩画、年画、漫画、连环画等均有作品发表、参展,并多件作品在国内外获奖。出版年画有“女石匠”、“喜丰收”(北京人美出版)、“百鸟仙子”(黑龙江省出版社出版)、“幸福有鱼”、“欢乐的果园”(辽美出版)(第六届全国美展优秀作品)等;出版宣传画有“艰苦奋斗”(上海教育出版社出版)、“为科技现代化贡献才华”(辽美出版、人民日报头版头条发表、全国各省主要公共场所均有巨福复制品);版画“果乡”入选第七届全国版画展,《文汇报》等多家报刊选用,并编入1981年《中国版画年鉴》、《劲草》等版画专刊;油画“人体”、“冰峪秋韵”“女儿”“路”等分别入编《92中国美术家年鉴》、《中国写生作品选集》,入选中国艺术节大连小型油画展;中国画“游春图”、“钟馗试剑图”分别入选《20世纪国际现代美术精品荟萃》和纪念全国人大成立40周年书画展(全国人大收藏),中国画《晨光灿烂》参加“庆祝中华人民共和国成立52周年——‘中华魂’书画邀请展”,(文化部文化市场发展中心收藏);漫画“物控开关”、“新编刮骨疗毒图”分别为第六、七届全国美展优秀作品,《人民日报》、《中国政协报》、《中国青年报》、《工人日报》、《美术》、《中国漫画》等多家报刊发表; 宣传画“谨防假冒”获第七届全国美展银奖,编入《庆祝中华人民共和国成立40周年第七届全国美展获奖作品集》;幽默运动画、中国画、版画有多件被国外收藏;“萨马兰奇”等体育界名人漫画获1993年度意大利第12届国际幽默运动画大赛银奖。因艺术创作及育人成绩突出,多次被授予市专业技术拔尖人才及大连市劳模等称号。个人传略及部分作品入编《中国美术全集》、《中国美术选集》、《中国美术书法界名人名作博览》、《中国现代漫画家辞典》、《中国当代名人大典》等十几部典集。 

Introduction to the artist

Was born 1938, liaoning saves person of tile-roofed house inn, have successively held the posts of teacher of middle school art, head of department of the member that Liaoning visits shop of deputy research of house of culture of city of tile-roofed house inn, art. Fasten Chinese artist academician, academician of Dalian city outstanding expert, market of culture ministry art grows painter of central spy letter of appointment, chinese logic and language teach by correspondence university art is a visiting professor, enjoy the State Council special allowance.
  From a child loves art, because art is taught with group civil job need, painterly dabble is extensive, attend all sorts of brushwork of country, province, city to grind for many times long class, rich is collected numerous long. Chinese picture, canvas, woodcut, aquarelle, New Year picture, caricature, comic all work is published, ginseng exhibit, and many work is in domestic and international bear the palm. Publication New Year picture has " female manson " , " happy bumper harvest " (Peking Man beauty is published) , " lark faery " (Heilongjiang province press is published) , " happiness has a fish " , " happy orchard " (distant beauty is published) (beauty of the 6th whole nation is exhibited outstanding; Publication poster has " struggle difficultly " (Shanghai education press is published) , " contribute talent for modernization of science and technology " (distant beauty is published, the People's Daily is published in the front article of the front page. , countrywide each province is main public all have Ju Fufu product) ; Woodcut " fruit countryside " selected art exhibition of edition of the 7th whole nation, " civil report " wait for much home the press to choose, enroll 1981 " Chinese woodcut almanac " , " strong grass " wait for woodcut monograph; Canvas " human body " , " Qiu Yun glacial valley " " daughter " " road " divide into equal parts is not entered make up " almanac of 92 China artist " , " anthology of Chinese sketchy work " , small-sized canvas exhibits Dalian of selected China artistic moral integrity; China is drawn " You Chuntu " , " Zhong Kui tries a sword to pursue " respectively selected " 20 centuries international is contemporary assemble of art high-quality goods " with souvenir countrywide National People's Congress establishs book art exhibition 40 years (the whole nation, china is drawn " dawn is bright " attend " congratulatory People's Republic of China holds water 52 years -- ' China fetch ' painting and calligraphy invites exhibit " , (center of development of market of culture ministry culture is collected) ; Caricature " content accuses switch " , " make up poison of the cure that blow bone newly to pursue " it is respectively the 6th, beauty of 7 whole nations exhibits outstanding work, " People's Daily " , " Chinese the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference signs up for " , " Chinese youth signs up for " , " the Workers'Daily " , " art " , " Chinese caricature " wait for much home the press to publish;   Poster " beware sham " obtain beauty of the 7th whole nation to exhibit silver-colored award, be classified " congratulatory People's Republic of China establishs beauty of the 7th whole nation 40 years to extend market of work of bear the palm " ; Picture of humorous carry animation, China, woodcut has many to be collected by abroad; "Samaranch " wait for caricature of sporting world celebrity to obtain humour of the 12nd international of 1993 year Italy silver-colored award of athletic picture contest. Because artistic creation and Yo person achievement are outstanding, be granted city professional technique for many times the title such as excellent talent and Dalian city model worker. Individual biography brief and partial work are entered make up " Chinese art complete works " , " Chinese art selected works " , " master of famous person of group of Chinese art calligraphy reads extensively " , " dictionary of Chinese contemporary caricaturist " , " grand ceremony of Chinese contemporary celebrity " wait for ten law part. ?






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对