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( 中国美术家协会会员 )


  • 中文名陈云岗
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 居住地陕西 西安
  • 出生日期1956
  • 职业美术家
  • 擅长雕塑
  • 协会中国美术家协会

中国美术网 09-17 浏览


1956年 生于陕西西安。祖籍江苏彭城。
1982年 毕业于西安美术学院雕塑系。留校任教至今。
1990年 出版专著《中国古典雕刻之文化方位》(15万字)。
1999年 雕塑《大江东去》获九届全国美展银奖。
2000年 出版专著《世界城雕撷粹》(18万字)、《陈云岗美术文集》(20万字)。
2001年 先后有雕塑作品《弦歌》、《大江东去》、《张骞》、《玄音》建于北京、长春、杭卅、上海、福州等地。
2002年 创作景观主题雕塑《鼎盛辉煌》、《希望明珠》、《时代大潮》、《历史文化名人系列》、《生命之溪》等,展示于陕西茂陵及山东青岛。另有各类文章40万字,城雕作品数十件立于青岛、宁波、新疆等地。
2003年 作品《对弈》入选北戴河奥林匹克雕塑大道。作品《中国老子》特邀入选中国北京国际美术双年展。
2004年 为西安市大雁塔北广场设计《大唐精英》、《唐市万象》等石雕、青铜系列作品。创作《东方三圣》、《兰亭写意》等系列作品。

Introduction to the artist

China is beautiful assist sculptural council vice director
China lives vice director of council of art of committee of guidance of construction of sculpture of city of the whole nation that build a department
Chinese sculpture learns vice-chairman
Courtyard of sculpture of Chinese country imperial art academy carries out a dean
Sculpture of Xi'an beautiful courtyard fastens rich of director, professor to guide
Rich of professor of head of department of sculpture of Xi'an academy of fine arts guides [sculptor of 1] , China is met beauty of vice-chairman, China assist sculpture of city of committee member of committee of sculptural of association of artist of academician of artist of sculptural council vice director, China, China, whole nation builds directive council country of artistic council vice director, China.
Was born at Shaanxi Xi'an 1956. City of Peng of ancestral home Jiangsu.
1978 fasten study into sculpture of Xi'an academy of fine arts
Was graduated from department of sculpture of Xi'an academy of fine arts 1982. Stay school teach up to now.
Published monograph 1990 " the culture azimuth of Chinese classical sculpture " (150 thousand word) .
1999 sculpture " great river east go " obtain beauty of 9 whole nations to exhibit silver-colored award.
Published monograph 2000 " world city carve picks pure " (180 thousand word) , " collection of art of Chen Yun hillock " (200 thousand word) .
There was sculpture work early or late 2001 " bowstring song " , " great river east go " , " Zhang Qian " , " Xuan Yin " build at Beijing, Changchun, Hangzhou thirty, and other places of Shanghai, Fuzhou.
Created sight text sculpture 2002 " at the height of power and splendour is brilliant " , " hope bright phearl " , " times spring tide " , " series of historical culture celebrity " , " the brook of life " etc, reveal at Shaanxi Mao Ling reachs Shandong Qingdao. Have of all kinds implied meaning additionally 400 thousand word, city carve work tens of establish and other places of Yu Qing island, Ning Bo, Xinjiang.
2003 work " to play chess " highway of sculpture of Olympic of selected north Dai He. Work " Chinese father " specially invite is selected art of Chinese Beijing international double year exhibit.
Designed for square of north of tower of Xi'an city wild goose 2004 " big Tang Jingying " , " Tang Fu every phenomenon " wait for work of series of stone carving, bronze. Creation " Oriental 3 emperor " , " Lan Ting is enjoyable " wait for series work.
Work introduction
Main work: Large city carve " male wind of through the ages " , " hope bright phearl " , " bright star " ; " great river east go " , obtain beauty of the 9th whole nation to exhibit silver-colored award, be collected by Chinese art gallery; Large casting copper " high mountain running water " , sculptural of city of selected Beijing international is exhibited; Casting copper " bowstring song " , chen Zhan is delayed at Beijing celebrate Xia Dou park; Casting copper " Xuan Yin " , west lake of city of Chen Zhan Yu Hang; The copper that reach casting " Zhang Qian " , " big solidarity banzai " , " the brook of life " , " hind Chinese times " wait.
Work " great river east go " , " Chinese father " , " bamboo Lin Qixian " , " Chinese fellow " , " swinging scenery " , " of life embedded " , " bowstring song " , " Zhang Qian " , " gene coincide " , the domestic international that has attended and other places of the whole nation and Qingdao, Fujian, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Zhejiang to hold early or late is exhibited, some work bear the palm and be collected. Obtain early or late the 9th, beauty of the 10th whole nation exhibits the work such as silver-colored award " great river east go " , with Su Dongpo of eminent writer of Northen Song Dynasty the famous speech of the peak of poetic perfection of a through the ages piece for subject matter. Do not animal farm at perillaseed temporarily be related, be like,crouch sits hill, the look is abstruse, if send Gui Hong, life of through the ages understands to manage at the bosom. Delay of clothing lines alternate is like Jiang Tao, break up furl volt, if grand grows wind, bold and generous, heavy hero, air! Be like the harships when listening to the Song Dynasty to beat contemporary banana, body is realized outstanding the rise and fall of wonder circumstances.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对