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( 中国书法家协会副主席 )


  • 中文名沙孟海
  • 别名原名文若,字孟海,号石荒
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍浙江鄞县沙村
  • 出生日期1900年
  • 逝世日期1992年
  • 职业书法家、篆刻家
  • 协会中国书法家协会
  • 毕业院校浙东第四师范学校
  • 代表作品《集王圣教序》
沙孟海敬重师友情 作者:龚 成/文

中国美术网 09-17 浏览

前不久,友人以《沙孟海全集编辑通讯》相赠,如获至宝。沙老与本人乃师生关系。面对封面沙老神采奕奕的图像,脑海里再次浮忆起文革后在美院、在沙家,聆听沙老教诲的点滴往事,尤其有两件事至今难忘。  ...



1925年赴沪进修能学社教书,后任教商务印书馆图文函授社。其间,从冯君木、陈屺怀学古文字学,从吴昌硕马一浮等学书法篆刻,获益良多,书艺大进,章太炎主办的《华国月刊》多次刊载其金石文字,名声渐着。 1928年至1929年上半年任职浙江省政府。
1941年6月在重庆经陈布雷推荐,在蒋介石侍从室二处任职,从事应酬笔墨文字,业余仍坚持书学研究。 1946年至1948年应蒋介石请,参与编纂《武岭蒋氏宗谱》。









English Introduction

Sha Menghai, Sha Wenruo, Meng Hai (also known as Savingham, word to word line), alias stone shortage, sand village, langsa, cassia, not the Department of labour official, Zhejiang Tong Xi Zhen Yinxian sand village. Born in a Chinese medicine family, graduated from Zhejiang fourth normal school in 1919. From the early Junmu Feng classics, from the Wu Chang shuoxue calligraphy. Chinese served as professor of Department of Zhejiang University, honorary curator of Zhejiang Province Museum, Academy of Fine Arts Professor, vice chairman, Chinese Calligraphers Association honorary director, adviser, honorary chairman, chairman of Zhejiang Calligrapher's Association, Xiling Seal-Engravers'Society president, director of Xiling calligraphy and painting. Versatile, knowledgeable, successful people. Chinese famous contemporary calligraphy giant, one of the pioneers of modern higher education of calligraphy. Chinese famous contemporary calligrapher, calligraphy theorist, Indian scientist, seal, historian and educator.
The calligraphy in Han far, in the song and Ming Dynasties, formed their own "strong wind" book. And good seal, scribe, grass, Kai Zhu Shu, made the list of characters. Shashi learned knowledge, clever, in language, history, archeology, calligraphy and seal cutting are deep research. The main works are "Indian history", "Sha Menghai", "Sha Menghai's calligraphy collection", "cursive langsa", "Museum of Indian Chinese calligraphy history catalogue", "Sha Menghai's theory of book collection" etc.. And editor in chief "China new literature and art department, calligraphy volume", etc..
Sha Menghai was born on 1900 in the village, his childhood love of calligraphy and seal cutting.
1920 graduated from the Zhejiang Provincial Normal School fourth, has served as the Ningbo massacre, the family surnamed Tsai teacher, once again at the county (now Yinzhou District) Meixu refinement to primary school, into the family, funded by the brother school.
1925 in Shanghai Institute of learning to teach, teach by correspondence after the commercial press agency. In the meantime, learn from Feng Junmu, Chen Qihuai paleography, benefited from Wu Changshuo, Ma and other calligraphy carving, calligraphy, into a large, Zhang Taiyan hosted the "China Times" magazine published the inscription, a reputation. 1928 to the first half of 1929 served in Zhejiang provincial government.
1929 summer should be appointed professor of Zhongshan University Guangzhou.
The spring of 1931, he served as the Nanjing Centre College, Ministry of education, Department of transportation secretary.
In Chongqing in June 1941 by Chen recommended in Jiang Jieshi Chamberlain room two office, engaged in entertainment description, still insist on amateur calligraphy research. From 1946 to 1948, Jiang Jieshi please, involved in the compilation of the "Wu Ling Jiang genealogy".
1949 spring escape Jiang Jieshi entanglement, refused to go to Taiwan. The establishment of the new Department of Zhejiang University professor Chinese served as Chinese.
1952 Provincial Cultural Relics Management Committee Standing Committee and investigation team leader.
In 1954, he served as director of Department of History Museum, Zhejiang historical relics exhibition planning "".
1963 professor of calligraphy Department of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts.
In 1979 Xiling Seal-Engravers'Society president. Is the honorary chairman of Zhejiang Calligrapher's Association, China honorary curator of the museum, the Provincial Federation of members of staff.
In June 1992, Yinzhou District people's Government in the East Lake built Shamenghai Book Institute, October 10th died in Hangzhou.

During the period of democratic revolution, young chengtingxun, early Xi Zhuan method, in the period under the "Pro father number paper, never drop out". Calligraphy by zhuanli paper, caught under the Han style version, wanton g Xi, appreciate its potential. Again Wu Changshuo period, Chen Qiutang, Zhao Zhiqian, Fu Bo and Wu Rangzhi's dance style, won the.
After studying and worship Feng Junmu, Chen Qihuai as a teacher, and on to Shanghai.
During the period of the great revolution, the vend in Shanghai to sell words. At this point, gradually formed his "strong male" book wind. And good seal, scribe, grass, Kai Zhu Shu, made the list of characters, forceful and vigorous, of great momentum, called a rare.
During the Agrarian Revolutionary War, he was appointed professor of Zhongshan University in Guangzhou in 1929.
During the Anti Japanese War, fellow Chen introduction, the Kuomintang Central Organization Department Minister and the Central Bureau of Statistics (referred to as the "middle"), director of the National Government Ministry of education minister Zhu Jiahua's secretary, as the true cursive calligraphy.
During the war of liberation, he served as professor of Zhejiang University in 1949 Chinese department, Zhejiang Province Cultural Relics Management Committee of the standing committee.
After the founding of People's Republic of China, he served as the Standing Committee of Zhejiang cultural relics management committee.
In 1963, Professor of Zhejiang Academy of fine arts, calligraphy and seal cutting.
Since 1979 for calligraphy and seal cutting professional tutor. Served as honorary curator of the Museum of Zhejiang Province, Xiling Seal-Engravers'Society president, vice president, Chinese Calligrapher Association consultant. Knowledgeable, learn to book through ancient and modern, science, philology, philology, epigraphy and carving archaeology has profound attainments and monographs. Calligraphy by zhuanli paper, caught under the Han style version, wanton g Xi, appreciate its potential. Especially in cursive, especially a large nest.
October 10, 1992, 92 year old Sha Menghai died of illness in Hangzhou.

But fair
30 years ago, Mr. Sha Menghai has written on rubbings "set King sacred order", "Zheng Wengong monument", "Zhang Menglong" etc.. This stage can be called to Pingzheng stage. Mr. Sha in this period of calligraphy works in one of the few works, the main style of calligraphy as Mr. Book occupies the first position. The more particularly small seiko. This may have an important relationship with the social environment and cultural environment where mr..
Chase after the insurance
Into middle age, with the gradual expansion of the increasingly rich knowledge and experience. Mr. Sha Menghai paid more attention to the word
"Potential" and "art style". Of course, the original script is not completely abandoned the intensive and meticulous farming, even as the script. For example, at the age of 48 for "repair" to the library and the 50 year old Ye Jun made "epitaph" is the outstanding works of middle age is also a regular script, Mr. Sha's favourite work. But the script creation mainly to cursive creation mainly is Mr. Sha Menghai "both know truth, no risk of the conversion service after the beginning of the concept of" art, mainly from the past to "Shang Yun" in the pursuit of a "Tangbei to potential is" pursuit, Mr. Sha will own art operation concept into calligraphy and beipai furnace, burning, smelting, Nirvana and regeneration of Hebei art personalized enterprises. Mr. Sha also know that calligraphy and beipai are two different types of style of calligraphy art, although there is inseparable connection relations and intricate art intrinsic the same regularity between them, however, is still Yunchong potential, leading the trend, is opposite to each other, can not replace each other. It is not easy to melt the self in the post school and the stele school and get out of the art road of its own. But will capture sway Tiexue and vigorous and sincere beipai long can fully. The ancient worship of the monument is still Posts calligraphy artists have since learned the infinite mystery of art, make their own artistic personality has been the most incisive catharsis.
During this period, Mr. Sha works can be described as "both know truth, service after no risk" period, spanning nearly forty years. Can be divided into two stages.
After entering in 80s, with the "new period" literature and art career recovery, Mr. Sha Menghai ushered in his calligraphy art
On the spring. Mr. Sha spirit blooming, passion into the art of calligraphy creation. Mr. Lin Biao, said: "since the" Gang of four "shattered since the situation is excellent, the spring has been. Although I am 80 years, or is still not already, just a middle-aged man with a to continue to make progress, Mr. Chang Shuo "which I want a catfish canthus, eighty Weng still asks deeply."." During this period, Mr. Sha creation entered a heyday: not only no risk, return fair." Mr. Chen Zhenlian, Mr. Sha analysis 80s book "Sha Menghai wind characteristics in the calligraphy theory" said: "the intentional emphasis on momentum and deliberately perfection emphasis on skills, gradually consummate to come instead. All the joy of hesitation, and occasionally by small, overwhelmed by a more atmospheric."
Mr works of this period, cursive and nest split characters occupy a dominant position in the heyday of the mr.. It is also the cursive and nest split characters makes people see the hope of contemporary calligraphy.
The works of this period, Mr. 100 thousand fold after grinding to a smooth, The path winds along mountain ridges., mystery. The style of calligraphy by Mr hideitsu refined to Wordsworth eventually unadorned luxuriant vegetation in the spring, as a colorful summer to Xuan bright and bold in autumn winter profound eventually open boundless. Mr. word node oblique draw tight knot, the front side of the pen regardless of custom; take power, quick refreshing, front edge lines and sincere vividly; in the aspect of their nature, between a sigh of envy. Dong Qichang said: "gradually mature, gradually familiar Jianli, flat light, asymptotic in nature, and flashy neat. A dignified attitude will only be exposed by adults." This is the unique art of calligraphy style portrayal of Mr. Sha Menghai.

Sha Menghai's ancestral home (sand type former) is Sha Menghai and the four brother childhood living place, is located in Yinzhou District Tong Town Village in Ningbo City, near the Meixi reservoir hillside, about 50 kilometers from Ningbo City, Tong town center distance of about 3 kilometers, is the Zhejiang provincial key cultural relics protection units (Yinzhou District is also patriotic the patriotism education base), facing south, a total area of 574 square meters, interior furnishings and Sha Menghai 4 brothers of the life and activities, is a typical residential zhejiang. The former residence of a caretaker, and free and open society (every Monday closed), often there are people in the leisure time to.
People who want to go by bus Ningbo 609, 620 until Tong town bus to Tong Creek health center or Tong Town intersection get off, and then walk or taxi to. Self driving people can go to the Xiangshan port of Ningbo high-speed Tong Creek exports, to Tong River direction, through the town center, to Mei Xi turn southwest, Shi Shi Village village direction, along the road in the end can. (the former residence in the hillside repair a small free parking lot, parking car about 8-10).
Sha Menghai after the liberation of permanent residence in Hangzhou, which is now the city of Longyou road Hangzhou City, No. 15 (near the North Road and Ring Road intersection), Hangzhou city cultural relics protection units.
The development of modern calligraphy life experience since the Republic of China, 50 years old calligraphy involved a fragrance, and really, the grass of the body, especially fine in cursive, and gas potential disease, muscular, heavy flavor, vigorous and powerful, Zoran married, known as the "master of calligraphy". The nest split list called "true power with the rainbow, exhale". Rigorous scholarship, to learn calligraphy, paleography, carving, epigraphy, archaeology has precise research. By Kang Youwei and Wu Changshuo influence on calligraphy Sha Menghai, represents a strong road and Tangbei opened a new atmosphere, regardless of zhuanli Kai grass, occupies an important position in the history of calligraphy, especially in cursive best. Even in the legendary Mr. Sha in old age is still rigorous scholarship, in his close disciple, although not what most of his worry, Lv Guozhang under the door of many disciples, Zhu Guantian, Chen Zhenlian, Zhu suiliang, etc. are no less rigorous in his whip staff together, especially in the youngest disciple of Ye Fei (Ye Xifei), has been the most troublesome student that Mr Sha, because the young cannot work together with other students, only hands-on guidance, which for a nearly 90 years old Mr. Sha, is undoubtedly a hard thing to bother. Fortunately, ye Fei was clever, savvy high, even far more than his school teachers is more love. Mr. Sha life especially the nest split bangshu, domestic no horse,
Is known as "a true force is out, such as rainbow, the list of his first home". The mighty, little subtlety, rich modern feeling, with gas and wins, the more spectacular word, this is not caused by non chest magnanimous, for the contemporary book wind model. In the carving, young Sha Menghai was lucky enough to get the teachings of Zhao Shuru, Wu Changshuo. In the "Zhao Shuru round Zhu India wind column, influence of seal", Sha Menghai has many years of painstaking research on the circle of Zhu Wenyin and Lie Guoxi, and from the law, caused by high peerless, Chen Qiutang, Zhao Zhiqian, Fu Bo involved from Mr Ng traces of style, won the. His Indian spoke highly of carving master Wu Changshuo: "false and show the whole book, with fresh air. The vast rewards will LOH wind, that the spirit of Chen Qiutang, ran a letter.






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