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  • 中文名王褆
  • 别名 原名寿祺,更名褆 ,字维季,号福庵
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 出生地浙江仁和
  • 出生日期1880年
  • 逝世日期1960年
  • 职业书法家、篆刻家、艺术
  • 主要成就“西泠印社”创始人之一
  • 代表作品《说文部首》











吴昌硕赵叔孺 同时各名一家。”词人姚景之曾有《百字令》一首题其印稿:“穷年□□,守高曾,直欲嬴刘凌越。心事千秋惟我在,此席伊谁能夺?凿白利朱,周规折矩,脱手锋铓发。

勒铭才调,镜涯催老华发。 堪叹力尽雕龙,一编矜重,抵摇签琼牒。













学习篆书应当从小篆入手,至于以哪本帖为范本,前人总结出不少 成功的经验,无论是先秦刻石,还是清季诸家之帖,均对习篆者产生过 很大影响。近代著名书法篆刻家王福庵《说文部首》一经行世,习篆者 多作为临摹范本,并受到广泛的赞誉。


王福庵的《说文部首》是他的典型代表作之一,其用笔纯净单一,提按、起止、转折都达到了圆润浑厚的立体效果,结体均衡准确又饶有韵 致,篆法规矩又不失灵动,反映了他在小篆把握上的成熟和表现上的极 致。下面我们以此为蓝本,择字进行具体的技法分析指导,以期对小篆 有一个初步的了解。初学者从偏旁部首入手,不仅能掌握小篆的结体、用 笔,而且在识篆上,也会打下扎实的基础。


English Introduction

 Wang Fuan (1880 - 1960), a modern calligraphy seal carver, was one of the founders of Xiling Printing Society. Formerly known as Yu, Shouqi, Ziweiji, Fuan, Yinnu, Yinmai, Quhu, Luosha Jiangmin, after 70 years old, they are called the silent elderly, and the name of Zhai is Yiyanzhai. Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, lived in Shanghai for fifty years. Fine seal carving, yes. Calligraphic seal and official script. Encouraged by Wu Changshuo, he created new paths, specializing in small seals and bronze inscriptions. The small seal books are neat and standard, beautiful and vigorous. The inscription "Shuowen Head" and "Shuowen Makes Seals Through False Seals" affirmed to the experts and became the model of seal learning.

At an early age, he is skilled in arithmetic and mapping technology and serves on railways. He roamed Hunan, Chu and Ezhu in 1922. Later, he was invited to Beijing to serve as a technical officer of the Bureau of Printing and Casting. He worked with Tang Yaoshi and Feng Kanghou, all of whom were in the same generation as Junyan. At that time, the official seal of the whole country was made by the Bureau of Printing and Casting. He is also a member of the Palace Museum Antiquities Display Office, and the collection of "Jinxie Liuzhen" is powerful.

In 1930, he returned to South China and settled in Shanghai. He was self-sufficient in Guyi. He built a house in Siming Village. He studied every day and made great progress.

Good storage of Qingtian Old Stone, very rich, self-proclaimed printer. Uncarved stone, leisure knife to survive. At home and abroad, the threshold is to wear, engrave in life, tens of thousands of people.

Father Tongbai, exquisite Jinshi, there are "Stone Drum Literature Collection", "Tang Qishi Xin", "Wulin Series Tales" and other books handed down.

Mr. Fuan is a young scholar who is well-educated in exegesis and poems. When I was over ten years old, I heard of it in calligraphy and seal carving.

In the twenty-fifth year, the Xiling Printing Society was established in Gushan, Xihu, with Ye Ming, Ding Ren, Wu Yin and Li Liangyu.

The School of Zhejia in the early period of its printing and the school of Anhui in the later period, duplicated the ancient seals of Zhou, Qin and Han dynasties, and formed its own appearance; in the process of rectification, it was both old and thick; occasionally it imitated the personality of a person, but also sometimes it was thoughtful.

Especially skilled in fine Zhuwen multi-character printing, with few rivals. Among the modern Indians, they were praised as the best.

Shen Yuzhong's "Indonesian Chant" has a poem chanting: "Lao Fu'an, with strict legal system, can best understand ancient Chinese and Qi characters. At the same time, Wu and Zhao can meet each other, and the tripod will be divided into three parts of the world." And note cloud: "Wang Fuan, famous, Hangzhou people.

The printing method is meticulous, especially proficient in the six-body, and it is not unreasonable to think about it.

And Wu Changshuo, Zhao Shuru at the same time a family. Yao Jingzhi, a poet, once had a title of "Bai Zi Ling" and his manuscript: "In poor years, he kept high and wanted to win Liu Lingyue. I'm the only one who can win the game. Chisel Bailizhu, bend the rules, shake off the edge of the handcuffs.

Le Ming-cai, Jingya to promote the old Chinese hair. It's amazing to carve dragons with all one's strength, but a series of them are heavy, so they can win the lottery.

It is expected that Wentian is not lost, Zhenzai Qiantong minister Jie. Silicon coincides with the same theory of military image, and has different origins.

According to the breeze, keep chastity. Gai Dao's art is also excellent.

When he was 46 years old, he had been lying sick for two years because of electric shock on the hand-operated fan switch. After that, he felt dizzy for a little while every time he was lying on the desk.

Thereafter, the engraving will lie on the vine couch, with a knife in his right hand and a stone in his left hand. A small mirror will hang over his little finger, and his hands will be empty. Chest stone debris everywhere, regardless of it.

Because the printing face down, the blade is difficult to get momentum, which has an impact on the brushwork. Like smoking, all engraved writing, lips must contain - pipe, smoke extinguishing or not, think so can help Wen think, otherwise it will feel lost.

Calligraphic figures, Jinwen, Xiaozhuan, uniform and vigorous; in his later years, he learned from the Chinese wash script to be interesting, and used the method of arranging and overlapping seal scripts to make seal scripts, simple and simple, especially when he stood out as the crown; Li Kai script also came out of the original machine and made a school of its own. Living in peace and ease, willing to support the younger generation. Not only do they devote themselves to the arts, but they also do their utmost to help those who have difficulties in life.

Disciples such as Han Dengan, Dun Lifu, Wu Putang, Xu Jiazhi and Jiang Chengzhi all benefited greatly from them. Yu traveled to Shanghai in the summer of 1959 and was accepted by Zhang Luxue. Fu Lao Zhiyu once learned from Mr. Kang Hou, who met with the green landscape paper fan written by Kang Wengfan when he was in charge of Kang Wengfan. Later, Yu was presented with the seal couplet of "Shicheng Weizhong Chuan, Changgu Lanting" and the Linben of "Songding".

It was time that the hand was trembling, but the book could be written in a short time in the morning. If we imitate Songding, we could not finish it in a few days. I feel ashamed and sorry when I pay tribute to you.

In his later years, Fu Lao was employed as a librarian of Zhejiang Provincial Literature and History Research Museum and a painter of Shanghai Chinese Painting Academy. He was also the director of the Preparatory Committee of China Jinshi Seal Carving Research Society. Surgery with swollen prostate failed to heal, recovered into pneumonia, and died.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对