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( 中国书法家协会顾问 )

 权希军 1926年8月生,山东烟台市人,著名书法家。曾任中国书法家协会副秘书长,篆刻委员会副主任,刻字研究会会长,中国书法家协会顾问,中国文联书画艺术中心顾问,中国书画名家网艺委会艺术顾问。现任中国文化艺术交流协会现任荣誉主席。中国书法家协会(港注)名誉主席。

  • 中文名权希军
  • 性别
  • 国籍中国
  • 民族汉族
  • 祖籍山东烟台
  • 出生地山东烟台
  • 出生日期1926年
  • 职业书法家
  • 协会中国书法家协会
  • 主要成就2001年中国书法家协会特别贡献奖
  • 代表作品《权希军行草滕王阁序》



 权希军先生早年参加过了革命,建国后到中央机关工作,工作之余研习书法、篆刻等晚年又研习刻字艺术,后来走上了专业道路,艺术上涉猎广泛,在书法、篆刻、刻字、绘画等艺术领域均有很深造诣,,其书法以草书著称,兼写多种书体,在当今书坛自成一体,独树一帜。经常参加国内外书法大展,多次率书画代表团访问日本、韩国、俄罗斯和法国等国家和地区,展出书法作品。其作品被毛主席纪念堂、中国美术馆、军事博物馆及海外一些国家和地区收藏。出版有《权希军行草滕王阁序》,《权希军草书千字文》、刻字艺术系列教材。权希军不但书法称绝,还精通篆刻、绘画(绘画以领袖像、油画见长)尤其在现代刻字艺术领域颇有成就,被称为我国现代刻字艺术的奠基人。对艺术权希军老先生一直都执著向前。面对我国刻字艺术空白,他临危受命担当起中国刻字研究会会长,在没有专业书籍,没有老师的情况下,当时已年过半百的他凭着对艺术的热爱,毅然“挥起刀锤,老眼昏花的开始了现代刻字的探索和创作”。1991年他开办了刻字讲习班,组织了中日刻字技法交流,培养了一批刻字人才。随后又策划主持了全国第一届、第二届刻字展,第一届刻字理论研讨会,第一届国际刻字交流展,主编刻字艺术系列教材,率领一批人在刻字这个领域内披荆斩棘开辟道路。 策划主持过全国第一、二届篆刻展和全国第一、二届刻字展、第一届国际刻字交流展,主编刻字艺术系列教材,是现代刻字的奠基者。2000年中央电视台《翰墨飘香》栏目做了专题介绍,部分作品被毛主席纪念堂、中国美术馆、军事博物馆等单位和海外一些国家和地区所收藏。2000年中国书法家协会以担任中国书协顾问期间,在书法事业上做出了突出贡献,予以表彰;2001年中国书法家协会又授予特别贡献奖。其业绩被收《中华百年》、《世界优秀人才大典》、《当代文化名人大典》等书,烟台市建有“权希军艺术馆”。








遵嘱将书名写好,一横一竖,随信寄去,供选用,泰安是我工作过的地方,文革前那时我在中组部工作,在徂徕公社下庄搞四清已离别四十多年了,九一年曾回去过一次,乡亲们仍很熟悉,沧海桑田,熟悉的人大概无几,那里过去很穷,可能好多了,我真愿意看到他们富裕起来,不多说了。 敬祝






十一月十六 (附信札)











Introduction in English

 Introduction of Persons


Quan Xijun, born in 1926, is a native of Yantai City, Shandong Province, Han nationality, College culture. Famous calligrapher, former Deputy Secretary-General of China Calligrapher Association, Vice-Director of Seal Engraving Committee, Chairman of Character Engraving Research Association, Consultant of China Calligrapher Association, is now the Consultant of Calligraphy and Painting Art Center of China Federation of Chinese Literature and Senior Chinese Art Consultant of Art Works. Mr. Xijun has a wide range of artistic pursuits. He specializes in calligraphy, long grass, vigorous and natural style, flowing charm and elegance. Write and publish "Preface to the Grass Teng Pavilion of the Quanxi Army" and a series of textbooks of engraving art. In 2000, China Central Telephone Station gave a special presentation on the column "Hanju Fragrance". Some of the works were collected by China Art Museum, Military Museum, Chairman Mao Memorial Hall and some overseas countries and regions. In 2001, the Chinese Calligrapher Association awarded the Special Contribution Award.


Achievements and Honours


Mr. Quan Xijun participated in the revolution in his early years, worked in the central organs after the founding of the People's Republic of China, studied calligraphy and seal carving in his later years, and later embarked on a professional road. He has a wide range of artistic knowledge in the fields of calligraphy, seal carving, character carving, painting and so on. His calligraphy is famous for its cursive calligraphy. Writing a variety of styles is unique in today's literary world. He often participated in calligraphy exhibitions at home and abroad, and led delegations of calligraphy and painting to visit Japan, Korea, Russia and France for many times to exhibit calligraphy works. His works are collected by Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, Chinese Art Museum, Military Museum and some overseas countries and regions. He has published Preface to the Royal Cabinet of Quan Xijun, Thousand Characters of Quan Xijun's Cursive Books, and a series of textbooks on the art of lettering. Quan Xijun is not only outstanding in calligraphy, but also proficient in seal carving and painting, especially in the field of modern engraving art. He is known as the founder of modern engraving art in China. Old Mr. Greek Army has always been dedicated to the right to art. Faced with the blank of Chinese character carving art, he was appointed president of the Chinese Character Research Association in the face of danger. Without professional books and teachers, he was over half a century old at that time, relying on his love of art, resolutely "waving knife and hammer, old eyes dizzy began the exploration and creation of modern character carving". In 1991, he held a workshop on engraving, organized exchanges of Chinese and Japanese engraving techniques, and trained a number of engraving talents. Subsequently, he planned and hosted the first and second national engraving exhibitions, the first symposium on engraving theory, the first international exchange exhibition on engraving, and edited a series of textbooks on engraving art, leading a group of people to break through difficulties and open up a path in the field of engraving. He has planned and presided over the First and Second Seal Engraving Exhibition, the First and Second Carving Exhibition and the First International Carving Exchange Exhibition. He has edited a series of textbooks on the art of carving and is the founder of modern carving. In 2000, CCTV made a special presentation on the column "The Fragrance of Handwriting and Ink". Some of the works were collected by Chairman Mao Memorial Hall, China Art Museum, Military Museum and other units and some overseas countries and regions. In 2000, the Chinese Calligrapher's Association made outstanding contributions to the cause of calligraphy as a consultant to the Chinese Calligrapher's Association. In 2001, the Chinese Calligrapher's Association awarded a special contribution award. Its achievements have been included in "Centennial of China", "World Talents of Excellence" and "Contemporary Cultural Celebrities" and other books. Yantai has built "Quan Xijun Art Museum".


In 2010, Quan Xijun received an exclusive interview on the special topic of "Growing up with New China Calligraphy: Quan Xijun" in China's "Collection of Calligraphy and Painting Celebrities". This artist has made great contributions to Chinese calligraphy, seal cutting and lettering. In 2010, I was a guest in the program of "Appointment of Art Court" to talk about the life of painting and calligraphy. In 2011, I participated in the catalogue system of the Lantern Festival Gala of CCTV and inscribed words.

Calligraphic Letters


In 1994, Wang Keyun, senior editor of Tai'an Daily, published the book. He asked Mr. Quan Xijun to inscribe the title of the book. After Mr. Quan had written it, he sent it to Wang Keyu. The letter said:


"Mr. Wang Keyu:


Tai'an is the place where I worked. Before the Cultural Revolution, I worked in the Central Section Department. I had been away for more than 40 years in Xiazhuang, Yiyi Commune. I went back once in 1991. My fellow villagers are still very familiar with the vicissitudes of the sea and few people are familiar with it. It used to be very poor, maybe much better. I would really like to see them get rich, let alone talk about it. Wish


Everything goes well!


Quan Xijun


November 16 (Letter attached)


Famous Calligrapher Quan Xijun and Xue Civilization, Dean of Taishan Academy of Calligraphy and Painting in China


Greatness comes from mediocrity, and achievement comes from sharpening. As for the power elders in their early years, they created and left precious artistic property for the world by casting their leading position in today's literary world through different times and constant perseverance. Recently, Xue Mingwen, President of Taishan Academy of Calligraphy and Painting, visited Mr. Quan Xijun on a special trip. He discussed the development plan of the Association and exchanged calligraphy.


Quan Xijun has an extraordinary childhood, experienced turbulent times, participated in the revolution to serve the country, worked in an important department of the country, and was active in the prosperous and developing contemporary literary arena. His life is a great drama of life from bitter to sweet, hatred and love. Quan Chang's transformation from "king" to "army" reflects the grandeur of the elderly. The ambition of the Oriole is related to the safety of the country and has a great responsibility of Mount Tai.


Quan Lao loved calligraphy and painting from his childhood. He lived in Linchi for many years when he was young. In his later years, he began to explore the art of lettering. He had extensive artistic knowledge in the fields of calligraphy, seal cutting, lettering, painting and so on. His calligraphy is famous for cursive calligraphy, and it also writes many kinds of calligraphy styles. It is unique in today's calligraphy circle. The two kings of Xing and Cao Shuzong, including Mi Fu and others, have elegant style, elegant charm, strong bones, elegant and elegant style. Li Shuxu ritual tablets, Zhangqian tablets, rubbing and writing style, body flow, dignified and elegant. The art of engraving is skillful in conceiving and far-reaching in meaning. It integrates into the works with profound calligraphy skills and changeable knife techniques with rich connotations. His words are also like life. They are down-to-earth, skillful and unrestrained. They are successful and vivid. They not only have the foundation of "two kings", but also have the flexibility of Zhang Xu and Huai Su's wild grass. Quan Lao has a peaceful personality and a rigorous manner. He expresses his vigor and beauty in calligraphy with fluent charm and without losing his statute. What is contained in the works is the elegant realm of generosity, calm and peaceful, vigorous and smooth writing, which achieves the goal of expressing feelings and makes the works "live" into a vivid life.


Xue Civilization admired Quan Lao very much. He not only worshiped his artistic way, but also his personality and moral character. Many years ago, Quan Lao had a deep origin with Mount Tai. Before the Cultural Revolution, Quan Lao, who worked in the Central Committee of the CPC, needed to clarify his work in Xiazhuang, Taishan Yiyi Commune (now called Yiyi Town). He established deep feelings with the local people and could be called the hometown where Quan Lao lived, and the history and culture here deeply attracted the artist. Lai Lei is famous for its mountains. It has outstanding people and splendid culture. It is one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. Li Bai, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty, lived in seclusion for half a year in Mount Lailai. He was known as "Six Yis of Zhuxi". He wrote the famous sentence: "Yunnong Zhuxi Moon, the sea is bright and graceful". Shi Jie, a Dali scholar in the early Song Dynasty, was also born here, where he established the "Lao Lei Academy". It is also a sacred place of Taoism and Buddhism. According to legend, "Old Mother of Mount Tai" is located in Mount Tai. There are more than 30 sites of ancient temples and temples with rich cultural connotations. There are many stone inscriptions and inscriptions, especially the "Great Prajna Sutra" and the "Balomi Sutra", which are the same as the "Jingang Sutra" in Shiyu, Taishan Sutra. These cultural heritages and historic cultures have a profound influence on the research and creation of calligraphy after Quan Lao. In 1991, because of nostalgia, Quan Lao came to Lao Lei Town to visit his countrymen, feel the development and changes of his hometown, and revisit his old feelings.


Quan Xijun, a former director of the Party Committee Office of the Central Organizational Department, participated as a bureau-level investigator in compiling and publishing a major event chronicle of the organization work of the Communist Party of China, which is just about the history of the organization of the Communist Party of China.


Deputy Secretary-General of China Calligrapher Association, Vice-Director of Seal Engraving Committee, President of Seal Engraving Research Association, Consultant of China Calligrapher Association, Consultant of Calligraphy and Painting Art Center of China Federation of Calligraphy and Painting, Artistic Consultant of China Calligrapher and Painter Network Art Committee, and Consultant of Taishan Academy of Calligraphy and Painting. During his tenure, he led a number of calligraphy and painting delegations to visit Japan, Korea, Thailand, Egypt, Russia and France to exhibit calligraphy works. Published a series of textbooks, such as Preface to the Royal Cabinet of Quan Xijun, Thousand Characters of Quan Xijun's Cursive Book, and Carving Art. Its achievements have been collected in the Centennial of China, the World Talents of Excellence, the Contemporary Cultural Celebrities and other books. Some of its works have been collected by the Chinese Art Museum, the Military Museum, Chairman Mao Memorial Hall and some overseas countries and regions. In 2000, CCTV made a special presentation on the column "Imperial cauldron is fragrant". In 2001, the Chinese Calligrapher Association awarded the Greek Army "Special Contribution Award". In 2010, Quan Xijun received an exclusive interview on "Growing up with New China's Calligraphy. Quan Xijun" in the column "Calligraphy and Painting Celebrities Collection". In 2010, he talked about the life of calligraphy and painting on the video channel "Appointment of Yiyuan". He participated in the catalogue production and inscription of the Lantern Festival Gala on CCTV in 2011.

Quan Xijun is very concerned about the development and prospects of Taishan Academy of Calligraphy and Painting in China. He talked with Xue Civilization heart-to-heart and knee-to-knee, studied and discussed the development plan of the Academy, and put forward substantive suggestions based on years of experience in art, organization and management. He also praised Xue Civilization for being young, talented, courageous and knowledgeable, and the Painting Academy will certainly play its due role in letting the calligraphers and society be recognized and recognized, promoting the art of calligraphy and pushing the cause of calligraphy to a new historical peak. Later, Quan Lao guided Xue Civilization's works for a long time. Calligraphy exchanges, finally Xue Civilization sent cordial greetings and blessings, wishing the right old Fushou Kangning, the United States extended the year.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对