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 虚空藏(梵语 ākāśagarbha,音译啊迦舍嘎赫婆)菩萨摩诃萨,密号库藏金刚。汉译又作尊上虚空孕菩萨摩诃萨、虚空库菩萨摩诃萨、虚空光菩萨摩诃萨。

  • 中文名虚空藏菩萨
  • 外文名Ākāśagarbha bodhisattva
  • 别名库藏金刚










English Introduction

(a) the void Tibet statue, its image, body is natural, wearing a five Buddha crown, right arm sword, sword edge flame; your left hand side, fist holding lotus, lotus on wishful Sarah, sitting in on Pauline china. Sarah, the sword, the table Fukuchi two door. King diamond. Consumes seeds (I). Samaya is Hui dao. (two) College of Sakyamuni retinues, the image, the right hand vertical palm, flexor food, middle finger, white brush; his left fist covered with navel, holding a lotus, lotus on green bead; put in a flat on one, the lotus seat, slightly to the left. Endless diamond. Seeds of Shan (a^). Samaya shaped lotus on the green. (three) diamond bhadrakalpa sixteen statues of the Buddha, the altar is located outside the South four statue of third, also known as Vajra Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva treasure house building. The image body is white color, click on the left fist, waist; the right hand holding a lotus, lotus pearl. King kong. Seeds of Shan (a^). Samaya is three disc shaped pearls. Printing Kong tied, two index finger in the shape of two thumb and vertical.
According to the letter: "the view of the void Tibet Bodhisattva Sutra", this statue of the Great Buddha is: 'top with Ruyi beads, purple gold. If you see that wishful beads, see the crown. There are thirty-five Buddha statues in this day. Ruyi beads have ten party Buddha statue. Bodhisattva length twenty Yojana, if the body, and Guanyin. "
The common image, body color, statue dingdai five Buddha crown statue, right hand bent arm holding a precious sword of wisdom, Bao Hui has all sorts of color flame edge sword; statue placed his left waist side, fist holding lotus, lotus wishful Sarah; sitting in on Pauline china. Sarah, a statue of Bao Huijian, that is, Chi Fu mass table. King diamond. Consumes seeds (I). Samaya is Hui dao.
The supreme Buddha statue on the void Tibet Bodhisattva Mahasattva was very impressed, with a lot of metaphor to describe the Buddha's merit: "it is like the sea with the Bodhisattva samadhi; live Bodhisattva Precepts such as Xumishan; patient heart like a diamond; proceed boldly like great winds such as void; wisdom; wisdom such as constant sand; the Bodhisattva as to the victory building; Parinibbana of tutor; good root; the poor is auspicious bottle; into the dark day; loss; fear is the refuge of dew water; trouble heat coke; good root rod; Parinibbana bridge; student days ladder; degree of life and death the open road passenger ship;; distress, slander, slander hot cover; the outside down like a lion: can see the net like rain; breaking troubles like thunder or resentment; destroy drugs; health good root tooth is Chunze; like beautiful flowers solemn Buddha; good deeds like a mirror; not ashamed. Wonderful clothes The three patient of the Daliang clothing; bitter medicine; hot thirsty moon pearl; fatigue bed; with the Pearl like samadhi; Bodhi Daniel road car tour were cool; Zen Huachi; help beautiful Bodhi jackfruit is ten; the best is the first person for mani; Surangama Polly matter Luo tree; cutting knife see evil; broken troubles like King Kong Xi Zhumo; yield, merits and virtues wisdom treasure; according to all the Buddhas pratyekabuddhas is the merit; in their eyes, is the den; days of eye; for heresy of integrity of the road; to the hungry beast, Hu is hell; to save all beings supreme; Fu Tian; Buddhas first assistant minister; custodian of the city can have a solemn eighteen; not Buddhas hoard; meet the intellectual achievements of the Buddha; one day all that should support; only in addition to more than those without the tathagata."
The supreme Buddha statue on the void Tibet Bodhisattva Mahasattva was very impressed, with a lot of metaphor to describe the main statue of the great void Tibet Bodhisattva, Tantra Mandala womb realm void Tibet hospital, the current figure Garbhadhatu Mandala Buddha academy right retinues for Buddha, one of the sixteen Buddha mandala and the bhadrakalpa. The Buddha is located outside the hospital four third South altar statue, also known as Vajra Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva treasure house building. The image body is white color, click on the left fist, waist; the right hand holding a lotus, lotus pearl. King kong. Seeds of Shan (a^). Samaya is three disc shaped pearls. Printing Kong tied, two index finger in the shape of two thumb and vertical.
"Tathagatas unimaginable realm" cloud: there are ten Buddha and other Buddhas dust. For all the solemn Vairochana dojo. Bodhisattva to sit in the meeting. The name of avalokitesvara. Manjusri. Earth Store Bodhisattva。 Void bodhisattva. King kong. Vimalakirti. Bodhisattva of light and light. To destroy the bodhisattva. Hand bodhisattva. Dahui bodhisattva. Samantabhadra. Such Bodhisattva mahasattva. For the first... The void Tibet Bodhisattva as Buddhas first Vizier, the mighty merit is full of vanity, boundless wisdom sandbeech Yu Heng, his heart is like the diamond, sophisticated fierce wind, with all the samadhi. For all beings supreme Fukuda, one day all that should support.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对