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韦尔内Vernet ,Claude-Joseph

韦尔内(1714年8月14日- 1789年12月3日)是一位法国画家。他的儿子安东尼·查尔斯·霍勒斯韦尔也是一个画家。 Vernet出生在 阿维尼翁 。当时年仅十四岁的他帮助他的父亲, 安托万的画 (1689–1753), 一个熟练的装饰画家,在他的作品中最重要的部分。面板的轿子,但不能满足他的野心,和Vernet开始 罗马 。鲸鱼的眼 马赛 他的航行那里 奇维塔韦基亚 (教皇国的主要港口,在 海 )给他留下了深刻的印象,他的到来他进入鲸鱼的画家工作室后立即, 迪诺fergioni 。

  • 中文名韦尔内
  • 外文名Claude Joseph Vernet
  • 性别
  • 国籍法国
  • 出生日期1714年8月14日
  • 逝世日期1789年12月3日

 Vernet出生在 阿维尼翁 。当时年仅十四岁的他帮助他的父亲, 安托万的画 (1689–1753), 一个熟练的装饰画家,在他的作品中最重要的部分。面板的轿子,但不能满足他的野心,和Vernet开始 罗马 。鲸鱼的眼 马赛 他的航行那里 奇维塔韦基亚 (教皇国的主要港口,在 海 )给他留下了深刻的印象,他的到来他进入鲸鱼的画家工作室后立即, 迪诺fergioni 。


1734,Vernet离开罗马学习景观设计师和海上画家,像Claude Gellee一样,我们发现Vernet的绘画风格和主题。 


慢慢地他吸引通知在罗马的艺术氛围。在设计一定的常规,他的天适当,他联合对大气自然作用常数和诚实的观察结果,他变得不寻常的绘画艺术。也许没有风景或海件画家曾经使人体完全部分场景的描绘或在他的设计中如此重要的一个因素。在这方面他深受 约翰保罗三明治 ,他可能遇到了罗马。Vernet的作品是对自然的主题,但这不是感情或情绪。他的风格的整体效果是完全装饰。 “其他人可能知道更好”,他说,只是骄傲,“怎样画天空,大地,海洋;没有人比我更了解如何画一幅画”。终其一生,他的风格保持相对静止。他的作品关注大气效应相结合的协调感,让人想起 洛兰


二十年来,他住在罗马,港口生产的观点,风暴,平静,月光,和大鲸鱼,成为特别受欢迎的英国贵族,在许多人 大旅游 。1745他娶了一个英国城市中遇见他。1753他被召回 巴黎 :有,根据国王的命令,他执行的法国海港系列(现在在 罗浮宫 和 国家海洋博物馆 ),他最著名的是。 伊斯 罗什福尔港 (1763亩éE National de la Marine)尤为显著;片中他能够实现,据艺术史学家 米迦勒利维 ,他的一个最的结晶和大气敏感的天空。Vernet试图通过绘画广泛从事各种活动的人物生活带给他的工作前景,试图传达一种骚动和法国海港的戏剧。


1757,他画了一系列名为四画 四次的一天 描绘,令人惊讶的是,这一天四次。终其一生,Vernet回到意大利主题,通过他的晚期作品之一–如下所示 一头搁浅的鲸鱼 ( 国家画廊 )。在他从罗马回来,他成为该学院的一员,但他曾促成了1746个展览和随后的几年中,他继续展览,除了极少数的例外,到他死亡的日期,发生在他在十二月三日1789卢浮宫住宿。在他作品中的很多雕刻可能特别引 勒巴斯 , 科钦 , 八三 , 迪雷 , flipart 和 乐犊子 在法国,在英国 Vivares 。


English Introduction

 Vernet was born in Avignon. At the age of fourteen, he helped his father, Antoine's painting (1689 - 1753), a skilled painter, the most important part of his work. The panel chair, but can not meet his ambition, and Vernet Rome. Whale eye Marseille his voyage where Civitavecchia (the main port, the Papal States in the sea) he was impressed by his arrival, he entered the whale studio immediately after the painter, Dino fergioni.

1734, Vernet left Rome to study landscape architects and marine painters, like Claude Gellee, we found Vernet's painting style and theme.

Slowly he attracted the notice of the artistic atmosphere in Rome. In the design of a certain routine, his day is appropriate, he combines the natural constants of the atmosphere and the honest observation that he becomes unusual in the art of painting. Perhaps there is no such thing as a landscape or a piece of painting that has ever made the human body a complete part of the scene or so important in his design. In this regard he was deeply influenced by John's sandwich, which he may have met in Rome. Vernet's work is the theme of nature, but it is not emotional or emotional. The overall effect of his style is completely decorated. "Other people may know better," he said, just proud, "how to paint the sky, the earth, the sea; no one knows better how to draw a picture than I do". Throughout his life, his style remained relatively static. His work focuses on the combination of atmospheric effects and the sense of harmony, reminiscent of Lorrain.

For twenty years, he lived in Rome, the port of view of production, storm, calm, moonlight, and the big whale, became a particularly popular British nobility, in many people's tourism. 1745 he married an English city to meet him. He was recalled to Paris: 1753, according to the king's command, he executed the French harbor series (now in the Louvre and the National Maritime Museum), he is the most famous. Ismail Rochefort Hong Kong (1763 mu E National de la Marine) is particularly significant; in which he can realize, according to art historian Michaele Levy, one of his most crystalline and atmospheric sensitive sky. Vernet tried to convey his work prospects by drawing a wide variety of activities in the lives of characters, trying to convey a commotion and drama in the French harbour.

1757, he painted a series of paintings depicting the painting of the four day for the four time, surprisingly, the day of the four. Throughout his life, Vernet returned to the theme of Italy, through one of his late works - a stranded whale (National Gallery) as follows. On his return from Rome, he became a member of the Academy, but he had contributed to the 1746 exhibition and in subsequent years, he continued to exhibit, with very few exceptions, to his date of death, in December 3rd 1789 he stayed at Le Louvre museum. A lot of sculpture in his works may be particularly cited lebars, Cochin, 83, Dealey, flipart and le Veau in France, in the UK Vivares.






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