彼得·莱利爵士(1618年9月14日- 1680年11月30日)是一个荷兰的画家,他的职业生涯中几乎所有的时间都在英国。由喷泉仙女,一个非典型的神话作品莱利出生彼得·范德FAES荷兰父母苏斯特在威斯特法伦,他的父亲是在军队服军官勃兰登堡选侯。莱利在学画哈勒姆,在那里他可能已经师从彼得·Grebber。他成为了大师圣路加公会在哈莱姆在1637年,他是驰名采用了姓“利利”(也偶尔拼礼来从)纹章 百合的山墙,他的父亲出生在房子海牙。
由喷泉仙女,一个非典型的神话作品莱利出生彼得·范德FAES荷兰父母苏斯特在威斯特法伦,他的父亲是在军队服军官勃兰登堡选侯。莱利在学画哈勒姆,在那里他可能已经师从彼得·Grebber。他成为了大师圣路加公会在哈莱姆在1637年,他是驰名采用了姓“利利”(也偶尔拼礼来从)纹章 百合的山墙,他的父亲出生在房子海牙。
他在抵达伦敦围绕1641年,其特点是死亡安东尼·范戴克在12月。他的早期英国绘画,主要是神话或宗教的场景,或在田园风光人像设置,从安东尼·范戴克和荷兰展会影响巴洛克风格。莱利的肖像深受欢迎,他成功安东尼·范戴克在英国最时髦的画师。他成为了自由人画家-Stainers“本公司于1647年,是画师到查尔斯我。他的天赋保证了他的职业生涯并没有查尔斯的执行中断,他担任克伦威尔,就是他画的”疣和所有“,而理查德·克伦威尔。在围绕1650多年的诗人爵士理查德·洛夫莱斯写了两首诗关于莱利- PEINTURE和“看什么云威严......”
彼得·莱利- 爱德华·蒙塔古,三明治伯爵一号后英国恢复在1660年,莱利被任命为查尔斯二世的普通画家校长在1661年,以每年200£津贴,作为范戴克在前面的斯图亚特王朝色胆。莱利成为1662年青年入籍英语学科罗伯特·胡克来到伦敦被赋予在一个地方之前,遵循莱利学徒威斯敏斯特学校由理查德·巴斯比。
他最有名的作品是一系列来自皇家法庭上,被称为“淑女画像10 温莎美 ”,原为温莎城堡,但现在在汉普顿宫 ; 类似的系列奥尔索普 ; 一系列谁在战斗上将和船长12的第二次英荷战争,被称为“ 洛斯托夫特的Flagmen ”,现在大多由拥有国家海事博物馆在格林威治 ; 和他的苏珊娜和长者在伯利之家。
By the fountain of fairies, an atypical mythological works Riley was born Peter Van de FAES Holland parents Soest in West Fallon , his father was in the army to serve in the officers of Land Brandenburg elector. Riley studied painting in Haarlem, where he may have been under the tutelage of Peter Grebber. He became the master of the guild of Saint Luke in Haarlem in 1637, he is well-known by the name "Lili" (occasionally spelled Lilly from the heraldic lily) gable, his father was born in a house in Hague.
He arrived in London around 1641, which is characterized by the death of Anthony Dijk in December. His early British paintings, mostly mythological or religious scenes, or portraits in pastoral settings, influenced the baroque style from Anthony & and the Holland exhibition. The portrait of Riley is very popular, he succeeded Anthony Dijk in Britain's most fashionable artist. He became a free man painter -Stainers "of the company in 1647, is a painter to Charles I. His talent ensured that his career had not been interrupted by Charles's execution, he served as Cromwell, and that he painted the "warts and all", and that of Richard Cromwell. Around the 1650 year old poet Sir Richard Lovelace wrote about the poems of Riley - PEINTURE and "look at what the cloud is dignified about" -......"
Peter Riley Edward Montague, the Earl of sandwich, after the British recovery in 1660, Riley was appointed as the principal painter Charles S general in 1661, to 200 per year by allowance, as Van Dijk in front of the Stuart Dynasty had enjoyed. Riley in 1662 to become the young English Robert Hook came to London for naturalization is given in one place before, followed by Richard Busby Riley of Westminster School apprentice.
High demand, Riley and his large workshop is prolific. Riley depicts the nanny's head after one of the postures of the students of Riley's series of portraits often complete. As a result, Riley was the first British painter who had left "a huge quality of work", although the quality of studio pieces was variable. As Brian Hugh Earl said:
There may be tens of thousands of these portraits, by imitating Riley's style and fashion of drilling face and repeated stock dress patterns, landscapes, flowers, instrument assistant range, quality is often quite amazing in rare originals, with rough copy and workshop to decorate the portrait of the other. After Riley's death in 1680, his executor used to fight such slaves to complete the sale stack on his studio many unfinished paintings. It is these half to half, almost all the Lelys of the line of the poor aristocratic house is now managed by the national trust of the corridor, there is no sight more beautiful and intelligent numbness, unless it is Knellers corridor.
His most famous works is a series from the royal court, known as the "portrait of a lady 10 Windsor beauty", formerly the Windsor Castle, but now in the Hampton palace; a series of similar series of Allsop; who in the battle admiral and captain 12 of the second Anglo Dutch war, known as the "Losecutoff Te Flagmen", now mostly owned by National Maritime Museum in Greenwich; and Susanna and his elderly home in bethlehem.
VII II and James, Duke of York, 1661 of his most famous work is likely to be a non portrait, nymph fountains in the Dalich gallery.
Riley played a significant role in the British mezzotint, because he is aware of the possibility of promoting his portrait. He encouraged Holland to British mezzotinters to copy their works, laid the foundation of traditional English mezzotint.
Riley was knighted in 1680, he soon died at his easel in the Covent garden, while painting the portrait of a lady and the Duke of Somerset, was buried in St Paul Cathedral, Covent garden.