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让·安托万·乌东Jean-Antoine Houdon

乌东闻名的肖像雕塑和雕像,哲学家,发明家和政治人物的启示。Houdon的科目包括Denis Diderot(1771),本杰明·富兰克林(1778 - 09年),让-雅克·卢梭(1778),伏尔泰(1781),莫里哀(1781),乔治·华盛顿(1785 - 88),托马斯·杰斐逊(1789)、路易十六(1790),罗伯特·富尔顿(1803 - 04),拿破仑·波拿巴(1806)。

  • 中文名让·安托万·乌东
  • 外文名Jean-Antoine Houdon
  • 性别
  • 出生地1741
  • 出生日期1828
  • 职业雕像家,哲学家,发明家和政治人物



在他的工作室,1804在工作的Jean Antoine Houdon, louis-léopold波依里 装饰艺术博物馆 ,巴黎。

他出生在 凡尔赛 月1741日25。1752,他进入 皇家绘画和雕塑 ,他曾在那里 slodtz Rene米歇尔 Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne ,和 让巴蒂斯特做 [ 1 ] 从1761到1764,他曾在 皇家学院的学生保护 [ 2 ]

乌东赢得 罗马大奖 1761,但极大地影响了古代和文艺复兴时期的艺术 罗马 。他住在城市的特点和重要标志:两制作精湛 皮肤的 [ 3 ] (1767),解剖模型,是所有艺术家指导,因为他的天,和雕像 圣布鲁诺 在教会 天使的圣玛丽亚和烈士 在罗马。十年在后 意大利 ,Houdon回到 巴黎

他提交了“墨菲斯”1771沙龙。 [ 4 ] 他发展了他的练习素描半身像。他成了一个成员 学院绘画和雕塑 1771,和一个 教授 1778。在1778,他仿照 伏尔泰 ,用假发生产的肖像半身像 在法兰西喜剧 ;一为 凡尔赛宫 ,和一个 伟大的凯瑟琳 [ 5 ]

在1778,他加入了共济会 九妹妹 后来,他在哪里见过 本杰明富兰克林 ,和 约翰·保罗·琼斯 [ 6 ] 沙龙1781,他提交了“戴安娜”这是拒绝无帷幕。 [ 1 ]


半身像 华盛顿 基于生命的面具投1786, 国家肖像画廊 华盛顿,D.C.

乌东的肖像雕塑华盛顿是由本杰明·富兰克林在1785大西洋跨一个特定的邀请的结果,专门拜访 弗农山 ,使华盛顿能模型对他。华盛顿坐在湿粘土模型和石膏面具生活生活。这些模型为华盛顿许多佣金,包括 站在图 委托 维吉尼亚大会 ,为 弗吉尼亚州议会大厦 进入 里士满 [ 1 ] 生产是华盛顿破产的众多变化,描绘他被穿制服的将军,在经典的方式展示胸部肌肉,当罗马领事 卢修斯·昆克提斯·辛辛那塔斯 在一包。一个演员的后者位于 佛蒙特州的房子


半身像 伏尔泰 1778年,。美术馆法国。

认为他连接到路易十六的宫廷失宠的资产阶级,他在 法国革命 ,虽然他逃。Houdon回到忙时 法国领事馆 帝国 ,采取作为一个原始的艺术团队是什么 column of the大军 在Wimille。 [ 1 ] He was made a骑士 荣誉勋章 我们1804年12月17日。 [ 7 ]

乌东在巴黎死于15七月1828, [ 1 ] 被埋葬在 公墓

家庭 编辑 ]

1786七月1,他娶了玛丽塞西尔Langlois; [ 8 ] 他们有三个女儿:Sabine,安讷昂锷,Claudine。 [ 9 ]



houdon'雕塑were used as模型的engravings used on the 各种美国邮票 第十九年底和第二十年初,华盛顿世纪描绘轮廓。 [ 10 ]

English is introduced

Jean-Antoine Houdon

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Houdon is famous for his portrait busts and statues of philosophers, inventors and political figures of the  Enlightenment . Houdon's subjects include  Denis Diderot  (1771),  Benjamin Franklin  (1778-09),  Jean-Jacques Rousseau  (1778), Voltaire  (1781),  Molière  (1781),  George Washington  (1785–88),  Thomas Jefferson (1789),  Louis XVI  (1790),  Robert Fulton , (1803–04), and  Napoléon Bonaparte (1806).




He was born in  Versailles , on 25 March 1741. In 1752, he entered the  Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture , where he studied with  René-Michel Slodtz , Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne , and  Jean-Baptiste Pigalle . [1]  From 1761 to 1764, he studied at the  École royale des élèves protégés . [2]

Houdon won the  Prix de Rome  in 1761, but was not greatly influenced by ancient and Renaissance art in  Rome . His stay in the city is marked by two characteristic and important productions: the superb  écorché [3] (1767), an anatomical model which has served as a guide to all artists since his day, and the statue of  Saint Bruno  in the church of  Santa Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri  in Rome. After ten years stay in  Italy , Houdon returned to  Paris .

He submitted "Morpheus" to the Salon of 1771. [4]  He developed his practise of portrait busts. He became a member of the  Académie de peinture et de sculpture  in 1771, and a  professor  in 1778. In 1778, he modeled  Voltaire , producing a portrait bust with wig for the  Comédie-Française ; one for the  Palace of Versailles , and one for  Catherine the Great . [5]

In 1778, he joined the masonic lodge  Les Neuf Sœurs , where he later met Benjamin Franklin , and  John Paul Jones . [6]  For Salon of 1781, he submitted a "Diana" which was refused without drapery. [1] Houdon's portrait sculpture of Washington was the result of a specific invitation by Benjamin Franklin to cross the Atlantic in 1785, specifically to visit  Mount Vernon , so that Washington could model for him. Washington sat for wet clay life models and a plaster life mask. These models served for many commissions of Washington, including the  standing figure  commissioned by the  Virginia General Assembly , for the Virginia State Capitol  in  Richmond . [1]  Numerous variations of the Washington bust were produced, portraying him variously as a general in uniform, in the classical manner showing chest musculature, and as Roman Consul  Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus clad in a toga. A cast of the latter is located in the  Vermont State House .

Perceived as bourgeois for his connections to the court of Louis XVI, he fell out of favour during the  French Revolution , although he escaped imprisonment. Houdon returned to favor during the  French Consulate  and  Empire , being taken on as one of the original artistic team for what became the  Column of the Grande Armée at Wimille. [1]  He was made a Chevalier de la  Légion d'honneur , on 17 December 1804. [7]

Houdon died in Paris on 15 July 1828, [1]  and was interred at the  Cimetière du Montparnasse .


On 1 July 1786, he married Marie-Ange-Cecile Langlois; [8]  they had three daughters: Sabine, Anne-Ange, and Claudine. [9]

Legacy and influence



Houdon's sculptures were used as models for the engravings used on  various U.S. Postage stamps  of the late 19th and early 20th centuries which depict Washington in profile. [10]






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