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玛丽·布兰查德María Blanchard

玛丽·布兰查德María Blanchard(1881年3月6日——1932年4月5日),西班牙画家。玛丽亚·布兰查德出生于一个家庭的新山资产阶级的女儿恩里克·古铁雷斯-奎托,一个原生卡韦松德拉萨尔(坎塔布里亚)和康塞普西翁布兰查德和Santiesteban,一个原生比亚里茨。古铁雷斯-奎托布兰查德的家庭已经有了两个女儿,当她出生玛丽亚,Aurelia大街和卡门; 年后,她的另一个女儿就要出生安娜。

  • 中文名玛丽·布兰查德
  • 外文名María Blanchard
  • 性别
  • 国籍西班牙
  • 出生地桑坦德
  • 出生日期1881年3月6日
  • 逝世日期1932年4月5日
  • 职业画家

玛丽亚·布兰查德出生于一个家庭的新山资产阶级的女儿恩里克·古铁雷斯-奎托,一个原生卡韦松德拉萨尔(坎塔布里亚)和康塞普西翁布兰查德和Santiesteban,一个原生比亚里茨。古铁雷斯-奎托布兰查德的家庭已经有了两个女儿,当她出生玛丽亚,Aurelia大街和卡门; 年后,她的另一个女儿就要出生安娜

好了 - 断,移动非常手段培养; 没有白费,他的祖父,蓖麻古铁雷斯德拉托雷,当时的创始人蜜蜂Montañesa和父亲的大西洋,著名的自由派报纸执导十年中除了在海港工程局工作。


他的病使顺痴迷,所以是几乎没有任何艺术家的照片。“作为一个美丽的情人,他遭受了他的畸形的令人印象深刻的程度 , ”写塞尔纳她的表姐何塞菲娜。笔拉蒙·戈麦斯德拉塞尔纳,留给我们最好的描述:“身材娇小,在浮动祖父母他凌乱的棕色头发,他的目光的女孩窃窃私语一脸愁容鸟的喜悦。” 他的一些话:“我没有天赋,我该怎么做一个很多的工作只是”或“改变我所有的工作......一个小美女”,反映了他的身体和他的工作自己的见解。







承担巴黎之旅在今年1909年,已经是一个办公室和技术的拥有,准备好面对一切城市又意味着然后和革命。但实质上巴黎为设画家自由; 在自由这个词的最全面的意义。出席奥斯卡·维蒂接受的教导Hermenegildo Anglada卡马拉萨和范栋勤指导他们的工作对色彩和表达自由,让他从他开始了他的职业生涯学院派绘画的限制了。他在学术界是已知的,从事于与亲密的友谊安吉丽娜贝洛夫,年轻的俄罗斯艺术家,与在同一年夏天 ,他前往伦敦和比利时,在那里他遇到了迭戈·里维拉。返回从他的行程,将在街Bagneux安吉丽娜和迭戈的3号分享楼中楼和工作室。
1910年,他参加的学院玛丽Vassilief,俄国画家,只有年后共享。还有 ,他满足了新的风格,正在酝酿,立体主义,由学院的主任的确实行。它呈现给美术国家展览与若虫链接到Sileno,获得二等奖,奖励这将填补玛丽亚满意,因为这意味着他的才华的认可。在巴黎结束他的第一次入住,花费在格拉纳达的一个赛季,但决定重返巴黎 ,以适用于其他赠款,县议会和城市桑坦德被她的祈求恩里克·梅嫩德斯佩拉约 ; 省政府授予1500比塞塔两年。
在1915年 拉蒙·戈麦斯德拉塞尔纳在马德里举办题为展览积分画家。本次展会是在大厅卡门街,被称为“现代艺术”5至15三月间开通,并提出各种嘲笑的评论,玩笑和抗议,不仅受到市民也受到从当下的批评。他旁边露出迭戈·里维拉,阿古斯丁巧克力和Bagaria。然后画家期间像在萨拉曼卡绘制教授一时间发挥,但他们的学生收到拒绝和羞辱,所以他决定要在巴黎定居。

English Introduction

Maria Blanchard was born in a family of Johor bourgeois daughter Enrique Gutierrez Cueto, a native of C Vee Song de Lasar (Cantabria) and Santiesteban Concepcion Blanchard, a native of Biarritz. Gutierrez - Blanchard 's family has had two daughters, when she was born in, Aurelia Avenue and in the year after her daughter was born on the other side of the year of the birth of her daughter, who was born in the city of.
Well - off, moving the very means of culture; not in vain, his grandfather, Gutierrez was the founder of La Torre castor, bee Monta n ESA and father of the Atlantic, a famous liberal newspaper directed ten years except in Harbour Engineering bureau.
Maria came to the world of physical marks for the removal of pregnancy from the horse's mother suffered a fall of the results. This deformity of the double deviation cifoscoliosis column produces, will be adjusted from its birth to the fate and dedication of their work.
He is obsessed with the disease, so there are few pictures of any artist. "As a beautiful lover, he suffered his deformity impressive," wrote her cousin Josefina sellner. Ramon Gomsdelacerna, left us the best description: "petite, floating in his grandparents messy brown hair, his eyes girl whispered a sad face the joy of the birds." Some of his words: "I have no talent, how should I do a lot of work just" or "change all my work... A little beauty", reflecting his body and his own views on the work.
Family atmosphere refined, cultured, will be decisive influence their formation. His father instilled in love and art knowledge, from his early age to develop his painting talent and its extraordinary sensitivity.
He was determined to assume the 1903 art movement in Madrid, where his real career development began in a way that encouraged. His first exploratory step was directed at the study of Emilio's room, whose accuracy in the graphic and the enthusiasm of the color would be influenced in his first writing. In Madrid, feeling a closed society.
His father died the following year, so the family decided to move to Madrid and fix her residence at 7 Castro street.
He worked with Fernando Alvaresdesotomayor in 1906 of this year and began to show art in. Two years later, he agreed that the third medal winning painting and the first step in the work. That year into the factory Manuel Benedito. The delegation of Santander and the city of his home city will be awarded a scholarship to continue his studies in Paris and become a painter.
It was the first writer and socialist deputy of Asturias, cousin Mathilde Torre (1884 to 1946).To take a trip to Paris in 1909 this year, has been an office and technology owned, ready to face all the cities and then means and then the revolution. But in essence, Paris is the painter's freedom; the most comprehensive meaning of the word freedom. Oscar Vitti attended the instruction of Hermenegildo Anglada Kamala and his work on the color and freedom of expression, allowing him to start his career with the limitations of the Academy painting from the beginning of his work on the. He is known in academic circles, and engaged in a close friendship with Angelina Beloff, a young artist of Russia, and in the same year in the summer, he went to London and Belgium, where he met Diego Rivera. Returning from his trip, Angelina and Diego will be in Bagneux Street No. 3 share, and studio.
In 1910, he attended the Academy of Marie Vassilief, a Russian painter, only after years of sharing. Also, he has met the new style, brewing, cubism, director of the Institute for the. It is presented to the national art exhibition and was linked to Sileno, won the two prize, this award will fill Maria satisfied, because it means that the recognition of his talents. The end of his first day in Paris, spent one season in Granada, but decided to return to Paris, to apply to other grants, the County Council and city of Santander by her begging Enrique Menendespelayo; the provincial government awarded 1500 pesetas for two years.
In 1912 this year has settled in the area behind the twenty-sixth Street Du Montparnasse left home sharing and learning of Diego Rivera and Angelina Beloff. This stay in Paris will be decisive as it comes into contact with the avant-garde circles, especially with Juan Gerrish and Jacques Rip sheats.
In 1915 Ramon Gomsdelacerna held an exhibition in the Madrid exhibition of integral artists. The exhibition was opened in the lobby of Carmen street, known as "modern art" from 5 to March in, and made a variety of ridicule comments, jokes and protests, not only by the public has also been criticized from the present. He was next to Diego Rivera, Agustin and Bagaria. The painter then played as a professor in Salamanca for a while, but their students received rejection and humiliation, so he decided to settle in Paris.






人民日报刊文:性教育不是洪水猛兽 应坦然面对