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菲利普.奥托·龙格Philipp Otto Runge

菲利普.奥托·龙格Philipp Otto Runge(1777年7月23日——1810年2月),德国画家、制图员。龙格是心灵的神秘,深受基督教转,并在他的艺术作品中,他试图通过颜色,形状和数字的象征来表达宇宙的和谐观念。他认为蓝色,黄色和红色是象征性的三位一体,并等同于蓝与神同在的夜晚。龙格也是德国最好的一个肖像画家了同时期的; 。他的风格是刚性的,尖锐,激烈的,有时几乎是幼稚的。

  • 中文名菲利普.奥托·龙格
  • 外文名Philipp Otto Runge
  • 性别
  • 国籍德国
  • 出生地德国
  • 出生日期1777年7月23日
  • 逝世日期1810年2月
  • 职业画家、制图员

龙格出生的11个孩子中的第9 沃尔加斯特,前波莫瑞,然后根据瑞典统治,在一个家庭造船与领带对普鲁士贵族Sypniewski /冯·龙格的家庭。作为一个体弱多病的孩子,他经常错过学校从小学到剪刀切剪影艺术从他的母亲,他在他的生活实践。1795年,他开始在汉堡他的哥哥丹尼尔的公司商业学徒。1799年丹尼尔·龙格支持经济下开始绘画的学习延JUEL在哥本哈根学院。1801年,他移居到德累斯顿,继续他的研究,他在那里会见卡斯帕·大卫·弗里德里希,路德维希·蒂克,和他未来的妻子宝莲Bassenge。他也开始在17世纪神秘的著作的广泛研究雅各布·博梅。1803年,在魏玛访问,龙格邂逅约翰·沃尔夫冈·冯·歌德和两个基于色彩和艺术的共同利益形成了友谊。

1804年,他结婚了,他的妻子搬到汉堡。由于战争迫在眉睫的危险(拿破仑汉堡攻城),他们于1805年搬迁到他的沃尔加斯特父母家,他们一直保持到1807年。1805年龙格与歌德在他的艺术作品和色彩的主题通信变得更加密集。在1807年回到汉堡,他和他的兄弟丹尼尔成立了一个新公司,他依然活跃,直到他生命的尽头。同年,他开发了色彩领域的概念。 1808年,他加强了对色彩他的工作,包括使磁盘混色实验。他还出版了两本本地民间童话的书面版本渔夫和他的妻子和杏仁树,以后包括跻身格林兄弟的传说。1809年龙格完成的手稿工作法本-库格尔(色球),在汉堡发表于1810年。在同一年,患了肺结核,龙格画另一个自画像,以及他的家人和弟弟丹尼尔的肖像。最后他的四个孩子出生于龙格去世后的第二天。


龙格也是德国最好的一个肖像画家了同时期的; 几个例子是在汉堡。他的风格是刚性的,尖锐,激烈的,有时几乎是幼稚的。


龙格的颜色的兴趣是他作为一个画家并具有钻研精神的工作的自然结果。在他接受的信条是:“众所周知,目前只有三种颜色,黄,红,蓝”(信歌德7月3日,1806)。他的目标是要建立,彼此间及与白人和黑人一起从三个混合所产生的色彩完整的世界。在相同的冗长的信,龙格中详细讨论的颜色顺序他的观点和包括一个混合物圆的草图,用三基色形成一个等边三角形,并与它们成对的混合物,六边形在一起。有时,他在1807年来到了色彩领域的概念,因为在他的信中表示歌德当年的11月21日,通过扩大色相环成一个球体,有白色和黑色形成了两个对立的两极。颜色混合固体双三角金字塔已经提出托比亚斯迈耶在1758年,知龙格的事实。他那坚实的扩张成一个球体似乎有一种理想主义的基础上,而不是逻辑的必然性之一。随着1807年他的盘混色实验中,他希望能为球体形式的科学支持。歌德和其他朋友们的鼓励下,他在1808年写的描述颜色的球体,发表在汉堡1810除了颜色范围的描述早期的手稿,它包含了对色彩的和谐规则的颜色在一本图文并茂的文章和一个大自然用Runge的朋友写的亨利克·斯蒂芬斯。一个包括手工有色板块显示了球体表面的显示出其内部的组织(见左图)两种不同的意见,以及水平和垂直切片。龙格的过早死亡限制这项工作的影响。歌德,谁读过公布前的手稿,在他提到Farbenlehre 1810年为“成功地完成这样的工作。” 它很快就被掩盖了米歇尔-欧仁·谢弗勒尔的半球形的1839球形色序系统是由1900年的专利系统阿尔伯特·亨利孟塞尔,很快就与固体的不规则形代替。

English Introduction

His interest in color is the natural result of his work as a painter and with the spirit of study. In his acceptance of the creed is: "it is well known that there are only three colors, yellow, red, and blue" (letter Gerd, July 3rd, 1806). His goal was to build a world of color, from one to the other, with white and black people from three mixed colors. In the same long letter, a detailed discussion of the Runge color order his views and include a mixture of round sketches, with three colors to form an equilateral triangle, and the mixture with which they are paired together, hexagon. Sometimes, he came to the concept of color in the field in 1807, because in his letter, Gerd said in November 21st of that year, by expanding the hue circle into a sphere, a white and black formed two opposing poles. Solid color mixed double triangle Pyramid has been proposed in 1758 by Tobias Meyer, known Runge facts. His solid expansion into a sphere seems to have an idealistic basis, rather than a logical necessity. In 1807, he hoped to provide scientific support for the form of the ball. Gerd and other friends' encouragement, he wrote in 1808 to describe the color of the ball, published in Hamburg 1810 in addition to the color description of the scope of early manuscripts, it contains harmony rules of color color in an illustrated article and a friend of nature with Runge written by Henrik Stephens. A hand colored plate shows shows its internal organization on the surface of the sphere (see left) two different views, and the horizontal and vertical sections. The impact of this work on the premature death limit. Gerd, who read the manuscript before publication, referred to Farbenlehre 1810 as "the successful completion of such work." It was soon overshadowed by the 1839 spherical color order system Michel Oren Schaefer lrrr domed by Albert Henleybensel patent system in 1900, and soon the irregular and solid shape instead of.

English is introduced

11 children born in ninth Runge wolgast, former beimorui, according to Swedish rule, in a family of shipbuilding and tie Prussian aristocracy Sypniewski / von Runge family. As a sickly child, he often missed school from primary school to the cutting of silhouette art from his mother, he in his life practice. In 1795, he started his business as an apprentice to his brother Daniel in hamburg. Daniel Runge in 1799 to support the economy began to learn painting extension JUEL in Copenhagen college. In 1801, he moved to Dresden to continue his studies, he met with Caspar David Friedrich, where Ludwig Dick and his future wife Pauline Bassenge. He also began the extensive study of the mysterious writings of Jacob in seventeenth Century. In 1803, during a visit to Weimar, John Wolfgang von Gerd met with two common interests based on color and art.
In 1804, he got married and his wife moved to hamburg. Due to the imminent danger of War (Napoleon Hamburg, in 1805 their siege) moved to his parents' home they kept wolgast, 1807. In 1805 Gerd and his theme in the works of art and communication became more intensive. Back in Hamburg in 1807, he and his brother, Daniel, set up a new company, and he remained active until the end of his life. In the same year, he developed the concept of color field. [1] 1808, he stepped up his work on color, including making the disk mix color experiment. He also published two copies of a written version of the local folk tale of the fisherman and his wife and almond trees, which later included the legend of the Green brothers. 1809 Runge completed manuscript work for Kugel (the ball), published in Hamburg in 1810. [2] in the same year, suffering from tuberculosis, drew another self portrait, as well as portraits of his family and brother Daniel. Finally, four of his children were born on the second day after the death of thrawn. [3]
Dragon is the mystery of the soul, deeply Christian, and in his works of art, he tries to express the idea of harmony in the universe through the symbol of color, shape and number. He believes that the blue, yellow and red three-in-one is symbolic, and equal with God in the night, morning and evening, red, yellow and the Holy Spirit (Jesus Runge I, 1841, page seventeenth). He also wrote poetry, for which he planned four major series of paintings called the day of the era, the design of a special building to be observed and looked at the accompaniment of music and poetry. This concept is a fusion of common romantic artists, who try to achieve the "total art", or all forms of art. Large format drawings carved Daily Times Series 1803 Runge had to make, become a commercial success and a group of Gerd, which he made. He painted two versions of the morning paper (Art Gallery, Hamburg), but the other did not advance beyond drawings. "Morning paper" is a new kind of landscape, religion and emotion of a start.
Dragon is also one of Germany's best portrait painters of the same period. His style is rigid, sharp, intense, and sometimes almost childish.






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